They only believe it if it parrots what they already believe and is less then 140 characters or less than 27 seconds. That’s as long as a leftard can fukos
You believe lots of false things yourself. No way around it. The post-truth era began some years ago and it's amplifying.
One day, you'll see deep fakes on the TV and won't know a damn thing about it. You'll chat to machine learning AI on the internet and won't know it.
It's a sad truth. Please don't demean those who get fooled, there are thousands of psychiatrists all over the world who spend their day trying to fool you for a dollar and their ideology.
I don't know you but I mean it as a general statement that applies to all. We are all incredibly more gullible than we want to believe ourselves to be.
There are SO many subscribers! Last night on George live they even said that JFK Jr doesn’t have a telegram. Whoever is running that account keeps making lots of posts. You gotta wonder who is going this.
Bottom line in my opinion, toss it all out. If 1/8 th of the shit people post were true, we wouldnt be in the shit storm we're in now. Just keep the radar up and swinging, then wait, prepare, and see what comes.
The True Great Awakening telegram account has been dropping declass files and videos aince last night. I’m overwhelmed by the volume ... it’s 100s of files. I’m surprised that this sub has missed the declass which started last night. That account recommendation came directly from Lin wood weeks ago I believe.
Please take a thorough look before you ban. We need all eyes on the documents. Thank you
It WAS pinned, in a post by this same mod that wants to ban users from sharing any posts from The True Great Awakening because he's a "paytriot". Locked comments. No discussion.
We know the accounts are not from the real general.
But we are banned across social media. They remove all our content.
And yet they exist on telegram. But the problem is how to find? Q is censored everywhere. Entire collections deleted.
General mclnemey is just working as a “key word” to find these groups. And by such means find some of the lost content they might be banning.
It’s not that we believe the general is “real” or that the controller of those “groups” are legit...
But neither is most YouTube channels. They all post many random things we may agree or disagree with.
But the greater point is that there might be one good video. Or one good post. These are posts systematically censored.
I would also like to add - that these forums on great still don’t have the ability for us to upload video... and make this website a primary source for our videos. As such - we are constantly in need of external host servers and applications.
The "channel name" is irrelevant. Youtube is a video hosting platform, so unless someone is linking a powerpoint presentation and claiming it's from a government official, the video will speak for itself, verifying who it is that's speaking. A video of Donald Trump speaking is a video of Donald Trump speaking. Unless it's a deepfake.
The difference with Telegram is that it contains a flood of unverified imposters pretending their written messages are coming from the real deal. The "account name" is actually significant. Written messages, unlike video or even audio, do not even begin to prove who the source is. So unless you have confirmation from the real person that they run the account, it's a waste of everyone's time to acknowledge the charade.
You basically give them the power to raise false alarms or give false hope, over and over, all day long. You also give them the power to mislead in a much more malicious fashion once you've helped them to attain tens of thousands of followers who actually believe the account is real. I remember fake accounts on Parler with 100k+ followers.
With this said, there are some great telegram accounts out there. Everyone should be on the Garret Zeigler account. He worked at the white house under Peter Navarro. He is based and speaks truth.
The only verified Telegram account I know is Lin Wood because he told us in interviews. Other than that I am honest and say I don't know any other account that is verified.
Sidney Powell gives hers in interviews. Hearing it directly is so huge. I have to hear it directly from the source, or from another account that I know is legit.
That said, is there a trusted Mcinerney account ? I suspect not.
I was only just informed that General McInerney does not do social media. I wanted to forward something posted here from him. Before I did I asked how can I tell if a person is legit on telegram.
Glad I asked and am grateful to u/Blupy for informing me ??
ANyone following The True Great Awakening? Guy's a nutcase, asking us for money, saying we've donated 300k and now trying to get us into some quantum group share or something or other. Mental.
i was following it for a laugh but it's gone off the deepend into batshit crazyland, and bear in mind we are Q followers so are pretty out there already lol
They only believe it if it parrots what they already believe and is less then 140 characters or less than 27 seconds. That’s as long as a leftard can fukos
Queen Elizabeth on her Telegram account said that the monarchy is nominating Harry to be King of Portland! What should we do??!!
Harry Potter's Telegram account says he changed his mind.
Dumbledore will convince him otherwise.
I didn't know Dumbledore was a democrat!
Dumb is in his name :)
And he doesn't need to know either ;)
He's gay, remember? That alone gives him a 90% probability of being a Democrat, so I'm not surprised.
Hermione convinced him otherwise
You believe lots of false things yourself. No way around it. The post-truth era began some years ago and it's amplifying.
One day, you'll see deep fakes on the TV and won't know a damn thing about it. You'll chat to machine learning AI on the internet and won't know it.
It's a sad truth. Please don't demean those who get fooled, there are thousands of psychiatrists all over the world who spend their day trying to fool you for a dollar and their ideology.
I don't know you but I mean it as a general statement that applies to all. We are all incredibly more gullible than we want to believe ourselves to be.
My post isn't an attack towards you neither.
They do the MOST damage imop that shit spreads quicker then Kamala’s legs in a room full of pedos
Q-related information is censored everywhere, and now here too.
I got banned from JFK Jrs supposed telegram after calling them out and asking for proof.
Their response, and I quote "I am the chosen one. Jesus did not need to provide proof, so neither do his chosen."
The fuck?!
These people are SICK to be preying on peoples hopes and fears.
There are SO many subscribers! Last night on George live they even said that JFK Jr doesn’t have a telegram. Whoever is running that account keeps making lots of posts. You gotta wonder who is going this.
That chat was pretty cool last night. It was my first, won’t be my last.
On the YT live chat? How did I miss that?
Bottom line in my opinion, toss it all out. If 1/8 th of the shit people post were true, we wouldnt be in the shit storm we're in now. Just keep the radar up and swinging, then wait, prepare, and see what comes.
Lol what? That’s the exact shit that St. Nick punched a heretic for. ?
You mods are busier than a Biden fact-checker at Trump HQ!
Godspeed, and thank you.
Love it.
Or a 2 dollar Ho at a DNC Convention!
a monkey could do their job
Normally I'd protest using monkey labor but . . they are the only primates who can understand Braindead Joe's gibberish.
wow who knew being a semi retired mod would require so much work. now about those chemtrails...
lin wood does list his on his website:
does Telegram even verify accounts?
That's not true. They verified Don Jr's account.
And Ron: We still remember him, he will be back I'm sure
lol yeah when he runs out of money
DJT Jr also.
GEORGENEWS is verified. Lin Wood says, coming soon.
Thanks for this. Unfortunate, but necessary.
A list of valid telegram accounts would be nice. As a new user to Telegram I am having a hard time distinguishing between real and fake accounts.
Thanks, that would be helpful for myself and others as well.
The True Great Awakening telegram account has been dropping declass files and videos aince last night. I’m overwhelmed by the volume ... it’s 100s of files. I’m surprised that this sub has missed the declass which started last night. That account recommendation came directly from Lin wood weeks ago I believe.
Please take a thorough look before you ban. We need all eyes on the documents. Thank you
No he started dropping declass last week.I've been reading them since last Monday!!!!
Agreed. I just saw a start difference in the classification level and the official document subject matter. Did you see the pics? ??
Why isn’t this sub on top of things? If they censor this, we know we are infiltrated. God bless you
It should be pinned to the top. It’s been proven authentic by a mile based on the sauce.
It WAS pinned, in a post by this same mod that wants to ban users from sharing any posts from The True Great Awakening because he's a "paytriot". Locked comments. No discussion.
I don’t care about that. If you aren’t interested, that’s fine. The dissemination is what’s important not people’s opinion at this point.
What specific level of proof do you require?
How can we be sure which Telegram accounts are legitimate and what test do you use to determine which are fake?
I don't use Telegram because I refuse to use mobile devices, but I think the question is worth asking.
Also stuff like Wood’s telegram being on his website.
There is a telegram desktop client available, for both pc and mac.
I feel this is a mistake.
And please hear my reasoning.
We know the accounts are not from the real general.
But we are banned across social media. They remove all our content.
And yet they exist on telegram. But the problem is how to find? Q is censored everywhere. Entire collections deleted.
General mclnemey is just working as a “key word” to find these groups. And by such means find some of the lost content they might be banning.
It’s not that we believe the general is “real” or that the controller of those “groups” are legit...
But neither is most YouTube channels. They all post many random things we may agree or disagree with.
But the greater point is that there might be one good video. Or one good post. These are posts systematically censored.
I would also like to add - that these forums on great still don’t have the ability for us to upload video... and make this website a primary source for our videos. As such - we are constantly in need of external host servers and applications.
Download video and upload to Rumble, Bitchute, or Streamable?
Those platforms are inferior. Many times bitchute doesn’t even load.
I get you prefer them.
But I find it ironic how nobody cries about YouTube - and then cry about telegram and the name of the “channel name”.
Nobody ever cries about the channel name in YouTube.
And to find sources on Internet when Q and WWG1WGA is completely automated and scrubbed off the internet... it’s like shooting ourselves in the foot.
Censorship shows no remorse. Why would we want to also limit our sources and platforms.
The "channel name" is irrelevant. Youtube is a video hosting platform, so unless someone is linking a powerpoint presentation and claiming it's from a government official, the video will speak for itself, verifying who it is that's speaking. A video of Donald Trump speaking is a video of Donald Trump speaking. Unless it's a deepfake.
The difference with Telegram is that it contains a flood of unverified imposters pretending their written messages are coming from the real deal. The "account name" is actually significant. Written messages, unlike video or even audio, do not even begin to prove who the source is. So unless you have confirmation from the real person that they run the account, it's a waste of everyone's time to acknowledge the charade.
You basically give them the power to raise false alarms or give false hope, over and over, all day long. You also give them the power to mislead in a much more malicious fashion once you've helped them to attain tens of thousands of followers who actually believe the account is real. I remember fake accounts on Parler with 100k+ followers.
So then the name Q should also be banned then? Just like western social media has done?
Sorry there is a distinct disconnect here.
Q things are hard enough to find on the internet. And most that remain fall in category that is indeed misdirected.
Yet on this forum - there is a source and a discussion as well as possibly a channel.
All 3 can be confirmed, or refuted, and discussed.
I'm with you. Research is what we do.
With this said, there are some great telegram accounts out there. Everyone should be on the Garret Zeigler account. He worked at the white house under Peter Navarro. He is based and speaks truth.
I figured McInerney was a LARP when he started randomly dooming...
Lin wood and Trump Jr are the only 2 i follow on telegram. Im suspicious of other accounts claiming breaking news
Sidney Powell has an account on Telegram as well.
The only verified Telegram account I know is Lin Wood because he told us in interviews. Other than that I am honest and say I don't know any other account that is verified.
Sidney Powell gives hers in interviews. Hearing it directly is so huge. I have to hear it directly from the source, or from another account that I know is legit. That said, is there a trusted Mcinerney account ? I suspect not.
I was only just informed that General McInerney does not do social media. I wanted to forward something posted here from him. Before I did I asked how can I tell if a person is legit on telegram.
Glad I asked and am grateful to u/Blupy for informing me ??
Hey, you rock. That is all.
Now we are getting somewhere!
'bout time. ?CHINA DELENDA EST ?
Thank you for fighting the good fight,
Thank fuck
On a long enough timeline, Alex Jones is right about a lot of things. Including Information Wars.
Telegram from Nikola Tesla.
ANyone following The True Great Awakening? Guy's a nutcase, asking us for money, saying we've donated 300k and now trying to get us into some quantum group share or something or other. Mental.
i was following it for a laugh but it's gone off the deepend into batshit crazyland, and bear in mind we are Q followers so are pretty out there already lol
Well hello, there old friend.
I approve of this.
Thank you!
appreciate your commitment to accuracy.
Im sure the ghost ezra is larping nonsense as well.
Good call. I been lovin' telegram for information sharing lately, but there are scam chans everywhere on that bastard.
This is why I stay away from Telegram. Too many instances of LARP accts getting one over on us.
Seems to me Telegram is a honey pot for the easily duped and gullibly confused among us.
Good, no one likes false info except those who spread it
Bring the hammer!
I wish Lyndsey Graham was as effective as the mods!