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Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done, on earth, as it will in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.. & lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever, Amen.
I cant possibly pray for anything more than the strength to endure the next 35 hours without chewing my nails off. I pray with my dachshund every night, if that's any awkward sideways consolation ??
I pray every night with my dachshund laying at my feet. I love dachshunds.
I got 2 long hairs. A red one and a black and gold. The sweetest little patriots ever :)
I have a Black Face Cur. Never heard of it until a Vet said that's what it was. Then I found the Web site. Sweetest dog ever!
Dachsunds are the Best!!
I have two dachshunds ??
Me too! Shiva & Stella, both mini, one long hair, one short. Little princesses.
I pray with my 5 dogs and cat every night as well. I even lay my hands on them and pray for them too. They stand waiting patiently for their turn to be prayed for. It’s precious. Don’t tell me that animals don’t have more sense than most people. ❤️
Who tf is cutting onions at 9am? This is so sweet. ❤❤❤
I'm not crying you're crying.
I’m inspired to pray with my doggo now. What a fantastic idea. Dogs are the best
Hey our dogs health and well being are important too. They are our best friends after all.
I've lost a couple good dogs, and I always pray to be reunited with them in Heaven....
Dog is God spelled backwards! God bless you and your dogs! ?❤
Ha ha, good one....! God bless you too, fellow patriot.....!
You will. I heard someone that had actually been to Heaven and saw the person that had died sitting next to a pond with the dog he had. People can say what they want, but I do believe that.
Thanks for your kind affirmation of my hopes..... God Bless You Fellow Patriot.....
I pray with my 2.5 yo while she tries to read whatever book we just read together back to her stuffy. LOL
She doesn't understand it yet, but she will one day.
Bless you both??
Thank you. I hope to be half the blessing to her as she is to me my husband. God bless you ❤
You can always pray with us, patriot.
AMEN! He won't let us down!
Amen! Gods with us!
Amen! He won't let us down!
An old yeller, feller.
I was practicing different popcorn recipes today.
Mr President... We love you so much.
Ever tried Buffalo Popcorn?
This sounds amazing.... Do elaborate.... I am a salt, pepper and garlic (maybe some chili powder now and then) kinda girl.
I enjoy spice on a lot of food. I don't know why spicy popcorn hasn't caught on more. I suppose people view popcorn as sweet rather than savoury. Should I post the ingredients list?
Someone needs some milk.
Please and thank you!
1/2 cup [60 grams] - popcorn kernels (duh) 1 cup [200 grams] of sugar 2 Tablespoons [30 grams] of butter 1/3 cup [100 grams] of Frank's red Hot 1 teaspoon [4 grams] baking soda few dashes of Worcestershire sauce (optional)
An old friemd of mine would put junior mints into a hot bowl of popcorn. Messy, but SOOOo good. (Especially paired with a Dr Pepper.)
I do the same but with peanut M&Ms. Not as messy and I don't like mint flavor
I used to love cold m&m’s with popcorn. Any chocolate with popcorn for that matter.
Popcorn and M&P 45.
"Stick with me deplorables, you are gonna like the way this ends"
I will literally cry like a baby - then I’ll run through the street yelling like a madman.
Yes, this is exactly what I told my wife last night that I'll do when the hammer drops.
Cry > Crazy street running.
I thought about firing off some rounds, safely and responsibly of course!
Cry - Shoot > Crazy street running.
It was the night in 2016 they called the election for trump. We stayed up late waiting for him to make a speech. He took his damn time about it.
Welcome!! I feel much the same... even have family cutting me off and not allowing me to share my information. I pray they wake up immediately and come to the right side.
Agree. And wow! I only watched about 5 seconds of Biden's speech today and it was all about the races and ethnicities of people he's worked with (Obama and Harris). I thought that no one I usually watch talks about race at all, but Democrats never cease trying to label people and shove them in some box.
I hear you. I live in New Zealand and I used to read your Daily Mail UK online everyday. Now that I have been woken up to reality I just can't believe what a read & feel like an idiot for simply believing all that spin since forever
my partner commented under the fake news CNN, for saying "Perhaps Trump does not want to ceremoniously escort Joe Biden around the White house because Biden is scared to death of Covid." lolz completely rational explanation. It was immediately deleted... I'm just glad someone had to look at it before removing it.
Welcome to sanity, where freedoms, freedom of speech & expression, equality of opportunity, true virtue, and inalienable rights are the objective for all.
Unfortunately, the social engineering 'programming' has been highly efficient, turning people into hateful violent drones, under their hypnotic illusion of 'righteousness'.
You currently have 45 upvotes too!
Where are you @Jack?
I wanna see perp walks for them all, but boy do I want to see Skippy and the pencil-kneck Bugman right off the bat.
I want to see the arrest of them all, they all deserve it and more, the way they embarrassed our president and our country is ridiculous
Wow man. That's pretty dark.
From someone I follow they said that Brennan is in Greenland being held with Haspel. These are clones that are out.
26 And they took the blue bird which was given them, and they dressed it, and called on the name of @Jack from morning even until noon, saying, O @Jack, hear us. But there was no voice, nor any that answered. And they leaped upon the altar which was made. 27 And it came to pass at noon, that Trump mocked them, and said, Cry aloud: for @Jack is a god; either he is talking, or he is pursuing, or he is in a journey, or peradventure he sleepeth, and must be awaked. Or he’s in Gitmo.
3:And thus he said, saying,"Behold, a mortal man hath memed the scriptures!"
4: And the people round about rejoiced in the name of Q, and the name of the Lord was upon their lips, and they cried aloud saying, "blessed is the LORD, that has given us a very stable genius, ye even the most stable of all geniuses to rule over and protect this people!"
5: And the evil one lamented, crying, "behold the Lord and his servants, ye Q and the Donald. And who can stand against them? Behold, my designs are set at naught, and the plans I have laid in darkness are exposed, ye, and all my secret combinations are brought into the light, that I cannot hide them any more. As I have bruised the heel of man, the Lord has given men power to crush my head, ye and behold, I'm am crushed under the foot of man, and my wiles have no power over them. Behold I have no longer the power to tempt them any more, for this hath the Lord spoken, and so shall it be.
Maybe they sharing a cell with Big Mike.
Where are you @Turdface?
Please post your planefaggings below.
Two RC-135s airborne
There's a Lockheed MC-130J "Hercules" that went from AZ to DC tonight and right back out going south now.
Landed at Joint Base Charleston
Interesting.... C130 Commando Solo refueled over the Atlantic... track looks inbound from Bermuda tanker track:
C130 specializing in.... Psyops and Civil Communication?
3 P8 anti sub, marine interdiction planes right off Palm Bay. Seems excessive.
Any thoughts fellow planefags?
So much tension you could cut it with a spoon
There is no spoon.
Why a spoon, cousin? Why not a knife or axe?
It'll hurt more!
I love this. Best description I’ve heard. Thank you.
It was open borders here with free hopium handouts. Of course I migrated.
Well said WhitePowerRanger
Not sure if its TDW guys or libtards coming to this page but anyone saying that biden getting inaugurated tomorrow is part of the plan needs to seek help.
Unless I'm the retard but I'm fairly certain something happens tonight or tomorrow morning or the plan is foiled.
Yes and something needs to happen from our side. no letting FFs happen
Welp. Here we go.
Just a reminder that Democrats are traitors to America:
39% of them said they'd repeal the Second Amendment according to a 2015 poll conducted by The Economist.
That number is probably higher now.
Repeal it from my cold, dead hands thank you very much.
That's the plan.
I find these terms to be acceptable.
You think we still have the 1st?? It's certainly teetering on the edge of the cliff if they can censor the greatest President to ever live!
I think we can stop letting Republicans off the hook at this point. They're all on the same team.
Team Traitor.
That has quickly reached 100% due to widespread voter fraud. Some republicans would repeal too so the media would call him brave and heroic
A constitution which does not protect individual rights is no constitution.
Remember this day.
Last summer a Department of Homeland Security jet flew right over (I mean right over) where I live with a call sign of MAGA2020.
I quit worrying about how the movie was going to end from that day on.
i am patiently f5ing
First time.jpg
Some trust in chariots, some trust in horses, but we trust in the name of our Lord God Isaiah 20:7
Chariots & horses were signs of strength and peace and it’s easy to overlook God made both the rider and horse. Armies are intimidating but God is the author and raises up kings and sets them down.
Here’s praying His will to set the swamp down one last time.
God Bless The United States of America
I wanna hope but I don't wanna get burned either... ugh, I hate how my faith is shaken...
Where’s @Jack?
That's when you buckle down on the foundation that is our Lord & Savior, Christ Jesus.
It's in those moments where it's shaking that the greatest opportunities for growth are. That's the refinement process that we are put though.
So when it seems that all is lost, or that you can't hang on anymore... REJOICE, because you know God loves and trusts you enough to test you!
It's like you're on the cusp of leveling up.
REJOICE always. Good & the bad.
God bless, brother.
Good morning, Sunday morning. Still laughing at that right now
Happy popcorn day ???
Sending prayers to our boys in DC - stay strong, you'll know what to do soon.
Melania's hair has gone from dark to light over this administration.
Lin posted this vid today:
Video submitted to FBI, a while ago, which then proceeded to torture and destroy the guy (witness). This is the case Lin has pointed out about 3 weeks ago when he told Roberts to resign, and he mentioned the MD state court case where all of this was swept aside and put on hold, forever it seems. I think this video is the affidavit Lin took from the witness.
Not sure why Lin has waited so long to post the vid. I downloaded a copy, just in case.
Very interdasting...........
Took a screenshot:
Looks like a Coast Guard training flight.
The best (reversed) Q I've seen so far:
Plane link:
Interesting stuff, thanks.
I screen shot - how do I post it?
I believe Military is taking over. The whole dissolving of the USA incorporated is quite convincing, Not sure what will happen in between but I expect Trump to be inaugurated March 4th, as the original constitution stated.
Anybody catch the Biden speech? Man started crying. Didn't look like someone about to win anything.
Does he know he's going to either:
I know which one I hope it is...but, hey, win-win, right?
MODS can I ask a serious question? So say you make a post about a serious issue that includes a video. Requested a mod to get a NSFW tags since I couldnt get it to show up on my end. To which one does for me. Great! (Also confirms mods seen my post so must be ok) A SECOND mod happens to see my post, gets triggered and proceeds to delete my post telling me to "take it to conspiracies" (the kneejerk reaction to -1 my post before deleting it makes me laugh and tells me all I need to know, Cat.) Is that okay? Because it sure doesn't feel like it is. I'm putting Catsfive on notice. No, I'm not a shill. I just refuse to to tolerate this bullshit here, of all places.
Edit: no response so I'll make a new post and call them out myself. Thanks.
Rebuttal u/catsfive?
At least on TD it did not get deleted. Just buried in the volume of other posts. My post here actually initiated some ligitimate discussions on the subject.
Only for mod#2 to come along, gets triggered by my post. The kneejerk reaction to downvote it first is all the evidence i need that it was a personal move. If it simply broke the rules what would be the point of downvoting it if you're just going to delete it? Not caring of the important discussions being made in the comments, she snuffed us all out for being "off topic" with that plastic "tHaNk YoU fOr UnDeRsTaNdIng" signoff where you just know how gleeful they must have felt putting their boot on our necks.
Edit: Let it be known that, just like Trump, I gave them opportunity before making this post. I even tried asking other mods if it waa justified. Zero response. You can check my comment history if it so pleases you, I am no shill. It took me this long to cave from being attacked by fellow "frens" for holding the line on TD and come to GA. I wont be told to fuck off and go somewhere else for being a "conspiracy theorist", here of all places, by some mod whos name makes them sound like a fucking cat lady Karen. (Funny how other mods that saw my post before you didnt delete) If you can be quick to censor me, why the lack of haste to respond being called out?
Its whatever. It's just sad that another mod spoke for them and they themselves never responded. Censor and pass off to someone else to deal with the problem they created. Typical woman who doesnt want to take responsibility for her own actions. She is now Cat lady Karen to me and i have zero trust in our mods.
That being said, theres more important fish to fry and I dont want to miss it. So lets stay the course. ?
Hi anon, not catsfive but I can speak to this - I looked at your removed post and will confirm the removal. Per the requests of our own users via modmail, private messages, comments, etc - we are cutting back on the number of posts cluttering the forum that are only tangentially related to this forum. Yes, the post fits in better over at This forum is specifically to discuss Qanon, drops, and happenings. I know that Q drops cover a lot of material and subject matter is large. However, we do want to keep things focused here and this is something users have asked us to do repeatedly. The rules on the sidebar aren't just decoration - they are there for a reason and we do try to enforce them. Always happy to expand on removals, but for next time - modmail is the best way to contact us about moderation questions and issues. You will be guaranteed to get a response there. Thank you.
Today would be my Dad’s #103 birthday. He proudly served the USA in WWII and he was a Democrat. But this is not the Dem party of his day. I believe he is celebrating their demise on this, his birthday, from Heaven.
I'm feeling that today, is gonna be a good day... muahahahahaha. GO PATRIOTS!
Can confirm, KS has a fuck ton of military air traffic over head.