Without a doubt. All over the world the People are rising up and taking back control. There is no doubt we will win in the end. Keep up the pressure. Do not be intimidated by liars and bullies.
But the end game has to be the complete destruction of the evil that has run the world for millennia. Every single one of them must have their fortunes confiscated and their life, liberty and freedom taken from them forever. And not just those at the top, but every single member of the bloodline so that they may never rise up again. They have committed crimes against humanity. Crimes that threaten our very existence on this earth. And their punishment and ultimate destruction should reflect this.
This. "Trust the Plan" and "you're watching a movie" can only go so far. Standing by and watching as the communists do whatever they want is not what's expected of us here, I think. Secure your town, secure the county, secure the state, secure the country.
I think a big part of the problem is that they've had decades to compromise the education system. Indoctrinated students turn around and teach marxism and socialism to the next generation. Look at how fast the 1776 project was cancelled. Project Mockingbird or c_a itself running the media now, so there's nothing but gaslighting and controlled opposition, for most people.
And I'm going to disagree on "powers" there, seems more like it's very specific groups who, over time, have made it impossible or illegal to criticize or even talk about what's been going on. The leaders can be taken down but the rest of the group is still there, with their assumptions that it's their birthright to rule over the rest of the world.
The article here has some good news, though, it's complaining about conspiracy theorists being involved in politics. Showed up in my "qanon" alerts today,
"And in many parts of the country, QAnon supporters are winning elections. From local school boards to city councils, QAnon now has dozens of advocates at nearly every level of local government."
“Bigoted conspiracy theories like QAnon have an enormous influence on the context in which local government operates,” Schubiner told me. “Democratic governance is hard to achieve if we don’t live in a shared reality,"
lol, might as well be saying listen and believe, bigot
Will we be the first generation in a thousand years to succeed in freeing ourselves truly from the yoke of oppression and tyranny? It needs to be worldwide.
A lot of people use school boards as jumping off points to political careers. A friend of mine served on her son's school board and she said when it was no longer about the kids, she was gone. During her tenure there was a major building project they oversaw, so attention was focused for a time, but afterwards, the petty crap started in and that was when she resigned. She said some people have truly altruistic intentions but others...it is a prime example of narcissistic behavior at everyone else's expense.
This is what you happen when you take mediocre people living mediocre lives and give them a hint of power. Instead, what we need is for excellent people with excellent lives to sacrifice part of their productive day to help the community with the school board. Being part of the school board should be a sacrifice you make from your own life to help the community, instead of it becoming your entire life or your greatest accomplishment.
Ever notice how determined these school boards are to kick off the multi-million $$$ new school building projects? Growing up, a couple of my schools were renovated or simply expanded.
Now they buy swaths of land (spending our tax $ ASAP or take out 30 year bonds) and build 50 acre campuses approaching $20 MM.
Strange how those big bronze plaques at the entrance have similar names to the contractors that built the place.
My town did this very thing. They haven’t even paid off the new middle school they built 10+ years ago and aren’t even taking proper care of it anymore. Then they built an $83 million high school with baseball diamonds, tennis courts, etc even though they could just use the local parks for that. To top it off, my town is not very big at all.. and they’ve hiked up property taxes because of the big waste of money in this huge high school.
If only I could do something like this to my employer. No one should be shamed for showing their entire face in public... if some people want to do it, fine, but don’t make me do it because of those that do. Ultimate decision should be left up to the individual, not businesses.
You can see who the "news" group serves. The whole page is slanted. One of the zombies said that the board always listened to them, let them name their expensive schools and even pick out colors. Good grief....Stockholm syndrome
They were so enamored with masks that they ran away and quit their elected jobs rather than make them optional? I tell you, a religion is forming around these masks with some people.
If you feel inclined, as I did, please send an email to aitkenj@vailschooldistrict.org in support and recognition of Vail School Districts newly elected board members. Let them know the world is watching.
I'll say this for the Q plan, with Trump losing and things looking so dark, it has done an awful lot to get regular people off of their asses.
Without a doubt. All over the world the People are rising up and taking back control. There is no doubt we will win in the end. Keep up the pressure. Do not be intimidated by liars and bullies.
But the end game has to be the complete destruction of the evil that has run the world for millennia. Every single one of them must have their fortunes confiscated and their life, liberty and freedom taken from them forever. And not just those at the top, but every single member of the bloodline so that they may never rise up again. They have committed crimes against humanity. Crimes that threaten our very existence on this earth. And their punishment and ultimate destruction should reflect this.
This. "Trust the Plan" and "you're watching a movie" can only go so far. Standing by and watching as the communists do whatever they want is not what's expected of us here, I think. Secure your town, secure the county, secure the state, secure the country.
I think a big part of the problem is that they've had decades to compromise the education system. Indoctrinated students turn around and teach marxism and socialism to the next generation. Look at how fast the 1776 project was cancelled. Project Mockingbird or c_a itself running the media now, so there's nothing but gaslighting and controlled opposition, for most people.
And I'm going to disagree on "powers" there, seems more like it's very specific groups who, over time, have made it impossible or illegal to criticize or even talk about what's been going on. The leaders can be taken down but the rest of the group is still there, with their assumptions that it's their birthright to rule over the rest of the world.
The article here has some good news, though, it's complaining about conspiracy theorists being involved in politics. Showed up in my "qanon" alerts today,
"And in many parts of the country, QAnon supporters are winning elections. From local school boards to city councils, QAnon now has dozens of advocates at nearly every level of local government."
“Bigoted conspiracy theories like QAnon have an enormous influence on the context in which local government operates,” Schubiner told me. “Democratic governance is hard to achieve if we don’t live in a shared reality,"
lol, might as well be saying listen and believe, bigot
Will we be the first generation in a thousand years to succeed in freeing ourselves truly from the yoke of oppression and tyranny? It needs to be worldwide.
When we all stand up...it's what they most fear,
All part of the Plan!
It's almost as if that...was...part of the plan! :)
LOVE IT!! THIS is it! A takeover on the state and local level.
And supposedly Arizona voted for Biden...
A couple lizards, maybe.
A lot of people use school boards as jumping off points to political careers. A friend of mine served on her son's school board and she said when it was no longer about the kids, she was gone. During her tenure there was a major building project they oversaw, so attention was focused for a time, but afterwards, the petty crap started in and that was when she resigned. She said some people have truly altruistic intentions but others...it is a prime example of narcissistic behavior at everyone else's expense.
This is what you happen when you take mediocre people living mediocre lives and give them a hint of power. Instead, what we need is for excellent people with excellent lives to sacrifice part of their productive day to help the community with the school board. Being part of the school board should be a sacrifice you make from your own life to help the community, instead of it becoming your entire life or your greatest accomplishment.
I've said for years, the people that would be good at the job, for the job, don't want anything to do with it.
Very well said.
Ever notice how determined these school boards are to kick off the multi-million $$$ new school building projects? Growing up, a couple of my schools were renovated or simply expanded.
Now they buy swaths of land (spending our tax $ ASAP or take out 30 year bonds) and build 50 acre campuses approaching $20 MM.
Strange how those big bronze plaques at the entrance have similar names to the contractors that built the place.
My town did this very thing. They haven’t even paid off the new middle school they built 10+ years ago and aren’t even taking proper care of it anymore. Then they built an $83 million high school with baseball diamonds, tennis courts, etc even though they could just use the local parks for that. To top it off, my town is not very big at all.. and they’ve hiked up property taxes because of the big waste of money in this huge high school.
Not a big waste to them, they get all the kickbacks from the contracts, they love it.
Pretty motivating to see this is really how easy things can be at setting things right.
https://vailschooldistrict.org/governing-board/board-members/ still lists all the former board members as actual members, will be interesting to see what happens and if they pretend the old members are still serving.
Absolutely! THIS needs to ba happening all across our nation and worldwide!
Thank God people are waking up! A civics lesson in real time. If people step up at the local level and take control (((they))) lose control over us.
Amen, indeed!
Hope the former school board were greatly emotionally distressed by their loss.
Their bottom-surgery’s stitches broked. They’re REEEEing CONTROL HAS BEEN LOST.
You can prolly thank https://gab.com/ScottPresler. School boards are a specialty.
Scott is a Patriot!
We need a lot more of this all across the country.
Good. Hope the old board keeps running away.
This is the blueprint for ALL parents to take back their school boards.
I like the guys "defund the police" reasoning..
to sum it up. he wants to defund the police and turn the power to the Sheriffs office cause they are elected officials by the people.
yes that was the biggest bomb drop of the whole thing. gotta love it when constitutional wisdom goes viral
THAT is constitutional!
Sounds good to me!
If only I could do something like this to my employer. No one should be shamed for showing their entire face in public... if some people want to do it, fine, but don’t make me do it because of those that do. Ultimate decision should be left up to the individual, not businesses.
It always starts with one person....
Trust me I’ve not been wearing one at all and no one higher up has said anything to me. Yet I’m the only one. No one else will join me..
You can see who the "news" group serves. The whole page is slanted. One of the zombies said that the board always listened to them, let them name their expensive schools and even pick out colors. Good grief....Stockholm syndrome
Triple upvotes for this! So inspiring to see people stand up and take back their school!
This is singly the most important thing that has happened in months.
Take it all back people. Drive the maskers out.
Repeat this
It took 6 minutes and 55 seconds...
Lord let it spread like wild ?
we need this on MANY levels
This is the way.
Beating them at their own game! LOVE IT!!
Fantastic news!
I hope this snowballs ! Awesome ?
They were so enamored with masks that they ran away and quit their elected jobs rather than make them optional? I tell you, a religion is forming around these masks with some people.
If you feel inclined, as I did, please send an email to aitkenj@vailschooldistrict.org in support and recognition of Vail School Districts newly elected board members. Let them know the world is watching.
We can do that with city councils and state board of election officials too?
My brother just sent me this. Friggin' AWESOME!
WHOOOOOO!! ??? This is the way. ???