yudsfpbc 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's the thing. Genuine GME shares don't exist in the wild. They manufactured fake shares, sold them, with the idea that they could easily buy them back when needed. The thing is, when they went to buy them back, there were not enough real shares in the world, and the price started to spike.

The true price of GME, I believe, is probably somewhere in the millions of dollar range. If the banks never sold shares that don't exist, they wouldn't be in this mess. But they did. Now they have to pay whatever people are willing to part with. For me, I think it's probably $15M a share. Inflation adjusted. HODL!

yudsfpbc 1 point ago +3 / -2

call option

This stuff gets confusing for the layman (myself included.)


A call option gives the buyer (owner) the right to buy the stock at the strike price.

The person who creates the call option and sells it is gambling that the stock price will not go up past the price.

If the price stays low when the option expires, then they make a bunch of free money.

If the price goes up, then they owe the difference between the strike price and the stock price if the buyer exercises the option. Suppose the stock price goes up to $21 and the strike price is $20. In this case, the seller needs to come up with $1 per option sold. But suppose it goes up to $30. In this case, the seller needs TEN TIMES as much money to cover the options. You can see where this is going -- every small increase over the strike price MULTIPLIES the amount of money the seller of the call option needs to cover it, and potentially, the price of the stock can go infinitely high!

However, for owners of the stock who believe the price will not go up, selling call options is a good way to generate money. If the price goes up past the strike price, you lose the shares of stock and thus the profits that would've been made if you simply held the stocks. But if it does not, you make money on the side.

If you are confident that the price will go up past the strike price before they expire, then you should buy them. At worst, you lose all the money you used to buy the options because it doesn't go up. At best, you make tons and tons of money.

FURTHERMORE -- THIS IS IMPORTANT: If you own a call option, you can exercise the option even if the price is LOWER than the strike price. You pay a premium for the right to buy a share of the stock versus just buying it on the market. NORMALLY, NO ONE WOULD EVER DO THIS BECAUSE IT IS STUPID. But for impossible to buy stocks like GME, this means that the buyers of the call options may just be super desperate to get a hold of shares of the stock, and are going to exercise those shares whether or not the price goes up past the strike price. Remember, the seller of the call option is promising that they are able to come up with shares of the company at the strike price when the option expires!

So possibly, what is happening is GME is selling call options, desperate investment banks are buying them up, and GME is going to be paid a premium price for shares of the company, ABOVE MARKET RATE, because that is the TRUE value of the stock. If GME were to issue call options at $50, $100, and $1,000 and people still bought them up and exercised them regardless of the price of the stock, then this is a way to bypass the market shenanigans and get a fair price for the stock. Unfortunately, it means those of us who are HODLING will get screwed, since the investment banks will get their stocks regardless of whether we sell or not. Once the banks get their stocks, then there will no longer be any pressure to push the stock price up, and whoever is HODLING will get screwed if the true value of the stock goes down.

yudsfpbc 3 points ago +3 / -0


"Secular" used to mean "everything that is common between the many Christian sects."

It has been perverted to mean "anything not associated with a church."

We used to just call this a perversion of the natural.

yudsfpbc 8 points ago +11 / -3

Brief history of the jews:

  • Abraham was chosen by God because he was faithful. God promised him the land of Canaan.
  • Isaac was named as Abraham's successor because of his faith.
  • Jacob was named as Isaac's successor because of his faith.
  • Jacob passed all of the blessings and even more to Joseph because of his faith.
  • Joseph's brother Judah not only sold Joseph into slavery and lied to his father about it, claiming Joseph was killed by an animal, but slept with his daughter-in-law because he thought she was a whore.
  • Jacob promised that Judah's descendants would include kings "until Shiloh comes", who was the Messiah, Jesus Christ. After that, they would not be kings anymore.
  • Moses came from Levi, not Judah, and was called by God to lead Israel out of Egypt.
  • Because Israel was disobedient, God threatened to kill them all and have Moses' children continue, but Moses plead for Israel and God spared them.
  • Only the spies from Ephraim (Joseph) and Judah gave a good report when they spied on Canaan. The other spies thought that all hope was lost. The Israelites rejected the two good reports and so God cursed them to wander for 40 years.
  • After Moses died, Joshua (from the tribe of Ephraim) led Israel to conquer Canaan. When he died, he had the children of Israel promise to finish the job. They did not.
  • Instead of following the laws that God gave Moses, Israel instead adopted all the horrible practices of the Canaanites, including the worship of Moloch and Astheroth, which is killing your babies and prostitution. They did all sorts of unspeakable things. Not only that, but when God sent prophets to warn them and call them back, the Israelites killed them. For this God sent Assyria and Babylon to destroy the Israelites and scatter them, never to return until they repented and accepted Jesus Christ.
  • God sent a small group of descendants of Judah back to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple with the blessing of the king of Persia. Even there, the prophets warned Israel against adopting the practices of the Canaanites, which they ignored.
  • Alexander the Great conquered the world, and the Greeks took over the area Jerusalem was in.
  • The Maccabees revolted for a time and tried to re-establish the laws of Moses unsuccessfully. They force-converted the local descendants of the Canaanites to become jews.
  • Jesus was born and many jews converted to Christ. Paul taught them to reject the false traditions and embrace Jesus Christ. They no longer called themselves jews but Christians.
  • The Romans uncovered human sacrifice in the temple so they destroyed Jerusalem and issued a decree that jews should never return to Jerusalem ever again, fulfilling Jesus' prophecy.
  • The anti-Christian pharisees and others fled Jerusalem and settled in Babylon. There, they continued the practices and traditions Jesus had preached against, including the Canaanite worship that their ancestors had adopted.
  • They wrote down these traditions in the Talmud and declared themselves opposite to Christianity, AKA Anti-Christ.
  • They infiltrated and perverted institutions in Europe and across the world. When they got caught sacrificing children and otherwise following the Talmud, they would get expelled. Over 100 times. There are saints named and monuments built to remind people of what the jews have done to Christians throughout history.

I want to end on this note. When Moses was leading Israel, they approached several kingdoms. The kings were worried because Moses was unstoppable. They sent for a prophet to tell them good things, and that prophet eventually showed up and prophesied good things for Israel and bad things for the kingdoms. His name was Balaam. What Balaam did next is not recorded in the Bible, but part of the tradition that jews have. The kings asked him what they should do, and Balaam told them to send their daughters in to the camp of Israel and play the harlot. Only sexual immorality would stop God from blessing Israel. So the kings did that. The next part is in the Bible. Moses is told by God that the children of Israel are fornicating with harlots and that they must be put to death or all of Israel will be destroyed. So Moses raises an army among the men that did not play with the harlots and slaughtered all the fornicators in a single day.

This story is important. It exposes WHY the jews who run the government and media are so hell-bent on spreading immorality. It is not about "freedom", it is about interrupting God's blessing for the United States. If we do not stop fornicating, and that may require putting the fornicators to death to stop the spread of this horrific plague, God cannot bless us. It really all comes down to individual righteousness.

Keep that in mind. Read the Bible. Pray to God. Ask for forgiveness of your sins through the blood of Jesus Christ and for strength to overcome the world. There is no other way.

yudsfpbc 2 points ago +2 / -0

The engineering industry goes in cycles:

  1. No one can get anything done, companies cannot produce cheap products, customers are angry things are always broken and nothing works.
  2. A company decides that maybe hiring the best and the brightest engineers is a good idea. So they offer engineers a fair wage but only compensate success.
  3. Flocks of engineers start working at the company. They build a culture of high trust and integrity. Profits soar. Wages go up. People hear about how much these engineers are making, and wonder why doctors don't get paid as much.
  4. Now the Chinese, Indians and others want that money, so they get certificates and degrees and get hired, pennies on the dollar, to do what the elite engineers were doing. One by one, the engineers are replaced with incompetence. Meanwhile, the good engineers decide that farming is a great alternative to engineering.
  5. Go back to step 1.
yudsfpbc 3 points ago +3 / -0


Their birthrates are extraordinarily low.

Women don't get married until almost 30 years old. You can no longer raise a family in Seoul, and that's where the decent jobs are. And even those jobs are gone now.

It's almost impossible to survive in South Korea as a young person now.

yudsfpbc 8 points ago +8 / -0

Raise goats. Eat goats. Now you don't need money anymore.

A lot of people are "going Galt" and it became fashionable in 2008.

You ever wonder why airplanes are losing their doors? Because there are no longer enough competent workers to keep everything working anymore. Tell whitey that he's not wanted, and he goes and builds a homestead and eats homemade bacon.

yudsfpbc 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wonder what the capital gains tax on -$200k is? Asking for a friend.

yudsfpbc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not enough.

They're going to need more ammo, too. If the taxpayers won't pay, maybe shooting them to death will make them pay. How do taxes work anyway?

yudsfpbc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remember that the government says paying your taxes is voluntary. They can only get you for tax fraud if you LIE about paying your taxes.

But remember.. they have to know you have earned money and know where you live to get you. Stop making money. Stop working for money. Stop getting jobs that want you to fill out a W-2 or whatever. If you want some money, work as a contractor and make a small amount of money at a time, and completely avoid getting reported for taxes. Now the IRS doesn't know who you are, doesn't know if you have any money, and since you don't have a bank account, doesn't even know if you are spending money.

yudsfpbc 8 points ago +8 / -0

The best estimates are that only half of the gold was turned over.

I surmise that a lot more than half of the nation's gold disappeared overnight.

The government can tell you to turn over your gold.

They have to come and get it, and put themselves in your firing arc to do so. How many lives are they willing to spend for a few ounces of gold? How many people are willing to die for a government that will seize the assets of its people?

yudsfpbc 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you want to go this route, understand this: The US government has not been subject to the US constitution for a VERY long time. The government is controlled by foreign agents who are trying to destroy the fabric of our society. Do you think they are going to allow you or anyone else to bring order and law back?

yudsfpbc 2 points ago +2 / -0

The easiest way to stop paying taxes is to stop making money

Barter, my friend, barter.

Focus on the essentials.

How much do you think hillbillies in the Appalachians pay in taxes when they are trading goats for moonshine?

yudsfpbc 4 points ago +4 / -0

Summary: DEBT! As interest rates went up, farmers took greater risks and bigger investments. When profits didn't appear, they tried to sell their farms or machines, and couldn't cover their loans. Those who did not take loans were able to consolidate the cheap land and buy up the cheap machines. Today, we don't have a lot of small farmers, but a small number of very large farmers.

Remedy: The video doesn't go into this very deeply, but my proposal is pretty simple. First, new farmers can take advantage of regenerative techniques and farm with minimal or even no inputs. Second, never ever take loans.

New farmers can acquire land by leasing the land. Once you have the land, you can turn a profit with your hard work and ingenuity. If you leased the land and made a decent profit, you should be able to accumulate enough assets to eventually buy your own land.

People who own a lot of land should be leasing out that land to new farmers.

We can also have the federal government sell the land it is sitting on for homesteaders to live on and try their hand at farming.

Additionally, we can try to keep land prices low or at least growing slowly by kicking out foreign investors.

yudsfpbc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Historically cattle are a wise investment, a good indicator of wealth.

The ONE time we started spreading out west and tried to plow our fields and ended up killing the earth -- lessons learned. Don't do that.

yudsfpbc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Diversifying your investments is a good idea

Precious metals is not an investment, it's a hedge

It's much better for people who have not yet accumulated wealth to invest their time and energy building and buying things that will make them more wealth. Those who are already secure in their wealth generation may want to hedge against their investments with gold and silver.

IE, if the cattle prices fall, I may lose a lot of money on my cattle, but that's ok, I have reserves I can fall back on until cattle prices come back.

yudsfpbc 1 point ago +3 / -2

I prefer owning livestock over dead stock. Livestock makes baby livestock. Silver and gold, as far as I can tell, just sit there and don't reproduce.

yudsfpbc 3 points ago +3 / -0

It can happen here in the US

It's really easy:

  • Prosecute criminals, especially for petty crimes. Arrest jaywalkers and you're arresting violent offenders who skipped bail.
  • Don't release people on bail or otherwise if they don't show up for court. Hunt them down with bounty hunters and drag them to court and punish them severely.
  • Punish severe crimes severely. Murder = death. Rape = death.
  • Possibly bring back slavery as a form of punishment. If you steal, you become a slave until you have paid back what you stole. If you damage property, you become a slave until it is paid back.
  • People who self-identify as criminal get treated like a criminal.
  • Don't prosecute people who defend themselves and their neighbors from violent criminals. In fact, give them a reward.
  • Rioters get shot on sight. Looters get shot on sight.
  • Don't treat invaders and traitors as criminals. Shoot them on sight.
yudsfpbc 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do what we've always done -- seasonally adapt our eating habits according to what is available.

Regarding eggs, you can store eggs for a very long time if you learn how to do it like our ancestors did.

yudsfpbc 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pro-tip: ALL news is fake news. Do not believe what you see on TV. In fact, turn the TV off. Turn off all popular media. If it is popular, it is subverted.

Watching goats is way more interesting than anything in popular media.

yudsfpbc 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only fair distribution of funds would be to not distribute any funds.

yudsfpbc 3 points ago +3 / -0

"The King of England is gay"

"And fake"

"Sorry not sorry"

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