You were very blessed, thanks for sharing. I've had angels sent across my path many times. Even when we are far from God he is always watching over us.
What is indubitable is that whether you dreamt it during a micro-nap on your night shift or whether you actually met Him, it was a Divine Intervention.
Same. This may sound crazy but I lost a very important document in my house and needed it in a few days. I searched and searched and finally said a prayer asking that I would be able to find it. I had a dream that night of me finding the exact box and exact folder the document was in and found it the next morning.
Not crazy at all. If I had a nickel for every time I said a prayer looking for something and then the place it is popped into my head, I'd have a whole lot of nickels.
A little prayer my mom once taught me was to St. Anthony (patron St. of lost things)
"Tony, Tony, look around, something is lost and can't be found". I use it often.
6 months after my father passed, I met him in a dream, he was busy with some text he was studying (my father authored 2000 books, essays, plays, poems…).
We did not interact nor try to, but this peaceful situation brought calm to my heart and definitely healed me of my loss.
I lost my mom to her second stroke that left her basically in a coma state. She was unable to speak to me but I know she could hear me talking to her. I told her it would be ok for her to go be with my grandma, that I'd be ok. A few mornings later I was laying in bed, just woke up. I saw this mist at the foot of my bed and thought at first it was smoke from a fire, so I just stared at it, shocked. There's no way there could be a fire there. All of a sudden a picture formed in that mist and it reminded me of one of those toys you'd look into and pull that lever down on the side to change pictures. I saw my mom & grandma with an arm around each other and waving at me with their free hands. I knew instinctively that it wouldn't last and I had to memorize it all. They looked so happy and between their heads was a GIANT pink flower. She was the green thumb, not me, so I had no idea what kind of flower it was but it was beautiful. Then the picture dissipated and the mist was gone. 30 minutes after searching the internet I realized the flower was a pink peony. When I told Mom's best friend what happened, she interrupted me when I got to the peony part and said, "Oh! Your mom's favorite flower!" I had no idea that was her favorite flower. I'll never forget it and one of these days when I can find a good artist, I plan on getting a pink peony tattoo
From what I've read, these type of dreams are often called "visits". They come to us to let us know our loved ones are ok. I've had several of them about my mom especially when I've been in a stressful situation. She seems to always reassure me that things will be ok.
True. I read something about this after it happened and it also called them "visits", and shockingly the book also talked about the mist and that they usually occur at the foot of beds. I was awake, had just woken up a couple min earlier. I also read a book after the fact written by someone who had had an NDE and gone to heaven and talked about how big the flowers were so that struck a chord with me, thinking of that giant peony.
I have had very similar experiences only I was able to speak to them very briefly and while it didn't heal me from my loss, it definitely made it a little easier to knowing that at some point we will see each other again. Each dream the deceased loved one basically either let me know that they were ok or told me something that was kind of eye opening. Wouldn't trade those dreams for anything.
Isn't it amazing that even after He reveals Himself to us and we reject Him, He is still patient and kind and continues to love us until we are beaten and bloody, then He teaches us to love ourselves truly through Him? Amazing. Thanks so much for sharing!
Heb 13:2 Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels. Remember He is the same One that talks about "leaving the 99 to go after the one" And also love does not seek its own way.
I know there are those that may think that "God Thing" was cooked up by someone a long time ago, if you think this I would urge you to "go toe to toe" with God and ask Him to reveal the Son to you, and mean it, I did so 38 years ago and He showed up and did just that, yet you have to mean business. and it will happen, it all depends on your sincerity and candor- period.
An angel, probably. I had an experience just when I was "born again". Decided to go to a church and drove from Manhattan. Just as I approached, I made a weird move and my wheel hit the curb and went flat, but there was the church ahead. I pull into the parking lot and there was a short guy, wearing a green plaid shirt and green pants. Looked about 50-ish, wearing glasses. A bit overweight. He said, "Oh, I can change that tire for you." Told me to go into the church. Never saw him again, and I was in that church for a couple of years. Angel, for sure.
I have a friend who also claims he met an angel in a park, just like your experience. He was with his wife and they would argue often. Out of nowhere this soft spoken guy came up to them. He knew many languages, and offered some advice after they chatted. Left the same way he came, they looked in the direction he went after a minute and no one was there. They could see for a long way down so even if he was sprinting he could not disappear. I believe both of you, I've had too many supernatural experiences myself.
You were definitely sought out and blessed for this very moment in time, fren. I've had some "weird" experiences myself throughout my life. And I'm CERTAIN all of those instances prepared me for what's happening today.
We've been led here by a higher power, that's as certain in my heart as the day is 24 hrs long.
Glad to see it wasn't lost on you and wasn't wasted.
Awesome; thanks for your testimony! Reminds me of John 3:8; "The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."
My brother had this happen when he was a young, dumb teenager who earned himself a night in jail. The old man appeared seemingly out of nowhere, life changing conversation ensued, then he disappeared from the jail cell without a trace. No one else saw him, not even the guards that would have put him in there.
I feel they target relevant people who will play a role in the future, albeit a message such as this one giving us more faith and possibility of a grand plan.
Free will but with a few angels redirecting important pawns at important times to not falling off the edge of the table.
Definitely played a part in changing his life around. He spent a long time in the French Foreign Legion and as a SWAT member in Germany afterwards. I'm sure he's done some sketchy things in the past and it had something to do with the appearance, he told me he used to sleep around. Unfortunately he had to move back to Germany from Canada but he was a long time shooting and training friend of mine. Great guy and a tank of a man, also fully awakened. Helped me see the light in Christ after I played with some extremely dark stuff and had face to face demonic contact.
That's amazing! My parents have always told me about an angelic encounter they had with my brother when he was young. His foot got run over by a car while at church and he was crying in pain when a man came over and put his hand on my brother's foot. My brother stopped crying and the man walked into the church. My parents ran into the church to thank him and once they got inside the ushers said no one has entered the church door besides them.
Could be these angels are random ordinary people chosen or possessed to be promoted temporarily to perform an important function. When I was in my teens I was on a group training course to learn how to operate some heavy machinery. Another student got her hippy style clothes entangled and was being sucked into the machine. I guess I was the only one who actually listened to the safety briefing and I hit the emergency stop system just an instant before she would have been dead or seriously injured.
Since that time I have lived a completely ordinary unremarkable life. Maybe she was important herself, or maybe later went on to have a kid whose kid would battle against skynet or something.
It's weird, a lot of Christians have been TAUGHT "Don't ever ask God for patience" (because they think He will make bad things will happen to you to teach you patience), and then they laugh like they've just said the funniest thing.
But if LOVE is patient, then if one isn't patient one is not being loving. Can't really HAVE one without the other, and since we are commanded to love we are commanded to be patient.
There's a beautiful Christian tradition that we're all assigned guardian angels. I'm sure each and every one of us is too precious to be left alone. That was probably your very own, hand picked guardian angel.
Talk to your guardian angel. He / she (they're pure spirits anyway) is probably very pleased with you now. Maybe even give him a special name known only to you. Thank your angel for setting you on that righteous path. And ask him to continue protecting you, helped by inner promptings from the Holy Spirit.
I've had quite a number of instances where I've been saved from accidents caused by my own mistakes, sometimes split second decisions where I've avoided major mishaps. So I know my guardian angel exists.
Would that we were childlike enough to repeat that nightly children's prayer to one's guardian angel!
You were very blessed, thanks for sharing. I've had angels sent across my path many times. Even when we are far from God he is always watching over us.
What is indubitable is that whether you dreamt it during a micro-nap on your night shift or whether you actually met Him, it was a Divine Intervention.
Thanks for sharing, Fren.??
Funny that you mention that. Some of my experiences have been through dreams and they've been pretty powerful. Could use that again about now. :)
Same. This may sound crazy but I lost a very important document in my house and needed it in a few days. I searched and searched and finally said a prayer asking that I would be able to find it. I had a dream that night of me finding the exact box and exact folder the document was in and found it the next morning.
Not crazy at all. If I had a nickel for every time I said a prayer looking for something and then the place it is popped into my head, I'd have a whole lot of nickels.
A little prayer my mom once taught me was to St. Anthony (patron St. of lost things) "Tony, Tony, look around, something is lost and can't be found". I use it often.
And that is exactly how God works! Glad that you found your docs.
6 months after my father passed, I met him in a dream, he was busy with some text he was studying (my father authored 2000 books, essays, plays, poems…).
We did not interact nor try to, but this peaceful situation brought calm to my heart and definitely healed me of my loss.
I lost my mom to her second stroke that left her basically in a coma state. She was unable to speak to me but I know she could hear me talking to her. I told her it would be ok for her to go be with my grandma, that I'd be ok. A few mornings later I was laying in bed, just woke up. I saw this mist at the foot of my bed and thought at first it was smoke from a fire, so I just stared at it, shocked. There's no way there could be a fire there. All of a sudden a picture formed in that mist and it reminded me of one of those toys you'd look into and pull that lever down on the side to change pictures. I saw my mom & grandma with an arm around each other and waving at me with their free hands. I knew instinctively that it wouldn't last and I had to memorize it all. They looked so happy and between their heads was a GIANT pink flower. She was the green thumb, not me, so I had no idea what kind of flower it was but it was beautiful. Then the picture dissipated and the mist was gone. 30 minutes after searching the internet I realized the flower was a pink peony. When I told Mom's best friend what happened, she interrupted me when I got to the peony part and said, "Oh! Your mom's favorite flower!" I had no idea that was her favorite flower. I'll never forget it and one of these days when I can find a good artist, I plan on getting a pink peony tattoo
From what I've read, these type of dreams are often called "visits". They come to us to let us know our loved ones are ok. I've had several of them about my mom especially when I've been in a stressful situation. She seems to always reassure me that things will be ok.
True. I read something about this after it happened and it also called them "visits", and shockingly the book also talked about the mist and that they usually occur at the foot of beds. I was awake, had just woken up a couple min earlier. I also read a book after the fact written by someone who had had an NDE and gone to heaven and talked about how big the flowers were so that struck a chord with me, thinking of that giant peony.
I have had very similar experiences only I was able to speak to them very briefly and while it didn't heal me from my loss, it definitely made it a little easier to knowing that at some point we will see each other again. Each dream the deceased loved one basically either let me know that they were ok or told me something that was kind of eye opening. Wouldn't trade those dreams for anything.
Wish I'd known your father, sounds like quite the Renaissance Man.
Would love to read his poetry...
Yup, a real noodle baker... ?
John 5:34 But the testimony which I receive is not from man, but I say these things so that you may be saved.
Beautiful testimony! Share it often!
IMO an angel wouldn't ever deliberately look like what you think Jesus looks like. So....Jesus gets my vote on this encounter ;-)
Regardless - even if that was "just" an angel, isn't it nice to know he's still out there, somewhere near or far? That very same one!
Unless it’s the Angel of the Lord
Isn't it amazing that even after He reveals Himself to us and we reject Him, He is still patient and kind and continues to love us until we are beaten and bloody, then He teaches us to love ourselves truly through Him? Amazing. Thanks so much for sharing!
Heb 13:2 Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels. Remember He is the same One that talks about "leaving the 99 to go after the one" And also love does not seek its own way. I know there are those that may think that "God Thing" was cooked up by someone a long time ago, if you think this I would urge you to "go toe to toe" with God and ask Him to reveal the Son to you, and mean it, I did so 38 years ago and He showed up and did just that, yet you have to mean business. and it will happen, it all depends on your sincerity and candor- period.
Well said, and great advice.
When you really, genuinely, and sincerely want a connection and relationship with God, you will find it.
An angel, probably. I had an experience just when I was "born again". Decided to go to a church and drove from Manhattan. Just as I approached, I made a weird move and my wheel hit the curb and went flat, but there was the church ahead. I pull into the parking lot and there was a short guy, wearing a green plaid shirt and green pants. Looked about 50-ish, wearing glasses. A bit overweight. He said, "Oh, I can change that tire for you." Told me to go into the church. Never saw him again, and I was in that church for a couple of years. Angel, for sure.
I have a friend who also claims he met an angel in a park, just like your experience. He was with his wife and they would argue often. Out of nowhere this soft spoken guy came up to them. He knew many languages, and offered some advice after they chatted. Left the same way he came, they looked in the direction he went after a minute and no one was there. They could see for a long way down so even if he was sprinting he could not disappear. I believe both of you, I've had too many supernatural experiences myself.
You were definitely sought out and blessed for this very moment in time, fren. I've had some "weird" experiences myself throughout my life. And I'm CERTAIN all of those instances prepared me for what's happening today.
We've been led here by a higher power, that's as certain in my heart as the day is 24 hrs long.
Glad to see it wasn't lost on you and wasn't wasted.
Explains why I feel at home around you frens. I agree, I feel like we've been brought here for a reason.
Empaths brought together. Yesterday freaked me out when I thought they had brought the boards down. ????
Me too, moment of true panic felt :)
Agreed completely! I keep having the feeling I’m here for a reason, and I’ve been driven to find others with similar thoughts
Of course they do. God would never just leave us to be preyed upon by demons.
Killary. Schumer. Pelosi. Yep.
Awesome; thanks for your testimony! Reminds me of John 3:8; "The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."
My brother had this happen when he was a young, dumb teenager who earned himself a night in jail. The old man appeared seemingly out of nowhere, life changing conversation ensued, then he disappeared from the jail cell without a trace. No one else saw him, not even the guards that would have put him in there.
I feel they target relevant people who will play a role in the future, albeit a message such as this one giving us more faith and possibility of a grand plan.
Free will but with a few angels redirecting important pawns at important times to not falling off the edge of the table.
Definitely played a part in changing his life around. He spent a long time in the French Foreign Legion and as a SWAT member in Germany afterwards. I'm sure he's done some sketchy things in the past and it had something to do with the appearance, he told me he used to sleep around. Unfortunately he had to move back to Germany from Canada but he was a long time shooting and training friend of mine. Great guy and a tank of a man, also fully awakened. Helped me see the light in Christ after I played with some extremely dark stuff and had face to face demonic contact.
Can you recall what questions you asked and what the his/His replies were?
Did any of his/His answers surprise you?
Wow. Thank you for sharing. How beautiful to be awakened in such a way. Angels exist and they intercede when needed. You are blessed.
How lucky you are! Thanks for sharing your story!
This is awesome! That feeling you had may have been the Holy Spirit confirming to you that what the man was saying was true.
What an amazing story! Thanks for sharing this!
Absolutely wonderful story, thank you and God bless.
I believe you either encountered a spirit or an angel. What a great story.
That's amazing! My parents have always told me about an angelic encounter they had with my brother when he was young. His foot got run over by a car while at church and he was crying in pain when a man came over and put his hand on my brother's foot. My brother stopped crying and the man walked into the church. My parents ran into the church to thank him and once they got inside the ushers said no one has entered the church door besides them.
Thanks for sharing that. There is probably someone out there who needed to hear this story today. Peace to you, fren.
Beautiful, thank you.??
Hello from Upstate NY!
Could be these angels are random ordinary people chosen or possessed to be promoted temporarily to perform an important function. When I was in my teens I was on a group training course to learn how to operate some heavy machinery. Another student got her hippy style clothes entangled and was being sucked into the machine. I guess I was the only one who actually listened to the safety briefing and I hit the emergency stop system just an instant before she would have been dead or seriously injured.
Since that time I have lived a completely ordinary unremarkable life. Maybe she was important herself, or maybe later went on to have a kid whose kid would battle against skynet or something.
Thank you for sharing!
Angels = messengers (what the ancients called pastors)
I wish people learned history
Literally, everything.
Even the origins of the new testament. That's just the tip...
Thank you for sharing. I've had 3 angelic encounters in my life time. I know now each encounter was teaching me patience
It's weird, a lot of Christians have been TAUGHT "Don't ever ask God for patience" (because they think He will make bad things will happen to you to teach you patience), and then they laugh like they've just said the funniest thing.
But if LOVE is patient, then if one isn't patient one is not being loving. Can't really HAVE one without the other, and since we are commanded to love we are commanded to be patient.
I've had a few similar experiences in my own life. This is a powerful story!
There's a beautiful Christian tradition that we're all assigned guardian angels. I'm sure each and every one of us is too precious to be left alone. That was probably your very own, hand picked guardian angel.
Talk to your guardian angel. He / she (they're pure spirits anyway) is probably very pleased with you now. Maybe even give him a special name known only to you. Thank your angel for setting you on that righteous path. And ask him to continue protecting you, helped by inner promptings from the Holy Spirit.
I've had quite a number of instances where I've been saved from accidents caused by my own mistakes, sometimes split second decisions where I've avoided major mishaps. So I know my guardian angel exists.
Would that we were childlike enough to repeat that nightly children's prayer to one's guardian angel!
Thanks for sharing that, beautiful!