Wexner... ha ha.
In her universe, I guess Victoria's Secret rule the world.
Modern civilization have too much over-processed stuff. Too many seemingly little stabs that collectively weaken and damage us. This I agree with.
However, there is a problem. The immune system needs to function well, but its function is to attack things. It has little or no innate knowledge; it must be programmed. So, in a seemingly perfect clean world with few threats to the immune system, what you will get is autoimmune disease. The immune system has nothing to attack, but it is well primed and raging for action, so it will eventually start to attack the body. We are already seeing such things, especially in developed countries.
Jackie Chan is a CCP poodle.
If he didn't became a poodle, his son would be in jail for drug offenses.
I'm afraid you won't get much from the tapes. The "Bay of Pigs thing" may have been deliberately left in there, so those in the know would pick it up. There was a 15min (?) segment erased elsewhere and I'm sure anything more incriminating have disappeared. I've read many of the old JFK books (Garrison, Lane, etc), and the "Bay of Pigs thing" was the most juicy bit.
It's more CIA cloak and daggers than Demonic Elites, so I'm not sure you will find any of the latter type of symbolism. ;-)
Nixon mentioned it as some sort of code in the (edited) tapes. Post-JFK, presidents don't dare to cross CIA, so Nixon didn't have a choice in some of the games that his admin played. Who did the plumbing? E Howard Hunt. CIA, also did the Bay of Pigs thing. Thick in the JFK thing. But it's not just Hunt.
Bay of Pigs was a CIA dream op. It would have been a legendary crown jewel for the planners. Beat Castro, conquer a country. But they needed to pull the US into a war, using the Bay of Pigs thing. It failed, through many reasons. I think Castro was already prepared for it anyway. Obviously it isn't necessary to wage war, so JFK didn't bite, leaving the Cubans in the ops to their fate.
Guess the CIA wasn't very happy. So they rounded up some of their pals, including Cubans and the Mafia, and everyone went to Dallas and the world was never the same again. So the Bay of Pigs thing is a code that can stand for the JFK thing. And there is also this Yale Cross & Bones guy who just happened to be trying to blend in as a Texas oil man and operating an oil and gas company down there during the time of CIA's Cuban adventures.
Nixon didn't have a choice in the matter, y'know, the "Bay of Pigs" thing...
An upvote from me.
If The Awakening fucks up those brats so bad that some whine that they want to off themselves, I'll just shrug: Sure bud, I'm not going to feel the slightest bit of guilt.
Glad people are picking up on this. Looks like the same content as the one from naturalnews. I guess there's good money in the ads.
More correctly, it allows a return to normal flu protocols. Saying 'cure' is a bit sensationalistic. CDC was reporting, what, 30,000 flu-related deaths per year before 2020, and nobody batted an eyelid. The weak and fragile will still need protection, and that does not include giving them mRNA jabs. The good thing is a lot of folks have now read a lot on supplements for the immune system.
Flu will still be flu.
Gotta be a tell -- a conman's hint. Plausibly deniable by white hats. There will always be yay and nay camps on this.
For me, the best tell was still Kamala's cookies. Glazed-over cookies in the shape of her face. An Oscar-winning joke at her expense.
Good find, thanks.
The main anomaly is still the 30+ mutations of the spike protein gene. Luck or fishy?
I always assume my messages are copied to multiple places by three-letter-agencies. Always.
That's why FBI once made their own Android encrypted messaging app as a honeypot -- because criminals know they need something more secure.
They are deflecting from the spike protein too, which is pretty damn well toxic.
Remember boys and girls, "staying active" doesn't mean that you need to train like Captain America. Captain America had a superpower. But you might end up stressing your body, drawing down your body's resources, and leaving the immune system weakened to an outside threat. Listen to your body.
Military court.
Aye. Here, the ranking female is the real head of the household. Epstein can only be a male figurehead, because Maxwell is from a rich and powerful family. Epstein clawed his way up by showing talent; he wasn't a kind of aristocrat.
Some of the greatest tyrants in history are women. When they manage to rationalize the evil acts they are doing, they are pretty damn well talented at it.
Damn impressive, the effort to create excuses for the adverse effects of the jabs is huge and coordinated. Ramped up in a week or two. So many journo, nay, propagandists. They know it can't be swept under the carpet much longer.
Plenty of people to add to Durham's naughty list, if you ask me.
One of CDAN's regular gossip fodder for the "guess me" blinds. As always, young women are the target as they are valuable commodity to be exploited.
Okay, I'll play one more time. I won't be replying to any more of this.
Please improve your spelling: 'payed'
Yeah, and Sandmann settled with WaPo. Settlements like that are almost always sealed, so you're a fucking idiot for using that 250 mil figure. Also, you sue corporations for huge sums, then settle for less -- it's the American way.
Pfffffft! Bye bye!
You sure? There are visual effects groups doing this kind of things -- a 3D animated model overlaid on normal video.
For this, you should look for the primary source(s).
I smell something fishy. It's real easy to be fooled these days.
Yessir! Whatever you say Sir!
(She's amazingly consistent at grabbing current news. I would be more impressed if she did it when the pill was first touted. Research papers were already out warning about potential cancer-causing properties of the drug. Given it's mechanisms, the drug is too powerful for widespread use, a very poor drug choice. Some of us already did our research very early on. She just picks out safe topics to hit on. Pure political strategy.)
I'm proud to take the hits. Means I'm over the target.
For (1), one can conclude that it's being spread globally by full-jabbed travellers. And much of them would have no symptoms, because they are now detecting the virus in other countries after the horses have already bolted. So, we might be seeing the tip of a fairly large iceberg.
(4) If Omicron is very mild, and no more dangerous than flu pandemics previous to the Wuhan flu, then all lockdowns must end and normal flu protocols should apply. This will give Omicron a chance to push out other variants, because it is apparently a good spreader. And more mutations down the line will weaken the bad effects further.
Medical folks talk about pandemics weakening and turning less lethal and becoming generally controllable. Well, this is a lottery win dropping in their laps. Singapore make big talk about living with the virus. Well, do they want to live with Omicron or do they insist on shacking with Delta?
He STILL thinks he's hot shit.
He should have folded when the going was good.
Step 2, I guess, is Pain.
When? Beats me.
As Q has explained, you cannot convince the masses by talking. They won't listen.
You have to show them. Exactly how easy it is to embrace a kind of Nazi-like cult once again.
I actually read something like this in a scifi book a long, long time ago. It's by Nancy Kress. Part of the plot is about genetically engineered baby apes for use as surrogate babies for women in a future world.
Well, thanks to woke leftist liberals, part of civilization is now in a kind of nightmare future scenario.