Kek, I love this guy. Our next "Real" President.
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If he runs the US like he does Florida, expect him to MAGA!
Im sure that is financially beneficial, beyond that... I could care less. I don’t agree in watching slaves battle over the hide of a swine for some arbitrary victory.
2021 will be a great year for all of us.
It is the largest sex trafficking event in the US as well.
Yes, I’ve heard that. How is that so?
Rich asshats having big private parties. Drugs gambling girls... Funny we know about it. Not sure what is being done, if anything.
Ah crap, sorry. I can be a buzz kill sometimes.
I'd love to think that is true but I highly doubt it is.
Agreed. He may have thought it, but he certainly didn’t say it. Articles like this are ridiculous.
Well my dad sent me a link about it... he usually doesn't do that lol
No offense meant to your dad.
I know.
Written by someone named Michael Baxter. I wonder if this is another alias for Baxter Dmitry, known for inventing stories that sound too good to be true and never are true as far as I've seen.
Like with the purported Kavanaugh call, if a sitting Governor said this to the President it would be the top story everywhere. Didn’t happen.
I can only find reposts of that same article by Michael Baxter. With only one source its hard to know if this is even real.
Any king that has to tell others hes the king is no true king
I'd love to hear the audio and/or have other people report on this. I really wish it was true, but the MSM would've at least reported it to spin it like Desantis is evil?
This should be trending, #pedojoegofuckyourself
Would that this were a truth!
Seriously, my family is moving to Florida.
Why would this site have an exact transcript of what they said
Because they are not telling the truth.
Definitely not.
My guess is it was a "very congested" conference call. You know everyone on it was recording it.
Fucking legend!
If red states don't exit the fucking union as a last resort I will be disappointed. Yes I am talking to you too - Texas.
Proud Texan here, but these Floridians are leasing the way.
Well if pedo Joe and Falsi with hold vaccines with his threat...Falsi and Pedo are deliberately putting citizens in jeopardy and they should be prosecuted......
The take away from that story is that the "President" believes he can restrict the movement within the country of its citizens.
Everyday we further from freedom and inch towards nazism
Agree. Everyone is on about whether he told Pedo Joe to fuck off. Who cares! They are talking about closing the borders to Florida! This is insane.
I just creamed my pants.
We have no evidence to suggest this wasn’t fan fiction.
Wow that’s a based motherfucker if I’ve ever heard one
When I retire, I want to move to Florida.
Okay guys. If this call is True, I would certainlly vote for this guy. How can we verify if this source is legit?
Don't forget he refused to called PEDOTUS the president!
He's a treasure, I can't wait to find out what he had to say about the mayor of Tampa going after maskless super bowl attendees.
True or not, this was one of the best reads of the morning!
Didn't take long for Joe to become drunk with power.
Is it just me, or is he quite literally everything they warned us Trump would be?
He has what it takes, that's for sure!!
Isn’t is racist to call it UK strain? And I’ve been wondering how much people are making on pushing this experimental vax on everyone...deSantis is my homeboy ?
“I will not and you can go fuck yourself. “ pure gold.
Wish it were real.
No rhinos, they all must go
I could see Xiden being so petty. They are all about titles, power and control. Forcing someone else to use your chosen words is an attempt to control others
"I am the king!"
Audio, or it didn't happen.
("C'mon, man" is the tip-off that this is probably faked. AFAICT, the scattered few obscure sources mentioning it in the last day cite the same Michael Baxter piece.)