theladypatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

sorry, I just thought there may be some bigger darker reasoning for this. I searched the forum first before posting to ensure no posts on the topic - when it comes to pharmaceuticals you never know wtf is goin on...

theladypatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

alldaychemist and reliableRxpharmacy. just buy with crypto. also it will ask for a script, you just say you have one and move along. they never actually get it nor care

theladypatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0


this motherfucker could have killed an entire family in their home over a fucking sign. absurd. if you hate it so much, just take it or something if the TDS has taken over that far. setting it on fire is so unbelievably INSANE.

theladypatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

i definitely didnt. i talk like a sailor as an adult but i went to catholic school and did not cuss at all until high school. even then, i never saw cuss words anywhere so it made them feel even more inappropriate. to insinuate theres no way to protect kids' innocence goes against everything people are fighting for. using your logic, they're exposed to all sorts of sexual shit as well on billboards, tv, etc., so why not just let them learn about it and watch it? thats not how it works.

theladypatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

while I would happily slap 9000000 Fuck Biden flags on my front lawn and pay every fine, I also do think having profanity on a public sign for kids to see isnt okay and i see why they fined. obviously if they werent for Fuck Trump signs that is utter and complete horseshit but for front lawns it should be like F*** Biden or whatever. so much of what we are fighting for is to protect kids and having profanity on front lawns is not okay to keep kids kds.

theladypatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

are you fucking serious theyre going to inject all the animals wit that shit!?!?!??!?!

theladypatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I 10000% got this from vaxxed people. my holiday party was last week and we have offices through various states and they all came in for the party. every single person is vaxxed but me. I really love my coworkers but god damn whoever infected me. I definitely agree that going out in blue zones i always feel a little ehhh and usually just pop an ivermectin the day after and it kicks it and for this I took one the day of knowing id be surrouned by them but this crazy contagious hellish strain won. at least seeing other people having the same experience makes me feel a little better/its validating. I pray we all get better fast and soon! for anyone who hanst gotten this definitely stay on top of all the vitamins/supplements!!!!

theladypatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

just wanted to say I feel you and am right there with you!!!! kind of just helps to know we are all suffering and hangin in there together

theladypatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

this is exactly the same case for me! this particular one is far stronger. a good barometer for me is I've gotten sick a few times over the last few years and my spouse hasnt gotten sick once and he even got taken out by this.

theladypatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

instinctually I felt this may be the culprit and did take 2 days off. thank you very much for confirming I will take note for future

theladypatriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm too brain dead right now to re-find it, but there were studies showing that the vaccine was actually causing the various flu stains to mutate into STRONGER variants than if we all just got it and natural immunity fought it.

theladypatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

hmmm... i have almost everything in that, ill add a few things to my stack, thanks

theladypatriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

not all strains are the same, obviously. I've gotten sick with what you had and same deal. there are a lot of dfferent and stronger strains of flu going around right now.

theladypatriot 6 points ago +6 / -0

I would love to put that on my car. I feel like in L.A. I could put that without getting my car keyed bc its not so obvious....

theladypatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

just fully ignore that - they have it on there bc legally they have to but they dont check it. ive bought 4+ times and never filled that out and all have successfully arrived. recommend paying in bitcoin.

theladypatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

I feel like he could sue them for 475 BILLION for all the hate and misinfo they spread

theladypatriot 16 points ago +16 / -0

this is so true it hurts. and when sent to lib friends, they just ignored and changed the subject and yuou know theyre thinking "Florida deserves it theyre probably conservatives" and they feel ACTUALLY validated in that fucking absurdity.

theladypatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I cannot express how delighted I am by this news bc I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE garlic and add it to literally everything. I particularly love raw garlic in salad dressings so HUZZAH!

theladypatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

there must be some key homeopathics we can take to fight the damage - I havent been vaxxed since whatever was required as a kid (born in 87) and I think maybe 2 flu shots in childhood, but not a single vax past age 10, but I am certain I have been damaged from it (my thyroid is fucked) - what is our best choice? I take ivm once a week ever since covid and can say I have seen a marked improvement in my quality of life - are there other things like this we should add to our weekly/monthly regimens?

theladypatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

the irony of this commentary is that one of the main things this entire movement fights against is getting so engulfed in a "side" that you stop critically thinking, yet here is another example of IF YOU NO THINK THIS MAN BAD U NO LONGER ON OUR SIDE. just bc some of us are entertained by Musk and his antics which have beneficial results on our side, doenst mean we dismiss his entire history. additionally, his history/affiliations doesnt mean he is automatically a "bad guy" & doesnt have a role to play for the "good side". dont people fucking understand this by now?

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