They are Naked Shorting the stock which is illegal. You can't sell more stock then exists, which is what these hedge funds were doing in order to drive it down even lower.
The Invisible Hand of the Free Market has reached out and bitch slapped them down. Even the Robber Barrons back in the day didn't operate this maniacally. They even tried to buy back into the market to keep it afloat before the crash. These people are evil and manipulating the markets. We the People are just flexing out muscle and they are scared shitless
They are making a deal with the actual stock holder to "hold" their stock for them, sometimes with interest attached.
Then, what they actually do is sell stock that belongs to someone else. Sell high, then buy it back after it is low. Then they hand the stock, at the reduced price, back to the original holder. The holder doesn't care because the stock would have gone down anyways. All the risk is in the one shorting the stock. It isn't illegal at this stage. However...
What if they get greedy and intentionally tank the stock to increase their profit margin. Well, then the original holder would have a problem with that, right? How might you tank the stock? If you "hold" a whole bunch of the stock and sell it all at once, it looks like the stock is going down and others join in on the drop, selling while they can. This artificially plummets the stock to a value lower than it actually is. So, you wait until the last minute on a lot of your promises, dump them all at once, tank the stock, then buy them back for even cheaper than if you did it over a longer stretch.
The final nail in the coffin of risk comes next. What if you borrow from the guy you just sold the stock to? More profit to be made, right? As long as no one buys the stock before you, you can buy it back for the actual holder.
Then, uh oh....
People are buying the stocks up.
The price is going up.
This is the point on the Ven diagram where people like us and AOC types meet- we are both against the blatant corruption of the elite class. Where we don't meet is she wants to replace them with state socialism, controlled by far left ideals of racial division and exaltation of sexual deviancy.
For real. Couldn’t believe it when I saw things shaping up this way.... When worlds collide, man.
I’m sure she faces pressure from the side of her party that is against this for personal reasons. Must have been a tough call. But she knew she’d get called tf out if she remained silent about it. Would look too shady cuz this situation is right up her alley. Populist, down-with-the-rich kind of stuff.
The only question is, will the Patriots, libertarians, new-wave Lefties, and commies be enough to bend the knee of neolib/con and others desperately trying to blend in with the new wave, whilst looking out for their own crop?
I think it will. MSM will be too conflicted to hammer us into submission, if the new wave Dems are against it.
I find it so important when dealing with these types of people to come off as unbiased, listen to their POV and admit when they’re right and you agree. If everyone did that the divide in this nation would be significantly lessened.
I spent a year or so on a predominantly left wing forum as one of a handful of conservatives (this was a supposedly unbiased forum for discussion). They don't care about courtesy, they don't care if you concede a point. It's a 24/7 hate train, and they will actually become more aggressive if you agree that they're right about anything, ever.
All they see is a sign of weakness to be exploited, and if anything, they're disgusted by the idea that you agreed with them.
At the very least, this principle of being conciliatory with anonymous left wingers is no good online. Maybe in person.
Don’t care, I’m the bigger person. They usually end up getting emotionally fragile and upset, and I just stay calm, cool, collected and polite. It drives them up the wall, they start throwing our isms and name calling, so they don’t have to make an actual argument or defend it.
Ted Cruz tried to agree with her on Twitter only for her snap back and call him a murderer and even though he agrees she doesn’t want his support out of spite.
I had a glimmer of hope for her at first too but that reminded me, her being a champion of the little guy is just her shtick her real goal is to destroy the USA
A few years ago she praised our VA system, which POTUS pounced on with a “you’re welcome” tweet and stating it was probably the smartest thing she’s ever said.
I agree. She is so dumb and misinformed, but she is also anti-establishment. That is where Trump supporters and progressives agree. Which is why I will never understand why they want the gov't controlling their lives. It doesn't make sense. I guess they have an idealized version in their minds of some moral and decent gov't that is truly FOR the people.
The problem is that WE know that gov'ts are ALWAYS open to corruption, so we do not trust the gov't to handle our healthcare, etc. Progressives to me seem like they got halfway redpilled and then just stopped.
They are actually corrupt criminals, but the war was fought and won some time ago in the shadows. What we are seeing is the cleanup and show so the general public doesn't panic with the major changes that are coming. Criminals have motivation to cooperate for lighter sentencing, and also the cabal probably operated with a lot of the lower ranks not knowing the real truth.
AOC types agree with us more than people like Mitch, who only agreed with Trump at all for votes. However, I do know AOC agreed with Trump on the stimulus bill, but still voted yes. Part of me feels she is a establishment controlled opposition to dissuade the left wing populists from realizing that Trump is much more of a populist than strictly right wing, and they just fell for anti Trump propaganda from the actual elite.
I read something about her that she was involved with some sort of Democrat political "summer camp" so to speak... the camp was all about getting the best, young, political minds they could get, and look for the next Democrat "star".
So she went, she checked all the boxes, and they threw her into her current House seat (which only exists because illegals were counted in the last census to create her district), and then Pelosi appointed her to a bunch of committees. Pelosi couldn't have put it better herself when she said "A water bottle with a "D" on it could win AOC's district".
She's posted videos of herself bitching about all the work she hasto do. lol.
Dude I saw that! I don't think it's any small coincidence that two vastly different groups of people just so happen to be using the same catchphrase (or whatever you want to call it). I think there are definitely even bigger things going on here and we thought.
Hmm... iirc, Q did say we might be surprised at who's on our side (paraphrasing). I wonder...
edit: I mean, the left basically trusts her 1000%, they worship her. Maybe that needed to be cultivated over time for just such a purpose as this? I can't wait to see how this movie ends.
They're trying to continue hedging their bets, while also crushing this movement. AOC's in on it. The only reason why she's issuing a statement or whatever is because she was orders to, so [they] can keep us under thumb. Don't fall for it. Maintain your positions and stand your ground. If no one sells, the stock will maintain it's overvalued price.
Besides, you don't need a third party org to trade in the NYSE. You can do it directly.
“Pro Biden” talking point leading up to the elections was the backing of Wall Street and the Banks. A little ironic since liberals are so anti-establishment. Now they get to see what their vote did!
There is no hearing necessary. Only arrests and bans from the industry. The evidence is OPEN and beyond dispute.
DoJ should be busting in doors NOW.
They are Naked Shorting the stock which is illegal. You can't sell more stock then exists, which is what these hedge funds were doing in order to drive it down even lower.
The Invisible Hand of the Free Market has reached out and bitch slapped them down. Even the Robber Barrons back in the day didn't operate this maniacally. They even tried to buy back into the market to keep it afloat before the crash. These people are evil and manipulating the markets. We the People are just flexing out muscle and they are scared shitless
They are going to make a list of everyone who bought that stock in the last month or two.
It's like this:
They are making a deal with the actual stock holder to "hold" their stock for them, sometimes with interest attached.
Then, what they actually do is sell stock that belongs to someone else. Sell high, then buy it back after it is low. Then they hand the stock, at the reduced price, back to the original holder. The holder doesn't care because the stock would have gone down anyways. All the risk is in the one shorting the stock. It isn't illegal at this stage. However...
What if they get greedy and intentionally tank the stock to increase their profit margin. Well, then the original holder would have a problem with that, right? How might you tank the stock? If you "hold" a whole bunch of the stock and sell it all at once, it looks like the stock is going down and others join in on the drop, selling while they can. This artificially plummets the stock to a value lower than it actually is. So, you wait until the last minute on a lot of your promises, dump them all at once, tank the stock, then buy them back for even cheaper than if you did it over a longer stretch.
The final nail in the coffin of risk comes next. What if you borrow from the guy you just sold the stock to? More profit to be made, right? As long as no one buys the stock before you, you can buy it back for the actual holder.
Then, uh oh....
People are buying the stocks up.
The price is going up.
Suicide Weekend.
Good explanation.
Ummm - first off, the DoJ prosecutes crimes. In terms of busting down doors, you may be thinking of the FBI or some other law enforcement agency.
Second... unless there were people using the wrong pronoun or mis-gendered, etc. the Feebs are not going to get involved.
Isn't FBI within DoJ?
Or a garage pully.
bust down the door to their office... bc they got so much work to do Good luck
FBI can't bust open the door. They can ONLY bust open doors they have ALREADY RIGGED to be OPENED.
Really can change FB"I" from Investigate to Instigate. "Federal Bureau of Instigation"
Ya right, The Dept of Injustice is more likely to go after the r/wallstreetbets users.
This is the point on the Ven diagram where people like us and AOC types meet- we are both against the blatant corruption of the elite class. Where we don't meet is she wants to replace them with state socialism, controlled by far left ideals of racial division and exaltation of sexual deviancy.
This 100%. We all agree the system is corrupted but we don’t agree on how to fix it
Look, I'd rather have disagreements on how to fix something than have people actively try to destroy it.
AOC sometimes has values that I would expect from the other party.
It's like a dog; positive reinforcement
Even Marx was able to see the problems with Capitalism but his remedies were worse than the disease and proven to cause untold human misery.
Was on reddit last night and it was a Bernie Bro fest, "They're doing it to us again!".
For real. Couldn’t believe it when I saw things shaping up this way.... When worlds collide, man. I’m sure she faces pressure from the side of her party that is against this for personal reasons. Must have been a tough call. But she knew she’d get called tf out if she remained silent about it. Would look too shady cuz this situation is right up her alley. Populist, down-with-the-rich kind of stuff. The only question is, will the Patriots, libertarians, new-wave Lefties, and commies be enough to bend the knee of neolib/con and others desperately trying to blend in with the new wave, whilst looking out for their own crop? I think it will. MSM will be too conflicted to hammer us into submission, if the new wave Dems are against it.
A broken clock is right twice a day
meh ill give credit where credit is due
I find it so important when dealing with these types of people to come off as unbiased, listen to their POV and admit when they’re right and you agree. If everyone did that the divide in this nation would be significantly lessened.
I spent a year or so on a predominantly left wing forum as one of a handful of conservatives (this was a supposedly unbiased forum for discussion). They don't care about courtesy, they don't care if you concede a point. It's a 24/7 hate train, and they will actually become more aggressive if you agree that they're right about anything, ever.
All they see is a sign of weakness to be exploited, and if anything, they're disgusted by the idea that you agreed with them.
At the very least, this principle of being conciliatory with anonymous left wingers is no good online. Maybe in person.
Don’t care, I’m the bigger person. They usually end up getting emotionally fragile and upset, and I just stay calm, cool, collected and polite. It drives them up the wall, they start throwing our isms and name calling, so they don’t have to make an actual argument or defend it.
^this right hurr
Ted Cruz tried to agree with her on Twitter only for her snap back and call him a murderer and even though he agrees she doesn’t want his support out of spite.
I had a glimmer of hope for her at first too but that reminded me, her being a champion of the little guy is just her shtick her real goal is to destroy the USA
Elon replied to her tweet with "Absolutely" and Ted Cruz retweeted her with "Fully agree"
Is... Is AOC a double agent?
I’d say she’s more like a useful idiot.
A few years ago she praised our VA system, which POTUS pounced on with a “you’re welcome” tweet and stating it was probably the smartest thing she’s ever said.
I agree. She is so dumb and misinformed, but she is also anti-establishment. That is where Trump supporters and progressives agree. Which is why I will never understand why they want the gov't controlling their lives. It doesn't make sense. I guess they have an idealized version in their minds of some moral and decent gov't that is truly FOR the people.
The problem is that WE know that gov'ts are ALWAYS open to corruption, so we do not trust the gov't to handle our healthcare, etc. Progressives to me seem like they got halfway redpilled and then just stopped.
Very true. It's really sad. The gov't is never going to save you. Only exert power over you.
This 100%. I hate tighty whitey's, but your comment is spot fucking on.
Ultimately they think that just throwing money at something fixes it.
It takes a lot more than that.
What a brilliant analogy, thank you!
Well, the idiot part is definitely correct. The jury is still out on the "useful" part though...
Bwhahaha exactly
Actor, not double agent. The more I watch, the more I believe this is just a show.
So then what's the point of it if it's all just an act? So they're not actually corrupt criminals but just acting?
If I'm "acting" and have sex with someone while "acting" I'd still be cheating on my wife.
They are actually corrupt criminals, but the war was fought and won some time ago in the shadows. What we are seeing is the cleanup and show so the general public doesn't panic with the major changes that are coming. Criminals have motivation to cooperate for lighter sentencing, and also the cabal probably operated with a lot of the lower ranks not knowing the real truth.
Just an idea, not guaranteeing it's truth.
That much I can undeestand. They're acting as if they were free but behind the scenes they are already busted and they're cooperating.
I sure as hell hope so. That video of Nancy having all female "security" commanding her was quite telling.
You know she wouldn't normally have anyone talk to her like that.
I could believe this. I think much was done before Q started posting as even Q says that in a very early post.
Yes. From the bartenders guild.
AOC prolly bought some GME. lol
Yes - this just happened
Jesus take the
And Elon replied with "Absolutely"
AOC types agree with us more than people like Mitch, who only agreed with Trump at all for votes. However, I do know AOC agreed with Trump on the stimulus bill, but still voted yes. Part of me feels she is a establishment controlled opposition to dissuade the left wing populists from realizing that Trump is much more of a populist than strictly right wing, and they just fell for anti Trump propaganda from the actual elite.
I read something about her that she was involved with some sort of Democrat political "summer camp" so to speak... the camp was all about getting the best, young, political minds they could get, and look for the next Democrat "star".
So she went, she checked all the boxes, and they threw her into her current House seat (which only exists because illegals were counted in the last census to create her district), and then Pelosi appointed her to a bunch of committees. Pelosi couldn't have put it better herself when she said "A water bottle with a "D" on it could win AOC's district".
She's posted videos of herself bitching about all the work she hasto do. lol.
MFW watching lefties trending #HoldTheLine on Twitter.
Dude I saw that! I don't think it's any small coincidence that two vastly different groups of people just so happen to be using the same catchphrase (or whatever you want to call it). I think there are definitely even bigger things going on here and we thought.
Hmm... iirc, Q did say we might be surprised at who's on our side (paraphrasing). I wonder...
edit: I mean, the left basically trusts her 1000%, they worship her. Maybe that needed to be cultivated over time for just such a purpose as this? I can't wait to see how this movie ends.
They'll throw some money at the bitch and tell her to STFU. And she will.
she was approached and recruited by someone to run as a D. do we know who that someone was?
Some guy did a segment on it a few years ago. She literally auditioned for the position. I remember Chunk yoghurts name being thrown around a lot.
She still hates Ted Cruz for challenging the election results. She accuses him of murder and tells him to resign! Remember the “Snake” poem, folks. AOC is a snake!
Oh no, not a hearing!
3 hearings and you get a strongly worded letter.
Rack up 4 strongly worded letters and you get an FBI investigation.
2 FBI investigations will eventually lead to a verbal warning!
Then she said she won't help because the Republucans tried to kill her.
Now she's a financial genius...was it bartending school?
AOC activated? She's an actress who auditioned, but which side did she audition for?
Is she a plant?. If she is that would be some awesome acting. For her sake I hope it's an act.
Friends become enemies, enemies become friends... this truly is a wild timeline.
(Jk... AOC is still a commie-tard, but still... wild times)
And they will simply just believe her. The dum dums are finally being led in the right direction.
Don’t care what dumb shit she’s said, I’d bang her.
Can’t even balance her own checkbook. Guaranfukinteed I’m correct.
Wtf did wallstreet bets redpill AOC?
Somebody pinch me ?
Pretty cool when the enemy does the work for you.
RobinhoodApp is a private company. They can block who ever they want. Oh wait.
They're trying to continue hedging their bets, while also crushing this movement. AOC's in on it. The only reason why she's issuing a statement or whatever is because she was orders to, so [they] can keep us under thumb. Don't fall for it. Maintain your positions and stand your ground. If no one sells, the stock will maintain it's overvalued price.
Besides, you don't need a third party org to trade in the NYSE. You can do it directly.
“Pro Biden” talking point leading up to the elections was the backing of Wall Street and the Banks. A little ironic since liberals are so anti-establishment. Now they get to see what their vote did!
"How dare these filthy little peasants try to play on our Roulette Table, what nerve!" - Global Elites
So idiots who use Robinhood can still sell whatever stock they bought?
I agree with her for once. And love her titties.
For background:
She's apparently not as "grassroots" as we're led to believe.
"if necessary"? Get off your butt and take some initiative. You've got the circumstances, and the actors. Get with it!
She probably hadnt gotten the memo yet. Dont worry her task masters will muzzle her