I first tasted Starbucks coffee (it was their Sumatra variety, and it was bitter, tasted like they'd burned the beans in the roasting process. Never went back if their quality control is that piss-poor. So "boycotting" Starbucks is not applicable for me, I would never buy their overpriced, foul-tasting coffee ever again anyway.
Now if anyone here truly loves coffee the way I do, buy a cold brewer (they run about $20 to $25), grind the beans almost to espresso size, put it in the fridge overnight, and you'll have an almost acid-free coffee syrup that you WON'T want to drink straight. Pour about 1/2-inch in a cup, top off with water (you don't want to be able to see the bottom of the cup...if you can, it's too weak), microwave 2 min., and you've got the best coffee you will ever taste, made right in your own refrigerator.
Gotcha, I'm pretty serious about my coffee and love cold brew. Also never understood why people think they like burnt beans but whatever. I do love my Aeropress though! Gotta be the next best thing besides cold brew! Only $30 for espresso style press. I did find a fella that was a mega connoisseur talking about how the coffee trees are grown very unnaturally (of course) with pesticides and mildew...but also how like all food, the extra GOOD stuff dies within a week of being harvested no matter what space aged packaging it has. I'll have to look him up...Ted talk maybe?
LOL. Truth. Used to manage a Starbucks 13 years ago. Always had the diversity hires and has become a cesspool more so since. Coffee is garbage and overpriced. Buy a $700 espresso machine and make your own.
I think you've hit the nail on the head here, I've been so confused about why people love Starbucks coffee (and also Tim Horton's coffee here in Canada) when they taste so disgusting. Probably because I only drink my coffee black, and they drink it with 3 creams and three sugars. Anything will taste better if you add enough stuff to it.
I'm a tea drinker & never liked or really drank coffee, except for one brand of beans made in Italy that actually wasn't half bad because it wasn't overtly bitter & had some floral notes...
But maybe I've just never had good coffee.
I can't tell if it's that or if it's because my tongue is overly sensitive to the bitter elements found in coffee beans. I'm apparently a super taster, which means I can taste bitterness that other people can't. So maybe that's why I am still not overly fond of even the "good" coffees. I can't even enjoy mocha or coffee flavored smoothies or ice creams. Even if it's just a tiny bit of coffee flavor, it ruins it all for me because the bitterness of coffee just overpowers every other flavor for whatever reason.
So I'd rather have a plain tea over even the sugariest coffee candy drink because the bitterness is a different kind/smoother & the other flavors are stronger & able to show through.
Hey, another Aeropress enthusiast! Been using mine for 7-8 years and never went back to other brewing methods. I've made several people try it and they all agree it's the best coffee, but they always go back to using coffeemakers because "it's easier and it's less work", which is nonsense - Aeropress is actually quicker and easier to use IMO. For best results use a good conical burr grinder and set your kettle to 175 F.
I can also confirm that organic coffee is much better tasting AND better for you. A few years back I'd been feeling increasingly tired and sick after my cup of coffee, I switched to organic and now I can drink as much as I want without feeling ill. I get mine from a small local coffee roaster, but if there isn't one near you I'm sure you can find small organic roasters online too.
Agreed! It's ridiculously simple, and you SEE all the working parts (no nasty lines to clean) or low grade plastic to leach into the coffee. I do warn people on their first press, don't let anything surprise ya!..it's almost like real drugs!!? Had a few funny reactions...
Yep, I just don't understand how anyone can go back to any other brewing method after trying an Aeropress cup. The flavors are astonishing, lately I've been using locally-roasted organic beans and I swear, even black it tastes like a cup of liquid chocolate, it's insane! In a standard coffeemaker all the oils and flavors would be destroyed.
I don't like to drink coffee, but I love the smell of coffee brewing. I've sometimes thought of getting a coffee maker and brewing some just for the scent.
Your mileage may vary.... but by cold-brewing, you reduce the amount of acid released from the beans by about 70%. Cold-brewed coffee actually brings out the natural sweetness that is in coffee, but you never taste because hot brewing extracts more acids, covering up the sweetness. So, I like to set my coffee up in the mornings, about 9am. I grind beans (COSTCO, Trader Joe's, wherever they carry decent coffee at a good price AND have their own in-store grinder) to Espresso grind...I don't go all Turkish, it's a bit TOO much. So the cold-brewer has an infuser, a little mesh holder that keeps the grounds in but lets the coffee oils out, and I fill mine up to the level where the mesh stops. Insert the infuser into a full carafe of water (I use filtered to keep out the mineral taste, we have about 200 ppm here where I live and it gives water a taste that I don't like). I put the brewer in the fridge and let it go for at least 24 hours, shaking it a couple of times throughout the day. Next morning you'll have a thick coffee syrup, and no matter how much you like coffee, I wouldn't recommend drinking it straight. It's powerful enough to invade Poland at this stage.
Pour out about an inch in a cup and top it off with filtered water, just make sure you can't see the bottom of the cup. If you can, it's too weak.... you'll find your own ratio with trial and error. You could drink this cold if you like, but I like hot coffee. Heating it in a microwave will NOT cause acidity because all that is left in the grounds. The trick is, don't boil it.... just bring it to piping hot, about 2 minutes does it for me.
Oh, and if you like REALLY STRONG coffee, I've found that Bustelo Supreme in the black can.... it will give you a very robust coffee. Otherwise, I stick to decent coffee like Kirkland's Sumatra from COSTCO...most COSTCO's have bean grinders somewhere on the premises. So too does Trader Joe's, if you can stand the Karen-like atmosphere of mask-wearing Nazis.
Starbucks employees simply don't have the training
This is why McDonald's has $5000 auto machines. Many people say McD coffee is better than Starbucks...when it's the most sophisticated coffee machine around vs uninterested libtard poorly running an espresso press..of course McD will win
Also the mcd beans are actually truly organic and fair trade through multiple certificationa, whereas Starbucks ones are just labels they pay for.
Oh yeah, I understand fully. I once had a baffling experience where a black cashier girl went out of her way to say I was really nice to her.. I was just treating her like any human being who isn't a shitbag. I seriously think the preconception of "white people all want to oppress minorities" creates as much division as anything, so it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy when you can't question their victimhood and it amplifies into a much bigger deal, now reinforced by every Communist corporate entity...
They are actually not, as is shown by your friendship. My mom's BFF was black and we grew up playing with her kids and thought nothing of it. I see mixed friends and mixed couples at the mall most times I go. People just relate to each other normally. It's the media, pushing a political agenda, who TELL us we actually hate each other and that Whites are all racist all the time and that minorities are victims who cannot make it on their own unless they beat down Whites.
I'm black (though I don't go around labeling myself generally, or letting others). This phenomenon is based in the white vs black discrimination. It's the same thing. Lighter skin was favored, especially since there were many who could "pass" as white and participate in full society instead of being restricted to the morsels allowed for blacks. So naturally, in viewing the hierarchy, the lighter the better since you would be treated as human by the larger society if you were light enough to pass as white. Plus you need to have "good hair" and not kinky, nappy hair. This is part of the construct set up by the cabal to destroy society. And because people don't know their true divine selves, they fall for it and perpetuate it.
Ive had several black friends over the years. Close friends. Theyve never told me 1 racist story of something that happened to them recently. But I live in the Houston area and we are pretty integrated down here.
Floyd was from Houston and we had no riots during the summer of Burn Loot Murder.
Houston are is HUGE with MANY black people. They could have popped off if they wanted to.
I have never gone to a $arbucks, and don't buy anything with that demonic logo on it either. I have a friend who goes to one every single day and says "it's my treat". Idiot. $5.00 per day time 360 is a lot of money.
Call up your boss and say you are taking a week off as you have to teach your neighbours about their racism. I'd like to see your boss argue with that!
I've never been to a Starbucks except I think I used Wifi once there....I stopped buying Coca-Cola products about 2 weeks ago.....currently going through caffeine withdrawal. Let's not forget the companies that have cut ties with President Trump.
I wonder if there is a good soft drink company that is more supportive of conservative cuases, or at least is not fake "woke". Asking me to boycott Coke is asking alot. That really is a good product for what it is (which is not health food).
I thought of them. When I have more time I will have to research them to see if their companies have done anything stupid recently. It seems like these stupid fads fester through all major corporations at the same time.
Do they support pariotism? They sound fake "woke" in some respects, but it's hard to tell because while they make it a point to highlight their inclusivity in their "about" section, Patriots are naturally inclusive of all individuals. Also, if I were to drink this like I drink Coke, I'd have to sell the house and live in my car.
Make your own. Loaded with pro/prebiotics, B vitamins, fizzy, fermented drink great for microbiome, liver detoxifier, delicious!! Coke and any "soft" drink is absolute crap for the body. I've been making my own for several years; pretty cheap to do. There are a number of outfits that produce kombucha. The one in my town here is run by a POS leftist. Good stuff but I'd never buy any
You have to admit, Coke is a great product, stupidity of the company HR aside. Find him another good cola from a company that at least does not force feed racism to employees. Better if one that actively supports patriotism.
Walk away, it's simple. i see more people virtue signaling while holding one of those cups like it's a status symbol. Overpriced, nasty stuff full of sugar and other garbage. And then there's the coffee ...
Whites make up less than 10% of the world's population. Yet, we single-handly have developed almost all the technology, scientific discoveries, medical treatments, pharmacy, space, energy, manufacturing, agricultural production, education systems, government systems (vs tribal), international treaties, global internet and communications, and everything you can see, smell, taste and feel.
And now, because others have accomplished little more than banging rocks together since mankind leaned to walk upright, whites must be singled out for punishment. Just a little note - Whites do not need anyone else. However, the entire world is alive today, because of what whites did.
So instead of whining about how rough your lot in life is; get off your butt, and compete. Nobody, and I do mean nobody - has everything given to them, and accomplishes anything of note.
Starbucks coffee tastes like ass in a cup. I have given away gift cards because it’s so gross... how in the hell does this company still exist? And now I understand why they were burning the down...
I prefer to spend my money at mom and pop coffee shops that appreciate my whiteness and my willingness to spend my hard-earned money there. They also don't have to worry about me smashing their windows and rioting outside their building, like all of the tards are doing in Seattle and Portland.
So Starbucks can "educate" white people about their racism?
Since just being white is racist in their mind, I think all the white people should stop acting on their white privilege of buying high over-priced fancy coffee at Starbucks and START BUYING COFFEE AT MCDONALDS.
I think we'll start there. Thanks for your help Starbucks. Welcome to Chapter-7.
If this is not racist, i don't know what it is. These mfkers "feel or woke" are so entitled they need to be boycott. I know it is old, but c'mon man and I am not Caucasian. ADL, really?
Used to be a die hard supporter and I liked some of their seasonal coffees, but when they started their bullshit I quit completely, never have gone back. I think they were one of the first “buycott” companies for me, then came the rest like Nike, Gillette, Netflix, etc. Where is that list with all the companies we are supposed to boycott? It was up some where on here.
Strange how its only white people that are deemed to be racist by these big faceless corporations, the coffee is shit as well. If I wanted a mug with my name on it, I would've bought one!!
They did not have this ridiculous & hilarious sign, but they did close their stores for a day or two for diversity training in 2018. They made it company policy that anyone could use their restrooms, & then they were overrun by hobos using their restrooms ?
A couple years ago, an incident occured where a couple of Blacks were denied the bathroom code before making a purchase. This cuases a huge protest. So the whole company closed for a day for the staff training that is referenced above.
I first tasted Starbucks coffee (it was their Sumatra variety, and it was bitter, tasted like they'd burned the beans in the roasting process. Never went back if their quality control is that piss-poor. So "boycotting" Starbucks is not applicable for me, I would never buy their overpriced, foul-tasting coffee ever again anyway.
Now if anyone here truly loves coffee the way I do, buy a cold brewer (they run about $20 to $25), grind the beans almost to espresso size, put it in the fridge overnight, and you'll have an almost acid-free coffee syrup that you WON'T want to drink straight. Pour about 1/2-inch in a cup, top off with water (you don't want to be able to see the bottom of the cup...if you can, it's too weak), microwave 2 min., and you've got the best coffee you will ever taste, made right in your own refrigerator.
Gotcha, I'm pretty serious about my coffee and love cold brew. Also never understood why people think they like burnt beans but whatever. I do love my Aeropress though! Gotta be the next best thing besides cold brew! Only $30 for espresso style press. I did find a fella that was a mega connoisseur talking about how the coffee trees are grown very unnaturally (of course) with pesticides and mildew...but also how like all food, the extra GOOD stuff dies within a week of being harvested no matter what space aged packaging it has. I'll have to look him up...Ted talk maybe?
they "love" it because it's basically a candy bar by the time they drink it.
if i can't drink it straight black im not touching it
^ they're the same people who wear masks for their "health"?
LOL. Truth. Used to manage a Starbucks 13 years ago. Always had the diversity hires and has become a cesspool more so since. Coffee is garbage and overpriced. Buy a $700 espresso machine and make your own.
I think you've hit the nail on the head here, I've been so confused about why people love Starbucks coffee (and also Tim Horton's coffee here in Canada) when they taste so disgusting. Probably because I only drink my coffee black, and they drink it with 3 creams and three sugars. Anything will taste better if you add enough stuff to it.
I'm a tea drinker & never liked or really drank coffee, except for one brand of beans made in Italy that actually wasn't half bad because it wasn't overtly bitter & had some floral notes...
But maybe I've just never had good coffee.
I can't tell if it's that or if it's because my tongue is overly sensitive to the bitter elements found in coffee beans. I'm apparently a super taster, which means I can taste bitterness that other people can't. So maybe that's why I am still not overly fond of even the "good" coffees. I can't even enjoy mocha or coffee flavored smoothies or ice creams. Even if it's just a tiny bit of coffee flavor, it ruins it all for me because the bitterness of coffee just overpowers every other flavor for whatever reason.
So I'd rather have a plain tea over even the sugariest coffee candy drink because the bitterness is a different kind/smoother & the other flavors are stronger & able to show through.
Aero Press here since 2010.....
Dang man!..yer an OG!!??
Hey, another Aeropress enthusiast! Been using mine for 7-8 years and never went back to other brewing methods. I've made several people try it and they all agree it's the best coffee, but they always go back to using coffeemakers because "it's easier and it's less work", which is nonsense - Aeropress is actually quicker and easier to use IMO. For best results use a good conical burr grinder and set your kettle to 175 F.
I can also confirm that organic coffee is much better tasting AND better for you. A few years back I'd been feeling increasingly tired and sick after my cup of coffee, I switched to organic and now I can drink as much as I want without feeling ill. I get mine from a small local coffee roaster, but if there isn't one near you I'm sure you can find small organic roasters online too.
Agreed! It's ridiculously simple, and you SEE all the working parts (no nasty lines to clean) or low grade plastic to leach into the coffee. I do warn people on their first press, don't let anything surprise ya!..it's almost like real drugs!!? Had a few funny reactions...
Yep, I just don't understand how anyone can go back to any other brewing method after trying an Aeropress cup. The flavors are astonishing, lately I've been using locally-roasted organic beans and I swear, even black it tastes like a cup of liquid chocolate, it's insane! In a standard coffeemaker all the oils and flavors would be destroyed.
Naw, neither of those are a turn on...leggings attached to libs is unappealing...and FUCK McDonald's!??
I don't like to drink coffee, but I love the smell of coffee brewing. I've sometimes thought of getting a coffee maker and brewing some just for the scent.
To each his own. Now if I were a liberal, I would try to convert you to a coffee drinker, maybe even call you names if you don't comply. Hehehehe....
I'll try that
Your mileage may vary.... but by cold-brewing, you reduce the amount of acid released from the beans by about 70%. Cold-brewed coffee actually brings out the natural sweetness that is in coffee, but you never taste because hot brewing extracts more acids, covering up the sweetness. So, I like to set my coffee up in the mornings, about 9am. I grind beans (COSTCO, Trader Joe's, wherever they carry decent coffee at a good price AND have their own in-store grinder) to Espresso grind...I don't go all Turkish, it's a bit TOO much. So the cold-brewer has an infuser, a little mesh holder that keeps the grounds in but lets the coffee oils out, and I fill mine up to the level where the mesh stops. Insert the infuser into a full carafe of water (I use filtered to keep out the mineral taste, we have about 200 ppm here where I live and it gives water a taste that I don't like). I put the brewer in the fridge and let it go for at least 24 hours, shaking it a couple of times throughout the day. Next morning you'll have a thick coffee syrup, and no matter how much you like coffee, I wouldn't recommend drinking it straight. It's powerful enough to invade Poland at this stage.
Pour out about an inch in a cup and top it off with filtered water, just make sure you can't see the bottom of the cup. If you can, it's too weak.... you'll find your own ratio with trial and error. You could drink this cold if you like, but I like hot coffee. Heating it in a microwave will NOT cause acidity because all that is left in the grounds. The trick is, don't boil it.... just bring it to piping hot, about 2 minutes does it for me.
Oh, and if you like REALLY STRONG coffee, I've found that Bustelo Supreme in the black can.... it will give you a very robust coffee. Otherwise, I stick to decent coffee like Kirkland's Sumatra from COSTCO...most COSTCO's have bean grinders somewhere on the premises. So too does Trader Joe's, if you can stand the Karen-like atmosphere of mask-wearing Nazis.
Happy brewing!
I call it Charbucks I don’t care for it or their politics
Starbucks employees simply don't have the training
This is why McDonald's has $5000 auto machines. Many people say McD coffee is better than Starbucks...when it's the most sophisticated coffee machine around vs uninterested libtard poorly running an espresso press..of course McD will win
Also the mcd beans are actually truly organic and fair trade through multiple certificationa, whereas Starbucks ones are just labels they pay for.
We should start calling this “Brownsplaining”
Oh yeah, I understand fully. I once had a baffling experience where a black cashier girl went out of her way to say I was really nice to her.. I was just treating her like any human being who isn't a shitbag. I seriously think the preconception of "white people all want to oppress minorities" creates as much division as anything, so it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy when you can't question their victimhood and it amplifies into a much bigger deal, now reinforced by every Communist corporate entity...
Racism against whites is the real problem in our country. I said it.
Doesn't sound like a very good best friend to me, fren.
They are actually not, as is shown by your friendship. My mom's BFF was black and we grew up playing with her kids and thought nothing of it. I see mixed friends and mixed couples at the mall most times I go. People just relate to each other normally. It's the media, pushing a political agenda, who TELL us we actually hate each other and that Whites are all racist all the time and that minorities are victims who cannot make it on their own unless they beat down Whites.
I'm black (though I don't go around labeling myself generally, or letting others). This phenomenon is based in the white vs black discrimination. It's the same thing. Lighter skin was favored, especially since there were many who could "pass" as white and participate in full society instead of being restricted to the morsels allowed for blacks. So naturally, in viewing the hierarchy, the lighter the better since you would be treated as human by the larger society if you were light enough to pass as white. Plus you need to have "good hair" and not kinky, nappy hair. This is part of the construct set up by the cabal to destroy society. And because people don't know their true divine selves, they fall for it and perpetuate it.
That is true.
it's because the people who run the world want us fighting amongst ourselves.
It's all part of their plan to take over America by confusing us- keeping people divided. think of who benefits from all of the 'drama'...
Ive had several black friends over the years. Close friends. Theyve never told me 1 racist story of something that happened to them recently. But I live in the Houston area and we are pretty integrated down here.
Floyd was from Houston and we had no riots during the summer of Burn Loot Murder.
Houston are is HUGE with MANY black people. They could have popped off if they wanted to.
Which white people? Germans? Poles? Irish? Jewish? Wait...
Exactly... look at logo under it. ADL...
"Anti-Defamation League" = Jewish supremacist organisation claiming everybody is antisemite - and doing that for jewish profits.
Probably worth to see: "Defamation" by Jo’aw Szamir... Because not all jews are bad ones,just some are and shall be stopped.
All look the same to them ...
yep those darn 'white people' ?
I have never gone to a $arbucks, and don't buy anything with that demonic logo on it either. I have a friend who goes to one every single day and says "it's my treat". Idiot. $5.00 per day time 360 is a lot of money.
Oh I forgot my clappies ????????????????????????????
White clap emojis???????? You bigot
I need to cut the white skin off my muscles; its the only way to remove the bigot from my body
Exactly! Now say it to the people in the back who buy lunch every day at work for 10-15$!!!
Call up your boss and say you are taking a week off as you have to teach your neighbours about their racism. I'd like to see your boss argue with that!
I've never been to a Starbucks except I think I used Wifi once there....I stopped buying Coca-Cola products about 2 weeks ago.....currently going through caffeine withdrawal. Let's not forget the companies that have cut ties with President Trump.
Red bull is based
I do like RB with my rum
The ceo literally fired the executives that brought up social justice stuff haha
thans fren, I thought you meant the Starbucks execs had been fired now worries!
Oh I wish. Starbucks is from portland or something deep blue so I'm assuming you be fired if you weren't all social justice warrior working there
I wonder if there is a good soft drink company that is more supportive of conservative cuases, or at least is not fake "woke". Asking me to boycott Coke is asking alot. That really is a good product for what it is (which is not health food).
RC? Shasta?
I thought of them. When I have more time I will have to research them to see if their companies have done anything stupid recently. It seems like these stupid fads fester through all major corporations at the same time.
Ohhh good recommendation. Also good for dat microbiome–probably the complete opposite of soft drinks/sodas IMO.
Plus, with a little effort you can have a nearly infinite supply if you keep a scoby going, saving mucho $ if you would normally be buying sodas, etc.
I need to get this going again, thanks!
Good stuff!
Do they support pariotism? They sound fake "woke" in some respects, but it's hard to tell because while they make it a point to highlight their inclusivity in their "about" section, Patriots are naturally inclusive of all individuals. Also, if I were to drink this like I drink Coke, I'd have to sell the house and live in my car.
Make your own. Loaded with pro/prebiotics, B vitamins, fizzy, fermented drink great for microbiome, liver detoxifier, delicious!! Coke and any "soft" drink is absolute crap for the body. I've been making my own for several years; pretty cheap to do. There are a number of outfits that produce kombucha. The one in my town here is run by a POS leftist. Good stuff but I'd never buy any
I would drink water. On voat we refered to soda as the sugary liquid j lol
Really, it's the best for you, replenishing your liquid needs without overloading your body with a lot of other stuff, but it is rather boring.
My husband wants to start drinking cokes again. I asked him if he’s ok with being less white.
You have to admit, Coke is a great product, stupidity of the company HR aside. Find him another good cola from a company that at least does not force feed racism to employees. Better if one that actively supports patriotism.
Walk away, it's simple. i see more people virtue signaling while holding one of those cups like it's a status symbol. Overpriced, nasty stuff full of sugar and other garbage. And then there's the coffee ...
Now, did you think that before the company went full stupid? Or did the stupidity change the quality of the product for you?
Always thought they were full stupid. Had it once - never had it again.
they sale cancer in expensive box anyway ! Sugar overdose
Brew your own Covfefe.
Seriously, that’s true. You can buy your own to-go cups and still save a ton of money and have better Covfefe!
Whites make up less than 10% of the world's population. Yet, we single-handly have developed almost all the technology, scientific discoveries, medical treatments, pharmacy, space, energy, manufacturing, agricultural production, education systems, government systems (vs tribal), international treaties, global internet and communications, and everything you can see, smell, taste and feel.
And now, because others have accomplished little more than banging rocks together since mankind leaned to walk upright, whites must be singled out for punishment. Just a little note - Whites do not need anyone else. However, the entire world is alive today, because of what whites did.
So instead of whining about how rough your lot in life is; get off your butt, and compete. Nobody, and I do mean nobody - has everything given to them, and accomplishes anything of note.
Get woke, go broke. Add it to the list.
I go into Starbucks, to use the bathroom and leave.
I don't like having to ask this but things are so strange these days -- did Starbuck's literally post that sign?
Starbucks coffee tastes like ass in a cup. I have given away gift cards because it’s so gross... how in the hell does this company still exist? And now I understand why they were burning the down...
Tastes like ass after being in the field for two weeks!
I'd wager most of their drink revenue is from those sugar filled ones with cream, syrups, and more. Basically sugar coffee
Only times i went to starbucks is when I have to take a dump while working outdoors
They do have nice bathrooms to stink up
Wasn't that the whole reasoning behind the sign? ^
Some folks came in to use the restroom, and a barista said it's for paying customers only. Of course it was filmed for muh oppression victimhood.
White people made those fucking cunts RICH so they can FUCK RIGHT OFF.
Close and stay closed. I can buy an intire cheese cake in the supermarket for the same money.
I learned my lesson by never going back. Haven't drank a Starbucks since. Not one.
And if people change Starbucks I'll convince them of better coffee from local companies. I've diverted thousands of dollars to patriotic businesses.
Loxists love to teach others about “their” racism
That makes me want to puke. I’ve never been a fan but that sealed it back then. Thanks for reminding us what places aren’t worth our business.
I prefer to spend my money at mom and pop coffee shops that appreciate my whiteness and my willingness to spend my hard-earned money there. They also don't have to worry about me smashing their windows and rioting outside their building, like all of the tards are doing in Seattle and Portland.
More clown-world garbage.
So Starbucks can "educate" white people about their racism?
Since just being white is racist in their mind, I think all the white people should stop acting on their white privilege of buying high over-priced fancy coffee at Starbucks and START BUYING COFFEE AT MCDONALDS.
I think we'll start there. Thanks for your help Starbucks. Welcome to Chapter-7.
If this is not racist, i don't know what it is. These mfkers "feel or woke" are so entitled they need to be boycott. I know it is old, but c'mon man and I am not Caucasian. ADL, really?
oh dear
Used to be a die hard supporter and I liked some of their seasonal coffees, but when they started their bullshit I quit completely, never have gone back. I think they were one of the first “buycott” companies for me, then came the rest like Nike, Gillette, Netflix, etc. Where is that list with all the companies we are supposed to boycott? It was up some where on here.
Strange how its only white people that are deemed to be racist by these big faceless corporations, the coffee is shit as well. If I wanted a mug with my name on it, I would've bought one!!
Shit ass coffee anyway. Support a local coffee shop
Is this for real?
They did not have this ridiculous & hilarious sign, but they did close their stores for a day or two for diversity training in 2018. They made it company policy that anyone could use their restrooms, & then they were overrun by hobos using their restrooms ?
Haven't spent a penny there in years
I had no idea that Starbucks was racist against white people. Starbucks has always been my guilty pleasure. :(
A couple years ago, an incident occured where a couple of Blacks were denied the bathroom code before making a purchase. This cuases a huge protest. So the whole company closed for a day for the staff training that is referenced above.
My last purchase at Starbucks was before this event.
Also if you're Hispanic, do you get to skip the course or do you still take it because you're colonized and light skinned?
What about Jews? They can also look white, do they take the course?
I hope Starbucks was succesful in eliminating racism from their business, now they just discriminate based on your income and location!