Free markets dictate the emergence of alternative services when the dominant services no longer serve the needs of their consumers. We're actually fortunate that, relative to Utilities or Manufacturing, etc, Media has a low barrier to entry. It's still an enormous amount of resources, but "doable" for people with pockets deep as Trump or Lindell.
I'd go so far as to say the greatest barrier to entry in Media is getting a customer base. Trump and Lindell have that LOCKED UP.
Sex Sells. Political division and rhetoric is no different.
Since there exists no viable "Swarming" (FB, Twitter, YT) style media on the Right / Independent side, our message languishes on traditional print-style websites. Here is it laughably easy for the hive mind and its masters to silence.
This creates a lazy, complacent MSM - they skate by with (as we know) disgusting levels of bias, and outright lies, as they have an incredible advantage in the dissemination of knowledge.
But as we see now, they are already hemorrhaging viewers and revenue after Trump's departure. And he, wisely, has given them little to talk about up to now - hastening their hysteria without given them anything to screech about.
When his and Lindell's platforms launch, I think it's safe to say Cabal Swarm Platforms (FB, Twitter, YT) lose 20-30% of their users outright. Maybe, hopefully more.
This should, in theory, create something of a vacuum for the Left. They will have no one left at which to screech. The MSM will continue as they had been, pushing divisive stories to instigate click bait yelling. Circle-jerking gets boring. They'll find themselves HAVING TO KNOW what we're doing on Frank / Etc.
And when they come looking for fights, they'll find the truth, no longer censored when it's against their narrative, because we now own our own pipes, and have our own repositories of facts.
They won't be able to wash away or ignore what is being said.
I expect full on cannibalism from the Left. And I mean in addition to the horrible stuff the elites are into. ;)
ugh: this is the first time i've posted from desktop - and it kind of looks horrible to me. Any tips on separating the paragraphs more aesthetically? edit2: it looks OK, i guess, on mobile. Guess maybe I'm just not used to viewing this forum on desktop.
Thanks. It's another thing I really had to put a lot of effort into due to the hectic nature of my life. I wanted it to be better, but those are the breaks. Really appreciate the comment!
I could see the happening as well. In fact, I could see these new platforms completely decimating FB, Twitter and YT much like those platforms did to Myspace.
However, I learned long ago if you want a statement to be taken seriously, estimate on the conservative side when talking speculative numbers.
I DID hit "double enter" after each line; I think I heard others recommend it before. Not sure if it worked tbh. Looks OK on mobile, kinda bad on desktop. Anyway, thanks, maybe that helps you in the future. ?
Lindell's platform is coming the week of April 12. He said it's twitter, FB and Youtube all in one place. He has his own servers and is ready for 1 billion users. I think he's called it Frankspeech - or something like that. No one will be deplatformed.
section 230 from 1996. Our friendly SCROTUS in effect said that websites could moderate users (make their own community rules) but the government couldn't force platforms to censor free speech. Trump had vetoed the NDAA (the defense bill) last year after congress failed to pass 230 reform but congress overrode it to fund the deep state.
IMHO, get off zuckbook. They are just selling your data to the highest bidder, that literally is their business model. Remember, when something is free, you are the product.
It's a great question and I'd like to know as well.
To be honest, the whole .win hierarchy confuses me a little.
I assume each individual domain is owned separately (maybe with some overlap) on the TLD .win and somehow networked by a team of devs who decide which communities get "added". I'm no web developer, but I assume it's sort of like an old school BBS network where each "node" is independent, then shares certain network privileges as a collective.
I've been thinking a bit about how node based distribution (somewhere between the monopoly of a single server model and the free for all of pure p2p system) could go a long way towards democratizing social media. Nodes have more "authority" than an individual p2p user, but far less than a single entity. If someone see this and steals the idea, please offer me some shares.
Also, I think a lot of these answers could be found by asking our brethren on or how exactly they created their spaces.
Sorry for the long winded reply. It's something that really piques by curiosity, but not my direct action. Lol.
One of the few things worth paying for when it comes to online services, is a secure, encrypted business email account(costs $20-30 a year).
That way they are financially motivated to take care of your privacy/not sell data and are actively working at ensuring uptime, fighting intrusion attempts and combating spam and sketchy emails....
What the hell. So Trump has literally been banned from ever speaking on big tech again? That is the most absurd thing I've ever heard in my life. Big tech doesn't get to decide who is allowed to speak and who is not. These fucking people are insane. When will we put an end to this nonsense?
it's not enough to just leave Facebook, Facebook should not be allowed to ban the President of the United States. Something should be done to fix this but.............
Personally I think it would be a slippery slope to allow the government to regulate the free speech of private corporations. Next up you'll have the libtards try to reinstate the FCC's fairness doctrine or something worse, which is what they want to do.
All we gotta do is just create our own platforms. To make that viable, it means using some of the popular mainstream platforms less and patronize alternatives more.
I totally understand you. But has there ever been an instance of a company completely banning another President? People are taking free speech to a whole different level these days. We didn’t used to need to fight tooth and nail on every point of free speech. People just understood. Now, Facebook has the right to ban Trump but Trump doesn’t have the right to say what he wants on Facebook without getting banned. And then if Trump makes his own platform but bans lets say, pornography, then people will be screaming that he isn’t allowing free speech either. It just doesn’t end. And that’s exactly what they want.
That would all be great and fine. If they didn't also allow terrorists to threaten death and destruction to the United States on their platform. It's funny how they allow that but yet claim the President is inciting violence/terrorism. They should be either held to their own standards, or put under review or investigation.
Facebook was used to organise people to commit genocide in Myanmar a few years ago. A lot of of it was because Facebook's AI algos couldn't pick up the Burmese text quick enough because the conversion to the universal language (Unicode). Emojicode is basically the universal Esperanto for computers since it can translate between languages by design. Everything we type here is just the English dialect of Unicode.
By the time the 2020 Burmese election happened, Facebook had cleaned up its act, and it was a free and fair election, but then the military had a takeover and banned the internet.
Boy beyond pissed .. this really has to stop ..blatant communism for so long now and I’m sure the lunatic left idiot minions are laughing and saying good! I want to keep in touch with what’s happening in the world , but I’ll tell you It’s getting me so fkn furious which for many reasons isn’t good..yes pray more I know goes to show you how much restraint people on the right have .. Johnny and Jillian going postal has done left the dock . Dear Mr. President: Our country is being destroyed we need you back Sir
Wrong. It STILL matters who is being influenced by their censorship. I choose to remain in the fight until I am banned. Which will be any minute now because I shared this AND Lindell's latest within a few hours.
I don't use FB and have no use for FB. I don't give a shit what FB does or who it bans. Anyone seeking quality information on FB is definitely in the wrong place. Even before big tech began massive censoring, FB was littered with hate, arguments, and lots of fake news, false information from all sides.
. .. who ??? FB, as in Wastebook? I stopped using the CIA's information-gathering tool 6 years ago. It doesn't even exist in my world . . . Shitter as well. The more of us who stop using those weapons of the globo-left, the sooner they will either and expire. Well, here's hoping anyway!
We are seeing the slippery slope argument played out in real time. That's the argument that says, even if the original intention is good, the rule isn't worth it because the danger of it being expanded into other undesirable uses outweighs any benefit of having the rule.
The ORIGINAL reason for banning things was to prevent "misinformation" from spreading so quick that it caused great damage to those who heard it before it got refuted. Democrats claim this (misinformation) was why Trump won in 2016, so they put pressure on FB to not let it happen again.
FB bowed down to their masters and starting heavily redacting and editing ANY positive information about Trump, and began suppressing any NEGATIVE information about Biden (Laptop from Hell).
This new 'ban everything deemed misinformation' rule was supposed to only last until the election, but now that people have accepted it, they've happily continued and expanded it to include any post containing information they don't agree with. This goes for any social media site, including Amazon, Google, and Twitter.
When the slippery slope argument is ignored, you find yourself quickly headed towards the cliff, and I fear that it may be too late to stop
When Trump's social media site is up, the days of Trump's words being hidden from the public will be over. Please, God. Make it so.
I'm convinced this will be a watershed moment.
Free markets dictate the emergence of alternative services when the dominant services no longer serve the needs of their consumers. We're actually fortunate that, relative to Utilities or Manufacturing, etc, Media has a low barrier to entry. It's still an enormous amount of resources, but "doable" for people with pockets deep as Trump or Lindell.
I'd go so far as to say the greatest barrier to entry in Media is getting a customer base. Trump and Lindell have that LOCKED UP.
Sex Sells. Political division and rhetoric is no different.
Since there exists no viable "Swarming" (FB, Twitter, YT) style media on the Right / Independent side, our message languishes on traditional print-style websites. Here is it laughably easy for the hive mind and its masters to silence.
This creates a lazy, complacent MSM - they skate by with (as we know) disgusting levels of bias, and outright lies, as they have an incredible advantage in the dissemination of knowledge.
But as we see now, they are already hemorrhaging viewers and revenue after Trump's departure. And he, wisely, has given them little to talk about up to now - hastening their hysteria without given them anything to screech about.
When his and Lindell's platforms launch, I think it's safe to say Cabal Swarm Platforms (FB, Twitter, YT) lose 20-30% of their users outright. Maybe, hopefully more.
This should, in theory, create something of a vacuum for the Left. They will have no one left at which to screech. The MSM will continue as they had been, pushing divisive stories to instigate click bait yelling. Circle-jerking gets boring. They'll find themselves HAVING TO KNOW what we're doing on Frank / Etc.
And when they come looking for fights, they'll find the truth, no longer censored when it's against their narrative, because we now own our own pipes, and have our own repositories of facts.
They won't be able to wash away or ignore what is being said.
I expect full on cannibalism from the Left. And I mean in addition to the horrible stuff the elites are into. ;)
ugh: this is the first time i've posted from desktop - and it kind of looks horrible to me. Any tips on separating the paragraphs more aesthetically? edit2: it looks OK, i guess, on mobile. Guess maybe I'm just not used to viewing this forum on desktop.
Great comment. Sharing this!
Thanks. It's another thing I really had to put a lot of effort into due to the hectic nature of my life. I wanted it to be better, but those are the breaks. Really appreciate the comment!
It’s perfectly succinct. You have a compelling writing style.
The cabal platforms will lose 60-80% of their users. Guaranteed.
I could see the happening as well. In fact, I could see these new platforms completely decimating FB, Twitter and YT much like those platforms did to Myspace.
However, I learned long ago if you want a statement to be taken seriously, estimate on the conservative side when talking speculative numbers.
(Secretly, I agree with you 110% ?)
I don't know how you got the separation. Unfortunately, everything I post is just a wall of text and so garish and hard to read.
Appreciate the feedback.
I DID hit "double enter" after each line; I think I heard others recommend it before. Not sure if it worked tbh. Looks OK on mobile, kinda bad on desktop. Anyway, thanks, maybe that helps you in the future. ?
There needs to be a place where everything that has been purged can thrive. And that’s where Trump comes in.
There needs to be a place where it is cool and fun to bash crazy left wing ideologies. (Like here!) Once that becomes “trendy”, it’s over.
Lindell's platform is coming the week of April 12. He said it's twitter, FB and Youtube all in one place. He has his own servers and is ready for 1 billion users. I think he's called it Frankspeech - or something like that. No one will be deplatformed.
Why the hell have their assets not been seized yet? This is getting ridiculous
section 230 from 1996. Our friendly SCROTUS in effect said that websites could moderate users (make their own community rules) but the government couldn't force platforms to censor free speech. Trump had vetoed the NDAA (the defense bill) last year after congress failed to pass 230 reform but congress overrode it to fund the deep state.
IMHO, get off zuckbook. They are just selling your data to the highest bidder, that literally is their business model. Remember, when something is free, you are the product.
I don't pay for this .win, are we the product here too?
Different scales, so not necessarily.
The cost of them keeping their "scale" so large is exponentially larger than ours at the moment.
David v. Goliath.
Not to say this couldn't be a honeypot. But honestly, IDGAF at this point. It's worth the risk to collaborate with all of you.
yeah, I am with you - was genuinely asking what other frens here think. I mean honestly, who does pay to host these?
It's a great question and I'd like to know as well.
To be honest, the whole .win hierarchy confuses me a little.
I assume each individual domain is owned separately (maybe with some overlap) on the TLD .win and somehow networked by a team of devs who decide which communities get "added". I'm no web developer, but I assume it's sort of like an old school BBS network where each "node" is independent, then shares certain network privileges as a collective.
I've been thinking a bit about how node based distribution (somewhere between the monopoly of a single server model and the free for all of pure p2p system) could go a long way towards democratizing social media. Nodes have more "authority" than an individual p2p user, but far less than a single entity. If someone see this and steals the idea, please offer me some shares.
Also, I think a lot of these answers could be found by asking our brethren on or how exactly they created their spaces.
Sorry for the long winded reply. It's something that really piques by curiosity, but not my direct action. Lol.
It is C who owns these sites. you can reach him on meta/C/
But his sites are about 10 out of 800000 domains on .win. The IDN/gTLD readly opened the flood gates on what the concept of a domain is.
Good info about "C". Appreciate it. ?
X22 - true Paytriot
One of the few things worth paying for when it comes to online services, is a secure, encrypted business email account(costs $20-30 a year).
That way they are financially motivated to take care of your privacy/not sell data and are actively working at ensuring uptime, fighting intrusion attempts and combating spam and sketchy emails....
I don't know, this site isn't that big and I don't see ads, I could imagine a wealthy patriot self funding it. But idk - anyone know who runs this?
Only reason I'm on facebook is because the old fudds'n fogey's running my gun club use it for the club...
It's intentional dude, they are playing a part in this movie.
Consider how many Trump supporting Americans are unaware of Q and the plan.
POTUS will be kept at a distance from upcoming events.
Why are anyone still using this hellhole? Get off of Facebook.
What the hell. So Trump has literally been banned from ever speaking on big tech again? That is the most absurd thing I've ever heard in my life. Big tech doesn't get to decide who is allowed to speak and who is not. These fucking people are insane. When will we put an end to this nonsense?
it's not enough to just leave Facebook, Facebook should not be allowed to ban the President of the United States. Something should be done to fix this but.............
Personally I think it would be a slippery slope to allow the government to regulate the free speech of private corporations. Next up you'll have the libtards try to reinstate the FCC's fairness doctrine or something worse, which is what they want to do.
All we gotta do is just create our own platforms. To make that viable, it means using some of the popular mainstream platforms less and patronize alternatives more.
I totally understand you. But has there ever been an instance of a company completely banning another President? People are taking free speech to a whole different level these days. We didn’t used to need to fight tooth and nail on every point of free speech. People just understood. Now, Facebook has the right to ban Trump but Trump doesn’t have the right to say what he wants on Facebook without getting banned. And then if Trump makes his own platform but bans lets say, pornography, then people will be screaming that he isn’t allowing free speech either. It just doesn’t end. And that’s exactly what they want.
That would all be great and fine. If they didn't also allow terrorists to threaten death and destruction to the United States on their platform. It's funny how they allow that but yet claim the President is inciting violence/terrorism. They should be either held to their own standards, or put under review or investigation.
The problem is maybe Facebook's sheer scale.
Let me give you a quick anecdote from
Facebook was used to organise people to commit genocide in Myanmar a few years ago. A lot of of it was because Facebook's AI algos couldn't pick up the Burmese text quick enough because the conversion to the universal language (Unicode). Emojicode is basically the universal Esperanto for computers since it can translate between languages by design. Everything we type here is just the English dialect of Unicode.
By the time the 2020 Burmese election happened, Facebook had cleaned up its act, and it was a free and fair election, but then the military had a takeover and banned the internet.
Now the situation is bad...
He used to be known as Bruce.
Dude has issues.
Boy beyond pissed .. this really has to stop ..blatant communism for so long now and I’m sure the lunatic left idiot minions are laughing and saying good! I want to keep in touch with what’s happening in the world , but I’ll tell you It’s getting me so fkn furious which for many reasons isn’t good..yes pray more I know goes to show you how much restraint people on the right have .. Johnny and Jillian going postal has done left the dock . Dear Mr. President: Our country is being destroyed we need you back Sir
I'm going to throw a block party when Zuckerburg's evil empire comes crashing down.
I hope ALL of his assets are seized!
The money and power he has he’ll be long gone before that happens
So he has been officially unpersoned now?
Attempt to erase history.
If you leave Facebook it doesn’t matter what they do....
If you’re still on Facebook you’re part of the problem.
Wrong. It STILL matters who is being influenced by their censorship. I choose to remain in the fight until I am banned. Which will be any minute now because I shared this AND Lindell's latest within a few hours.
I don't use FB and have no use for FB. I don't give a shit what FB does or who it bans. Anyone seeking quality information on FB is definitely in the wrong place. Even before big tech began massive censoring, FB was littered with hate, arguments, and lots of fake news, false information from all sides.
What are they so afraid of?
Seriously, that has to be it.
Unreal that people think this is ok! But it’s not too surprising, they are brainwashed into thinking it’s ok.
He who must not be named
Come on, FB, just start referring to DJT as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named!
Ah, there's nothing worse than demonrats..a plague to society, I really can't stand much more
Hey you stole my stickie fren.... ? posted this 8 hours ago....all good though just keep spreading the word
Sorry, I wanted to get the quote in the title. My first stickie, I'm excited. :)
No worries mate.. good on you.. must say I’m am a bit envious of the sticky but we are team mates WWG1WGA
All the morons that let these fuckers get so big and powerful should be a part of the trials....................
When you remove a mans tongue to keep him from speaking.... you only prove that what the man has to say is truth.
Very shocking. But not surprising.
. .. who ??? FB, as in Wastebook? I stopped using the CIA's information-gathering tool 6 years ago. It doesn't even exist in my world . . . Shitter as well. The more of us who stop using those weapons of the globo-left, the sooner they will either and expire. Well, here's hoping anyway!
Facebook is for frumpy house wives to show pic of there feet while sitting at there pool or the beach.
Fuck that cunt Katelyn!
And why are we surprised ?
Well, go f,@ck yourself Katelyn.
Certain people have always engaged in the erasure of others...
It's on both her Rumble sites:
We are seeing the slippery slope argument played out in real time. That's the argument that says, even if the original intention is good, the rule isn't worth it because the danger of it being expanded into other undesirable uses outweighs any benefit of having the rule.
The ORIGINAL reason for banning things was to prevent "misinformation" from spreading so quick that it caused great damage to those who heard it before it got refuted. Democrats claim this (misinformation) was why Trump won in 2016, so they put pressure on FB to not let it happen again.
FB bowed down to their masters and starting heavily redacting and editing ANY positive information about Trump, and began suppressing any NEGATIVE information about Biden (Laptop from Hell).
This new 'ban everything deemed misinformation' rule was supposed to only last until the election, but now that people have accepted it, they've happily continued and expanded it to include any post containing information they don't agree with. This goes for any social media site, including Amazon, Google, and Twitter.
When the slippery slope argument is ignored, you find yourself quickly headed towards the cliff, and I fear that it may be too late to stop
Now that’s what I call rent-free living!! ??
This is fake. The interview is still on her FB page.
Not fake, they took the original down. She reposted the Rumble link afterwards.
Katelyn........Does anyone know what her title is at the FakeBook.