Same here. Insta-out. Even if that shit was true, which its not, save ur credibility and stfu. He’s a red-herring to make us look like idiots. Clearly its working.
I watched a couple of his vids in November and I was like whaaat? How does this guy who looks like he’s living in his moms basement have this sort of information to share. Then I saw the illustrations of his booty call and I was like noooo. Made me question if I was on the right side of things.
I don't give a shit if somebody tries to make a little money. I'll defend that all day. Good research isn't easy, and packing it together and making a video presentation or web page or whatever isn't the easiest thing in the world and it isn't free either. A little compensation isn't a bad thing.... But Parkes lost me one day when he said he had just gotten off the phone with Q..... C'mon son.. No outside comms.
It's so sad that so many people on what is ostensibly a Q research forum are defending a scam artist who claims to have spoken with Q. Jesus Christ, there needs to be a mandatory IQ test for registering on this site and an age limit of 45 so the retarded boomers stop shitting the place up.
Maybe the age limit should be that no one UNDER 45 be allowed, you think? Because obviously, good manners and proper language were both lost on most of that age group along with respect for other people and their opinions. Sounds suspicious.... I think I smell a liberal. Oh, and it's a bit presumptuous for one to assume that another has a "low IQ" or is a "retarded boomer" if over the age of 45.
Statistics prove that the generational gap has proved decided drop in the intelligence quotient of the millennials.
What's even funnier is that the Boomer-hater person/bot calling themselves "thefacesitter" (sounds kinky - LOL) doesn't even know what age the Boomer generation is. The low end of Boomers were born in 1964 (age 56) and the high end was born in 1946 (age 75), so their proposed age cut-off of 45 doesn't even make sense (age 45 is a mid-range Gen-Xer).
All of the Q and Trump supporters that I know are either Gen-X or Boomer ages. I don't know ANY Millennials who voted for Trump (either time) or any who believe in Q.
Not that I'm trying to get involved in your ridiculous argument.... But...Boomers RAISED the "awful millennials"....
So.... Time to look in the mirror. ??
Did I say "awful millennials"? No I didn't. There are some quite fine upstanding ones. But if the person that posted the segment using the Lords name in vain and declaring anyone over 45 to be an imbecile, thinks they have any higher of an IQ then I believe they are in for a very rude awakening
Funny thing is, I don't even think he's read any of the drops. He's not knowlegable about any of it.
You'd think someone who's been asked to join the Q team and has accepted, would have a direct line to the main mans desk and would be slightly hold slightly more credible company than the likes of Charlie Ward
I stopped listening after roughly the 3rd time he bigly date-fagged, and nothing happened. But hey, if he floats your boat, then by all means, keep enjoying his brand of Hopium. Seriously, if that helps you get through the dark times, then I'm glad he's around. I'm just personally done with him.
I do wish him the best in his court-case with the BBC (if it exists) ... I dont give a shit who anyone is, but I'm happy whenever anyone tries to stick it to the MSM.
Simon is a great con man for the reasons stated by op.....he is very convincing...if you enjoy his con then I say salud to you!!!
I mean seriously when an actor in a movie gives a speech or does something else that inspires you then that is great .its not like we have to send that actor donations or invite them into our real the same time if a mofo tries to tell me what a great guy Forrest Gump is Im gonna remind them that was a character in a movie.
I have strong reason to believe he wasn't banned from Youtube, he was called out, so decided to move elsewhere. Bitchute I think.
He just needs calling out in the comments section there, very much like Biden's WH vids and he'll eventually have nowhere left to go.
Even IF a cat from outer space came into your bedroom in the middle of the night and ripped her outfit off and straddled you.
Are you going to ...... you know ........ get stuck in?
That blue one on Avatar was pretty hot.
I must admit I have a bit of a thing for other worldly creatures!
A female Jabba the Hut might be pushing it a little too far though
I don't hate you, but this should not have been stickied. I don't trust a guy who claims to have access to Q. Also I saw clips of him claiming to be a child of an alien. I haven't listened to him since the inauguration of Biden because he lost me with all the nonsense he says. I will say Scott McKay and Charlie Ward are way worse. If you really believe Biden hasn't touched the White House yet, then I've got some bad news for you.
Q straight up says there are no outside comms, no private comms, no comms outside the chans. Anyone claiming to have spoken with Q should be utterly disregarded. Especially when their website is selling "5G bioshields" that are just OEM USB drives
Scott McKay's voice, lip smacking, and sniffing every 5 seconds (like he just tooted a line of coke) drives me bonkers. Can't listen to him for longer than a minute. He might have good info, but the method of delivery (Scott) isn't worth the torture of listening to him. He should consider just posting a written blog instead of making people have to listen to him audibly.
He said he spoke to Q on the phone. Bullshift I am out. He is a flat out lier peddling what people want to hear. If you like listening to him it’s because you want it to be true and have stopped critical thinking.
I watched Simon Parkes for a while, based on other Anons recommending him as a truth-teller, but nothing he said ever came true from the episodes I watched (saw some of his podcasts that aired after the 2020 election).
But I do VIVIDLY remember Parkes saying in one of his podcasts that he had just "gotten off the phone with Q" and I was like, "Oh, this guy is most definitely full of shit - BYE!" I think it was somewhere around Jan. 2021 when he said that.
He chose not to monetize his youtube channel. For me that speaks volumes. He's also been running the connecting consciousness group for 11 years which is also free to join. His overall demeanour coupled with the points above says to be he's credible and can be trusted.
Unless he gets millions of views on every video he releases he's not giving up much by not monetizing. This is why people like videogamedunkey eventually gave up trying to make fewer high quality videos and eventually jumped on the daily upload bandwagon because his merch game is weak compared to his peers like Mega64 etc. Very few people are getting rich with ad money. If you're big enough to make a living just through ads then you're big enough to sell out and make it REALLY big. It's like that old Chris Rock joke. Shaq is rich. The guy who signs Shaq's check is wealthy. FB/TW/IG are the only ones geting rich via ads.
He claims a lot of stuff and does not provide evidence or backup on those claims....thats what I don't like. I do enjoy his delivery, and would enjoy his message if it weren't for the "shooting from the hip". He's another Charlie Ward to me
I find him entertaining and tune in, he may just be feeding off other sources but sometimes it's easier to hear it from Simon. Just like others, I listen to what they believe and share and then I use this thing God gave me called a brain to work out the puzzle. Don't stop doing what you enjoy because someone else tells you what to do. Live it up a little.
He's a disgusting scam artist and you're a complete idiot for giving him any credence. He has zero insider sources and has made dozens of bold predictions that never came to fruition.
I have not had problems with SIMONE myself and feel everyone has a right to think and believe in what they wish. People have downed him because he has talked ET'S. So what, who to hell can guarantee they do not exist? UNLESS a person is there who to hell are they to say another is full of S____?
Personally, I will watch and listen to probably 15 people. Why because Q said to do our own research. Do I believe everything each one says ....No. But I do get something from each one whether it is hope, a good laugh, a relatable story or helping out pieces to the puzzle together. We all have a choice and if he brings you calm, go for it. The one thing they all have in common though is that they do believe in God and he has a plan.WWG1WGA
I don't think the problem is his making money... The problem is that he is CIA or M16 and is there to send people on a wild goose chase. He says things are going to happen and they don't. He's a distractor and discreditor. He makes the rest of us look nuts to people who may be looking for alternative information.
I've decided anyone who is former intelligence cannot be trusted. Fool me once, you know....
I actually think Simon Parkes means well and believes he is relaying truth, but is extremely gullible. Either he is being misled by DS, or by trolls playing the long game.
I watched his channel for a while, when I first tried to figure out what Q was several months ago. In the end decided the misinformation was too much, even with an open mind.
I've always had my respect for Simon ever since I first found him on Youtube. I always had my doubts with the media and election, but I was never truly awake. I remember watching the Jan. 6th Riots and being so shocked about everything. I go on Youtube that night and see him in my Recommend watchlist. Thanks to him, I started down the path of being truly awakened to where I am today!
I used to follow Simon pretty regularly and even signed up for his connecting consciousness. Once I found GA I realized a lot of people here thought he was a fake & I was slightly embarrassed to say I like him. So I slowly quit following him. He does have a calmness about him that I really like though. Each to their own. We should listen to who we like but maybe do it with a grain of salt.
So I looked it up & now realize what you are talking about. According to the FBI it ended that program in 1971. Of course I have zero trust in the FBI.
I’ll keep digging. I appreciate the suggestion. The majority here are much more advanced in this stuff than I am but I’m willing to research with eyes wide open. Honestly I was pretty blind until about 6 months ago.
God bless you. I've been digging for a long, long time, well before Q was even a thing. It's best to do your own research, but if you get stuck on anything, just ask. I don't know many answers, but I've been down some holes and can point like a mofo.
I've watched all of his videos and I've come to the conclusion on my own that he isn't lying. The weird thing about people here shitting on him over the alien thing is, what they're doing to Simon is what pretty much the entirety of media does to us... Yes, I'm not sure what to believe when he claims he has sex with aliens. I'm not an idiot but he did say his mom was Mi6 and her entire life work was documenting alien artifacts... But when the people here focus on that and conclude he's a terrible human being and is lying for money... Kind of sounds familiar. I'm glad this topic came up and people "admitted" to thinking the same as me haha.
To add, it's actually pretty believable that he was offered a job as a therapist/"healer". I believe he has real intel because they are prepping him to do his job.
One interesting thing no one has mentioned is the possibility Simon is schizophrenic... I haven't seen signs of it but it could explain the aliens thing. My friend developed paranoid schizophrenia the moment he turned 18 and was sent to a mental institution for 2 weeks. He told me a story of a girl and an old woman he became good friends with. Until one day, they weren't there. It was a Shutter Island moment where he realized they were his imagination. Another possibility is Simon really does have sex with aliens. I'm not the type to discount a theory because it sounds insane, otherwise I would've had a mental boom when I found this Q stuff. I'm choosing to believe Simon for now and seeing what happens. A lot of the things he's said has been accurate, but people wouldn't know because as soon as they heard he has sex with aliens, they wrote him off and refused to listen to anything else he had to say.
It’s so hard to tell who’s truth worthy and who isn’t. I take everything I read & listen to with a grain of salt. No one (in my mind) can be completely right. If you like him, listen and you’ll figure out who makes sense and who doesn’t. I’ve listened to A LOT of different people over the past 5 years and left many like abandoned cars on the road to my education. So take what you can but don’t hold on so tight that you give up your own sovereignty.
He never said Q personally contacted him, because Q is not a person. A person representing contacted him. If I can get the time and go back through his videos, I may find the one where he tells it and attach it for you.
Simon comes up with great ideas for possibilities, but doesn't really provide any sources to back up his beliefs and often times, his predictions or interpretations don't turn out to be true. So, he's a good conspiracist.
The other reason I don't follow him is that he claims he has sources in the government and often times ends up being wrong. So, either he's lying about his sources or he's being lied to.
Yea. X22... They give large doses of hopium that never fall through as well. But the guy at least says he could be wrong. For some reason, the only things I remember clearly about X22 is the advertisements for collagen and vpn service. Heh.
I liked him until I saw his interviews about his sexual encounters with aliens... Eeeeech.....
Same here. Insta-out. Even if that shit was true, which its not, save ur credibility and stfu. He’s a red-herring to make us look like idiots. Clearly its working.
He even looks like he was raised to be a Spy. Like plain-clothes cops in the UK. You can spot them from 2 miles away
Maybe it's stickied so folks can see us laugh at the clown.
Yeah and then he whips out the illustrations. In crayon. Ughhhh. I questioned my own sanity after seeing that.
I watched a couple of his vids in November and I was like whaaat? How does this guy who looks like he’s living in his moms basement have this sort of information to share. Then I saw the illustrations of his booty call and I was like noooo. Made me question if I was on the right side of things.
Well fuck now that I’ve seen the alien again I would prob bang it. Just for the story.
So you're Canadian Patriot 210 posting Google Amp links?
Here's the archived link to the actual page.
^^^zaklee...I like alien sex as much as the next guy but have the good sense to keep it to myself!
Underrated post ... I have but 1 updoot. I wish I had more!
That gives new meaning to "the strange"
I don't give a shit if somebody tries to make a little money. I'll defend that all day. Good research isn't easy, and packing it together and making a video presentation or web page or whatever isn't the easiest thing in the world and it isn't free either. A little compensation isn't a bad thing.... But Parkes lost me one day when he said he had just gotten off the phone with Q..... C'mon son.. No outside comms.
It's so sad that so many people on what is ostensibly a Q research forum are defending a scam artist who claims to have spoken with Q. Jesus Christ, there needs to be a mandatory IQ test for registering on this site and an age limit of 45 so the retarded boomers stop shitting the place up.
Maybe the age limit should be that no one UNDER 45 be allowed, you think? Because obviously, good manners and proper language were both lost on most of that age group along with respect for other people and their opinions. Sounds suspicious.... I think I smell a liberal. Oh, and it's a bit presumptuous for one to assume that another has a "low IQ" or is a "retarded boomer" if over the age of 45. Statistics prove that the generational gap has proved decided drop in the intelligence quotient of the millennials.
What's even funnier is that the Boomer-hater person/bot calling themselves "thefacesitter" (sounds kinky - LOL) doesn't even know what age the Boomer generation is. The low end of Boomers were born in 1964 (age 56) and the high end was born in 1946 (age 75), so their proposed age cut-off of 45 doesn't even make sense (age 45 is a mid-range Gen-Xer).
All of the Q and Trump supporters that I know are either Gen-X or Boomer ages. I don't know ANY Millennials who voted for Trump (either time) or any who believe in Q.
Not that I'm trying to get involved in your ridiculous argument.... But...Boomers RAISED the "awful millennials".... So.... Time to look in the mirror. ??
Did I say "awful millennials"? No I didn't. There are some quite fine upstanding ones. But if the person that posted the segment using the Lords name in vain and declaring anyone over 45 to be an imbecile, thinks they have any higher of an IQ then I believe they are in for a very rude awakening
Funny thing is, I don't even think he's read any of the drops. He's not knowlegable about any of it. You'd think someone who's been asked to join the Q team and has accepted, would have a direct line to the main mans desk and would be slightly hold slightly more credible company than the likes of Charlie Ward
I stopped listening after roughly the 3rd time he bigly date-fagged, and nothing happened. But hey, if he floats your boat, then by all means, keep enjoying his brand of Hopium. Seriously, if that helps you get through the dark times, then I'm glad he's around. I'm just personally done with him.
I do wish him the best in his court-case with the BBC (if it exists) ... I dont give a shit who anyone is, but I'm happy whenever anyone tries to stick it to the MSM.
It's not that he sells things. It's that he claims he had an affair on his wife with a fucking alien.
So he has sex with a mexican, big deal...... (snicker)
I lol'd, thanks.
no its cos he said he personally spoke to Q on the phone. Why would Q speak to some rando Brit and about what? Also NO OUTSIDE COMMS!
Simon is a great con man for the reasons stated by op.....he is very convincing...if you enjoy his con then I say salud to you!!!
I mean seriously when an actor in a movie gives a speech or does something else that inspires you then that is great .its not like we have to send that actor donations or invite them into our real the same time if a mofo tries to tell me what a great guy Forrest Gump is Im gonna remind them that was a character in a movie.
Agreed but this conman is causing credibility damage to a serious movement. Great post tho. Updoots.
I have strong reason to believe he wasn't banned from Youtube, he was called out, so decided to move elsewhere. Bitchute I think. He just needs calling out in the comments section there, very much like Biden's WH vids and he'll eventually have nowhere left to go.
He said he has sex with an alien once a quarter. He lost all credibility for me after that.
Lmao. I figured the claim above was a one time thing. Once a quarter tho is an interesting twist.
Dude for sure ET’s but this guy is drawing pictures of cartoon aliens in crayons and talking about banging them. Come on!
Even IF a cat from outer space came into your bedroom in the middle of the night and ripped her outfit off and straddled you. Are you going to ...... you know ........ get stuck in?
A hot alien? Or their version of Stacy Abrahms?
In the latter case, breathing would be my primary concern.
That blue one on Avatar was pretty hot. I must admit I have a bit of a thing for other worldly creatures! A female Jabba the Hut might be pushing it a little too far though
Stacy the Abrahms FF to 7:25
I watch everything looking for nuggets of truth - don't censor yourself - plenty of others happy to do that to you.
^This guy gets it!
I don't hate you, but this should not have been stickied. I don't trust a guy who claims to have access to Q. Also I saw clips of him claiming to be a child of an alien. I haven't listened to him since the inauguration of Biden because he lost me with all the nonsense he says. I will say Scott McKay and Charlie Ward are way worse. If you really believe Biden hasn't touched the White House yet, then I've got some bad news for you.
Q straight up says there are no outside comms, no private comms, no comms outside the chans. Anyone claiming to have spoken with Q should be utterly disregarded. Especially when their website is selling "5G bioshields" that are just OEM USB drives
He said in one of his videos he has spoken to the real Q. He is full of shit.
He's still got his channel on youtube right? Tells you everything you need to know.
I heard he's banned from Youtube.
He was banned for several months. He is just supposed to get it back this month. If you knew him, you would know that.
Yeah I haven't payed attention to the limey quack in a minute, he's not credible to me. Muh alien mantis mummy.
Sounds like you're saying he's still got his youtube channel, right?
He said he was banned until sometime in April. They gave him months, can't remember how many. I know others that got only a couple weeks or 30 days.
There is a bunch of people who present a lot of similar information. Sasha Stone, Scott McKay, Charlie Ward, Charlie Freak, Juan O Savin
Many seem to be associated with Robert David Steele. I listen to a lot of them thinking, "I want to believe".
I do not embrace or dismiss them entirely.
Scott McKay's voice, lip smacking, and sniffing every 5 seconds (like he just tooted a line of coke) drives me bonkers. Can't listen to him for longer than a minute. He might have good info, but the method of delivery (Scott) isn't worth the torture of listening to him. He should consider just posting a written blog instead of making people have to listen to him audibly.
He said he spoke to Q on the phone. Bullshift I am out. He is a flat out lier peddling what people want to hear. If you like listening to him it’s because you want it to be true and have stopped critical thinking.
I don't have a link but I remember when he claimed that.
I watched Simon Parkes for a while, based on other Anons recommending him as a truth-teller, but nothing he said ever came true from the episodes I watched (saw some of his podcasts that aired after the 2020 election).
But I do VIVIDLY remember Parkes saying in one of his podcasts that he had just "gotten off the phone with Q" and I was like, "Oh, this guy is most definitely full of shit - BYE!" I think it was somewhere around Jan. 2021 when he said that.
I watch him when my nerves are shot. His tone calms me down to push through another day.
true that ... true that
He chose not to monetize his youtube channel. For me that speaks volumes. He's also been running the connecting consciousness group for 11 years which is also free to join. His overall demeanour coupled with the points above says to be he's credible and can be trusted.
Unless he gets millions of views on every video he releases he's not giving up much by not monetizing. This is why people like videogamedunkey eventually gave up trying to make fewer high quality videos and eventually jumped on the daily upload bandwagon because his merch game is weak compared to his peers like Mega64 etc. Very few people are getting rich with ad money. If you're big enough to make a living just through ads then you're big enough to sell out and make it REALLY big. It's like that old Chris Rock joke. Shaq is rich. The guy who signs Shaq's check is wealthy. FB/TW/IG are the only ones geting rich via ads.
Is that you, Zarka?
No I actually like Simon. I dont care what kind of crap they are putting out about him. He seems both concerned and truth full.
I agree.
Now if he could just be correct at least once in a while, I'd start listening again
i do agree, he does genuinely seems concerned and he is not selling a thing while he is telling you how he feels
He claims a lot of stuff and does not provide evidence or backup on those claims....thats what I don't like. I do enjoy his delivery, and would enjoy his message if it weren't for the "shooting from the hip". He's another Charlie Ward to me
I find him entertaining and tune in, he may just be feeding off other sources but sometimes it's easier to hear it from Simon. Just like others, I listen to what they believe and share and then I use this thing God gave me called a brain to work out the puzzle. Don't stop doing what you enjoy because someone else tells you what to do. Live it up a little.
He's a disgusting scam artist and you're a complete idiot for giving him any credence. He has zero insider sources and has made dozens of bold predictions that never came to fruition.
I have not had problems with SIMONE myself and feel everyone has a right to think and believe in what they wish. People have downed him because he has talked ET'S. So what, who to hell can guarantee they do not exist? UNLESS a person is there who to hell are they to say another is full of S____?
the simplest difference with lindell is that he was selling pillows before and never stopped...
Personally, I will watch and listen to probably 15 people. Why because Q said to do our own research. Do I believe everything each one says ....No. But I do get something from each one whether it is hope, a good laugh, a relatable story or helping out pieces to the puzzle together. We all have a choice and if he brings you calm, go for it. The one thing they all have in common though is that they do believe in God and he has a plan.WWG1WGA
I agree!
I don't think the problem is his making money... The problem is that he is CIA or M16 and is there to send people on a wild goose chase. He says things are going to happen and they don't. He's a distractor and discreditor. He makes the rest of us look nuts to people who may be looking for alternative information.
I've decided anyone who is former intelligence cannot be trusted. Fool me once, you know....
I actually think Simon Parkes means well and believes he is relaying truth, but is extremely gullible. Either he is being misled by DS, or by trolls playing the long game.
I watched his channel for a while, when I first tried to figure out what Q was several months ago. In the end decided the misinformation was too much, even with an open mind.
According to the Cicada 3301 circle he is not to be trusted. Do with that information what you wish.
I've always had my respect for Simon ever since I first found him on Youtube. I always had my doubts with the media and election, but I was never truly awake. I remember watching the Jan. 6th Riots and being so shocked about everything. I go on Youtube that night and see him in my Recommend watchlist. Thanks to him, I started down the path of being truly awakened to where I am today!
We don't care if he's a paytriot faggot, we do however care that he's injecting bullshit into the narrative. Beyond this I can't say
I used to follow Simon pretty regularly and even signed up for his connecting consciousness. Once I found GA I realized a lot of people here thought he was a fake & I was slightly embarrassed to say I like him. So I slowly quit following him. He does have a calmness about him that I really like though. Each to their own. We should listen to who we like but maybe do it with a grain of salt.
Are you familiar with how Cointelpro works?
So I looked it up & now realize what you are talking about. According to the FBI it ended that program in 1971. Of course I have zero trust in the FBI.
It's worth a deep dive. Good on you for looking fren.
I’ll keep digging. I appreciate the suggestion. The majority here are much more advanced in this stuff than I am but I’m willing to research with eyes wide open. Honestly I was pretty blind until about 6 months ago.
God bless you. I've been digging for a long, long time, well before Q was even a thing. It's best to do your own research, but if you get stuck on anything, just ask. I don't know many answers, but I've been down some holes and can point like a mofo.
(Dylan Monroe's map)
I’m not. Honestly I haven’t heard of it.
Handy guide, feel free to add.
Simon Parkes
-claims insider info
-makes wild predictions that often don't come true
-very seldom will push a product on his own website
-labelled a paytriot, but honestly I'm not sure why as it's not during his videos
-releases content sporadically
-has his face and real name out in the open,making researching him very easy.
-has been consistent with a message of hope for years.
-youtube channel wasn't monetized.
-pushes his organisation, Connecting Consciousness, but stresses that it's a spiritual/meditation group, not a Q intel group.
-claims he spoke to the real Q on the telephone once.
-doesn't do independent research
Dave from X22
-doesn't outright claim insider info but strongly insinuates.
-makes wild predictions that often don't come true
-has multiple advertisements on every one of his shows.
-labelled a paytriot (I can quote 5 or 6 of his adds verbatim from memory)
-releases content almost daily.
-only his first name is available.
-has been consistent with a message of patriots in control for years.
-channel is monetized (I could be wrong on this one)
-pushes bitcoin quite aggressively, dedicating an entire segment of his show to it.
-often cites GeorgeNews as a source.
-does independent research, but presents it as insider info.
I always knew that british douchebag was a charlattan. Stop making excuses and never listen to a word that crook says ever again
I've watched all of his videos and I've come to the conclusion on my own that he isn't lying. The weird thing about people here shitting on him over the alien thing is, what they're doing to Simon is what pretty much the entirety of media does to us... Yes, I'm not sure what to believe when he claims he has sex with aliens. I'm not an idiot but he did say his mom was Mi6 and her entire life work was documenting alien artifacts... But when the people here focus on that and conclude he's a terrible human being and is lying for money... Kind of sounds familiar. I'm glad this topic came up and people "admitted" to thinking the same as me haha.
Sounds like you haven't found his earlier stuff .... like years/decades ago. Go search for that and see if your trust still holds.
To add, it's actually pretty believable that he was offered a job as a therapist/"healer". I believe he has real intel because they are prepping him to do his job.
well said. well said.
Lol. It was written: "Some misinformation necessary"
He could very well be playing his role :)
One interesting thing no one has mentioned is the possibility Simon is schizophrenic... I haven't seen signs of it but it could explain the aliens thing. My friend developed paranoid schizophrenia the moment he turned 18 and was sent to a mental institution for 2 weeks. He told me a story of a girl and an old woman he became good friends with. Until one day, they weren't there. It was a Shutter Island moment where he realized they were his imagination. Another possibility is Simon really does have sex with aliens. I'm not the type to discount a theory because it sounds insane, otherwise I would've had a mental boom when I found this Q stuff. I'm choosing to believe Simon for now and seeing what happens. A lot of the things he's said has been accurate, but people wouldn't know because as soon as they heard he has sex with aliens, they wrote him off and refused to listen to anything else he had to say.
It’s so hard to tell who’s truth worthy and who isn’t. I take everything I read & listen to with a grain of salt. No one (in my mind) can be completely right. If you like him, listen and you’ll figure out who makes sense and who doesn’t. I’ve listened to A LOT of different people over the past 5 years and left many like abandoned cars on the road to my education. So take what you can but don’t hold on so tight that you give up your own sovereignty.
Didn't Simon Parkes say Q contacted him personally?
That alone invalidates everything he says, paytriot or not
He never said Q personally contacted him, because Q is not a person. A person representing contacted him. If I can get the time and go back through his videos, I may find the one where he tells it and attach it for you.
Alien sex and talking to Q? C'mon man.
Simon comes up with great ideas for possibilities, but doesn't really provide any sources to back up his beliefs and often times, his predictions or interpretations don't turn out to be true. So, he's a good conspiracist.
The other reason I don't follow him is that he claims he has sources in the government and often times ends up being wrong. So, either he's lying about his sources or he's being lied to.
Except for the sources part, you just described the X22 report.
Yea. X22... They give large doses of hopium that never fall through as well. But the guy at least says he could be wrong. For some reason, the only things I remember clearly about X22 is the advertisements for collagen and vpn service. Heh.