What is going on!!!!!!!!
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Came here for this. Mods never disappoint.
They literally always disappoint. I wouldn't be suprised if You are Evspra.
How can I be Evspra? I thought I was Pepe.
fuck off.
Me being banned for that comment will be the test.... ;)
This is the best one for this situation!!!
You really are johnny on the spot with everything
The TL;DR version is celebrities can't think for themselves so they're literally given talking points. In this case random celebrities in the US and all over the world suddenly care about a protest in India. My guess is they receive money or favors from higher-ups.
I think a lot of celebrities are spies
I think most are spies.
If you include propagandists as spy, then they are about all spies.
Especially male models.
Zoolander is that you?
Why male models?
It's all Mockingbird. They're mouthpieces to push a narrative.
So the upcoming Twitter storm is programmed. But how about the actual protest? It sounds like the protest is about saving small family farms against Big Ag. But then again, it could be about saving socialist gov't subsidies. Does anyone have the lowdown?
Thank you
All these foreign countries getting habbenins. Where's our?
Save the best for last? We wouldn’t hear about the other countries fighting back once our officially starts in my opinion.
I thought israel was last tho. Now that miga stuff is making sense kek.
Take out their support network so when they get to the US there is no where to turn
WOW...Hadn’t thought of that!
I like this
Maybe that’s the way it has to be
Matt G just called all of that in Washington an “occupation” on Hannity he’s getting our mind waves!
this timeline is lit! john ward style.
yOu hAve sToLen mY drEaMs aNd mY cHiLdHood
She tried to steal my Smorgasbord!!
I'll trade my adulthood for a resumption of my childhood. Is this an option?
I do this daily, to the amusing annoyance of my good wife
Just because I’m old doesn’t mean I’m not immature!
never going back to being a kid
How dare you!
well I heard she turned 18 so she doesn't have that wall of minority blocking her from scrutiny anymore.
Accountability is a bitch...
So's Greta Thunberg.
Greta Thunberg eco-terrorist. I hope they go after her and her parents hard.
Ego terrorist
I'd venture a guess that her parents are either MI6 or psychotherapists of some type.
Yeah, her parents are totally sketchy in all this.
Somebody posted this here yeaterday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aiG1RErbfQ&list=LL&index=1
I could listen all day to an angry Indian
Thank you for that!
Hahahaha she’s going to implode shortly. Everything the left does fails.
Poor little brainwashed and programmed slave.
Type her name in the search bar here on GW and enjoy.
Does anyone know what the tweets said? Funny they would show her in a different light from her superhero role
She accidentally tweeted a link to the document that tells her what to tweet. The document is literally instructions to her and other celebrities in order to tweet support for globalist actions.
She supported farmers protests against corporations. Does being investigated no longer make one a superhero? Cause I know someone who's faced many investigations lol
She is an adult now too, big girl consequences!
Couldn't happen to a better snotty, punk, kid.
I pray for her every day what her handlers have done to her is beyond sick.
"This is all wrong... I should be in prison, on the other side of the ocean..."
She just turned 18 so now she has to wear big boy/girl/it pants.
they put this poor child through hell.
Anyone stupid enough to believe green house gases have turned the cold, light-blocking, oxygen-enriched NITROGEN atmospheric BATH into a heater from fire sin, NEEDS to be charged with something.
seems like a pretty big mistake, right after she turns 18 so she can be prosecuted as an adult. maybe she was red-pilled from all the memes of herself, and leaked the doc intentionally to expose the other players?
Awesome. It’s a start.
Lock this soulless bitch away forever.
??Love it
I hope this doesn't ruin my plans for a Greta Sex Doll factory.
Even by "her" fake bio, she's 18yrs, 1 mo. Age of consent in Sweden is 15. Close up on eyes, crows feet. Body is suggestive of hormonal manipulation. Your subconscious projection of juvenile characteristics onto this actor is truly suspect.
Look at her face. She's no child. You clearly sit when you pee.
Greta is now a criminal because of some deleted tweets?
Either the world is now insane or the headline was poorly written.
It's what it implied. If you read the tweets, it revealed a massive campaign involving many different 'famous' people to influence policy in India. Full of organizing protests/etc. Someone is paying for all this and it is not organic at all in nature.
One guess.
It starts with 'S' and ends with 'oros'
Exactly my thought process.
Where do you think Mr. S get's his funding hmmmm?
So you don't support the farmers?
I am a farmer!
You should research the issue before just taking the side that Greta isn't on.
What are you talking about? I never took a side other than to say that the whole thing was very scripted (like everything she has been involved in).
I actually am a farmer in the US. As in grow food. No idea what is going on in India but know that Greta is a fraud.
Weird when people on here start to support astroturfed protests.
Issues outside of the US are still important issues just because US celebrities are talking about it doesn't mean it was astroturfed. 250 million people protested for the farmers https://peoplesdispatch.org/2020/11/27/250-million-people-participate-in-nationwide-strike-in-india/ Do you even know why their protesting or just wildly making assumptions about the situation
Yeah I'm not sure what that was all about. Honestly I don't take a side on thing s based on who is involved, but you can bet if CNN is running a story or Michele Obama is talking about something, I'm going to assume the opposite is true while I research. These sickos have such a long history of deception that you can't take anything as truth anymore.
Agreed. Sorta scratching my head on that tweet
I think she flipped, considering the birthday "gaffe" and now this "slip up."
Not really adding up.
What was the birthday gate? Not the Sharon thing?
This ^^
what's Sharon?
It was a joke she made from her birthday in 2020. She was the answer to a jeopardy question, and the contestant said Sharon instead of Greta, so Greta changed her Twitter name for a joke that day.
Funny fact: that word is the very same in Norwegian as it is in English as it is in every language around the world.