Cheney blew her cover once and for all. They need to get someone in her spot who can pretend to be a patriot so the GOP can continue to fleece the suckers for money and support. If you can't see that this is pointless by now, the GOP isn't playing you, you're playing yourself.
I see you're awake. Are you enjoying the show so far?
I've tried telling folks that the ENTIRE system is swamp. Seems most still believe we have fighters left in congress. Not a chance. They're ALL compromised. Even Mr. Leo Geatz here. He'll show his true colors at some point. Just wait. And then everyone will be like "we need moar patriots!". I've seen this episode too many times.
Next your going to be saying the Ted Cruz is the swamp ;) -------- Yes I know...... this is a joke. I wish I could just post my comment before ;) and every one would get it. Unfortunately that is not the case.
Lotta winking, going on in that reply. Humor often is most a reflective way to revealing truth. You'll be quite surprised to find out that Ted is indeed swamp. However long that takes, that is.
Good lord I don't think I've ever seen a Man Stroke Woman reference in my time.
Maybe I've been just.. not seeing the truth per the convenience of some elitest comedy club.
I like some people's rhetoric but I trust nobody. It seems like the GOP doesn't have anyone as smart as Trey Gowdy to wow people (I was a big fan). With Trump looking like he's done and dusted now there's fewer people willing to play fake patriots. It's not the swamp, it's the sewer. You can find useful stuff in a swamp but not so much in a sewer.
I have't watched any tv, read any papers, even really gotten on the internet at all except for IG, to watch silly cat videos. I have been much happier! But am curious about what is going on in this situation - anyone care to give me a short TL:DR?
In real life the good guys often lose. In this case, we're finding out the small group of good guys we're actually bad guys all along. Off the top of my head I still trust Ratcliffe, Nunes, Jordan, De Santis, Grenell (not in a position to do any good right now) and Noem in SD. Can anyone add to the list?
For your own sanity I'd stick with the cat videos. :)
Less than 10 people are on the list so far and we're already grasping at state legislator level people. :) Beggars can't be choosers I suppose but that shows you how bad it is.
resignations, recalls, maybe a few arrests, but THE BEST WAY !!!
The very best way is to have resignitions and confessions.
Biden live on TV - resigning - imagine that ! CNN will have to eat their hats.
The whole thing is a psy-op
It doesn't end with a Military Coup - it ends with a psychological breakdown as the corrupt people are forced to resign.
The trials and the lawsuits can be dealt with later.
They will plead guilty - the evidence will be overwhelming, they won't have a word to say.
It's coming - I am 100% sure of it.
It's hinted all over the place in Q drops and the most entertaining outcome will be the dirt swamp rats all turning themselves in.
imagine that !
what a victory - total capitulation.
the military has made a giant police station out of the capitol - so when the USSS quietly walk into Senator XYZ's office and sits down to present him with Epstein videos, kiddy porn with him in it, bank accounts offshore with millions linked to the CCP in his name etc. what can he do ? He is 100000% FkD and he must resign and plead guilty.
and you know this is what police go for in murder investigations - if you can present the evidence one on one in an interview or meeting and make the person cave - they are so happy to finally release all the dirt on themselves- it all pours out - the complicated arrests, shoot outs, big long complicated trials with expert witnesses and high emotion - such a waste of time- keep that for the movies.
military coup - totally unnecessary - leave that for developing countries.
they will resign, they will confess, they will plead guilty, they will be locked up.
I think the thing that would concern me the most if I were a former GOP'er, isn't Liz Cheney. It's the Lincoln Project. That guy would have made Jerry Sandusky proud!
Bout time that snake got boot. Geatz is a champion and I’m glad he’s on our side!!!
Dumb question but remove her from what? They can't kick her out of congress entirely, right?
What is Gaetz saying they will remove [cheney] from?
Her big leadership committee.
Gotcha, Thanks fren.??
He’s a showboat fame whore.
I don't know if that's true, but he's doing work and that's what matters to me. I'll take every ally we have in the RINO party
Josh Hawley, gotta give that man credit.
MTG and Vernon holding that line as well!!
Cheney blew her cover once and for all. They need to get someone in her spot who can pretend to be a patriot so the GOP can continue to fleece the suckers for money and support. If you can't see that this is pointless by now, the GOP isn't playing you, you're playing yourself.
I see you're awake. Are you enjoying the show so far?
I've tried telling folks that the ENTIRE system is swamp. Seems most still believe we have fighters left in congress. Not a chance. They're ALL compromised. Even Mr. Leo Geatz here. He'll show his true colors at some point. Just wait. And then everyone will be like "we need moar patriots!". I've seen this episode too many times.
Next your going to be saying the Ted Cruz is the swamp ;) -------- Yes I know...... this is a joke. I wish I could just post my comment before ;) and every one would get it. Unfortunately that is not the case.
Ted Cruz enjoys taking his laps around the swamp when it suits him. He wants to be POTUS really, really bad.
Lotta winking, going on in that reply. Humor often is most a reflective way to revealing truth. You'll be quite surprised to find out that Ted is indeed swamp. However long that takes, that is.
Good lord I don't think I've ever seen a Man Stroke Woman reference in my time. Maybe I've been just.. not seeing the truth per the convenience of some elitest comedy club.
No one is surprised. We all know that.
I like some people's rhetoric but I trust nobody. It seems like the GOP doesn't have anyone as smart as Trey Gowdy to wow people (I was a big fan). With Trump looking like he's done and dusted now there's fewer people willing to play fake patriots. It's not the swamp, it's the sewer. You can find useful stuff in a swamp but not so much in a sewer.
Ted Cruz.
I have't watched any tv, read any papers, even really gotten on the internet at all except for IG, to watch silly cat videos. I have been much happier! But am curious about what is going on in this situation - anyone care to give me a short TL:DR?
In real life the good guys often lose. In this case, we're finding out the small group of good guys we're actually bad guys all along. Off the top of my head I still trust Ratcliffe, Nunes, Jordan, De Santis, Grenell (not in a position to do any good right now) and Noem in SD. Can anyone add to the list?
For your own sanity I'd stick with the cat videos. :)
He slipped my mind somehow, I'd add him to the list.
The state legislator that introduced a bill to allow Texans to vote on a resolution to secede from the “union”
Less than 10 people are on the list so far and we're already grasping at state legislator level people. :) Beggars can't be choosers I suppose but that shows you how bad it is.
TLDR: Liz Cheney is a RINO globalist swamp creature POS just like her dad, DICK Cheney.
It's been such a whirlwind I can't recall exactly what she did, but I think she supported the fraudulent, malicious impeaching of President Trump.
She's a piece of crap. NOT a patriot.
Hate to burst your happy bubble but Instagram is owned by FaceFook. Sorry....
This isn’t going to mean anything in the end. The GOP is finished.
They are all going down one by one.
resignations, recalls, maybe a few arrests, but THE BEST WAY !!!
The very best way is to have resignitions and confessions.
Biden live on TV - resigning - imagine that ! CNN will have to eat their hats.
The whole thing is a psy-op
It doesn't end with a Military Coup - it ends with a psychological breakdown as the corrupt people are forced to resign.
The trials and the lawsuits can be dealt with later.
They will plead guilty - the evidence will be overwhelming, they won't have a word to say.
It's coming - I am 100% sure of it.
It's hinted all over the place in Q drops and the most entertaining outcome will be the dirt swamp rats all turning themselves in.
imagine that !
what a victory - total capitulation.
the military has made a giant police station out of the capitol - so when the USSS quietly walk into Senator XYZ's office and sits down to present him with Epstein videos, kiddy porn with him in it, bank accounts offshore with millions linked to the CCP in his name etc. what can he do ? He is 100000% FkD and he must resign and plead guilty.
and you know this is what police go for in murder investigations - if you can present the evidence one on one in an interview or meeting and make the person cave - they are so happy to finally release all the dirt on themselves- it all pours out - the complicated arrests, shoot outs, big long complicated trials with expert witnesses and high emotion - such a waste of time- keep that for the movies.
military coup - totally unnecessary - leave that for developing countries.
they will resign, they will confess, they will plead guilty, they will be locked up.
simple !
can we still watch the military crush antifa in the streets?
I still want to see just ONE person mag dump an entire AR15 into an antifa communist rage mob.....
I'm a simple man, with simple dreams.
I really like that solution!
Have they encircled the SC too? I thought it was just the Capitol grounds.
Remove her from Congress??
The Ethics Committee can actually remove a representative but he can't mean that, surely the Dems love her.
If you live in FL and Gaetz is your Rep, then call & email him and DEMAND that the U.S. House votes to remove that cunt IMMEDIATELY.
WE need to be making our voices heard over the chatter. This is one of the most effective ways.
Here's an actual link to a story detailing his position in Mizzzzz Cheney
We also have the votes for Trump as President.. what's going on there?
DO IT!!!
Prove it.
As I think about the "drip drip drip" that becomes the flood, I'm thinking she's quite a drip.
and then they didn't....
DON'T let the door her her in the rump on the way out.
This surprises me, how did Gaetz think they had the votes? They lost 145-61.
If Gaetz really said that then LINK TO GAETZ, and not Mossad asset Posobiec.
Research Posobiec. Here, I'll help get you started:
but in the end they didn't
And the good folks in Wyoming will take care of the rest. Adios Liz.
well stop talking about it and do it. Republicans need to be ruthless like the democrats.
We had the votes to elect Donald J Trump, flip the house and keep the senate....
Well, from what I just read on Rantingly, you didn't. Not surprised that spineless, ballless, cowardly Republicans screwed us again.
Good, Wyoming is solid TRUMP territory and deserves better.
Please people vote out all these traitors asap.
Meaning they won't do it.
We could if we wanted to!
And he's waiting for what? DOOOO IIIIITT!!!!!
Get her done. This guy will be president in 8 years.
Piss or get off the pot!
Looks like GAETZ was off, WAY off
Awesome, let's get 'r done! Buh-Bye Lizzie!
I think the thing that would concern me the most if I were a former GOP'er, isn't Liz Cheney. It's the Lincoln Project. That guy would have made Jerry Sandusky proud!
I'll be excited when it happens. everything else is just talk.
Great point.
No more talk.
Not one word.
Fucking DO IT.