Has anyone been to a humane society or dog rescue near them lately?
I have, there is an insane amount of dogs there apparently from Russia and China. This was told to us by the workers there. Every time my wife and I would ask where this or that dog came from, we always got this crazy story about it coming from a foreign country and being abused, starved, etc.
Could this be a connection in the child trafficking scene?
The dog rescue event that Trump went to the other day, had 500 dogs that were from China. I don’t know how they got them, but yes they were all from China and rescued from being abused, and probably eaten. They eat dogs over there. It’s a big dog rescue. I mean large as in large dogs not big in size as far as the rescue service
You would be assuming everyone is playing by the same rules. I’m in fact sure we all aren’t. I’m talking well before covid restrictions. Right around 3 years ago when my family was looking for a dog. We fostered many of them and literally all of them had some crazy story of being abused overseas.
If it’s not clear to you yet that the people with a little jingle in their pockets get a free pass, then you’re not paying enough attention.
Why would this be far fetched at all? The cartel brings drugs into this country in tires and bumpers... open your eyes and think.
My response wasn’t to try and make you look dumb at all. It was to make you question the possibility of something like that happening.
You’re right, I don’t have any proof of this happening. No news articles or anything like that, it’s just happened to me personally.
Regardless of the cost of this for the DS, it is possible that maybe this is what’s behind the dog comms. Could they be shutting down these avenues for the DS?
Lin wood has also been talking about his dogs a lot. Specifically this week he was writing about a rescue dog that had been abandoned in front of his house.
Why is that relevant?
To prevent other state actors from attempting to harm us during this transition? Russia / China?
Or conversely all for NK? Or all three.
Think logically about the timing of everything happening.
Note increased military movement.
Note NG deployments starting tomorrow.
Note false flags.
Follow Huma.
Prepare messages of reassurance based on what was dropped here to spread on different platforms.
We had a C17 Globemaster land at LAX the other day around 4pm - but why? It flew the flight path that regular commercial flights take. It’s super unusual to see this occur during daylight at least in L.A.. typically if they bring a motorcade in its usually at night. When Bush was running for re-election back in 03/04 I saw them land a Globemaster with the motorcade on it at Bob Hope/Burbank airport in the middle of the afternoon. It’s such a badass plane to watch land and takeoff.
Do you know who he is was communicating with? The pipehitters. Doesn’t seem like anyone who read this thread yet has figured out his comms (otherwise they probably would’ve responded to my post)... but these comms aren’t for us!
OK Anon, here is what's up: For the last few years, every time the celebrity sect has posted about dogs on twitter, with a day or two, one of their own takes a dirt nap. Happens EVERY SINGLE TIME. Hence - Dog Comms. Not conspiracy shit either ... this is very real, and happens with such consistency that it is mathematically improbably for it to be unrelated.
Someone should have been making a compilation of dog comms and dirt naps. Fuk ... I should have done that. I'm a piece of shit. Sorry guys.
We have had our french bulldog puppy for 9 days and we're already at our wits end. She's destroying everything, wont listen and shits everywhere. Biting and chewing everything in sight... Fucking nightmare. How can you have two??
Look at those cuties! There are several rescues Paws of War others, that help bring dogs from over seas back here, if we didn’t have three sweet puppers I’d be at a shelter getting another one.
And Biden sending his dogs away...It looks like the "bad guys" are losing their dogs and the "good guys" are showing off their dogs. What does it all mean???
Child trafficking could be done under the guise of pet societies. Good cover and all the supplies needed to do the work would be the same. No one would think to check out these companies because your heart gets all warm when you think about people saving animals.
FWIW: China's Yuan Dog Festival is atrocious and the documentaries on it are definitely not for the faint of heart. I can understand the need to get dogs out of there.
Just remember: Everybody in Washington DC is control-filed. Everybody. No exceptions. You don't get to Cabal-central unless you're control-filed in the first place. Fake Biden is control-filed. Trump is control-filed. Nancy, Schumer, AOC, Romney, Mitch, MTG, Cruz, Bernie...everybody.
If their name has been in the press, ever, they're control-filed. And especially that favorite dude of yours, the guy you think is the Last and Final Great Hope of the West (no, not that one, or that one, or...etc) will certainly be control-filed.
Because they're politicians and other blabbermouth suit types who make microphone noises for a living. They are not in charge, and haven't been in charge for seventy years.
If Mr. "Smooth-transition" control-filed?
You bet your sweet ass he is.
The ONLY thing that is important, is: Who controls the control-files?
-- This particular code means that you're cooperating with the white-hats, your crimes weren't particularly severe (i.e., no child raping), and will be accorded a good legacy.
Has anyone been to a humane society or dog rescue near them lately?
I have, there is an insane amount of dogs there apparently from Russia and China. This was told to us by the workers there. Every time my wife and I would ask where this or that dog came from, we always got this crazy story about it coming from a foreign country and being abused, starved, etc.
Could this be a connection in the child trafficking scene?
The dog rescue event that Trump went to the other day, had 500 dogs that were from China. I don’t know how they got them, but yes they were all from China and rescued from being abused, and probably eaten. They eat dogs over there. It’s a big dog rescue. I mean large as in large dogs not big in size as far as the rescue service
I cannot rescue more dogs, my neighbor finds ways to send them back.
I think Chinese citizens rescue the dogs in China and send them here in hope that they will be more readily adopted here.
You would be assuming everyone is playing by the same rules. I’m in fact sure we all aren’t. I’m talking well before covid restrictions. Right around 3 years ago when my family was looking for a dog. We fostered many of them and literally all of them had some crazy story of being abused overseas.
If it’s not clear to you yet that the people with a little jingle in their pockets get a free pass, then you’re not paying enough attention.
Why would this be far fetched at all? The cartel brings drugs into this country in tires and bumpers... open your eyes and think.
My response wasn’t to try and make you look dumb at all. It was to make you question the possibility of something like that happening.
You’re right, I don’t have any proof of this happening. No news articles or anything like that, it’s just happened to me personally.
Regardless of the cost of this for the DS, it is possible that maybe this is what’s behind the dog comms. Could they be shutting down these avenues for the DS?
Lin wood has also been talking about his dogs a lot. Specifically this week he was writing about a rescue dog that had been abandoned in front of his house. Autists?
Ah, dogs doing their jobs. Lounging.
“Napping” Two best nappers Like 2 of the best kid nappers? In custody? ???
Couple with Scavino tweet https://greatawakening.win/p/12hkvp54Y5/new-scavino-tweet-/c/
Foster house... nappers
You maybe onto something
Yes - definitely related to this tweet... just follow the crumbs :)
I think the same concept applies to whether the dogs are wearing collars.
I was going to say the same thing. Seems like he's implying there are two sleepers in their control. Maybe it's a signal for them to wake up?
Another one!! WTH? Has Q dropped anything about dogs other than the puppy show and the Super Bowl?
George Bush's passing. Timberwolf.
The envelopes?
Wasn't the Q drop about the puppy bowl at halftime? So are they telling us that we're at the halfway point of this fiasco?
I always think of June 30, 2018
Is Pompeo tweeting about Dogs or DAWGS? Lots of news on Georgia....Lin Wood of course and Herschel is the most famous DAWG of all.
38 Nov 02, 2017 1:48:52 AM EDT
Four carriers & escorts in the pacific?
Why is that relevant? To prevent other state actors from attempting to harm us during this transition? Russia / China?
Or conversely all for NK? Or all three.
Think logically about the timing of everything happening. Note increased military movement. Note NG deployments starting tomorrow. Note false flags. Follow Huma.
Prepare messages of reassurance based on what was dropped here to spread on different platforms.
The calm before the storm
We had a C17 Globemaster land at LAX the other day around 4pm - but why? It flew the flight path that regular commercial flights take. It’s super unusual to see this occur during daylight at least in L.A.. typically if they bring a motorcade in its usually at night. When Bush was running for re-election back in 03/04 I saw them land a Globemaster with the motorcade on it at Bob Hope/Burbank airport in the middle of the afternoon. It’s such a badass plane to watch land and takeoff.
Think mirror.
Did two baddies just take the Big Nap?
Or is it a go order for 2 sleepers to wake?
Hmm...mebbe? I never get these dog posts....and I always equate them with the two biggies: McCain and Bush Sr, and those two both wound up DEAD
The Gold has been retrieved (re-patriated)?
That’s a good q-incidence!
Do you know who he is was communicating with? The pipehitters. Doesn’t seem like anyone who read this thread yet has figured out his comms (otherwise they probably would’ve responded to my post)... but these comms aren’t for us!
Tomorrow is national freedom of information day. https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-freedom-of-information-day-march-16/
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Nappers= kidnappers?
OK Anon, here is what's up: For the last few years, every time the celebrity sect has posted about dogs on twitter, with a day or two, one of their own takes a dirt nap. Happens EVERY SINGLE TIME. Hence - Dog Comms. Not conspiracy shit either ... this is very real, and happens with such consistency that it is mathematically improbably for it to be unrelated.
Someone should have been making a compilation of dog comms and dirt naps. Fuk ... I should have done that. I'm a piece of shit. Sorry guys.
No, that’s not what these mean...
What's even weirder is Trump made an impromptu appearance at the Big Dog Ranch Rescue in Florida the other day to give a speech.
omg TWO dogs??
We have had our french bulldog puppy for 9 days and we're already at our wits end. She's destroying everything, wont listen and shits everywhere. Biting and chewing everything in sight... Fucking nightmare. How can you have two??
Look at those cuties! There are several rescues Paws of War others, that help bring dogs from over seas back here, if we didn’t have three sweet puppers I’d be at a shelter getting another one.
And Biden sending his dogs away...It looks like the "bad guys" are losing their dogs and the "good guys" are showing off their dogs. What does it all mean???
Some MFs fixin' to take a dirt nap. Suicide weekend?
Child trafficking could be done under the guise of pet societies. Good cover and all the supplies needed to do the work would be the same. No one would think to check out these companies because your heart gets all warm when you think about people saving animals.
I would guess Loyalty.
What a poor picture. Surely he could get both heads in. Maybe that's the message.
You can see the full pic on twatter; this is just a preview.
On Insta you can see both, and the lighter dog is in the main frame. Cute puppers.
I don't know what it means but im sure it means something.
Unfortunately, I think nothing is going on (with dogs, I mean). People just love their pooches.
Edit: I thought there was another dog comms from earlier, but can’t seem to find the post... anybody got a link to it?
Definitely comms; whether or not they’re for us - that’s the question, lol
They're hinting that DOGE is going to skyrocket into oblivion, get in while you can!
FWIW: China's Yuan Dog Festival is atrocious and the documentaries on it are definitely not for the faint of heart. I can understand the need to get dogs out of there.
Just remember: Everybody in Washington DC is control-filed. Everybody. No exceptions. You don't get to Cabal-central unless you're control-filed in the first place. Fake Biden is control-filed. Trump is control-filed. Nancy, Schumer, AOC, Romney, Mitch, MTG, Cruz, Bernie...everybody.
If their name has been in the press, ever, they're control-filed. And especially that favorite dude of yours, the guy you think is the Last and Final Great Hope of the West (no, not that one, or that one, or...etc) will certainly be control-filed.
Because they're politicians and other blabbermouth suit types who make microphone noises for a living. They are not in charge, and haven't been in charge for seventy years.
If Mr. "Smooth-transition" control-filed?
You bet your sweet ass he is.
The ONLY thing that is important, is: Who controls the control-files?
You have to know the code:
-- This particular code means that you're cooperating with the white-hats, your crimes weren't particularly severe (i.e., no child raping), and will be accorded a good legacy.
Trump has never owned dogs and it is for a reason. Dogs are not to be trusted.