xzars_folly 2 points ago +2 / -0

fighters are never tracked using civilian systems. They absolutely have transponders and use them, but its ping and respond system where they respond only if it meets encryption, not a broadcast like non-combat planes.

xzars_folly 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is absolutely NOTHING to be done about it. As long as the military supports the democrats coup, which it has since 2020, the American people have no real options of anything. Because you either accept that the democrat coup are rulers of the fake democracy theatere, or you die, plain and simple.

So there is also no point in doing anything, protesting just puts you on a list, trying to petition just lables you a dissident.

You talk about computers. We can communicate more easiy, but our every word, every connection is logged, saved, and sent to the feds. Revolution will never happen in the digital age because governments are damn close to omnipotent with AI mass spynets.

The only recourse left is prepping for the end of the USA, because the coup-sters are morons and insane. 2 years into their coup and the entire West is collapsing at light speed, and isn't expected to politically survive the winter.

So get to prepping. Bad enough buying ball jars gets you added to an FBI watch list, but you gotta put the pickled veggies in something.

xzars_folly 1 point ago +1 / -0

ya'all said that in Jan 2021.

The democrats are insane and utterly incompetent so we will not suffer decades of their unbroken rule. The USA is going to go the way of the one-party soviet union.

I hope you have been prepping. If you don't at least have guns and a month's worth of food, you ar enot going to be part of what comes after the USA disappears from existence as the DNC donkey shoots the elephant then puts its neck in the rope and jumps off the chair. All this after the EU welded its own doors shut and lit the building on fire with everybody locked inside.

There is no political solution, as they say, but Patriots don't need to do anything to win, they simply need to not die. The NWO is busy destroying itself.

Patriots need to be ready to survive so there is somebody rebuild New America.

Goods are still in stores, start prepping.

by lethak
xzars_folly 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is gonna be the wake up call.

When the elections were stolen while times were good, most people didn't care because it was "just politics" and if you didn't support him, Trump wasn't hard to dislike with this boarish nature.

Now the country is on fire, WW3 is one click away, inflation is going up very rapidly, and its starting to really look like we will not survive. And this is after the covid pandemic kicked everybody in the nuts and people are starting to ask questions about why their loved ones died after getting the mandated shots.

This time when the party of failure sweeps the governorships of the states despite their massive unpopularity, its going to wake people upto the fact the vote is rigged.

But, it also doesn't matter in the least. Because they will have swept the states, flipping the majority of them blue. The Republican rebellion in the states to resist Federal Tyranny will be shut down, and they will have a iron-grip stranglehold on control over the American legal system down to the state levels.

At that point the will of the people is irrelevant they can do anything they want because they can command the National Guard to just point guns at people until they STFU.

So, we can blame the fact the USA became the USSA on the normies and their demand people "don't make a big deal" over the 2020 election.

Solutions? There are none. Every "solution" that will actually work will have the FBI on your porch in 24 hours if so much as speak it aloud. There is no political or legal solution to a criminal, socialist stranglehold. Lawsuits and protests didn't stop Mao, didn't Stop Lenin, didn't stop Hitler, didn't stop Chavez, and didn't stop Castro.

There is one and only one saving grace: Unlike Soviets, these people are insane AND grossly incompetent's. The USA is going to crash and burn within a year.

Prep, and prep NOW before inflation gets monumentally worse and you can't even afford a can of beans. That day is coming, and its coming quickly.

And America, the land and people, the true heartland need Patriots to survive after the USA and all-power coastal cites, crashes, burns, and dies of starvation.

Oh and if you live in one of those "biggest 20" coastal stronghold cities of the "democrat-dominated USA-nese land" GTFO. By any means necessary get to one of the currently-red producing states. They will be the only states with people left alive after the apocalyptical collapse that is being brought by the failure of globalist socialism.

xzars_folly 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reddit is MUCH worse than that.

On reddit a political bot, or paid poster posts a "propaganda reply" challenging the thing/spewing the party line, and then that same actor then uses a bot farm to mass up-vote that comment so it gets overwhelming top visibility. And honestly if a comment gets more than 100 upvotes, organic user voting cannot over come that comment at the point, and they cannot extinguish that bad comment without a brigade of some kind, which are absolutely against Reddit's TOS. And reddit puts a lot of admin resources into finding out who is brigading downvotes and banning them.

They are most likely mass-upvoting using bots, though I cannot rule out that reddit secretly charges fees in back-channel "handshake" deals from all kinds of state and NGO actors, that one can pay reddit for upvotes as long as a you a CCP-friendly leftist.

And NEVER forget Reddit has a minority ownership by the CCP's front TenCent, which is also the largest % shareholder, which operates using "activist minority shareholder" tactics to amplify their voice and bully around the larger body of un-unified reddit shareholders. So effectively Reddit is a CCP organization pretending to be an American social media platform.

xzars_folly 4 points ago +4 / -0


Remember the 80% is trained from birth to not be critical of authority and to not-think and only feel emotions. From movies to video games, all media was built on a cycle to reduce the human mind that consumed it to an easily-manipulated child-like state that thought with very strong emotions, and no real logic.

The fact logic is not taught in k-12, when even basic logic is ESSENTAL, far more so than Algebra, is not a mistake.

If people are not taught things like 1 black cat pisses on rugs doesn't mean all black cats piss on rugs, and basic statistics reality that correlation doesn't nessicarily mean causation, why would they learn? They would use the "common" sense of a peasant lynch mob, which historically were wrong 80% of the time or abouts, not the logical reason of proper examination.

xzars_folly 2 points ago +2 / -0

No this is good.

As long as Mr. Musk does this to EVERYBODY EQUALLY, its acceptable. The key is everybody equally.

The problem with old Twitter is they were doing it only to the right/conservative side of the political split, creating an unequal, two-tiered system.

Mr Musk claims they took over twitter to fight misinformation AND end censorship. This is an interesting take as long as its applied equally.

xzars_folly 3 points ago +3 / -0

Rapidly becoming a Chinse colony. What to be terrified? Look up how many times Comrade Trudeau has hosted the PLA on Canadan soil.

Everybody assumes China can't attack the US mainland because the idea of attempting to storm the California beaches, AND THEN fighting their way through the Serria Mountains, then the Rocky Mountains is laughable, and only slightly less laughable than the idea of defeating the US Navy while trying to do an amphibious invasion. But it wouldn't manner if the PLA are allowed to orderly disembark at the port of Vancouver under false pretext, unloading tanks/artillery/armored vehicles hidden in shipping containers, and millions of soldiers similarly disguised as normal tourists. They could have a massive army in Canada before the US even knew what was happening, and they could hold the cost of British Colombia long enough for China to land a lot more forces for their push into the upper Midwest via Alberta, bypassing all the normal physical barriers to the movement of an Army across the USA.

xzars_folly 4 points ago +6 / -2

It doesn't matter. Comrade Trudeau wasn't elected. He LOST his election by a landslide and Dominion, based in Canada, rigged his election.

The extreme majority of Canadians don't support this shit. But that is the problem with dictators. They don't care. They have the guys with the guns, they are rapidly banning Canadians from having guns of their own, and to paraphrase Chairman Mao: he who has the guns, makes the rules.

Canada is now a socialist-fascist dictatorship to the North that is extremely friendly to the CPP.

As one-sided as it will end up being, a North American war is already brewing.

The nightmare rocket fuel scenario, which is completely plausible, is Comrade Trudeau invites the PLA to massively land in Canada, again, and becomes the staging ground for Chinese invasion of the USA. Which could happen in the next year, as China will not be able to sustain itsself for another year uniless a MASSIVE influx of wealth and resources flow into China.

Or more realistically, the Chinese want to abandon the resource-stripped, notoriously impossible to farm China and move to literally greener pastures to feed their 2 billion strong locust horde of a people, and nowhere has more productive farmland than the USA, which accounts from 2/3rds of the world's food supply. So China actually want to TAKE the USA and settle it, which of course means China needs to genocide Americans to make room for their billions. Commie Trudeau already kneels for Jingping to suck China's cock, so I can 100% see him staging a Chinese invasion thinking Comrade Xi will let him live: spoiler alert they will thank him with a bullet. Because China genocides all non Chinese because they are hands down the most racist society in the universe: they won't tolerate the idea that non Chinese exist anywhere on the planet. They only "tolerate" the west, Japanese, and Russians because they all have nukes on the nuked pointed at them.

xzars_folly 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would say what is the point....

But stuff like this MATTERS. Not for the socialist enemy, they are rulthless lairs and happy hypocrites.

But for everybody else.

But the bigger problem, we are not "waking up" people. People are plenty red pilled in mass these days save the lunatic 20%, of whom 90% are towing the party line EXTRA HARD hoping they can climb the ladders and play the system, and will be 1000000% MAGA pro-America, America-first when its clear Patriots run and rule the country.

The bigger problem is...what can any of us do about these assholes? Short of doing the thing that mere speaking the name of would have the FBI kicking our doors down, there is nothing we can do. They rigged the vote, they own the media, they control the websites, and they ARE the government. Because as we learned hard with Trump, EVERYBODY but the "elected" officials in the government is a true-blue loyal, socialist-democrat. Every clerk, every paper pusher, every assistant director, every last staffer are deep, deep blue democrats.

Trump's failing, he should have fired EVERYBODY in the executive branch, not just the secretaries, but every clerk and employee. But the problem? You can't start an operation when nobody know what they are doing. It would have taken 4 years for his administration to even get going. And the entire time it was under seige from the finest spies, saboteurs, and double agents the EU, China, the billionaires, and the democrats could buy.

Which is why the military is the only way. And it looks like the military is more worried about Gender Reassignment and Safe Spaces to do anything. Besides Biden is shipping all their equipment and giving it to Ukraine where Russia is obliterating all of it. So no the military won't save the USA either.

And why my advice now, is to see you YOUR survival.

Its abundantly clear these assholes are too insane to run a country. The "impossible" is happening, the USA is failing. It won't last another year, the end of days is here for the USA.

But if Patriots survive, we can rebuild. YOU need to survive so that we have something other than pink hair lunatics, ghetto trash, and unwelcome migrants to try and rebuild a nation out of the ruins of a failed state. IN fact we need loyal, fit, healthy Patriots to SURVIVE the end of days of the USA, to FIGHT these lunatics that are going to try and take the ashes of the current system and create a 2nd Reign of Terror if given half the chance.

Joe Biden stole the last hope the USA as we know it has to survive. But if WE survive, America the nation, the pepole, the land, has a chance to make a new America.

Not only stockpile what you need now. But also learn. Turn off WokeFlix, turn of Gay-Disney, cancel socialist-hulu, get ride of globalists sports-ball. Get on YouTube, curiosity stream, wondrous. LEARN. Learn how to farm, learn carpentry, learn how to be a general mechanic, learn how to refine pitch from pine trees, learn how to filter water with sand, learn how the US military fought WW2 using squad level tactics, learn how to build a car, learn how an airplane work. LEARN. Because we need people with skills in the days ahead.

Even if you can't do these things today, by having the information IN YOUR HEAD, you will have it when you need in the Post-collapse world.

xzars_folly 0 points ago +1 / -1

No, the high grade 3m n99 masks that had the specials fibers that maintained static charges actually worked. See they didn't catch viruses by filtering action, viruses are far too small to be filtered by anything short of a reverse osmosis. What happened is as air was pulled thought the special 3m polymer fibers, anything, dust, debris, and the virus was DRAWN to the fibers because the static-charge nature of the special material. That is how they earned their n99 rating for industrial use. See those industrial 3m masks were not filters, they were static charged air scrubbers that fit on your face.

I am talking the ones that were thick, and had the extra straps to go behind your neck and over your head to keep a firm seal over the nose.

Even then, they were only effective as long as one NEVER broke the seal on the mask against their face, didn't have a beard and so on.

Also notable, they were molded so they fit the longer noses of European/Middle Eastern men. Something the k95 mask DID NOT do, cut only to fit the flat Chinese nose bridge.

The fabric face diapers? and the later k95 cheap Chinese knock offs of the n95/n99 mask? They did NOTHING. They are not even effective against dust just from sanding wood, let along viruses. And surgical masks to exist ONLY to keep the SURGEON from spitting into the patient's open body with his breathing.

Problem was, the moment the lockdowns started, 3m corporation "proudly" announced they would no longer sell to the public, and then "somehow" all the stockpiles of 3m production went straight to China as I pointed out.

They were the ONLY kind of mask that worked AT ALL, and the moment the lockdowns started, they were GONE. It was so bad the hospitals didn't even have any, quickly turning doctors into vectors. All part and parcel to the pandemic simulation the elite ran the year before.

It wasn't an accident, all part of the plan. China backed the democrats on this entire project. So China does what they do, looked after #1, China got the good stuff, all the production of the 3M corporation, so covid would wreck as much havok as possible on America while China would have what it needed to keep its top people safe from the democrat's bioweapon.

In the end masking was pointless and stupid. Quarantine completely failed because Western nations would NOT restrict travel between nations or regions, and of coruse kept open travel with China, even as china intentionally sent infected abroad keeping up their part of exacerbating the pandemic, making the lockdowns largely an exercise in fascism with no positive to speak of.

And here we are.

xzars_folly 2 points ago +2 / -0

I turns out blowing up the Crimea bridge and then making 4 separate attempts to blow up the nuclear power plant in Kirsk, inside Russia proper, has consequences.

Russia is eliminating Ukraine from the face of the earth, and is going to turn West Ukraine into a DMZ between itsself and NATO.

It really goes to show that Russia was NEVER in danger of losing the war, and it had conducted the "special operation" in a manner that spared most of Ukraine on purpose.

Then the complete criminal Zelenski decided he wasn't done, he needed the war to continue to so he could buy more mansions. Ukraine answered that Russian mercy of sparing the country total destruction, by kicking Russia in the back.

NEVER FORGET, it was Zelenski who cooperated with Democrats to set up President Trump up for the impeachment sham, and it was Vindman, a Ukraine expat in the Army, who recorded the call and handed everything to Schiff and Pelosi.

Ukraine is ENEMY of good Americans.

And before anybody protests "East Ukraine" was known as Russia in 1946 and had been for 200 years prior back to Catherine the Great. It was Premier Kruschev, also Ukrainian, who "gifted" his home state of Ukraine the territory in the 1960's. You know, the batshit lunatic who almost started a world war....

And it was Poroshenko and then Zelenski who both decided that every Russian who lived in those lands, many of them their families there for longer than the USA had even existed, had to die because cossasks were the "master race" of Eastern Europe.

Almost like there is a pattern here of lunatics being from Kiev.

xzars_folly 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good socialists know that loyalty to the party must supersede all other loyalties, including family, people, creed, and country. One must also be loyal to the party even against the basics of logic or reason. Absolute, total obedience is demanded, or else.

This is just socialism in action. They HAVE to become hypocrites because disloyalty to the party is punished severely.

xzars_folly 2 points ago +2 / -0

With socialism nothing is a crime as long as its done in support of the party.

xzars_folly 3 points ago +3 / -0

Are you 12 and think this is edgy?

I hope you get banned for this.

xzars_folly 5 points ago +5 / -0

There are no Chinese white hats.

Jingping killed EVERYBODY who protested in Hong Kong, depopulating the city's upper crust by roughly 1/2 and obliterating its value as a trade hub.

Jingping released Covid in Wuhan in coordination with the Democrats. They then made sure infected chinese tourists visited every western nation in November of 2019. They also protested Trump trying to restrict Travel from China even as videos surfaced of Chinese agents spraying down surfaces in American retail establishments even as the pandemic was breaking. They also sent out Chinese agents to buy every working n99 and n95 mask in America so that not only could China have the good 3m versions, but so China could sell inferior k95 masks fitted for an Asian face, creating air gaps that defeat the entire point of the things. Or did you forget how in the summer of 2020, all you could find was k95 masks, made in China, and 3m stopped selling to civilians completely, sending their ENTIRE existing stock to China.

Jingping ordered the genocide of Uhugurs and Mongolians.

There is no such thing as a Chinese white hate. China must destory all other cultures and every bit of history before Mao rose to power in the 1950's.

China is an evil society, and most of China happily supports the CCP's racism. They are only mad the government isn't killing non-Chinese fast enough.

xzars_folly 1 point ago +1 / -0

Little late to talk about it.

Several $trillion between the US and EU has already been sent. The money is gone.

xzars_folly 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nothing to see here...

Just the CCP-tied private businesses all shutting down conservative voices ahead of a midterm where they are going to attempt to rig all the states to CCP-favoring socialist democrats.

Also why I will stuff cash in a mattress before I bank with BoA. I am helpless to actually fight the globalist system, but I will not do anything to help them remain profitable.

xzars_folly 1 point ago +1 / -0

The fact our government would permit even 1 of these operations to exist on US soil, let alone is not hunting down and deporting every last one of these illegal "cops" who have no right to step food on US soil is just further proof our government has FAILED to provide the absolute MOST basic reason anybody ever puts up with taxes and being ordered around: protection from enemies.

An enemy nation has its agents operating in broad daylight, targeting legal residents of America, and the government does nothing to stop them.

The government has failed at being a government. Its failed the most basic contract between governor and the governed. They are nothing but incompetent tyrants.

xzars_folly 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think Putin is very easy to understand.

He stands for Russia. Russia and Russia alone. He is not part of some grand game played by the America military. He is not "in" on the plan anymore than they want to make sure he is not surprised by it. He is the leader of Russia. If it benefits him to support something, he might.

He is not controlled opposition, he is Emperor of Russia in everything but name. He is being treated as such, something the democrats and the liberal-socialist cannot understand: Russia is a nuclear armed sovereign nation with a massive military, and not a socialist plaything to piss on and frame as the bogeyman. Their actions WILL have consequences, just like Ukraine is learning the hard way repeatedly.

It just so happens, Russia appears to be not hostile to Patriots because Patriots are enemies of his enemies: the liberal socialists.

xzars_folly 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honestly the now socialist democrats knew their base well. They knew their base had an IQ of 20, slightly less than a warm pudding cup.

So they called nonconformists racists knowing full well their rabid base just wants to HATE THE OTHER, and doesn't care how or why. Now you have people equating not being a democrat with being a racist, with being a nazi, with being a rapist, you name it. They reduced thinking to "democrats" and the "the bad other." How bad? ALL the bad, forever bad, and then commanded their base to attack and hate.

So now the socialist-democrats seek to completely destroy all opposition to their illegal rule. They, with their CCP partners, seek a one-party system, And, yes RULE, because this shit is not a democracy anymore than the Soviet Union was a democracy.

This shit is 100% straight out of 1984, which was the big warning of how bat-shit crazy socialism was. Now people go on reddit and have their two minutes of hate 2, some of them literally screaming at the computer to build up the violet hate in themselves.

xzars_folly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh look...

They use voting machines, and like magic the pro-globalist, liberal-fascist candidate wins.

And to think anybody remains optimistic about his November given how the system has crushed near every effort to correct the corruption of the election in 2020.

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