The biggest issue behind the childlessness is lack of interest in sex. I think a lot of japanese boys are gamers and not interested in real women.
The poor women actually have big white weddings marrying themselves - it's a thing!
What I get from people I talk with on line from Japan is that the men now skip the misery associated with a nippon wife in favor of bi yearly sexcursions to Thiland or one of the other places that cater to such needs. They would basically like to have families but can't stomach the risk and suffering that comes with it.
“I'm announcing the USA is withdrawing from the Tokyo Olympics due to their policies, which are racist and misogynist… and, uh... obstructionist… and insurrectionist… constructionist… (“Joe, it’s done, you can stop now.”) … antiabortionist… quarterfinalist… psychologist… journalist... (“Joe, joe, we’ve finished, that was very good, you can stop now.”) … and emancipationist … supernaturalist… agriculturist…” (“Joe, Joe, JOE!”)... (Dammit!! Trump hacked his teleprompter... AGAIN!")
Teleprompter? Lulz, he needs no teleprompter! There's some dude looking like he's playing Call of Duty running that clone through his brain chip from Langley.
When you look at the details it isn't just BLM. It's any human rights activism.
Two angles I see:
1.) China has been VERY sensitive about it since the Hong Kong protests and people slipping "free Hong Kong" in everywhere.
2.) The Olympics have always been about nations engaging in their rivalries on an "even" (if you ignore doping lol) playing field versus their rivals in sport. Soviets versus the US comes to mind. Diverting from that to have all the participants grandstand their internal and external politics in the sideshow stuff is antithetical to the purpose.
Now, given what we know about the global community, this is far more likely about the first one, IMO.
You know what will happen?? The athletes will take a knee in protest the their anti protest rule, only to have virtually no athletes competing in the Olympics. At which point, the olympians would only be sacrificing themselves (and what they’ve worked soooo hard their whole life to obtain) for a stupid political stunt
I'm glad you brought up China in the context of the Olympics being held in Japan. It'll be interesting to see what comes of this. Glad it's not the reverse.
Strange, the Olympics is literally the cabal. Look into all the coaches who’ve molested athletes. The Olympics encourages sex amongst althletes in the Olympic Villiges during the games by providing endless amounts of condoms. Not only that but by design the Olympics will end up nearly bankrupting cities and countries by demanding new facilities need to be built to host the games. The amount of money the Olympics steal from host cities is insane.
Don’t let this fool you, the Olympics aren’t all of a sudden the “good guys” because they have been nothing but evil generations.
The small print says "We still deem the gloved raised fist is still appropriate".
I know this will offend some, but you can add the olympics to the long list of things that if it never occurred again, the world be better off, as there are more important things to deal with.
I totally agree. I am no longer interested. It died long ago for me with all the doping and cheating and disturbing opening ceremonies.
I was brought up to think that athletes were honorable and that's bullshit now. They do what they have to do for a few minutes of fame and lots of money.
About damn time someone put a stop to that shit! The US teams need some cleaning out! Get out all the ones that want to make non patriotic gestures! If they can’t stand for our flag and National Anthem they should be removed from the team, don’t care how good they are.
I'm more cynical. I see it as a clever way to get more people to watch, just to see if protests would start. What would the Olympic officials if suddenly a fist is raised or a person takes a knee? Drop enough of those crumbs and people would watch out of curiosity even if they weren't into sports. Ratings have been dropping as more and more people cut the cable or just turn off politicized sports in general. The Olympics is in front of the world, not just a city. The MSM would do anything to get more eyeballs. They are all fighting for ratings, desperate for any bump up.
Oh heck YES they are. ?
The biggest issue behind the childlessness is lack of interest in sex. I think a lot of japanese boys are gamers and not interested in real women. The poor women actually have big white weddings marrying themselves - it's a thing!
What I get from people I talk with on line from Japan is that the men now skip the misery associated with a nippon wife in favor of bi yearly sexcursions to Thiland or one of the other places that cater to such needs. They would basically like to have families but can't stomach the risk and suffering that comes with it.
Is this an issue in Japan?
They have been put through this before, SARS 1.0
They will add trannys and another week to the bread and circuses. No. 1 will be a digital rainbow medallion
Joe Biden at his next press conference:
“I'm announcing the USA is withdrawing from the Tokyo Olympics due to their policies, which are racist and misogynist… and, uh... obstructionist… and insurrectionist… constructionist… (“Joe, it’s done, you can stop now.”) … antiabortionist… quarterfinalist… psychologist… journalist... (“Joe, joe, we’ve finished, that was very good, you can stop now.”) … and emancipationist … supernaturalist… agriculturist…” (“Joe, Joe, JOE!”)... (Dammit!! Trump hacked his teleprompter... AGAIN!")
BAHAHA!! Oh man, that was good. Thanks for the LITERAL lol.
Teleprompter? Lulz, he needs no teleprompter! There's some dude looking like he's playing Call of Duty running that clone through his brain chip from Langley.
"Please clap."
And what the crap was he talking about with the Indians holding his wife hostage or something???
weird. its almost like they want people to watch the Olympics.
Weird. Suddenly I’m actually interested in the olympics.
When you look at the details it isn't just BLM. It's any human rights activism.
Two angles I see: 1.) China has been VERY sensitive about it since the Hong Kong protests and people slipping "free Hong Kong" in everywhere. 2.) The Olympics have always been about nations engaging in their rivalries on an "even" (if you ignore doping lol) playing field versus their rivals in sport. Soviets versus the US comes to mind. Diverting from that to have all the participants grandstand their internal and external politics in the sideshow stuff is antithetical to the purpose.
Now, given what we know about the global community, this is far more likely about the first one, IMO.
Racist empriorlist with their morals!
You know what will happen?? The athletes will take a knee in protest the their anti protest rule, only to have virtually no athletes competing in the Olympics. At which point, the olympians would only be sacrificing themselves (and what they’ve worked soooo hard their whole life to obtain) for a stupid political stunt
They’re useless pawns anyway.
I'm glad you brought up China in the context of the Olympics being held in Japan. It'll be interesting to see what comes of this. Glad it's not the reverse.
Why do you think Rio was a disaster?
Strange, the Olympics is literally the cabal. Look into all the coaches who’ve molested athletes. The Olympics encourages sex amongst althletes in the Olympic Villiges during the games by providing endless amounts of condoms. Not only that but by design the Olympics will end up nearly bankrupting cities and countries by demanding new facilities need to be built to host the games. The amount of money the Olympics steal from host cities is insane.
Don’t let this fool you, the Olympics aren’t all of a sudden the “good guys” because they have been nothing but evil generations.
The small print says "We still deem the gloved raised fist is still appropriate".
I know this will offend some, but you can add the olympics to the long list of things that if it never occurred again, the world be better off, as there are more important things to deal with.
I totally agree. I am no longer interested. It died long ago for me with all the doping and cheating and disturbing opening ceremonies. I was brought up to think that athletes were honorable and that's bullshit now. They do what they have to do for a few minutes of fame and lots of money.
Japan does not mess around with wokeness.
About damn time someone put a stop to that shit! The US teams need some cleaning out! Get out all the ones that want to make non patriotic gestures! If they can’t stand for our flag and National Anthem they should be removed from the team, don’t care how good they are.
About time.
Japan is on our side. They know what’s up. They already been liberated !
They dont want to lose views
And expose how irrelevant they are like all sporting events are being shown to be
Sugoi, Nippon.
Asian follow rule or die. That’s their history. They’ve lived it. They know it. They don’t fuck around with it.
Will the US boycott the Olympics?
It's technically banned in FIFA and UK football but they were still allowed to get away with kneeling, because Muh Black Lives, Innit!
Yet they banned wearing Poppies to commemorate our war dead because too political. Says it all.
Great fucking news.
If you want to make a political statement, in sports, stay home.
I’m sure some of the athletes will still try to pull something.
but NOT Awomen, sorry (not really).
Thank you Japan. 日本ありがとうございます。 Nihon arigatōgozaimasu.
Japan has become really cool post WWII.
Based Japanese
I'm more cynical. I see it as a clever way to get more people to watch, just to see if protests would start. What would the Olympic officials if suddenly a fist is raised or a person takes a knee? Drop enough of those crumbs and people would watch out of curiosity even if they weren't into sports. Ratings have been dropping as more and more people cut the cable or just turn off politicized sports in general. The Olympics is in front of the world, not just a city. The MSM would do anything to get more eyeballs. They are all fighting for ratings, desperate for any bump up.
Thats all well and good, but Olympics are far from on side.
...and curling
curling rocks.
THIS ☝? I’ll be watching BassMasters.
Good one! Cept the Red Sox ?