My daughter was watching Mickey Mouse this morning.... The episode was centered around babysitting a little boy.... PLEASE BE AWARE!!
? These people are sick! ?

Gotta stop subjecting our kids to cabal brainwashing. Diznee is cabal. Tell-a-VISION. Its ALL “programming.”
Read my other comments for better context. Sorry that I came off as intentionally subjecting my children to evil but I can assure you that’s not the case. Consider the plug pulled.
Good eye Patriot! The symbol means boy lover, and these two females are discussing the idea with facial expressions: "Hey, can we give those little boy ducks some love?" "I'm not sure. Secretly maybe... maybe there's a way."
Perv cartoonists.
Somebody had to write the dialogue. Somebody had to do the voices. Somebody had to create the graphics. Most likely, there is also someone behind the scenes who trained them all in what they are doing.
What are their names? Exposing the people doing this is where the focus should be.
"Disney" should not be the main focus, because it is not the legal corporate fiction doing it. It is individuals doing it.
Inb4 Dan Schneider memes.
We have not had a cable-box or anything similar for ages. A simple no camera, no mic TV connected to a computer/mediacenter.
We control everything that is available in the (Kodi) library.
A Raspberry Pi + case, HDMI-cable and something to control it with is all you need.
We are a kodi family too!!!! Now I take it with us in trips cause my daughter in the hotel room couldn’t understand why she couldn’t just choose a show and what’s this thing called commercials lol - patriots pay attention to this - for crazy cheap you can make your own internal tv network that has only movies and tv shows you approve for your family (it will even import dvd covers etc so little ones who can’t read can still start a show)
Too many people use TV as a baby sitter not realizing it has been weaponized cuz they don't watch the crap with them.
It's everywhere once u have the eyes to see it.
its all around the Disney kids shows especially the 3D animated ones.
there was a movie we turned on ended up being about Mexicans, fracking, and love for a mountain. turned it off, couldnt stand seeing the kids dog with triangle spirals on its cheeks.
Took my children to DisneyWorld back 25 years ago. I got myself a psychedelic Mickey shirt & later packed it away. Dug it out about a year ago...covered in spiral triangles. In the trash. Unfrigginreal.
Don’t go digging into the Mickey Mouse Club unless you are mentally and spiritually prepared for what you might find.
Oh man I JUST saw a breakdown of how open and blatantly satanic Justin Timberlake's new video is and it's crazy on the nose. That got me wondering about the whole "Mickey Mouse Club' origins. Ugh.
This is your first time wondering?
How many stars went through “rehab” and mind control breakdowns after achieving mega fame and glorifying sex and satan?
The fucking Mickey Mouse cap is MK ULTRA it symbolizes an ANTENNAE or a receiver!
No this was a long time in the back of my mind, I didn't clarify. I guess I'm more revisiting it now and probably gonna dive down that rabbit hole.
It's definitely not just disney. I used to allow my son to watch Sid the Science Kid until I saw an episode where they were pushing vaccines as something kids just have to do, telling them to suck it up and don't cry, "it's for your own good." NEVER AGAIN.
Wow didn’t even think about it from that angle
The amount of bullshit propaganda is out of this REALM!
It is! And it just goes to show that we have to be so vigilant as parents in knowing what our kids are watching. My son is only 10, but he is so much more wise than most of his friends because I explain this stuff to him. He knows he can't just trust what he sees on TV. And when I tell him not to watch something, he gets it. Thank goodness.
Does anyone have an official link for the FBIs document? I have some family/friends who need to see this. My life will go much easier if I can provide the link for this at the get go.
Some normies must have a link for something so "fantastical" to prove it. A lot of people will break as they realize this stuff is real.
There is no official government link. WikiLeaks got that document from a pedophile organization- a fact which they disclose on their own site.
Good enough for me. Wikileaksworks. Btw, ty!
I was never big on looking too far into these symbols but the more I see it and the more I think about it, it starts to be too much of a coincidence. Could this honestly be on purpose? Would it really be so blatant? It's a fairly simple doodle that could be used as an innocent design but IDK anymore.
Take the OK "white power" symbol for example. It's been, and still is, used for generations of people but 4chan took it and rolled it into a real thing. People honestly believe it's a white power thing. It blows my mind. So I'm cautious to buy the hype on these types of things.
Looney Tunes! Funny, I grew up watching all that “violence” and I’m one of the most gentle people I know.
Subliminal stimuli... Makes you wonder what they’re being priming for.
Anyone has an idea when these these specific images first began appearing in context targeted for kids?
What are panda eyes? I'm too afraid to type it into my search engine...
They black the eyes of children after torturing them and sodomizing them (giving them the appearance of a panda) and it gets worse, but I won’t go into further detail bc it makes me sick..
their eyes bulge when they are sodomised and the capillaries around the eyes burst making them look like Pandas.
Sorry but if we're gonna be strong enough to take these guys down we have to be strong enough to talk about if first.
Good catch OP! Thanks for letting us know.
Now go back and watch the original Pinocchio movie. The plot is based on child trafficking by Turkish? slavers. Remember the "pleasure island" they take all the children to? Free food, alcohol, tobacco, etc. sounds like a creepy version of socialism.
Why would anyone allow any Disney creation into their lives????
I guess I should have wrote a better explanation. Read my below comment where I explain it wasn’t intentional. Also I’m trying to spread the word here to explain to people (like my mom who isn’t aware of these evil things) what’s going on. To assume everyone already knows these things is absolutely ignorant.
Just watched the Revenant for the first time in a long time. First time noticing the LBL image engraved on DiCaprio's canteen/flask. In the context of movie, the younger boy was his "son" but still a bit creepy
And ESPECIALLY anything Disney makes
How is such a perverted company with such a strange history given so much control and dictatorship over children’s minds and subconcious?
More so control over REAL children via child acting/stars and children’s amusement parks?
I hate this. I took a deep dive when Bizzagate first popped up and now I feel like I'm finding pedo signs everywhere. I hate that simple, wholesome, and innocent concepts are hijacked from children and intentionally perverted to suit their sick and evil agenda. I almost wish I hadn't opened my eyes because now I can't close them. I hate the world my almost-8 month old has to grow up in.
It's rampant. Het your kids clear of Disney stuff. Wouldn't hurt tonkeepemmoff all Hollywood shit.
Why are you doing that to your child? We have no idea what kind of subliminal shit they put in there that only children can pickup. There’s gotta be something else she can watch. Every single thing diz knee has ever released is evil on purpose.
I wasn’t “doing that to my child”...it’s extremely bad weather where I live, and we are having to stay at my parents (they have a wood burning fireplace in case the electricity goes off) and I walked in from gathering supplies and my mom, who isn’t quite informed, had it on tv. I IMMEDIATELY TURNED IT OFF! But to act like I am intentionally subjecting my child to evil, sadistic, pedo brainwashing, is an asshole thing to say, nor is it correct.
Buy some old 80's kids shows and play those instead.
Like teletubbies or HR Puffinstuff?
You're not safe in the 80's either. It's been going on our whole lives.
Hansel and Gretel ( witch cooking and eating kids ) and Pinocchio ( child trafficking kids to please island ) and many of Shirley Temple films
I live in the south. I’m also a farmer. I spend 80% of my time outside with my kids. I literally play in the dirt for a living. The only reason we are inside is because of the artic weather that is brutal right now. I don’t let the kids watch tv at my house, but we are at my moms bc they have a fireplace and in case the electricity goes out we won’t freeze to death. She does however let them watch tv and is very unaware of all this pedo stuff (she was mortified when I showed her). When I returned from gathering supplies I walked in and immediately turned this junk off.
Supporting evidence. This is extremely unusual for Texas.
Silver is snow/ice. Blue are road closures. Red is accident. There aren't more accidents because the snow is too high to drive.
Yes I’m in Louisiana, it’s the worst I’ve seen here in 20 years
It's amazing how overt they are with their intentions and symbols. Once you know what to look for, it's everywhere!
https://www.wikileaks.org/wiki/FBI-pedophile-symbols.pdf See for yourself... https://youtu.be/8frfgwrBLpo Start at 0:40... Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures S3 E30 “There goes our fun! / Don’t wake the baby!” Interesting enough after doing a little research (which I encourage you to do before spouting out ignorant bullshit) the beginning of this episode the crew is trying to win a panda ? bear at the fair of all things....
Are you retarded?! I literally gave you all the info you needed to back up what I personally saw. If you don’t want to look it up yourself, and insist it’s fake because “muh said so” then I can’t help you... it’s dumb asses like yourself, that are shown direct evidence with all the sauce to back it up, and yet you still say “nah, don’t see it” fuck outta here..
Start at 0:40
If you can’t see it now, then you’re purposefully trying not to see it.