Easily affordable.
BTW, Selling your Gibson for 3500 ain't bad, I sold my epiphone for about 1200, and I feel like I robbed the guy..
"I came across some C4 explosives"
No she didn't... And if she did how does she know what c4 looks like? It's a grey putty/plastic material... It doesn't have brand logos or markings... How on earth does she know what C4 looks like?
Something smells fishy..
The Amish don't vaccinate their kids at all. 0% of Amish are vaccinated...
OP is real limber and flexible.
The actual debt clock is still at about 35 trillion... Literally check their website
Her AND Big Mike?
You type like a narrarator, and I love it.
That or ChatGPT.
Link or else no it doesn't
The AI is just really shit at its job, lol.
They're a private company and they don't disclose their investors...
Where's this info coming from, and how do we know it's reputable?
It's a union, and unions are inherently socialist. So. Probably most of them did, yes. Why does that matter? The strike still has nothing to do with kids.
And there won't be one... Wonder why.
Seriously think about it, does the claim even make sense? No. It doesn't. They're all so upset and bothered by the children screaming inside the containers that they'll... You know... Go on strike and claim it's about other shit..
They went so far as to write out their demands in a formal letter, make it public so you and I can read it right now... and then you think they wrote fake demands???.. Even though it's secretly about screaming coming from inside the containers, they wrote and published that it's actually about profit sharing and automation???? That's weird, how would that work out?
You're retarded if you think that is enough for thousands of people to across the country to ignore children's screams from inside shipping containers.
Really stupid take.
The guy in his video is completely full of shit, and he's pulling this all out of his ass... He's clearly not a longshoreman, doesn't know why they're striking, and doesn't have ANY idea how the port works...
There is a ZERO percent chance the longshoremen are striking because they are knowingly fighting human trafficking. They stated their demands clearly, and has absolutely nothing to do with cargo. Not even a little bit. It's more about automation and better profit sharing than anything else. You can read these demands yourself for christ sake...
You have to understand that these workers are regular men and women with families, children, and grandchildren of their own. If ANY significant number of them had ANY clear evidence of children being trafficked in containers (recordings of screams, ANYTHING AT ALL...) it would’ve made both independent and mainstream headline news immediately, it would be all over every single social media platform. It's not only unlikely that the strike is caused by the longshoremen being aware and upset with child trafficking, but it's literally impossible for that to be the reason.
I’m not denying the fact that trafficking is happening through the ports. But to suggest that thousands and thousands of longshoremen know about it, are upset enough to be going on strike about it, and are still somehow silently complicit is akin to claiming ALL Walmart employees are aware that Walmart has secret tunnels... Even your niece, who works back in electronics, she's complicit...
Don't distract yourself with bs... This is BS.
Shotgun pump is way better
Didn't read. Schizo post harder, lol
People like you end up with child SA charges. You're too weirdly aggressively hateful toward pedophiles. You hate them so much you want to torture innocent people (who are uninvolved) over it? That's pretty weird bro, Lol. Also, your unique spelling of "paedo" makes me think you know the differences between the different "philes", which literally indicates you are one.
You can have the last word, I don't talk to people who are likely to touch kids.
This isn't real :c
inflicting the same on their family
So you'd harm the innocent to punish the guilty? That's profoundly immoral and wicked.
you favor a lower standard of evidence for the most serious crimes.
Hey I heard a REALLY serious rumor about you... I think I'm gonna report it to the secret police and let them extract a confession out of you. Thankfully they took your advice and accepted a lower standard of evidence.
Strikes happen regularly on the west coast, and the LA/LB Harbor is busier year round than East Coast.
I have lots of family who work for the ILWU and I'm still in training.
For 3k? You upgrade the whole pc.
I agree wholesale, honestly
120* Jesus sorry lol