Again, just another WTF moment. Nothing conclusive, but just WTF!
Did you catch this yourself, fren? If so, sharp eye!
Because it definitely looks really weird. Those giant microphones, which would only would look so large because they are closer to the camera, somehow end up under and almost inside Biden's hand towards his body, but amazingly never seem to actually actually contact his body or his hand. (and also, increase their apparent size from the trick of forced perspective.)
I had to scrub back and forth in the clip to find the brief bit you screenshot (screenshotted? screenshat??), but when I did, man, just WTF.
Now of course it could easily just be yet another in a thousand inexplicable AV glitches, with a plausible if unsatisfying explanation, that have characterized the less than 2 months that this doddering senile creep has ostensibly been office. But to my eyes, it not only looks faked, it looks badly faked.
But even more interestingly, in not only looks badly faked, it looks like they've again gone way out of their way to make it looked badly faked. The easiest thing would have been just to have a bunch of microphones there, in the frame - even if it was a staged scene or whatever, it'd look convincing.
Alternatively, you could composite these microphones on top of the video of Biden/Bidan and make it look decent... although there might be transparency issues with that deadcat.
But what it, for all the world, looks like, is that they masked his hand over the two microphones, which you'd never choose to do because a) it's a pain in the neck to mask moving video, and not trivial to do this convincingly, b) it accomplishes the exact opposite of what you'd be trying to recreate here. So what would be the purpose?
And my answer, as its been repeatedly before is: it really, really looks like all these little glitches are intentionally introduced to make it clear someone is fckin' with him; that someone else is in charge of this show.
Now I (and the OP) could be wrong here, on this or any isolated instance. On any isolated instance, you could easily say "Hey, that's a ridiculous explanation. Occam's Razor suggest it's just a video glitch or a compression artifact or an optical illusion or whatever." But there's been dozens of these. And so Occam's Razor now unequivocally points to the opposite conclusion.
Folks, there's NO WAY this isn't a movie (or something very much not what it seems), and a VERY weird movie at that.
I think you’re onto something. It appears that Biden is not in control and whoever is wink wink is very interested in having people be able to discern between actual video evidence and edited/deep faked video. This would also help explain that weird deep fake Trump “concession” video from a couple months ago.
This is based in fact. I agree, there are too many coincidences for Trump or some other actor not to be in control. What if God was doing this? Would be crazy and they would try to not talk about it.
The largest press microphones that I can find are only slightly wider than the arm of Biden's suit.
There is a chance this can be explained away if the White House press have suddenly started using MASSIVE microphones, but I've searched for images of this group and can't find any evidence of that.
I thought at first maybe they got too close with the mics but nope, slowed it down to 0.25x speed and his hands clearly overlap and pass through them and they stay blurry even when they look to be practically touching him yet he's in perfect focus. Even my fiancee noticed it without me pointing it out.
I believe what we are looking at are mics with big wind-breaking 'furry covers' on them, used specifically outdoors when there are strong winds (or helicopters :) ). The 'furry edges' wreak havoc with video compression algorithms.
Sure... how do you explain the blurriness around the microphones, when they’re moving around in the video as well??
And the sharpness between the microphone and his suit jacket as well??
Also, microphone gets bigger as his hand moves behind it a few seconds later... funny... thought it would be smaller if it was closer to him rather than larger
It all looks pretty normal to me, but the mic going behind the hand does look a bit odd. I think in cases like this, we have to ask ... what's the point in faking something like this? Since this was a live moment in time, we will NEVER KNOW the exact scenario; either we see multiple other angles, or, someone does a reconstruction to prove it IS possible - but no one is ever going to do that so plan B - ask what is achieved by faking this.
I used to do a lot of video work, and played around with compression settings. Amazing, weird things manifest themselves when you over-compress (and RE-Compress). These days, with a lot of 'cell phone video' material, we have a heavily compressed 'source' (compressed on the fly as it was recorded) which is then streamed over a compression-heavy medium (video streaming services). I've seen situations where someone's eyes (sharp, well-defined objects) appear to 'float' independently on the person's face (soft, ill-defined object) because the eyes get updated often, while the face gets updated less often. Weird stuff!
I just wouldn't call it 'proof' of anything; rather, a wild speculation.
TL:DR your defense because you’re too dumb to even realize it’s fake...
Wild speculation!? Lol gtfo you shill... why don’t you look at the other link I posted in the comments with another angle of the same cropping of BOTH MICS... AND the wide sharpness between his suit and his environment... I’ve worked with video editing before I know what green screen and other fuckery looks like when I see it
It doesn’t take a retard to see that this video is faked... well I guess in your case, even a retard like you can’t notice it
I just went through a bunch of AE 2021 tutorials on YouTube last month. I could have done this video better. They are using a motion mask to separate the mics from the background. That’s why you get the brief popping. It can happen when you don’t frame by frame the motion mask and just let AE do it. Also they’re using the perspective match camera thingy with a green screen Biden. That’s why he gets a bit pinched in the video from the other angle.
They’re using all the latest AE goodies, just not very well.
I feel like that's actually Trump. If he had an account on here he would come on here and deny the basic fake shit they're pulling while laughing his ass off. Notice the guy is asking us to think about Why they would fake something like this? Very Q-like Socratic method happening with this shill.
Video compression artifacts don't suddenly change the laws of perspective and the laws of physics. Your point makes no sense, your suggesting that compression artifacts somehow render detail that wasn't even visible to the camera to begin with.
Oh and thanks for the downvote... I guess that’s the only way you’re capable of defending yourself when someone presents a counter argument... why you even wasting your time here?? Looking for red pills or something?
Thanks for consolidating! (I saw someone else insisting that the second angle required his own thread, so I presume this is consolidating).
And I hadn’t seen this second angle it until now.
And it’s interesting, illuminating, maybe explanatory, but doesn’t seem dispositive. (granted, I’m watching all of these on muh phone).
It seems the black foam microphone, from this angle, actually does come in behind Biden’s hand because that dumb fart practically walks into it so he can mumble something out of his cuckmasked face. But now, to me, that black foam mic seems now to be legit.
But after seeing the second view, that big gray deadcat honestly seems even more suspicious to me. From the the second angle, in my quick review, it really doesn’t appear to go directly behind Joepedo’s hand/arm (it’s at the very bottom of the frame)from the perspective of the first camera; the one on the first video certainly does. And the one in the first view seems well to the audience-right of The Pervert-in-Chief’s centerline, but the one in the second shot seems well to the audience-left of that line.
But are these two different gray deadcats? That’s conceivable and this could be a trick of camera angles, but if there were, it absolutely seems that I’d have been at least able to catch at least a glimpse of both in one or both videos, and in neither did I see evidence a second big gray deadcat. So again, maybe I still missing something, in which case, point it out, frens. But where I’m now at (and no, I don’t really know why I latched into this this evening. oh, wait, yes I do. I’m procrastinating!?):
the black foam mic now seems quite legit, although Biden is a lurching idiot.
everything on the second video seems legit, I presume, and it helped make better sense of the first one
but the gray dead on the second angle still seems oddly superimposed, and then inexplicably masked. And that, view, and that mic, were indeed the ones first called out by the OP.
I wish I was in front of my computer right now, and could view both simultaneously. But that would make me feel like even more of an obsessive that I feel like right now, flipping between tabs on my phone, looking at f’ing microphones and cheating scumbags waaay more than I ever wanted to.
Everyone is talking about the nature of the video but I want to point out the audio transcript. Biden's statements are brief and 100% unspecific, leaving plenty of room to insert a wide range of content from the Reporters.
Q: 'Do you have any plans to travel to the Southern border sites?'
Not at the moment
Q: 'Have you decided when you're able to share shots with other countries, is it allies or neighbors first? Who will be the first countries to get the US's vaccine?
'I've been talking with other countries already. I'll let you know the answer to that very shortly.
Both replies have zero context. Any subject could have been inserted with the reporters audio portion, which already seems disconnected to Xiden's audio and the helicopter noise in the background.
That's really weird. I assumed it was an optical illusion, like it's just a big boom placed low to the ground; but if you look later in the video his hands pass behind it. I'd be very interested in seeing a shot from a different angle.
I'll answer the aircraft noise. The helicopter is at what's called ground idle, ie engine running but the rotor brake is still on and engine at idle speed. It's normal for a rotary aircraft to sit there at ground idle as the startup checks takes a while.
Once the passengers are onboard, the pilot will disengage the rotor brake and with the throttle bring the rotors up to flight idle. You don't have people walking to your aircraft at flight idle, some numpty will walk into a very fast spinning tail rotor!
Once flight idle is achieved, and everyone's ready, collective pitch is applied (engine power and angle of blades together) and the bird lifts off.
We should be objective and do our due diligence. The parts that AREN’T fake we should absolutely know and acknowledge so it gives us more credibility and a harder angle to push on the things that are blatantly fake. This way, when we’re sharing these vids and talking to others we’re not getting nitpicked over stupid shit like that. The normie is forced to acknowledge there is no other explanation.
Yes it's fake, the video of Joe and the microphones anyway. It's not that difficult to have a ground idling helicopter noise put in. I didn't see the heli long enough to see if it had it's anti - collision lights on?
Also, some of Biden's livestreamed discussions with the press on the White House lawn can be seen to not be taking place by people observing the White House from afar.
Biden's obviously not green-screened over a background. But the mics, if composited over, would have needed to have been... or else some way used to create the transparency behind them.
But I think your larger point is that because his arm passes over the mics, they're not just one layer (the mics) composited over another (Joepedo). And that's absolutely the right logical conclusion.
Except it really looks to me, and the best of my abilities, like the mics are indeed composited over Joe, but then they masked his hand back over the mics there. It's the weirdest thing. It would take far more effort to do this than to not do it, and by doing so, it gratuitously looks less convincing. But still, this is absolutely what it looks like to me.
As I summed up, as eloquently as I could, in my longer explanation elsewhere on this thread: WTF!
Two different camera angles, both showing poorly depth sorted Bidan (hand in front of mic cover in both camera angles!)
Some lazy fucker didn't know or care to mask out those foreground elements with any eye for detail. !00% fuckery.
Thank you for linking to the CSPAN video. At first I was skeptical of this due to the links in the OP (never heard of it), but if you download the CSPAN video you can see clearly at ~22 seconds in that his hands go over the microphone, then at ~36 seconds in his hands go over it.
At ~22 seconds it doesn't look at all natural--very much like a green screen glitch.
Also at ~51 and ~1:44 seconds in, pretty clearly "OF AMERICA" on the helicopter.
So it seems like the gist of this is that someone is able to play with the video that gets uploaded to CSPAN, but to what end? I did go ahead and fill out a "Report Video Issue" for my personal amusement.
I thought so at first but slow it down and not only does his hand pass through it but it stays blurry when it looks like it's touching him. Plus why didn't they just move the mics back if he got too close, what good does a mic under his arm do?
I think we are seeing video compression artifacts combined with the extremely difficult (video-wise) surfaces presented by those 'furry microphone wind covers'.
I forgot to mention, where’s his security detail or his entourage?? I guess it’s easier to just green screen 1 person than it is to do many. Question is why do they have to fake something so simple??
yes, the 'why' is the most interesting question here. A nothing interview that no one wants to watch; why bother faking it. I just can't think of any plausible reason for MSM doing this. I did see someone post this photo, which helps explain the 'hands in front of the mic' aspect; I never realized those mics were SO BIG and that they would place them so incredibly low and close to the speaker! I guess they are required to keep them out of the 'main field of view' or something.
Wow, before this post even existed I saw the original video and said that it looks like he was digitally inserted into this?! I'm glad others think this to. The whole *Biden show needs to come to an end.
Again, just another WTF moment. Nothing conclusive, but just WTF! Did you catch this yourself, fren? If so, sharp eye!
Because it definitely looks really weird. Those giant microphones, which would only would look so large because they are closer to the camera, somehow end up under and almost inside Biden's hand towards his body, but amazingly never seem to actually actually contact his body or his hand. (and also, increase their apparent size from the trick of forced perspective.)
I had to scrub back and forth in the clip to find the brief bit you screenshot (screenshotted? screenshat??), but when I did, man, just WTF.
Now of course it could easily just be yet another in a thousand inexplicable AV glitches, with a plausible if unsatisfying explanation, that have characterized the less than 2 months that this doddering senile creep has ostensibly been office. But to my eyes, it not only looks faked, it looks badly faked.
But even more interestingly, in not only looks badly faked, it looks like they've again gone way out of their way to make it looked badly faked. The easiest thing would have been just to have a bunch of microphones there, in the frame - even if it was a staged scene or whatever, it'd look convincing.
Alternatively, you could composite these microphones on top of the video of Biden/Bidan and make it look decent... although there might be transparency issues with that deadcat.
But what it, for all the world, looks like, is that they masked his hand over the two microphones, which you'd never choose to do because a) it's a pain in the neck to mask moving video, and not trivial to do this convincingly, b) it accomplishes the exact opposite of what you'd be trying to recreate here. So what would be the purpose?
And my answer, as its been repeatedly before is: it really, really looks like all these little glitches are intentionally introduced to make it clear someone is fckin' with him; that someone else is in charge of this show.
Now I (and the OP) could be wrong here, on this or any isolated instance. On any isolated instance, you could easily say "Hey, that's a ridiculous explanation. Occam's Razor suggest it's just a video glitch or a compression artifact or an optical illusion or whatever." But there's been dozens of these. And so Occam's Razor now unequivocally points to the opposite conclusion.
Folks, there's NO WAY this isn't a movie (or something very much not what it seems), and a VERY weird movie at that.
I think you’re onto something. It appears that Biden is not in control and whoever is wink wink is very interested in having people be able to discern between actual video evidence and edited/deep faked video. This would also help explain that weird deep fake Trump “concession” video from a couple months ago.
Yeh nice one. This is the best answer Ive heard so far for why they would publish badly editied footage.
Real video evidence of crimes vs fake video.
Now Im rethinking "you cant just tell them. You have to show them"
This is based in fact. I agree, there are too many coincidences for Trump or some other actor not to be in control. What if God was doing this? Would be crazy and they would try to not talk about it.
It’s all God, always, but His will is working through men here, now.
No, I saw it first on Patriots.Win:
This other perspective looks fine though??
No.. watch closely at 0:05, there is the same glitch..
Unless it is genuinely a large boom mic that was behind him?
Still looks less like a green from this angle
It's funny to me that his hand jab passes over the black microphone in this shot.
It's like they really wanted to highlight him making a "going down" motion.
Original source: Press Gaggle: Joe Biden Speaks to the Press Before Marine One Departure - March 16, 2021
Backup of video:
Archived YouTube source:
Screen capture of YouTube source:
The press microphones are large, but they aren't that massive!
More photos of press microphones.
The largest press microphones that I can find are only slightly wider than the arm of Biden's suit.
There is a chance this can be explained away if the White House press have suddenly started using MASSIVE microphones, but I've searched for images of this group and can't find any evidence of that.
I thought at first maybe they got too close with the mics but nope, slowed it down to 0.25x speed and his hands clearly overlap and pass through them and they stay blurry even when they look to be practically touching him yet he's in perfect focus. Even my fiancee noticed it without me pointing it out.
I believe what we are looking at are mics with big wind-breaking 'furry covers' on them, used specifically outdoors when there are strong winds (or helicopters :) ). The 'furry edges' wreak havoc with video compression algorithms.
Sure... how do you explain the blurriness around the microphones, when they’re moving around in the video as well??
And the sharpness between the microphone and his suit jacket as well??
Also, microphone gets bigger as his hand moves behind it a few seconds later... funny... thought it would be smaller if it was closer to him rather than larger
It all looks pretty normal to me, but the mic going behind the hand does look a bit odd. I think in cases like this, we have to ask ... what's the point in faking something like this? Since this was a live moment in time, we will NEVER KNOW the exact scenario; either we see multiple other angles, or, someone does a reconstruction to prove it IS possible - but no one is ever going to do that so plan B - ask what is achieved by faking this.
I used to do a lot of video work, and played around with compression settings. Amazing, weird things manifest themselves when you over-compress (and RE-Compress). These days, with a lot of 'cell phone video' material, we have a heavily compressed 'source' (compressed on the fly as it was recorded) which is then streamed over a compression-heavy medium (video streaming services). I've seen situations where someone's eyes (sharp, well-defined objects) appear to 'float' independently on the person's face (soft, ill-defined object) because the eyes get updated often, while the face gets updated less often. Weird stuff!
I just wouldn't call it 'proof' of anything; rather, a wild speculation.
TL:DR your defense because you’re too dumb to even realize it’s fake...
Wild speculation!? Lol gtfo you shill... why don’t you look at the other link I posted in the comments with another angle of the same cropping of BOTH MICS... AND the wide sharpness between his suit and his environment... I’ve worked with video editing before I know what green screen and other fuckery looks like when I see it
It doesn’t take a retard to see that this video is faked... well I guess in your case, even a retard like you can’t notice it
I just went through a bunch of AE 2021 tutorials on YouTube last month. I could have done this video better. They are using a motion mask to separate the mics from the background. That’s why you get the brief popping. It can happen when you don’t frame by frame the motion mask and just let AE do it. Also they’re using the perspective match camera thingy with a green screen Biden. That’s why he gets a bit pinched in the video from the other angle.
They’re using all the latest AE goodies, just not very well.
I feel like that's actually Trump. If he had an account on here he would come on here and deny the basic fake shit they're pulling while laughing his ass off. Notice the guy is asking us to think about Why they would fake something like this? Very Q-like Socratic method happening with this shill.
Upvote for well placed savagery
Compression won’t cause a hand that was blocked by a microphone to appear in front of it.
You wrote all of that when you clearly haven't even watched the actual video.
It's real. It's a fucking Greenscreen, it's even stickied on the front page of TDW, do your due diligence, or gtfo.
Video compression artifacts don't suddenly change the laws of perspective and the laws of physics. Your point makes no sense, your suggesting that compression artifacts somehow render detail that wasn't even visible to the camera to begin with.
Time wasting shill.
Check out the Qanon_17's ''second angle vid.
Much appreciated. :)
Swamp gas. SWAMP GAS!!! We deserve better shills then we have been getting with this one.
Oh and thanks for the downvote... I guess that’s the only way you’re capable of defending yourself when someone presents a counter argument... why you even wasting your time here?? Looking for red pills or something?
downvotes are not cool fren. you mad at his valid point, so you give the butthurt downvote.
Nope. It's a composite. The mic appears behind his hand, then in front of his hand. It's fuckery alright.
Chopper is also off so no strong winds there
Those aren't microphones, man.
They're housecats.
Sorry, I evidently downtooted that when I meant to updoot. That’s never happened before. Fixed.
Let’s get some Catturd in he’ah!
Microphone on green screen plus some Biden lackeys with cell phones.
Username----> Uniden.
The Original "Wireless" phone. ?
Second angle:
Thanks for consolidating! (I saw someone else insisting that the second angle required his own thread, so I presume this is consolidating).
And I hadn’t seen this second angle it until now.
And it’s interesting, illuminating, maybe explanatory, but doesn’t seem dispositive. (granted, I’m watching all of these on muh phone).
It seems the black foam microphone, from this angle, actually does come in behind Biden’s hand because that dumb fart practically walks into it so he can mumble something out of his cuckmasked face. But now, to me, that black foam mic seems now to be legit.
But after seeing the second view, that big gray deadcat honestly seems even more suspicious to me. From the the second angle, in my quick review, it really doesn’t appear to go directly behind Joepedo’s hand/arm (it’s at the very bottom of the frame)from the perspective of the first camera; the one on the first video certainly does. And the one in the first view seems well to the audience-right of The Pervert-in-Chief’s centerline, but the one in the second shot seems well to the audience-left of that line.
But are these two different gray deadcats? That’s conceivable and this could be a trick of camera angles, but if there were, it absolutely seems that I’d have been at least able to catch at least a glimpse of both in one or both videos, and in neither did I see evidence a second big gray deadcat. So again, maybe I still missing something, in which case, point it out, frens. But where I’m now at (and no, I don’t really know why I latched into this this evening. oh, wait, yes I do. I’m procrastinating!?):
I wish I was in front of my computer right now, and could view both simultaneously. But that would make me feel like even more of an obsessive that I feel like right now, flipping between tabs on my phone, looking at f’ing microphones and cheating scumbags waaay more than I ever wanted to.
His hand goes over the black mic in the beginning. Is he actually that close to the reporters?
Seems odd that they'd fuck it up on two different angles, but that sure as hell doesn't look right.
Shameless piggyback on your comment.
Everyone is talking about the nature of the video but I want to point out the audio transcript. Biden's statements are brief and 100% unspecific, leaving plenty of room to insert a wide range of content from the Reporters.
Q: 'Do you have any plans to travel to the Southern border sites?' Answer:
Q: 'Have you decided when you're able to share shots with other countries, is it allies or neighbors first? Who will be the first countries to get the US's vaccine? Answer:
Both replies have zero context. Any subject could have been inserted with the reporters audio portion, which already seems disconnected to Xiden's audio and the helicopter noise in the background.
We’re watching a movie
A very low budget movie
I’m going out for popcorn tell me what I missed when I get back.
That's really weird. I assumed it was an optical illusion, like it's just a big boom placed low to the ground; but if you look later in the video his hands pass behind it. I'd be very interested in seeing a shot from a different angle.
Indeed.. You said what I said, and saw what I saw... you just did it far more efficiently that I did. ?
I just couldn't agree more - it look unmistakably "off". (and I went into excess length at just how, and my conspiratorial presumption on why.)
He passes through them because Biden is a ghost. That's why he's baffled all the time, he doesn't actually realise he's already dead.
You see dead people too??? KEK!
You have to be some special kind of stupid shill to say this is NOT fake.
It looks EXTREMELY suspicious, however I still think it's possible (but unlikely) that the press started using MASSIVE microphones.
I'll be watching closely from now on.
What just happend is not possible. And why does the chopper make sounds when its not even on..As i stated in my first comment. The stupidity..
I'll answer the aircraft noise. The helicopter is at what's called ground idle, ie engine running but the rotor brake is still on and engine at idle speed. It's normal for a rotary aircraft to sit there at ground idle as the startup checks takes a while.
Once the passengers are onboard, the pilot will disengage the rotor brake and with the throttle bring the rotors up to flight idle. You don't have people walking to your aircraft at flight idle, some numpty will walk into a very fast spinning tail rotor!
Once flight idle is achieved, and everyone's ready, collective pitch is applied (engine power and angle of blades together) and the bird lifts off.
Ah i see. Thanks for the explination. I guess the video is not fake then (its fake).
We should be objective and do our due diligence. The parts that AREN’T fake we should absolutely know and acknowledge so it gives us more credibility and a harder angle to push on the things that are blatantly fake. This way, when we’re sharing these vids and talking to others we’re not getting nitpicked over stupid shit like that. The normie is forced to acknowledge there is no other explanation.
Yes it's fake, the video of Joe and the microphones anyway. It's not that difficult to have a ground idling helicopter noise put in. I didn't see the heli long enough to see if it had it's anti - collision lights on?
enter text
So the trees are bare in the background but in some of his videos the trees outside the oval office are lush and green
Also, some of Biden's livestreamed discussions with the press on the White House lawn can be seen to not be taking place by people observing the White House from afar.
Even Biden's livestreams are faked.
If you watch the video you can see the shadow of his harm passing over the microphone. I don't think this is a green screen.
Biden's obviously not green-screened over a background. But the mics, if composited over, would have needed to have been... or else some way used to create the transparency behind them.
But I think your larger point is that because his arm passes over the mics, they're not just one layer (the mics) composited over another (Joepedo). And that's absolutely the right logical conclusion.
Except it really looks to me, and the best of my abilities, like the mics are indeed composited over Joe, but then they masked his hand back over the mics there. It's the weirdest thing. It would take far more effort to do this than to not do it, and by doing so, it gratuitously looks less convincing. But still, this is absolutely what it looks like to me.
As I summed up, as eloquently as I could, in my longer explanation elsewhere on this thread: WTF!
Given this other view, they must have inserted the mic on this footage too?
And if we see the press using massive microphones then that will explain this too.
Good find! I left a comment!
There’s also footage of his head merging with the background/wall when him and kamaltoe were walking through the “White House”. Greenscreen?
enter text
They wouldn't dare do this to Head of State Thompson, now would they??? ;)
Two different camera angles, both showing poorly depth sorted Bidan (hand in front of mic cover in both camera angles!) Some lazy fucker didn't know or care to mask out those foreground elements with any eye for detail. !00% fuckery.
Thank you for linking to the CSPAN video. At first I was skeptical of this due to the links in the OP (never heard of it), but if you download the CSPAN video you can see clearly at ~22 seconds in that his hands go over the microphone, then at ~36 seconds in his hands go over it.
At ~22 seconds it doesn't look at all natural--very much like a green screen glitch.
Also at ~51 and ~1:44 seconds in, pretty clearly "OF AMERICA" on the helicopter.
So it seems like the gist of this is that someone is able to play with the video that gets uploaded to CSPAN, but to what end? I did go ahead and fill out a "Report Video Issue" for my personal amusement.
Idk. If you look at the longer clip it pans back and you can see all the reporters there holding the booms.
I thought so at first but slow it down and not only does his hand pass through it but it stays blurry when it looks like it's touching him. Plus why didn't they just move the mics back if he got too close, what good does a mic under his arm do?
I think we are seeing video compression artifacts combined with the extremely difficult (video-wise) surfaces presented by those 'furry microphone wind covers'.
You're one of those "paid shills" aren't you?
God damn, this movie is getting good.
Excellent post. Good job with the sauce
Another angle... and other mic being cropped as well lol
Umm. Bloomberg made a 30 second video that only shows the CGI glitch...
I forgot to mention, where’s his security detail or his entourage?? I guess it’s easier to just green screen 1 person than it is to do many. Question is why do they have to fake something so simple??
yes, the 'why' is the most interesting question here. A nothing interview that no one wants to watch; why bother faking it. I just can't think of any plausible reason for MSM doing this. I did see someone post this photo, which helps explain the 'hands in front of the mic' aspect; I never realized those mics were SO BIG and that they would place them so incredibly low and close to the speaker! I guess they are required to keep them out of the 'main field of view' or something.
X22 is gonna have a field day with this footage.
Alright. Dug for other sources of the video. Yes, this is official. Wtf is going on?
Yes, it looks like he stepped too far forward.
Watch the video's obvious use of green screen.
Whats funny is this will be Xidens most watched video yet lol. But yes this is with out a doubt the best proof that this is all a movie.
Note the lack a a real helicopter as well...?
That is not biden. Look at his hands, chubby checks, and the bridge of the nose. This person in this image is not Biden.
Wow, before this post even existed I saw the original video and said that it looks like he was digitally inserted into this?! I'm glad others think this to. The whole *Biden show needs to come to an end.
So bizarre.
i thought they had used green screen
Wow, they must not be paying attention to mess up this badly
What an embarrassing time for our great nation.
They lopped off the top part of his noggin' too
Biden boarding the marine 1 is real but the mic was definitely edited in to likely screw with qAnOn.