This is a serious obstacle with no easy way to manage. Nothing can get past it. There's already a massive traffic jam. I am fairly certain they can't get it moving again because they poked a hole in it and it's firmly planted on the bottom. BIG PROBLEM.
THIS is stuck in the Suez Canal REAL GOOD,
If this is a manufactured crisis, it could trigger $10 gas. FILL UP EVERYTHING NOW BEFORE THE RESULTS OF THIS GO BONKERS.
Was this done on purpose to create a crisis? It sure looks that way, how on earth would they ever get it sideways SO PERFECT by accident?
This is stuck so bad it could trigger a global supply chain crisis. I don't know what gets used more, the Suez canal or the Panama canal, but if they don't get this un-stuck it's gonna be bad. Count how many containers tall that thing is stacked. It's a monster, WAY bigger than a Nimitz class aircraft carrier. This ship is 59 meters wide and 400 meters long. A Nimitz class aircraft carrier is 333 meters long. That pretty much sums up how huge this problem is.
It's certainly suspicious. Can't rule out the possibility the captain was just drunk or bored but if everything else I'm seeing surrounding Q and Evergreen turns out to have merit it could be an interesting sign.
Okay, I'm not ignoring the phallic symbol that some of you are seeing ? ...
but am I imagining that it looks like a rudimentary version of that nuclear/shamrock pattern made off the coast of FL the other day?
I see this ship sideways in the canal and can't help but compare it to the same effect Taco Bell has on my bowels.....right before she lets explosively loose.
? kek
best comment Kek wills it
OK, if I was a ship's captain and had to wait for an available pilot, I would also draw a big penis in the sea.
I mean that is one possible explanation.
As Joey Diaz would say " big dicks in your ass"
Someone is sending someone a giant fuck you is my take for sure.
i need sauce..for research
Men. Some of you have the most twisted sense of humor, lol.
When my roommate's car would get dirty, I used to draw one just like that on his passenger side door.
kek...i still do!
Omg! That was the first thing I saw too. Terrible.
Harris is at the helm..
I don't know, might be chiden. he's that confused.
How do strong winds make a penis? This is hilarious.
By blowing as hard as they can... :)
Unintentionally or intentionally, that depends on which way the wind is blowing... :)
Strong Winds = Twister, Twister = Screwdriver, Screwdriver = Tool, Tool = Penis.
That is how Strong Winds make a Penis.
n - i - c - e
Updooting for creativity!
Do these big balls make my dick look small?
Exclusive options during character creation. I hear you can pick the other option up later in life, though, through various means.
YT video of the ship's movement:
I cannot believe this is real...
This is a serious obstacle with no easy way to manage. Nothing can get past it. There's already a massive traffic jam. I am fairly certain they can't get it moving again because they poked a hole in it and it's firmly planted on the bottom. BIG PROBLEM.
THIS is stuck in the Suez Canal REAL GOOD, If this is a manufactured crisis, it could trigger $10 gas. FILL UP EVERYTHING NOW BEFORE THE RESULTS OF THIS GO BONKERS.
Was this done on purpose to create a crisis? It sure looks that way, how on earth would they ever get it sideways SO PERFECT by accident?
This is stuck so bad it could trigger a global supply chain crisis. I don't know what gets used more, the Suez canal or the Panama canal, but if they don't get this un-stuck it's gonna be bad. Count how many containers tall that thing is stacked. It's a monster, WAY bigger than a Nimitz class aircraft carrier. This ship is 59 meters wide and 400 meters long. A Nimitz class aircraft carrier is 333 meters long. That pretty much sums up how huge this problem is.
Well if it didn't create a big enough crisis by jamming it in the Suez Canal sideways they can always set it on fire.
It's certainly suspicious. Can't rule out the possibility the captain was just drunk or bored but if everything else I'm seeing surrounding Q and Evergreen turns out to have merit it could be an interesting sign.
Bored captain. Highly unlikely the captain knew if there was something nefarious on board.
I am taking this as the usual "17" comms. Basically saying "We have it under control Anons, dont you sweat it"
Okay, I'm not ignoring the phallic symbol that some of you are seeing ? ... but am I imagining that it looks like a rudimentary version of that nuclear/shamrock pattern made off the coast of FL the other day?
You may be correct.
But dang they screwed it up poorly if so. ?
uh huge coinky dink here
Was that an attempt at a 'Q' gone dick joke?
Now I’m recalling Quagmire’s question to Peter: “Does this look like a ‘Q’ to you?”
Me neither. The comments are great on this one! I needed a good laugh.
From the youtube you posted....
MOSAHEB 2..."Mossad?"
WTF is that tug boat doing..
do tug boats just randomly tug shit in the Suez like this often?
I agree "Mossad" looked suspect as fuc to me.
White hats trying to warn us about the cabal Anons: “big balls and dick. Kek”
Seems to be rather fitting to draw a dick and balls right before they fuck the hell out of that canal.
I.C. Wiener
how this will get memed forever on 4chan, let me count the ways
That looks like a giant....
Johnson! Get over here and explain to me why this giant...
one of my favorites..soon as i saw the link I knew and watched.. good form pede..
So it just appeared in the middle of the ocean and did circles
It looks like a giant...
WANG! Pay attention!!!
Not sure which symbol is supposed to be here? Other than the obvious one, which presumably isn't the one of interest.
Big old dick.
almost a dick inside of a dick.
A penis and then a Q...
I see this ship sideways in the canal and can't help but compare it to the same effect Taco Bell has on my bowels.....right before she lets explosively loose.
You can interpret that however you like.
Multiple meanings exist.
You have more than you know.