I'm kinda wary. Pieczenik was pushing arrests, Mike Adams was pushing arrests. I trust Lin Wood bc of who he is associated with but those 2 I do not trust at all and I have no idea what their angle is. I'm thinking maybe they are getting ahead of the story to give themselves credibility or something.
Honestly, about the only people who have been consistent about this is Flynn, and Pompeo. Probably, as we've seen, they are in the know.
The only other one who I've listened to is Alex Jones (hear me out). The only thing I've listened to him about is the '79 days of Hell' prediction. I'm not claiming to be able to identify prognosticators, and I don't condone those who practice. Having said that, while researching the steal, finding news about it, just before I found TDW (and eventually GAW), I heard about him and his prediction. I tracked down and listened to the interview, and I just got this sense I was listening to, idk, a prophecy-ish?
I've since thought back to prophets and others used in the Bible, and they didn't spend their whole life being prophets, many weren't even good people (Jonah anyone). However, they were all people who (sometimes grudgingly) allowed God to use them for His purpose at the right time.
When I heard Alex Jones, that is what he reminded me of, someone who has been given a gift, has been right a couple/few times, and made such a profound statement that impacted me.
I will say this. When I heard him give his estimation, that little voice inside of you, the one when you are quiet and still, the one that is almost always right, that voice said listen to him. I'm glad I did.
Ask yourself a (simple) logical question…
Why are the majority of 'Q' attacks by "PRO_MAGA" supporters coming from AJ [MOS backed] and/or AJ known associates?
Why are we a threat to them?
Why not simply publish an original picture +/- 1,2,3 secs to establish credibility?
Why was this done in the past?
We knew this type of "attack" was coming.
Jones was breathlessly predicting Covid would kill 20 million in the US back last Jan. Now he says he was always calling it a ruse. He's either a grifter or a plant. The show is entertaining, but don't trust anything.
Trump, Flynn and Pompeo are likely the only (known) public figures that are in on the plan, whatever the plan is. Everyone else is talking based on speculation and limited information, even if they may be in good faith.
Has Pompeo done anything to lead you to believe he isn't still 100% with Trump? He's one of the guys I feel hasn't waivered. He's been posting their accomplishments for a week now. He also had that tweet with Pence back in the shadows right before he went along with the certification.
I remember Pieczenik from 2016 and I think he's pretty much who he says he is. He's an old spook and has been high up in the government for a long time.
Pretty much everybody who came up during that era was a "close associate of Kissinger" because Kissinger was such a big shot from the Nixon era through the Reagan Clinton Bush era. It doesn't mean Steve P is a Kissingerite.
Mike Adams is pushing the China invasion HARD right now! WTH? Could that happen? Yeah. But is it the most likely scenario? No - way too much pointing to exposure of DS by POTUS. He discredited himself.
Like, the only thing I don’t like about this website is that I can’t tell if me and all straight-jacket wearing friends are being rounded up for the afternoon thorosine nap or we are about to break through to the other side. I mean I know we all trust the plan, and things don’t add up .... but this much faith is usually reserved for Jesus
I can't believe this. You're telling me agents are visiting every single news station in every city and state and forcing them on what to air? I can believe if it's a couple of stations but it's impossible to do this to ALL tv stations.
Considering that DiscloseTV has been talking about FCC sending reminders to the MSM about EBS responsibilities, I wouldn’t be surprised if POTUS decided the FCC needed to give more incentive. Showing up in person & baring their teeth is the logical progression.
Maybe an intelligence profile report on FCC licensed stations has asterisk by those stations that may need extra reminder that flaunting or defying FCC regulations can havevcriminal prosecution consequences
They've had at least 4 years to work up such profiles
Pretty much this. With how blatantly the MSM are literally lying through their teeth every single broadcast, the only way to get them to air the truth anymore is the closest equivalent to gunpoint, or a guarantee they're all going to hang if they don't.
I worked in broadcasting and telecom for over 30 years, and have held a restricted FCC radio television broadcaster license since 1992. No way this is true. FCC only shows up for inspections, fines, and shutting places down. Any major changes with programming would come down the internal coms chain, not special visits to each station. It would be more plausible that the FCC contacts the top network brass, but TV stations are franchises branched off from the major networks. They air the feed sent from the network and insert some local news, shows, and commercials. Plus, with COVID, most shows are reruns right now. Who cares if programs are interrupted?
Emergency alert system is not part of the network feed and during 9/11 it was still the heavily manual system developed in the 50s. While it's largely automated today, the station engineer could simply cut the feed if that's what he wanted to do. These remain private property even in the mess we have today. The EAS would essentially commandeer the station and that requires cooperation.
If true, why would broadcaster be criminally liable, and almost in tears, if a feed is not allowed to air?
Are all the legislative acts corresponding to broadcasting suddenly affected by one group? With little to no warning?
One hard rule everyone - from the drunken frat bro to the drunken sorority chick or drug high celebrity - needs to remember is that the Internet is forever. Factor in weaponized Autism and suddenly you have a, for lack of better description, machine dedicated to sniffing out bullshit. 4chan can sniff your fart in a car with all of its windows down while on the freeway going 90mph. Conversely, it can also create the rumor you created a toxic spill on said highway and the mainstream media will be on you like a fat kid on cake.
Chan has done some absolutely amazing shit over the years. I'd be first in line to not only acknowledge that but also recognize the bastion of free speech they have become. But, people should also research and refudiate anything they suspect - until it can be proven true.
If true, why would broadcaster be criminally liable, and almost in tears, if a feed is not allowed to air?
Caught between a rock and a hard place. Their leftard bosses will be demanding they push THEIR agenda, but the side that actually will ship em off to gitmo is saying no, you don't get to lie anymore this time.
On one hand you'll lose your job, the other hand you'll lose your life, pick one. I'd cry too if in that situation.
IF it is real they will do the arrests over night Tuesday into Weds. Wednesday and up to 72 hours they will play the videos of declass info with unsealing the indictments while at the same there are arrests being made globally.
I don't know whether this story is true, but it could be, in limited or large scale.
Some of us are assuming that laws and decency still matter to media companies. We've all seen Red 1 happen. We've all seen corporate media lie constantly for the last 4 years+. These facts are not disputable.
That being true, then, why wouldn't some corrupt media companies decide to suppress whatever is coming? They took the PRESIDENT off tw out of pure hatred and spite. Do we really think they're going to play nice because the FCC sent them an email?
At this point, all shows of strength are possibly valid, and I think we should dispense with making too many assumptions.
I read the FCC had been sent notices to warn stations that they, by law, had to comply with the FCC etc. I can’t imagine that they would visit every news station in the USA ?
Ok, but why? To give us false hope? I think we are all way past that kind of shit sticking here. Most of us here are all in and feel it in our bones that Q stuff is habbening.
I'm kinda wary. Pieczenik was pushing arrests, Mike Adams was pushing arrests. I trust Lin Wood bc of who he is associated with but those 2 I do not trust at all and I have no idea what their angle is. I'm thinking maybe they are getting ahead of the story to give themselves credibility or something.
The people dumb enough to follow false prophets are dumb enough to forget they were wrong about what's coming.
Trust Lin. Trust Sidney (conspicuously silent). Trust Flynn + Pompeo above all else.
Honestly, about the only people who have been consistent about this is Flynn, and Pompeo. Probably, as we've seen, they are in the know.
The only other one who I've listened to is Alex Jones (hear me out). The only thing I've listened to him about is the '79 days of Hell' prediction. I'm not claiming to be able to identify prognosticators, and I don't condone those who practice. Having said that, while researching the steal, finding news about it, just before I found TDW (and eventually GAW), I heard about him and his prediction. I tracked down and listened to the interview, and I just got this sense I was listening to, idk, a prophecy-ish?
I've since thought back to prophets and others used in the Bible, and they didn't spend their whole life being prophets, many weren't even good people (Jonah anyone). However, they were all people who (sometimes grudgingly) allowed God to use them for His purpose at the right time.
When I heard Alex Jones, that is what he reminded me of, someone who has been given a gift, has been right a couple/few times, and made such a profound statement that impacted me.
I will say this. When I heard him give his estimation, that little voice inside of you, the one when you are quiet and still, the one that is almost always right, that voice said listen to him. I'm glad I did.
Q says Jones is controlled by Mossad.
I’m not saying Jones is full of shit on everything, but the message is controlled and filtered.
Can you post that drop? I agree a shill, dont remember mossad confirm.
Ask yourself a (simple) logical question… Why are the majority of 'Q' attacks by "PRO_MAGA" supporters coming from AJ [MOS backed] and/or AJ known associates? Why are we a threat to them? Why not simply publish an original picture +/- 1,2,3 secs to establish credibility? Why was this done in the past? We knew this type of "attack" was coming. PREDICTABLE. FAKE NEWS. ATTACKS WILL ONLY INTENSIFY. Q
Alex Jones is a liar. He claimed to know Q personally. Then later changed his mind and said Q was fake.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/lCdEsPDk4UFR/ via bitslide
Jones was breathlessly predicting Covid would kill 20 million in the US back last Jan. Now he says he was always calling it a ruse. He's either a grifter or a plant. The show is entertaining, but don't trust anything.
Wrong. He claimed that the Pentagon was estimating 2million deaths. Later, this info became public. That was the estimation.
Alex stays relevant by tweaking the media. I never listened to him anD didn't lose out on any info so...
If my life was on the line and they said "do you trust Flynn" .
That keeps me calm. That guy i Trust. Plus Trump. He gave up too much for this to be anything but genuine.
Trump, Flynn and Pompeo are likely the only (known) public figures that are in on the plan, whatever the plan is. Everyone else is talking based on speculation and limited information, even if they may be in good faith.
Has Pompeo done anything to lead you to believe he isn't still 100% with Trump? He's one of the guys I feel hasn't waivered. He's been posting their accomplishments for a week now. He also had that tweet with Pence back in the shadows right before he went along with the certification.
I believe Pompeo is one of the few that knows all about the plan.
Agree. And the fact that he looks so happy all of the time is reassuring.
Yep, "Trust Kansas" and I do.
remember trump’s pretend “concession” speech?
he said “seamless, orderly, smooth transitiin”
Secretary Of State
I believe he was handing off the baton to Pompdawg
Or save our souls?
Trust Jesus Christ....
Sidney has been posting on telegram. Will I think it's her anyway. Who the hell really knows on that platform, but it seems like her.
not her
I remember Pieczenik from 2016 and I think he's pretty much who he says he is. He's an old spook and has been high up in the government for a long time.
He's a close associate of Kissinger, heeeccckkkk noooooooo
Pretty much everybody who came up during that era was a "close associate of Kissinger" because Kissinger was such a big shot from the Nixon era through the Reagan Clinton Bush era. It doesn't mean Steve P is a Kissingerite.
We need to trace everyone from MacArthur because I believe this started with him. He studied under that field manual 2000-25 before it was destroyed.
Man I have hated Kissinger since the 70s... can't stand that greasy fucker.
Mike Adams is pushing the China invasion HARD right now! WTH? Could that happen? Yeah. But is it the most likely scenario? No - way too much pointing to exposure of DS by POTUS. He discredited himself.
Kinda torpedoes their credibility when nothing they say comes true.
Like, the only thing I don’t like about this website is that I can’t tell if me and all straight-jacket wearing friends are being rounded up for the afternoon thorosine nap or we are about to break through to the other side. I mean I know we all trust the plan, and things don’t add up .... but this much faith is usually reserved for Jesus
This post is such a massive Hopium dose, thank you even if its fake.
I can't believe this. You're telling me agents are visiting every single news station in every city and state and forcing them on what to air? I can believe if it's a couple of stations but it's impossible to do this to ALL tv stations.
Just thinking out loud here:
What if the manager sent an email back and told the FCC he wouldn't comply? Maybe that's why he got a visit?
Considering that DiscloseTV has been talking about FCC sending reminders to the MSM about EBS responsibilities, I wouldn’t be surprised if POTUS decided the FCC needed to give more incentive. Showing up in person & baring their teeth is the logical progression.
I'll smoke that hopium.
I bake mine into edibles. ;)
Bro just give your balls a tug and shoot it up in a vein on your dick
This mans seen some shit while traveling the WASTELANDS
"Fuck youuuu Shoresey"
I grind mine into a powder and add it to my morning smoothie. Nothing like pure hopium in the morning.
I put mine in grain alchohol and booty bump it
Holy shit I hope this is real. 8 am Wednesday!
Eastern (EDT) safe bet.
whatev timezone he is in prolly
I don’t think it’s gonna happen until Trumps term ends at noon.
"POTUS must remain neutral"
Maybe an intelligence profile report on FCC licensed stations has asterisk by those stations that may need extra reminder that flaunting or defying FCC regulations can havevcriminal prosecution consequences
They've had at least 4 years to work up such profiles
Maybe it underscores the importance of the message when they get a personal visit?
Messages can and are Leaked. Personal visit makes sense
The media are all left controlled, need to scare them straight with a little personal visit to let them know what's what.
Pretty much this. With how blatantly the MSM are literally lying through their teeth every single broadcast, the only way to get them to air the truth anymore is the closest equivalent to gunpoint, or a guarantee they're all going to hang if they don't.
Or both. It’s the boots on the ground that will choose to cut away if they or not.
Wednesday! Aw, come on.
I'd think we'd see another source if this were happening. There are a lot of stations.
this is the problem with media today.
corroboration does not make objective fact. corroboration is just another person saying something also.
primary evidence makes objective fact. anything that lacks primary evidence is rumor or opinion until there's primary evidence for it.
there is no number of people who can say the sun rose in the west, to actually make the sun rise in the west.
believing in truth by consensus is typically associated with emotional immaturity or even severe emotional disorders.
Just hook the hopium directly to my veins
Holy fucking shit. Q predicted all of this. Mother fuck......
Do you have a post number? I don't remember that and would like to reread it. Thanks.
Thank you.
I worked in broadcasting and telecom for over 30 years, and have held a restricted FCC radio television broadcaster license since 1992. No way this is true. FCC only shows up for inspections, fines, and shutting places down. Any major changes with programming would come down the internal coms chain, not special visits to each station. It would be more plausible that the FCC contacts the top network brass, but TV stations are franchises branched off from the major networks. They air the feed sent from the network and insert some local news, shows, and commercials. Plus, with COVID, most shows are reruns right now. Who cares if programs are interrupted?
Get em bois.
my mom told me that she saw 3 test for it on tv today.ive been keeping her up to speed. wwg1wga
very interesting. This is going to be a historic week.
I watched from the time stamp till the end. I must’ve missed the historic part. I’ll rewatch to make sure I’m not being an idiot.
Edit: confirmed idiot ...the work they’ll do in the historic days ahead.
Source: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/303376645
404 not found.....?
For anyone not aware, like I was not aware, 4chan has vulgar porn on the first page linked. Do not click.
Use DuckDuckGo!
Can't find the vulgar porn... help.
So we really are going to have to wait until the last minute of the last day to see this through.
Source: "dude, trust me"
I want to believe it, but nothing to verify it with.
They would pretty much have to do this kind of prep work to have any kind of "happening".
Interesting if true.
How so? 9/11 coverage was days on end and there was no prep for that?
Was it because each station was still technically airing their own coverage, but this will be governmwnt coverage?
I was thinking that through as I typed it, lol. It makes sense but I could be totally wrong.
Emergency alert system is not part of the network feed and during 9/11 it was still the heavily manual system developed in the 50s. While it's largely automated today, the station engineer could simply cut the feed if that's what he wanted to do. These remain private property even in the mess we have today. The EAS would essentially commandeer the station and that requires cooperation.
That makes sense... Thank you!
Larp, but a fun one
That's interesting. Surprised I still have hope at this point
But I want it to happen today!!! :(
My first thoughts?
4chan - equal chance to be bullshit or true.
If true, why would broadcaster be criminally liable, and almost in tears, if a feed is not allowed to air?
Are all the legislative acts corresponding to broadcasting suddenly affected by one group? With little to no warning?
One hard rule everyone - from the drunken frat bro to the drunken sorority chick or drug high celebrity - needs to remember is that the Internet is forever. Factor in weaponized Autism and suddenly you have a, for lack of better description, machine dedicated to sniffing out bullshit. 4chan can sniff your fart in a car with all of its windows down while on the freeway going 90mph. Conversely, it can also create the rumor you created a toxic spill on said highway and the mainstream media will be on you like a fat kid on cake.
Chan has done some absolutely amazing shit over the years. I'd be first in line to not only acknowledge that but also recognize the bastion of free speech they have become. But, people should also research and refudiate anything they suspect - until it can be proven true.
Don't follow false trails.
Caught between a rock and a hard place. Their leftard bosses will be demanding they push THEIR agenda, but the side that actually will ship em off to gitmo is saying no, you don't get to lie anymore this time.
On one hand you'll lose your job, the other hand you'll lose your life, pick one. I'd cry too if in that situation.
IF it is real they will do the arrests over night Tuesday into Weds. Wednesday and up to 72 hours they will play the videos of declass info with unsealing the indictments while at the same there are arrests being made globally.
Just a theory.
I don't know whether this story is true, but it could be, in limited or large scale.
Some of us are assuming that laws and decency still matter to media companies. We've all seen Red 1 happen. We've all seen corporate media lie constantly for the last 4 years+. These facts are not disputable.
That being true, then, why wouldn't some corrupt media companies decide to suppress whatever is coming? They took the PRESIDENT off tw out of pure hatred and spite. Do we really think they're going to play nice because the FCC sent them an email?
At this point, all shows of strength are possibly valid, and I think we should dispense with making too many assumptions.
Federal Communications Commission >>>>> Men In Black.
The revolution must be televised
In tears??? Do we even have men anymore???
I read the FCC had been sent notices to warn stations that they, by law, had to comply with the FCC etc. I can’t imagine that they would visit every news station in the USA ?
Source is a random 4chan post lol
The lowest grade hopium is enough for some people when they need a fix.
Ok, but why? To give us false hope? I think we are all way past that kind of shit sticking here. Most of us here are all in and feel it in our bones that Q stuff is habbening.
the guy that made this chan post is e? Or are we talking about 2 different things?
It's the chans, Jack.