Yup! The Q movement is a legit movement. There are multiple elected officials that loosely follow Q. It’s about getting TRUTH out in the open. I personally believe that some of it is false but the bulk is fact. Information warfare. If you keep both sides confused just enough the true movements are being overlooked. Everyone has forgotten about all of the legal cases moving their way up the ladder. We know the system is crooked but eventually the facts will no longer be able to be denied.
Q having conspiracies filtered throughout This kept it out of the mainstream media for all these years so that the crooked wouldn’t fully attack and try and destroy it. Now it’s to large of a movement to undo. They can not killary us all. We have reached a level that anyone who “dies” from corona or suicide the death will publicly come to question and a murder will just further solidify guilt.
All the pieces have been set. Now we are waiting for the full blown check mate to be the full catalyst. I personally think it is the win in Arizona. We will shortly have a full audit of the machines. This is the domino that brings the whole operation down. Opening the door to bring the corrupt to justice at all levels.
Trump and team said trust the system, fight for the law of the land. They are but no one has paid attention. Go look at all the cases right now. There are hundreds of different legal options attacking the illegal moves of the Left. It’s only a matter of time at this point.
He didn't become a spymaster during his short stint as CIA director. Most likely the advance man from Trump's team to get the lay of the land, add a few key stealth hires then step aside for the next act with Haspel.
Isn't it possible that the team is no longer so small though? If this really has worldwide implications as it very much appears to, wouldn't that require a larger team of both US and foreign nations?
Q is 10 people—those who know the plan fully. More than that would be a risk, I’d say. I’m sure there’s a much bigger network of white hats who help each other, an alliance. But Q itself is a small number of people.
You could be right, it is less than 10 and we can count it on 2 hands, with 3 being non military. So at least 6 people and less than 10
Absolutely. All the super religious posts came from him. I knew it when I saw his tweet with all the angels and religious icons when he was doing a puzzle with his wife and son. Anyone else remember that?
If Q is really meant to wake up the whole world and unite them over someone who people trust, an evangelical christian who believes in an apocalyptic war and who was the head of the CIA on tape saying "we lied, we cheated, we stole, we have whole courses on it" isn't the guy to do it.
Yes, he might be playing a role. Yes, he might end up being close to the plan or even a part of it. But the center of Q? no chance.
My bad I seen that guy Antonio tucker montaga on YouTube he uses that term fucktheotherside. It’s true, I know the bay. That huge ass rocket looking building looks sick!
That’s probably where the other guy gets it’s too he’s some black dude reformed gangster from New York who was running for office there. Best Maga has is Christian rapper Bryson Gray he’s talented alil colorful tho he’s from the Midwest I think
They are def trolling around here. I know they are fighting to. We have all kinds of legal routes going behind our backs that no matter what those will win in our favor. As long as they are constitutionally sound. Which is a fuck ton of them. The dem platform will completely collapse.
The Supreme Court got away with letting one go. Now that the majority of the world is seeing what’s going on the supreme will have no other choice but to follow the land of the law. We got this. It’s not going to be a quick full breakdown. But we have a huge win coming in Arizona. Once they do the fill blown audit it will set the presidence and cause the house of cards to fall!
What happens if you forget to carry the ten, or add 5+2 and get 9? Have you ever read a message and thought “what is this about feet?” Seriously, I am slightly dyslexic, and I can think one number and type another...
I tend to agree. It's curious to me though why everyone seems to be lost in the weeds on my post. It's not whether Q is one person or a team, how anyone thinks it's just one person is beyond me. His son confirmed Pompeo is Q, like saying Pompeo is 'republican'.
Let's accept for the sake of the argument that the OP is right. This was a signal that Pompeo is Q. Now, let's consider Pompeo's recent tweet-- "4,000 days" or whatever it was. I do wonder, if we might legitimately have to get through this entire 4 years.
I'm just speculating, but what if this is the plan:
Biden is a controlled president.
He will do things that will hurt the country- Paris climate accord, transgender madness- but not ruin it.
The way he acts and the media responds will be used to further redpill the population
Enough congressmen/senators are controlled (blackmail held by Q team) that voter reform will be passed within the next 4 years, even with a Democrat controlled government
You get to 2024. Now the country is extremely red pilled, and voter reform has happened. True America First conservatives win in landslides around the country.
Ok Ok, I pray that this isn't the plan. I do. But, I wonder.
Even if they have blackmail on congress, which makes them just as bad as the deep state because that's what the deep state does now, the media isn't in on it. They'll work for the corporatocracy till they die.
That's a stretch. If the number was in the post I'd say sure but this using the time code for the number is just reaching too far. I'm a computer guy. Even Q has points out they can't control precisely what they time-code is. Why would he use something so unreliable to try and send a message?
So I've been following this site and doing my own research for a few weeks. A friend of mine just said she watched a video and it said the flags with the gold around them are the corporations flags not the government. So I would have to say he is hinting that we are no longer a corporation hence no gold around the flag. First post, still don't know all your rules and lingos but I am fully awake and my mind is blown.
You're tripping. Why would his son be in on the plan? If all the people needed to be in on the plan to account for a lot of these coincidences were actually in on it, it would be doomed to fail due to loose lips sinking ships.
But the link to that particular Q drop is meaningless. It's not a link to a drop with any content even! If it was purposeful, wouldn't he pick a drop with words and a message? It's almost certainly coincidence.
But why refer to that Q drop? It's just a flag, If he tweeted at 6:43 instead it would have been a different drop. There's not even any words to link them, just a random time! No message in the drop linking to pompeo or anything!
But it doesn't link to a post. If he tweeted at any time of day, there's a Q post to correspond. Did you consider that this was 6:44 PM and in military time, it's 18:44? So it could be Q drop 1844. Or it could refer to that year. Or it could be 1+8+4+4 = 17? Or it could just be when he tweeted. Not everything is proof of Q or alluding to it. Lots of things are coincidence because so many things happen.
Edit - also, when you upload a tweet, you don't have control over when it publishes. If he had a bad connection at the time it could have taken a few extra seconds and ended up at 6:45. Just like the people talking about the time AF1 was on the ground adding up to 17, there's no way to control that even if you wanted to send a message. ATC would have to be in on it, it's just absurd.
Jesus Fucking Christ how is all that a message? It's an assortment of random coincidences! The TIME HE TWEETED??? REALLY!?! That's so fucking arbitrary!
I would say that’s a message to us.
How many coincidences before it's.....not a coincidence?
Yup! The Q movement is a legit movement. There are multiple elected officials that loosely follow Q. It’s about getting TRUTH out in the open. I personally believe that some of it is false but the bulk is fact. Information warfare. If you keep both sides confused just enough the true movements are being overlooked. Everyone has forgotten about all of the legal cases moving their way up the ladder. We know the system is crooked but eventually the facts will no longer be able to be denied.
Q having conspiracies filtered throughout This kept it out of the mainstream media for all these years so that the crooked wouldn’t fully attack and try and destroy it. Now it’s to large of a movement to undo. They can not killary us all. We have reached a level that anyone who “dies” from corona or suicide the death will publicly come to question and a murder will just further solidify guilt.
All the pieces have been set. Now we are waiting for the full blown check mate to be the full catalyst. I personally think it is the win in Arizona. We will shortly have a full audit of the machines. This is the domino that brings the whole operation down. Opening the door to bring the corrupt to justice at all levels.
Trump and team said trust the system, fight for the law of the land. They are but no one has paid attention. Go look at all the cases right now. There are hundreds of different legal options attacking the illegal moves of the Left. It’s only a matter of time at this point.
"I also know the truth about who you are."
Almost sounds like he knows that Mike is in on the Q team.
That’s how I interpreted it.
there is no way pompeo is Q lmao
He didn't become a spymaster during his short stint as CIA director. Most likely the advance man from Trump's team to get the lay of the land, add a few key stealth hires then step aside for the next act with Haspel.
Pompeo looks like quite the patriot. Spook too. ??
Q is a team of people. Less than 10 people, and only 3 non-military.
Why do I think it’s four non-military ?
"Q-Group" may include pompeo. I would argue it must. However, it is not a single person.
Just said this today. Q is such large op that even if it was a psyop it is likely AT LEAST 50 military intelligence types. Quite possibly more
Post 60. Less than 10 people make up the Q TEAM. If you understand just one thing about Q, it's a group and not 1 person.
Isn't it possible that the team is no longer so small though? If this really has worldwide implications as it very much appears to, wouldn't that require a larger team of both US and foreign nations?
Q is 10 people—those who know the plan fully. More than that would be a risk, I’d say. I’m sure there’s a much bigger network of white hats who help each other, an alliance. But Q itself is a small number of people.
Yes the alliance is larger then the Q inner circle but for operational security they are probably need-to-know only.
You could be right, it is less than 10 and we can count it on 2 hands, with 3 being non military. So at least 6 people and less than 10 https://qposts.online/?q=60&s=postnum
I believe Q is a group and even before this I was 100% certain Pompeo was on the Q team.
Absolutely. All the super religious posts came from him. I knew it when I saw his tweet with all the angels and religious icons when he was doing a puzzle with his wife and son. Anyone else remember that?
I think it also includes Steve Mnuchen because of all of the movie references:
Yes and Admiral Rogers
director of the CIA.... of course... and shifted to SoS to travel more..... makes sense.....
there is no way pompeo is Q lmao
Why do you say that?
If Q is really meant to wake up the whole world and unite them over someone who people trust, an evangelical christian who believes in an apocalyptic war and who was the head of the CIA on tape saying "we lied, we cheated, we stole, we have whole courses on it" isn't the guy to do it.
Yes, he might be playing a role. Yes, he might end up being close to the plan or even a part of it. But the center of Q? no chance.
Pompeo=Q??? Woah.
Mike "Qhott4tehinternet3000" Pompeo
lol Pompeo knows about the Tribe
thats basically a zero delta its obvious a signal confirmation, great find patriot!
What do you guys mean by it being a zero delta? The times and dates are quite a bit different???
I believe Ted Cruz has as well. He just trolled on someone and linked Q. Showing the swamp they know the truth to!
Ja I see like a troll, you wouldn’t happen to be from New York ay mate? Straight n to the point Ur SN lol
My bad I seen that guy Antonio tucker montaga on YouTube he uses that term fucktheotherside. It’s true, I know the bay. That huge ass rocket looking building looks sick!
That’s probably where the other guy gets it’s too he’s some black dude reformed gangster from New York who was running for office there. Best Maga has is Christian rapper Bryson Gray he’s talented alil colorful tho he’s from the Midwest I think
It’s a screenshot of a screenshot. Look at Seth Rogan’s tweet, it’s the same image, with the icon of Cruz on the bottom.
They are def trolling around here. I know they are fighting to. We have all kinds of legal routes going behind our backs that no matter what those will win in our favor. As long as they are constitutionally sound. Which is a fuck ton of them. The dem platform will completely collapse.
The Supreme Court got away with letting one go. Now that the majority of the world is seeing what’s going on the supreme will have no other choice but to follow the land of the law. We got this. It’s not going to be a quick full breakdown. But we have a huge win coming in Arizona. Once they do the fill blown audit it will set the presidence and cause the house of cards to fall!
I did a post earlier. The word how was in caps. H-8 0-15 W-24. 81524 ÷ 17 = 4795 Q 4795 - "It has to be this way. Going Dark. DARKMODE"
"That's a retarded way to get to 4795" LOL Nah it's great though
I would go with 8+15+24 = 47 = 47th President Pompeo KEK
Dont disagree, but grasping for straws at this point.
I think it's brilliant!! Dark to light!
What happens if you forget to carry the ten, or add 5+2 and get 9? Have you ever read a message and thought “what is this about feet?” Seriously, I am slightly dyslexic, and I can think one number and type another...
I do that and I’m not even dyslexic.
This officially makes Pompeo Q. It's like a light bulb going off.
He's on the team.
Yeah, it’s almost a certainty that Q is not a single person, but a group
I tend to agree. It's curious to me though why everyone seems to be lost in the weeds on my post. It's not whether Q is one person or a team, how anyone thinks it's just one person is beyond me. His son confirmed Pompeo is Q, like saying Pompeo is 'republican'.
Thanks anon, makes sense. I've been here so long, that thought hadn't crossed my mind in years.
He may be on the team. He was CIA for years, was at West Point and a former army officer
there is no way pompeo is Q lmao. maybe on the team
no difference
Pompeo was CIA before Secretary of State right? That man at the very least knows. He was comming hard towards the end there lol
Patience! In due time pain will be delivered,
There are no coincidences.
Kansas plows fields with his balls!
Great find.
Let's accept for the sake of the argument that the OP is right. This was a signal that Pompeo is Q. Now, let's consider Pompeo's recent tweet-- "4,000 days" or whatever it was. I do wonder, if we might legitimately have to get through this entire 4 years.
I'm just speculating, but what if this is the plan:
Biden is a controlled president.
He will do things that will hurt the country- Paris climate accord, transgender madness- but not ruin it.
The way he acts and the media responds will be used to further redpill the population
Enough congressmen/senators are controlled (blackmail held by Q team) that voter reform will be passed within the next 4 years, even with a Democrat controlled government
You get to 2024. Now the country is extremely red pilled, and voter reform has happened. True America First conservatives win in landslides around the country.
Ok Ok, I pray that this isn't the plan. I do. But, I wonder.
Even if they have blackmail on congress, which makes them just as bad as the deep state because that's what the deep state does now, the media isn't in on it. They'll work for the corporatocracy till they die.
imo the "x days" tweet was just to throw the media off. Kind of like Trump congratulating Biden etc.
Disinformation is necessary.
Lol yeahhh, I hope I'm wrong XD
I'm more under the impression that the military is the only way and that would include military time.
So will the 29th be FREEDOM DAY?
Oh shit.. prepare your minds to be blown. The 29th does in fact happen to be KANSAS day!
Two things. First, this would be awesome. I'm a Kansan and love Pompeo.
Agreed, datefagging is our own downfall.
I can go with this. There have been times reading drops where I swear Mike Pompeo wrote a couple of them at least.
3 year delta coming up. Done in 30?
The "who you are" could mean Pompeo is the secret but genuine POTUS during this period of temporary military occupation.
Wouldn't be the first and probably not the last time the country has been controlled by a CIA director.
I thought it was a BIG...sign! ANNNNDDDD...who ELSE ...BUT him have wee been following the last few weeks? 1 hour, 30 min, 15 min, 5 min??
I wish the timestamp was 8:44 eastern time. This is a mountain timezone stamp. I verified on twitter.
Dude, i can only be so excited. Reeeeee!!111!1!!1
That's a stretch. If the number was in the post I'd say sure but this using the time code for the number is just reaching too far. I'm a computer guy. Even Q has points out they can't control precisely what they time-code is. Why would he use something so unreliable to try and send a message?
Mike Pompeo is the best Mike. Better than Pence, Obama, even Lindell.
Love it!!!!
Im on CST time zone and it was posted 7:44 PM
Mike is Q!
So I've been following this site and doing my own research for a few weeks. A friend of mine just said she watched a video and it said the flags with the gold around them are the corporations flags not the government. So I would have to say he is hinting that we are no longer a corporation hence no gold around the flag. First post, still don't know all your rules and lingos but I am fully awake and my mind is blown.
That's definitely a strange and cryptic message.
You're tripping. Why would his son be in on the plan? If all the people needed to be in on the plan to account for a lot of these coincidences were actually in on it, it would be doomed to fail due to loose lips sinking ships.
Just because he “knows” doesn’t necessarily mean he is in on the plan.
But the link to that particular Q drop is meaningless. It's not a link to a drop with any content even! If it was purposeful, wouldn't he pick a drop with words and a message? It's almost certainly coincidence.
But why refer to that Q drop? It's just a flag, If he tweeted at 6:43 instead it would have been a different drop. There's not even any words to link them, just a random time! No message in the drop linking to pompeo or anything!
But it doesn't link to a post. If he tweeted at any time of day, there's a Q post to correspond. Did you consider that this was 6:44 PM and in military time, it's 18:44? So it could be Q drop 1844. Or it could refer to that year. Or it could be 1+8+4+4 = 17? Or it could just be when he tweeted. Not everything is proof of Q or alluding to it. Lots of things are coincidence because so many things happen.
Edit - also, when you upload a tweet, you don't have control over when it publishes. If he had a bad connection at the time it could have taken a few extra seconds and ended up at 6:45. Just like the people talking about the time AF1 was on the ground adding up to 17, there's no way to control that even if you wanted to send a message. ATC would have to be in on it, it's just absurd.
100% agreed. It makes me sad that people are looking for meaning in such trivial things. I really think they miss the forest for the trees.
I already said before, Pompeo is Q
Jesus Fucking Christ how is all that a message? It's an assortment of random coincidences! The TIME HE TWEETED??? REALLY!?! That's so fucking arbitrary!
Just like any other hopioid you have the freedom to sniff it or not.
There is more to the post than post time.