George has a telegram channel that posts pics and vids that indicates they seem to have access to the Trump team
George pinned their location at Maralago recently and now they’re pinning at trump tower
JFK jr was friends with Trump. It is theorized that jr did not die in a plane crash but faked his death to avoid being killed by the deep state. Jr was expected to become a senator of NY before his death. Hillary Clinton conveniently took that senator position shortly after his death
In other words, jr is working with the white hats to get revenge for his fathers death
I don't care who is running it if it can bring us useful and valid info.
We should just take George News with a grain of salt like we should with literally everything else. Verify everything.
True, someone showed in a post about Geroge a few days ago that the videos posted by them were already available in social media, so most probably not original videos made by George.
People who disagree with this George News being important, aren't shills. We're using logic and deduction just like anyone else would about anything else.
Just because someone SAYS something, doesn't mean you should fall hook, line and sinker for it.
It's my understanding it's just a news aggregate that coincidentally keeps dropping pins from Mar-A-Lago another q/trump related locations... In this case Trump tower NYC
I was going to make a post about this the other day, but I'm too junior to start a thread.
GEORGE has my head swimming. The last time I either heard or thought about GEORGE before the other day was in the mid-90's.
After looking it over, I can practically picture DJT himself dragging and dropping the content into it! If you look at their YT channel, the lineup of videos look like modern Q drops.
And yet...they have only 110k subscribers, and lots of the videos have less than <1k views?! Really????????????????
Seems like 8.9M subscribers would be more in line. Too weird. Maybe I am a conspiracy theorist.
Not necessarily right. It's possible that they are using an emulator and spoofing their GPS location. People do it to "cheat" with pokemon go and other GPS related games. It could be real but it could also be an easily faked location. I could have one say I'm in the forbidden city or Cheyenne mountain and not having left my couch
I’m over the games too. Those who say “can’t let the enemy know your plan” is BS. 99.9% of normal libtards don’t follow, and don’t know about, and don’t care about any of this. However, you can bet your ass that those with power to stop “the plan” follow along and decipher better than we do. My point being we aren’t hiding from anyone. So why play these games? I feel like the kid off of “A Christmas Story” hiding in the bathroom with my little orphan Anne decoder ring. I’m scared when I finally solve today’s riddle it will say
“Eric Trump says 15% off on Trump Wine”
I’m sorry, I’m not dooming, I’m just frustrated. We need a win, a real one, not some arbitrary happening that we interpret as a win.
Because Q isn't about just taking down the cabal. A major point of the Q operation is to teach the public how to follow things so that we, as a people, don't ever let this happen again.
Another major point of the Q operation is to unite America under God again. Do you have any idea how people who have been scared and praying for their country will react in awe when darkness finally becomes light? It's going to create a revival of faith unlike anything in my lifetime.
Maybe Q posts are spontaneously generated. Like the deep state keeps chasing down Q's location only to realize they are playing a game against "The Big Guy" and not Joe Biden XD
Just sayin. I don't know what "Lord" means in American English but in English English it means mid-level enemy of the people. We have hundreds of them. I don't think "Lord" has ever meant supreme being in any language.
Not being disrespectful but can't you find some other word please.
This is true in my case. I “rediscovered” my faith in 2020. Although I’m completely against the lockdowns, it did give me A LOT more free time. I eventually looked into all the “conspiracy theories” and found some truth through it. Long story short it started the path that led me back to the Lord. My thought process and beliefs have mostly been overturned. It was terrifying, but I am much happier and at peace.
Edit: I also am finding reading scriptures is a bit similar to the Q posts (not saying Q posts are holy or the word of God by any means). But, it taught me to read the Bible in a different way. The individual books, when put all together, tell a much bigger story/plot. There are so many clues in the Bible; it’s been fascinating.
The lockdowns led to a LOT of unintentional red-pilling, did they really expect us all to just watch non-stop Netflix for a year with so much time on our hands?
I agree, and have read various copies of the hypothetical Q Source from the Bible and it's amazing how much it intertwines with the Q drops. As Q says, this is bigger than we can imagine?
Well put. Totally agree. Enough of the population has to become adept at recognizing the evil, how to fight it, how to prevent it and how to teach the next generations.
And I love the word 'revival'. I keep having visions when I drive past certain areas, of masses of people under an open air tent, having a good old fashioned revival. It gives me an odd comfort. (this is coming from someone born & bred an uptight, do it right Episcopalian, lol).
Revival is for those who have followed God/Jesus/Holy Spirit and have allowed their Faith to become null & void in their lives. They Literally are near the point of Spiritual Death and like Lazarus in John 11 need to hear Jesus say their name to Come Forth. The Great Awakening is for those who do Not know the Lord in any personal way and have their eyes Opened for the first time like the man born blind in John chapter 9
This follows yeah, and this also includes revealing the language we use so that it is sound contractually.
I'm just diving into the correct sentence structure parse syntax grammar system and it's...pretty amazing once you can start to break down the language we use every day and begin realizing it's mostly gibberish that holds no contractual value between persons. Would recommend diving in.
Didn't you see the blackout in the Vatican and Pakistan? Myanmar. We're not "interpreting" world events, we're living through them. I suggest writing down the Q community interpretations in a long list and you'll see the plan laid out for you.
If you are giving out hints to the plan, you don't want to lead a trail of breadcrumbs back to you. You certainly don't leave a message in plain text so your opposition can read it easily.
You obfuscate the trail as much as possible. If that means riddles or hidden messages, then do your work.
I made an effort post elsewhere, outlining why I think George News is either a left or right larp.
The cliffnotes being that a "location" drop near Trump properties or Washington D.C is really meaningless and feels like someone is fucking with people who are desperate to a) relive the high of Q and b) desperate for information.
Everything about George News feels like a larp. JFK Jr is dead. This is either an effort to cash in or misguide people gullible enough to fall for it all.
I can't argue against that, it's a brilliant move if you had some sort of a news aggregate and was trying to make advertising dollars from it... Otherwise a theory doesn't quite work out.... Just trying to look at it objectively....
I don't think the games are going to end anytime soon, fren. We must trust the plan.
It's bullshit.
But no one here will listen. They just see and hear whatever confirms their bias.
You know the game and we're gonna play it.
I just lost.
Memories of Shia Lebeouf "He will not divide us" come to mind.
Eh, he was literally a dick and karma came back to bite him, that's why
For the other guys who don't understand why this is significant (totally not me), why is this significant?
George is a magazine started by jfk jr
George has a telegram channel that posts pics and vids that indicates they seem to have access to the Trump team
George pinned their location at Maralago recently and now they’re pinning at trump tower
JFK jr was friends with Trump. It is theorized that jr did not die in a plane crash but faked his death to avoid being killed by the deep state. Jr was expected to become a senator of NY before his death. Hillary Clinton conveniently took that senator position shortly after his death
In other words, jr is working with the white hats to get revenge for his fathers death
keep in mind that someone here proved that the videos posted by George were already available online so that doesn't prove George is legit.
10-4 I hadn’t seen that
"George" "Telegram Channel" - Really. Has anyone confirmed - beyond doubt - that someone from George is actually the owner of said Telegram channel?
Is the George telegram confirmed?
yes, look at the right hand column. it shows links to the telegram channel.
That’s meaningless because we don’t know who runs George News website in the first place.
JFK Jr is dead, as Q said.
I don't care who is running it if it can bring us useful and valid info. We should just take George News with a grain of salt like we should with literally everything else. Verify everything.
There ya go, Thanks Jolo ??
It's so clearly a larp to discredit Q and you suckers are eating it up.
Any other proofs?
I didn't take a screenshot, however I did see GEORGE pin this location a few nights ago on Telegram, so if he did it again, I wouldn't be surprised.
Can confirm, I saw this on telegram too
I just posted this and then deleted it after I saw this thread. I saw it too! Was taken off already.
Who is George?
JFK Jr.'s magazine
Fuck wikipedia, but ya know.
Thanks frens
F wikipedia. COMPROMISED
Anyone can spoof their location
Yeah I’m not sold yet on this George thing. If they really do their own videos, with such high quality, why is their logo and website total shit?
My gut tells me a larp to sell some products to people holding onto hopium
True, someone showed in a post about Geroge a few days ago that the videos posted by them were already available in social media, so most probably not original videos made by George.
Which is in line with what Q would do.
or just a news aggregate to help cut through the stank msm and larpers (fox/newsmax)
True, everything should be viewed with skepticism. We shall see
Is it my imagination, but does their logo on top of the pin look like a Q to you?
Shit, they're everywhere!
Lots of shills posting in this thread. Just an observation.
meh. no surprise. w/e. signal through the noise.
People who disagree with this George News being important, aren't shills. We're using logic and deduction just like anyone else would about anything else.
Just because someone SAYS something, doesn't mean you should fall hook, line and sinker for it.
agreed, people saying JFK jr is still alive? Didn't Q already say he was dead?
It’s the way replies are made, and the context provided.
Some people’s replies spew shill and it’s undeniable. Not everyone who disagrees is a shill, however.
I'm facts oriented. Like everyone should be. That was the whole point of Q.
Not this bullshit "lolololol itz all a movie guys eat popcorn and watch the castle rock production with body doubles and clones".
That shit is unrealistic and not Q. So is this George News thing. It's fodder for the gullible. People need to use more discernment.
Can definitely respect that.
Hmmm.....brand new account here but long time lurker! Love the 1015.97 miles away.....rounded up thats a nice neat 1016....107....17? :)
Who/what is and why should we be following?? I’ve heard of it once before but that’s about it
It's my understanding it's just a news aggregate that coincidentally keeps dropping pins from Mar-A-Lago another q/trump related locations... In this case Trump tower NYC
So no other significance other than pin drops in Trump locations... sounds like an attention grab
I was going to make a post about this the other day, but I'm too junior to start a thread. GEORGE has my head swimming. The last time I either heard or thought about GEORGE before the other day was in the mid-90's. After looking it over, I can practically picture DJT himself dragging and dropping the content into it! If you look at their YT channel, the lineup of videos look like modern Q drops. And yet...they have only 110k subscribers, and lots of the videos have less than <1k views?! Really???????????????? Seems like 8.9M subscribers would be more in line. Too weird. Maybe I am a conspiracy theorist.
not saying it's true, but
Super Bowl in on 2/7
Mike Pompeo's recent tweet I think was 820
I've got two screenshots of these from the last couple of weeks. My husband thought I was crazy until I showed him it was happening!!!
check out the one I just saw on telegram... another drop a block from the WH? seriously, this is the best movie ever
I’m so glad someone else is noticing this!! Lol! I just noticed the Q clock and more lightning strikes too!
George News is not Q.
People start using your common sense.
It's not JFK JR. It's a larp to set the gullible up and use Q against you.
notbody said it is q. it's just another datapoint to observe and perhaps will serve a purpose.
Not necessarily right. It's possible that they are using an emulator and spoofing their GPS location. People do it to "cheat" with pokemon go and other GPS related games. It could be real but it could also be an easily faked location. I could have one say I'm in the forbidden city or Cheyenne mountain and not having left my couch
Time to watch the elevator cams in Trump Towers
Is that a thing?
What is George News?
No one knows. But people keep ASSUMING, because it confirms their bias, that it has to do with JFK Jr's old George Magazine.
Personally, I think it's a larp, but people desperate for a sign will take anything....
So is it Trump tower or what?
yup yup. the operator of the telegram account for dropped a pin. I randomly saw it when checking in this morning.
Hello George
Well, that’s because JFK jr and family has been living at TT for decades.
Q posts from august 20th. 8:20?
Fifth column?
this is so big, a very bigly find right here, one of the bigliest, maybe even the bigliest one yet...
I’m over the games too. Those who say “can’t let the enemy know your plan” is BS. 99.9% of normal libtards don’t follow, and don’t know about, and don’t care about any of this. However, you can bet your ass that those with power to stop “the plan” follow along and decipher better than we do. My point being we aren’t hiding from anyone. So why play these games? I feel like the kid off of “A Christmas Story” hiding in the bathroom with my little orphan Anne decoder ring. I’m scared when I finally solve today’s riddle it will say “Eric Trump says 15% off on Trump Wine” I’m sorry, I’m not dooming, I’m just frustrated. We need a win, a real one, not some arbitrary happening that we interpret as a win.
Because Q isn't about just taking down the cabal. A major point of the Q operation is to teach the public how to follow things so that we, as a people, don't ever let this happen again.
Another major point of the Q operation is to unite America under God again. Do you have any idea how people who have been scared and praying for their country will react in awe when darkness finally becomes light? It's going to create a revival of faith unlike anything in my lifetime.
The plan is absolutely incredible.
You are absolutely correct on the "revival" except that this is the LORD's plan, He is using Q to achieve it.
Maybe Q posts are spontaneously generated. Like the deep state keeps chasing down Q's location only to realize they are playing a game against "The Big Guy" and not Joe Biden XD
And Awoman
Just sayin. I don't know what "Lord" means in American English but in English English it means mid-level enemy of the people. We have hundreds of them. I don't think "Lord" has ever meant supreme being in any language.
Not being disrespectful but can't you find some other word please.
the lord is jesus christ...
We have free will but that doesn't mean that he doesn't give us little nudges in the right direction time to time.
This is true in my case. I “rediscovered” my faith in 2020. Although I’m completely against the lockdowns, it did give me A LOT more free time. I eventually looked into all the “conspiracy theories” and found some truth through it. Long story short it started the path that led me back to the Lord. My thought process and beliefs have mostly been overturned. It was terrifying, but I am much happier and at peace.
Edit: I also am finding reading scriptures is a bit similar to the Q posts (not saying Q posts are holy or the word of God by any means). But, it taught me to read the Bible in a different way. The individual books, when put all together, tell a much bigger story/plot. There are so many clues in the Bible; it’s been fascinating.
The lockdowns led to a LOT of unintentional red-pilling, did they really expect us all to just watch non-stop Netflix for a year with so much time on our hands?
These people are stupid!
They were hoping you’d develop a crippling drug or alcohol addiction.
LOL...I know. Like maybe if you had not been such dicks about the lockdowns, I might not have noticed the rabbit hole over there...
I agree, and have read various copies of the hypothetical Q Source from the Bible and it's amazing how much it intertwines with the Q drops. As Q says, this is bigger than we can imagine?
Well put. Totally agree. Enough of the population has to become adept at recognizing the evil, how to fight it, how to prevent it and how to teach the next generations.
And I love the word 'revival'. I keep having visions when I drive past certain areas, of masses of people under an open air tent, having a good old fashioned revival. It gives me an odd comfort. (this is coming from someone born & bred an uptight, do it right Episcopalian, lol).
Revival is for those who have followed God/Jesus/Holy Spirit and have allowed their Faith to become null & void in their lives. They Literally are near the point of Spiritual Death and like Lazarus in John 11 need to hear Jesus say their name to Come Forth. The Great Awakening is for those who do Not know the Lord in any personal way and have their eyes Opened for the first time like the man born blind in John chapter 9
This follows yeah, and this also includes revealing the language we use so that it is sound contractually. I'm just diving into the correct sentence structure parse syntax grammar system and it's...pretty amazing once you can start to break down the language we use every day and begin realizing it's mostly gibberish that holds no contractual value between persons. Would recommend diving in.
Haha, right? I was just telling my husband this better not be some super secret message of “be sure to drink your Ovaltine”. That would be messed up.
Didn't you see the blackout in the Vatican and Pakistan? Myanmar. We're not "interpreting" world events, we're living through them. I suggest writing down the Q community interpretations in a long list and you'll see the plan laid out for you.
no, they can't deciper like we do. They're not like us. read the Bible like Q told us to do. read the parable of the wheat and the tares...
15% off on Trump wine? where???
Who said pay attention to the stamps? Anyone screenshot the timestamp?
George posted it in a youtube chat room or comments.
what is the Castle at Rockefeller Center?
If you are giving out hints to the plan, you don't want to lead a trail of breadcrumbs back to you. You certainly don't leave a message in plain text so your opposition can read it easily.
You obfuscate the trail as much as possible. If that means riddles or hidden messages, then do your work.
Well I guess your plan is the only way now! Oh, that's right you don't have a plan. kek
I believe slightly over 1k miles from Trump Tower
huh? it's literally dropped ON trump tower. My bet is it's Jr.
That is so insanely stupid.
How do? Just speculation, as part of normal conversation... I have no clue, just keep noticing these location drops. You got any constructive input?
Q specifically said he was not alive.
I made an effort post elsewhere, outlining why I think George News is either a left or right larp.
The cliffnotes being that a "location" drop near Trump properties or Washington D.C is really meaningless and feels like someone is fucking with people who are desperate to a) relive the high of Q and b) desperate for information.
Everything about George News feels like a larp. JFK Jr is dead. This is either an effort to cash in or misguide people gullible enough to fall for it all.
I can't argue against that, it's a brilliant move if you had some sort of a news aggregate and was trying to make advertising dollars from it... Otherwise a theory doesn't quite work out.... Just trying to look at it objectively....
The concern is that it's a media larp so they can say how EASY it was to convince "Qanons" so Q must be bullshit too.
Yes, and read the bottom
Judy, that's a 1k miles for the person who pulled it up on his/her computer, not George news.
I’m pretty sure that means the user who took the screenshot is roughly 1k miles away from George. Who is at Trump Tower.
yes. i am over 1k miles from Trump Tower. Sadly. I'd rather be the janitor there than even the great career I have.
Imagine getting to clean up after Trump.