I doubt this will prevent him from getting a job, or make him lose anything. Seriously. It's all just pretend titles given to him that don't actually affect his life. He's not crying in his cheerios this morning at all. It's just for the public's sake, while they work furiously to protect their own hides and perhaps his as well to protect the family name (and fortune they acquired from the peasants). Andrew will still be taken care of. He's not losing a damn thing.
Also TSA!
We should have heard of people getting jobs in vaccine manufacturing and mask factories. Those areas should have seen a boom, as well as people in the areas the factories are located. We should have people on this board that experienced this boom, whether from getting a job or someone the know getting one. Makes no sense, does it.
Sounds like we were set up. "Look! She's a hypocrite!" with purposefully taken photos. Now "She is all covidy!! See what happens? She shouldn't have stepped out of line!" so people will think Florida is dangerous, they will stop going and giving Floridians money, and sit at home in fear of maskless people. Sounds like a win for the dems
They adjourned until Monday.
A common phrase heard around the workplace "Is that OSHA compliant?" whenever someone does something haphazardly, the way people should. Doesn't Osha know they are a joke? Do they really think they are "saving lives"? Or are they like any other government agency... their role is to make "laws" and enforce them. And punish people who don't follow their laws. It's their whole life, and it's all about control under the guise of caring.
People will remember the headline on the front page, not the retraction on the second in the teeny tiny box. Ted knew what he was saying.
The chalet wasn't bought with his money... the taxpayers bought it for him. His Mommy doesn't have any money.. .she only has the taxpayers money they give to her. So selling the chalet, where he probably never even visits, is only laundering the money taxpayers have given them into money he can use to "defend" himself. It's not his money, it's not his mommy's money. It's the people's money and it will now be used against the people to defend a pedophile.
I knew that was a fake overreaction to people being in the capitol when it happened. Why were they ducking? Why was the photographer not ducking, instead taking pictures? They are laying on the STEPS, even with the top of the chairs. So ducking took off, what, maybe 6" off their height from when they are sitting down? It was so staged for the camera. They weren't afraid. If I'm afraid, I'm not laying there on a stair with my hand laying awkwardly on my hip like I am fake sleeping. If it's not an immediate threat, I am getting the hell out of there. This was obviously not an immediate threat. Plus, where are their armed bodyguards that I'm sure are always around that we pay for? Where is everyone else? Just a photographer and three actors.
Whenever something asks me how much I make, I either say "$25k" or fill in the lowest amount dot. I always figure they won't bug me for donations or jack up their prices on me for sure! They'll also try to find a cheaper way to treat me (generic drug vs designer or skip whatever protocol if they can). I would skip the other questions, but I always make anyone asking think that I am the poorest of the poor.
After a hard morning workout, a cold shower is the only thing that will keep me functional for the day. If I take a warm or hot shower, I am wiped. If I take a cold shower, it helps flush out all the crap that accumulates in my worn out muscles and I actually can do other things throughout the day. I actually have come to like my cold shower! It makes me human. Washing jeans though, I seldom do it unless they stink to high heaven.
The vets I know are too old or overweight to be much good. They have the will to fight, but not the ability. Many of the veterans groups we are involved with have been talking about what is going on, how horrible it is, however they are all talk and no action. They just keep letting us walk off the cliff to communism, and all they do is bitch about it.
Was the lady talking to him trying to tell him that doesn't work? Because fabric mask is fabric mask. The body language of the person talking to him (that I can see) looks like they are trying to explain something.
Yup. He is backing off on a "mask mandate" for Colorado, instead letting county health departments do his dirty work so he can play both sides for re-election. He's trying to soften his image so people remember this next year instead of what he has done before that. He's a total ass and sadly him and his "partner" have kids and I fear for their kids not only now, but also their future. He's the one in a bubble.
That does not look like DJT's signature. the up and down of the stroke is, however the letters aren't. For the life of me, I can't figure out what it says though. The people saying "Rush Limbaugh" are the closest in my opinion. I can see that better than "Donald J Trump"
Most trees here are either farmed, or you get a tag from the BLM to cut down a tree that would be forested anyhow. They have to thin out the trees for fire mitigation and also for the health of the forest, so not all trees can be saved like little puppies. Even big, pretty trees can become something better. If you lived here, you wouldn't be crying over a tree. Get out of the big city and into the mountains and see how many trees there are, and learn how too many hurts the health of all of them (kinda like deer and elk herds). This tree will be appreciated more in someone's living room than it ever could have been hidden among the other trees, then burned up in a forest fire or eaten by beetles or other bugs, the it dies, falls and is trash anyhow.
I ordered through them about early November and got it. They sent it as a fashion store so it sailed through customs. I wonder if customs got wise to them? they did say on their site that if you don't get it to let them know and they will make it right. I got horse paste on amazon for about $10 a tube (just in case, for my kid that can't take the pills) which was double what I got it for at the tractor store, but better than what people are price gouging for. Good luck!
The people imprisoned for attending January 6th are still behind bars. There was no one seriously hurt (by them) and most of them lack a criminal history... so why are they incarcerated and no time for Jussie?
My guess is that the pope is sitting and the couple are kneeling in front of him. That's why the perspective is off. Also, my parents attended a blessing by the pope, and got close enough to touch him. They were mere tourists and were not vetted at all except by security at the gate (like going to the airport). They just made a reservation and showed up. I'm sure these freaks asked for and were granted an individual blessing at a gathering similar to what my parents went to.
Been going on here where I am (in the states) for at least 20 years. I am a fitness trainer, and luckily for me I worked for the city because I could run fitness classes in the park as long as I did it "for the city". Other fitness trainers would try to do classes and the city would shake them down for cash. That was about 2000-2010, and I'm sure it's just gotten worse. The city I worked for has gotten more liberal too, so I'm sure the shake for cash is even more expensive now.
I can't upvote this enough! So true. People are so entrenched in the thought that they should be able to have sex without consequences. Free sex for everyone! Even on these boards of supposedly "moral" people, I see so much objectification of women, normalization of sexual acts, etc that make our population no better than liberals. A woman should be skinny, perfect body, and wear revealing clothing. Men should be buff and unable to control themselves sexually. Even our "side" is hypocrites. We need to begin to accept the consequences of our decisions on both sides (even when having sex!), hold everyone accountable for their actions and their decisions. One of those consequences can be a baby, and the baby shouldn't suffer because we are complete morons.
I would say this is a plant story to scare people. Most people are law abiding citizens, and although they don't like where they are, they would not escape. Australian authorities have their personal information, and are going to send them that $2500 bill for the "privilege" of being quarantined. There is no point in escaping, they know you will go back to your home (that you own) and life (that you established). Criminals "escape", because they own nothing and have nothing established of value. I believe this is a plant story to scare normies.
I keep seeing this and wonder where it came from. I have a cousin and her entire family that got the jab right before Christmas last year (and coincidentally ended up sick with covid for the holidays). Also a few friends who got it in January and February. They are all still apparently healthy and going. I don't know if I should be cheering or worried still. Just like everything, I can't figure out the truth.
Major hubs and ports. First of all, they want control of those. Second, dense population. You get a densely populated area to bow to your control, they will move out and spread the disease to other states and cities. I read an article once about a girl who lived in a blue city, and she would vote "yes!" for tax raises for bike paths, road improvements, for the poor teachers' salaries who took the job knowing it was not a well paid position... voted for all the luxuries and perks. One day, she realized taxes were too high and she couldn't afford it. So she moved to a city in Texas that she could afford. Then she again started voting for all the luxury and perk taxes.... Sounds like a good plan if you can do that with millions of people and get insanely rich in the process.
When I was first pregnant, I thought I had food poisoning. After about 5 days of stomach cramps and feeling generally icky I went to the doctor. I don't think I would have wanted to play ping pong.