Well at least they didn't say it was because of sloped roofs.
I'd love to know what was actually in those 5 trucks that rolled in to Pa
Maybe she's hoping to win back the men that are addicted to porn?
"It's got electrolytes, it's got what plants crave"
- The salt in Brawndo is killing the plants, let's try water "Like out the toilet?"
Makes sense, that must be why he hasn't been banned from that platform /s
| nor even how ships disappear over the horizon of the ocean This is what I thought was the simplest, most obvious explanation for anyone.
From discussion's I've seen, there is pretty much agreement on both sides on the "distance to the horizon line on a sphere" math.
What I wasn't able to explain away is why a ship can disappear to the naked eye "over the horizon", but then it can show up again if you zoom in with a telescope or superzoom camera. ^ If that is actually happening then we have some theory or assumption wrong somewhere.
Maybe light curves around the surface of the earth too, but I've never seen that explanation offered as a response?
I'm not a flat earther, but to be honest I haven't bought a nice telescope and tried to see past a horizon line yet either.
I watched the whole thing when the house session reconvened though. I recall they reconvened late in the evening and went until midnight or 3am or something. There were a couple who tried to present objections, but had no 'sponsor/second' because their 'sponsor/second' had "changed their mind at the last minute" because of the "events earlier that day". Not sure if it was recorded.
/s It says Fire, not Fire Alarm, maybe he wanted to START a fire by pushing in and pulling down but the darn alarm got in the way.
It's strange but true I guess, Biden has found a way to red-pill more people than most of us.
Hmm, wasn't there something about "symbolism will be their downfall"?
Probably would need to be 400+ million votes /s
I support him now for being a useful idiot and continuing to red-pill people through his sheer incompetence. /s
"Biden isn't vain like Trump so he has no need for his picture to be there, and why would Biden want to waste time and money updating something like that " - some ones rationalization probably
That would be Corney if that worked /s
I seriously thought this was a BabylonBee headline. Notthebee should pick it up.
He was right about the primaries.
Another poster a while back said his last name was Andisepisode :)
She's going to wait for the mail-in results though /s
| He and his team can't prove even the basic premise of human contagion and transmission via standard vectors (through the nose/airway/lungs)
This is the part that is hard to understand, most of us think we have experienced what seems to be "catching" an illness from someone we were close to coughing near us. If that isn't what is happening, then what could be happening?
I'm legitimately curious because a couple of times lately when my team members caught a cold at the same time as me, I would have considered there to be something "going around the office". However, I only see them on video calls and they are hundreds of miles away, so it isn't spreading through the air :)
The weird thing about this topic is that rarely do people find a significant flaw with the math that is used that is expected to show how far you should be able to see before something is beyond a horizon line.
Silly me, I thought planes were involved this time.
Be well, be safe.
I admire him for that honesty. /s
I wasn't able to find what plan you are referencing, but if you or Callmejuls can provide more information I'd like to see it again. (I may have seen the original post if it is one related to getting people involved building/making/farming locally or something? If it was that, it's awesome that she is making this progress.)
yes, I've been having that problem.