Its one thing when cops let Anifa/BLM destroy shit and get away with it, but more and more stories of them not protecting people who are being attacked or harrassed and even turning on the victims and arresting them.
The blue line isn't a cohesive entity that acts in unity, shit varies with them as much as it does within any other grouping.
Look at their origins, cops in democratic state and with ditto leadership has a tendency to be more shitty with the good ones more prone to keeping quiet in an environment that is hostile to them.
States, city's and departments that are more right leaning tend to be the other way around with the racist and power abusing cops being a much smaller minority that is kept in check to a large extent by being in an environment that is hostile to their retardation and attitudes.
Discernment and nuance, simple views are for the simple minded...............
Use your discernment and nuance to explain the destruction of Detroit, New York, San Francisco, Baltimore, Chicago, LA, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis and a dozen other once thriving American cities the thin blue line has defended from the lawless.
I'll wait while you muster your arguments.
I wish power abusing cops were a "much smaller minority". That is not the national experience. Even in my small middle American town the local cops abuse their power or refrain from using it justly to protect patriots.
I'm old and my life experience with police is about 50/50 - maybe less - and that's not very good IMHO.
Of course there is corruption wherever there is power, but you're trying to argue against my point of democrat run police departments/cities/states having more shitty police behavior, by listing nothing but democrat ruled and ruined cities.
You stated your point about political leaning of a given area affecting the local police force like it is true for every area that is Dem/Rep. I disagreed and stated why using my own experiences.
A lot of “blue line bowing” shit being posted here. This was one fag ass coward cop. Yes, I know what we have seen in the media. Guess what folks ... thats what they want you to believe. They tried that shit here in my town (just south of louisville ky) last year. Two guys saw a little pink haired skank loading up a bottle of gas to toss. The cops showed up just as they were getting physical. Cops bounced her head of the trunk of her car every time she got stupid ... about 3 times. She spent 6 months in county and had her ass whipped on at least 2 occasions that I know of.
MY POINT = These cuck cops are NOT indicative of LOE. They are the exception.
Short sided response. Clearly an anon with LOE issues OR one of the many deepstate cucks that haunt these boards. I dont understand all of the negativity. Yes ... any LOE that stands by and lets BLM or tifa trash run amuk needs an ass whipping, then fired. Patriots support LOEs. Patriots dont make blanket anti LOE statements.
And do British patriots blindly support British cops that come and beat down their doors for sharing politically incorrect opinions online, or having 4 people in their home instead of 3 for covid lockdowns? While they turn a blind eye to arab rape gangs? What separates the kind of people that become British cops versus American cops? Or Canadian cops? Or German cops?
A whole St. Louis police force came and raided the McCloskey couple for "brandishing firearms" and grabbed all their guns. Do you know how many quit or refused that order? How many cops ever refuse to raid someone's home over BS red flag laws where they confiscate the guns of someone that committed no crime whatsoever?
If cops are told by their bosses to raid your home and crack your skull open for having shared wrongthink, they will, no questions asked, they'll enjoy it.
Cops don't even back other cops if it's their own ass on the line. Look at how all the Minneapolis cops threw Chauvin under the bus to save their own skin. That's who I'm tasked to support and defend? PFFT.
Just read up about how the LAPD behaved during the LA riots.
Patriots don't blindly support authority. Our nation was founded by men that disobeyed a tyrannical authority. They warned us about allowing their new government grow to become a tyrannical authority.
"Patriots support LOEs." That's a cuck sentiment. You are the cuck.
Well. I applaud your effort for sure. I tried to bring reason to the conversation, but sometimes, you just cant fix stupid. Enjoy ur masks and shot. Retards gonna retard
Your "LOEs" which by the way doesn't even make sense as an acronym for law enforcement officer, are the ones that enforce mask laws and would force people to take vaccines if they became mandatory, dummy. What did you even mean by this reply? Yeah, that's right, retards (you) gonna retard.
This is going to end badly. The police are not doing their job at all. Someone at some point is going to solve this problem and police will be held responsible.
If we could drop every loser in this video into a giant meat grinder, think how much better the world would be. They contribute nothing and demand everything. That cop is also a cuck, the thin blue line is gone.
Strong cities network. For governors private army’s not under constitutional law End of local policing 2016!
Boiled down to its essence, the SCN is actually a new law-enforcement body whose laws will govern participating cities, including New York, Atlanta, Denver, and Minneapolis, that have already signed on as members. Law-enforcement measures for these cities will dovetail with or emanate from the Institute for Strategic Dialogue and the United Nations, not from the U.S. Constitution and locally elected officials and the laws governing them. In her remarks at the unveiling of this new organization, Attorney General Lynch claimed that the new arrangement would work toward being “an alliance of nations” and would aspire to be “a global community.”
The Strong Cities Network, therefore, should be known as a nascent global police force controlled by the United Nations. Where central or global authority doesn’t govern police power, it is controlled locally. When it is controlled by a national or international governing body, as it was in the hands of Germany’s Gestapo, the Soviet Union’s KGB, or the ruling body in a communist-led country, tyranny reigns.
Isn’t it illegal to open carry while wearing a mask? Why do the police only enforce laws against conservatives? We need lawsuits against local police departments.
free travel on public roads is our right, and blockage by highway men should be met with violent justice. how do you know they are highway men? they have guns and are stopping free people from free travel on public roads. STOP PAYING TAXES!! Start shooting highway men.
I agree, hope he made it out of his legal trouble. We do have based pot/pan man that was posted a week or so ago here. Knocking pantifa in the face with what looked like a cooking pot.
I ride with rifle and 600 rounds of 308 and body armor for this very reason. They pull a gun on me I'm going to open fire into the whole fucking crowd and I don't care who I hit.
I sent the police chief an email letting him know how I feel. Feel free to do the same:
Plano Police Department (Main Police Station)
Phone Number -972-424-5678
Chief Ed Drain
Joint Use Facility Police Substation
Phone Number
So sad that this man had NO backup from anyone else there. And the cop is a disgrace. When you represent law, and have the power of the State beside and behind you, you must enforce the law or you get what we see here.
They are going to get what they think they want, but won't be able to handle. If there were a couple more guys with him, it could have ended differently.
When are the police going to do their jobs and stop mollycoddling these BLM/ANTIFA people who have ZERO right to impede traffic. I can promise that if every person in a car mowed them down they would think twice. Their protesting does not give them the right to impede traffic. I for one am sick of hearing about this shit.You want to protest, get a permit and do it PEACEFULLY in a park or on the sidewalk. All lives matter not just the ones thugs try to force on us.
I can't believe the woman in the truck at the front got out and flipped off the giant. She is such a coward. I guarantee she just immediately did that to appease the crowd. Mob rule fucking sucks. We know black lives matter... all lives matter. Nobody doesn't think that. What the fuck does that have to do with stopping traffic?
There is this stuff called Liquid Ass, you can buy it on Amazon. It’s meant for pranks but it is the worst smelling thing you have ever smelled. This would be a great thing to keep in car for situations like this. If you cannot go anywhere, might as well get out of your car and act like you support the protest and casually spray it as you walk around. I swear it will at least give you a good laugh, might even get them to move. Lol
There was quite a bit going on there and I'll give the cop benefit of the doubt that he did not see the firearm or else he would've done something about it. There's a reason you usually "Plano games" in Plano, TX.
Also, he's wearing off duty gear. He was most likely paid by the "legal rep" in the red polo (who is a lawyer that usually rep's all the police shooting cases) to provide "off duty" security. I read another article that Plano blocked off one lane of traffic for this planned protest,but at this point in the video the protest had migrated into the active lanes. The cops should have stopped that part for sure as it is a violation to impede a roadway.
Don’t get me started on Plano police!! I lived next door to one once and he would literally sit in his car and wait for me to get home to let my dog out. One day he decided to come to my door (we were in an apartment at the time) with citation in hand for not picking up my dog’s poo. I have to mention, my dog (puppy) was only 8 weeks old and still being potty trained. Low and behold only a few weeks later our complex put in dog waste stations. This isn’t my only experience with Plano PD, too.
I’m by no means surprised they let this shit happen. ?And guys, this is a super busy intersection. This pisses me off beyond belief. I’d like to give this big guy a great big hug for what he did.
Its one thing when cops let Anifa/BLM destroy shit and get away with it, but more and more stories of them not protecting people who are being attacked or harrassed and even turning on the victims and arresting them.
It is a Thin Blue Line
Simplification helps no one.
The blue line isn't a cohesive entity that acts in unity, shit varies with them as much as it does within any other grouping.
Look at their origins, cops in democratic state and with ditto leadership has a tendency to be more shitty with the good ones more prone to keeping quiet in an environment that is hostile to them.
States, city's and departments that are more right leaning tend to be the other way around with the racist and power abusing cops being a much smaller minority that is kept in check to a large extent by being in an environment that is hostile to their retardation and attitudes.
Discernment and nuance, simple views are for the simple minded...............
Use your discernment and nuance to explain the destruction of Detroit, New York, San Francisco, Baltimore, Chicago, LA, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis and a dozen other once thriving American cities the thin blue line has defended from the lawless.
I'll wait while you muster your arguments.
I wish power abusing cops were a "much smaller minority". That is not the national experience. Even in my small middle American town the local cops abuse their power or refrain from using it justly to protect patriots.
I'm old and my life experience with police is about 50/50 - maybe less - and that's not very good IMHO.
Wherever there's power there's corruption.
Hey BLM!! Why are you beating the shit out of Asians? Curious minds want to know.
Of course there is corruption wherever there is power, but you're trying to argue against my point of democrat run police departments/cities/states having more shitty police behavior, by listing nothing but democrat ruled and ruined cities.
Untrue. I live in a small red county and the police here are as corrupt as anywhere
So you are trying to use your case to argue that it's true for me so it must be true everywhere....
You stated your point about political leaning of a given area affecting the local police force like it is true for every area that is Dem/Rep. I disagreed and stated why using my own experiences.
^^^ THIS ^^^
Thank god ... Intelligent life on the board today. There are some serious short bus cop haters up in here today.
Worse. Blm does not have “vested authority“ or a (near) monopoly on the "legal“ use of force.
For that reason, police who brownshirt bow to blm are a step above pedos. A step below when that intersects.
These shitty cops are as bad as black-tifa
A lot of “blue line bowing” shit being posted here. This was one fag ass coward cop. Yes, I know what we have seen in the media. Guess what folks ... thats what they want you to believe. They tried that shit here in my town (just south of louisville ky) last year. Two guys saw a little pink haired skank loading up a bottle of gas to toss. The cops showed up just as they were getting physical. Cops bounced her head of the trunk of her car every time she got stupid ... about 3 times. She spent 6 months in county and had her ass whipped on at least 2 occasions that I know of.
MY POINT = These cuck cops are NOT indicative of LOE. They are the exception.
So you counter many examples with a personal anecdote to prove the many examples are the exception not your personal anecdote?
Short sided response. Clearly an anon with LOE issues OR one of the many deepstate cucks that haunt these boards. I dont understand all of the negativity. Yes ... any LOE that stands by and lets BLM or tifa trash run amuk needs an ass whipping, then fired. Patriots support LOEs. Patriots dont make blanket anti LOE statements.
And do British patriots blindly support British cops that come and beat down their doors for sharing politically incorrect opinions online, or having 4 people in their home instead of 3 for covid lockdowns? While they turn a blind eye to arab rape gangs? What separates the kind of people that become British cops versus American cops? Or Canadian cops? Or German cops?
A whole St. Louis police force came and raided the McCloskey couple for "brandishing firearms" and grabbed all their guns. Do you know how many quit or refused that order? How many cops ever refuse to raid someone's home over BS red flag laws where they confiscate the guns of someone that committed no crime whatsoever?
If cops are told by their bosses to raid your home and crack your skull open for having shared wrongthink, they will, no questions asked, they'll enjoy it.
Cops don't even back other cops if it's their own ass on the line. Look at how all the Minneapolis cops threw Chauvin under the bus to save their own skin. That's who I'm tasked to support and defend? PFFT.
Just read up about how the LAPD behaved during the LA riots.
Patriots don't blindly support authority. Our nation was founded by men that disobeyed a tyrannical authority. They warned us about allowing their new government grow to become a tyrannical authority.
"Patriots support LOEs." That's a cuck sentiment. You are the cuck.
Well. I applaud your effort for sure. I tried to bring reason to the conversation, but sometimes, you just cant fix stupid. Enjoy ur masks and shot. Retards gonna retard
Your "LOEs" which by the way doesn't even make sense as an acronym for law enforcement officer, are the ones that enforce mask laws and would force people to take vaccines if they became mandatory, dummy. What did you even mean by this reply? Yeah, that's right, retards (you) gonna retard.
They'd rather deal with you than BLM, you're subservient.
You can go fukyourself with that subservient bullshit. Tell ur deepstate boss I said get fuked. All u shills can rot in hell.
Muh ThIn BlUe LiNe, lol man you're triggered. You're on the cops side but they ain't on yours. They're servants of the state and status quo.
Um no. It's every single one who didn't do a damn thing.
YES. FOR FUK SAKE I AGREE. what the hell is wrong with Anons today.
NKY here, pede. Family in Meade
I'll take.elected sheriffs 8 days a week over police.
This is going to end badly. The police are not doing their job at all. Someone at some point is going to solve this problem and police will be held responsible.
It's not gonna end badly. It's gonna end how it's supposed to end, with US as the victors.
Just drive. Black Lives Splatter.
Only if you want to get 400 years in prison.
It's legal in NC, and probably in a number of other states, to run them over if you're in fear of your life and they're in your way.
They probably would send the police out to clear them in the first place in such locations.
In locations like this they would throw the book at you in a kangaroo court.
Damn ur fuking dumb. DUMB.
Stalking my profile now?
That's exactly what happened to James Fields. 400 years in a kangaroo court.
Antifa and blm don't pull that junk stuff in Florida.
I enjoy watching: "Bowling for Antifa".
B-b-but BACK THE BLUE!1! My wife's boyfriend's sister said he would NEVER confiscate guns one time when he was drunk!1!
Your wife’s WHO? ?
Nice guy, bought me a nintendo AND a weeks ration of tendies/soylent before they went on vacation!!
If the cunts can play in the streets we can drive on the sidewalks.
If we could drop every loser in this video into a giant meat grinder, think how much better the world would be. They contribute nothing and demand everything. That cop is also a cuck, the thin blue line is gone.
Strong cities network. For governors private army’s not under constitutional law End of local policing 2016! Boiled down to its essence, the SCN is actually a new law-enforcement body whose laws will govern participating cities, including New York, Atlanta, Denver, and Minneapolis, that have already signed on as members. Law-enforcement measures for these cities will dovetail with or emanate from the Institute for Strategic Dialogue and the United Nations, not from the U.S. Constitution and locally elected officials and the laws governing them. In her remarks at the unveiling of this new organization, Attorney General Lynch claimed that the new arrangement would work toward being “an alliance of nations” and would aspire to be “a global community.” The Strong Cities Network, therefore, should be known as a nascent global police force controlled by the United Nations. Where central or global authority doesn’t govern police power, it is controlled locally. When it is controlled by a national or international governing body, as it was in the hands of Germany’s Gestapo, the Soviet Union’s KGB, or the ruling body in a communist-led country, tyranny reigns.
I want to shake this guys hand or give him a great big hug!
Isn’t it illegal to open carry while wearing a mask? Why do the police only enforce laws against conservatives? We need lawsuits against local police departments.
They are in on it. $$$$$$. Not all but many!
Lawsuits against cops in their personal capacities and/or against the mayors behind them......otherwise you are paying instead of them.
free travel on public roads is our right, and blockage by highway men should be met with violent justice. how do you know they are highway men? they have guns and are stopping free people from free travel on public roads. STOP PAYING TAXES!! Start shooting highway men.
The whole of our blessed Country need to be DeSantis-ized - like Florida.
I miss Based Stick Man busting Skulls!
I agree, hope he made it out of his legal trouble. We do have based pot/pan man that was posted a week or so ago here. Knocking pantifa in the face with what looked like a cooking pot.
We are getting closer and closer to that line being crossed.
Texas...Abbutt what the fork man...fix this now!
The Texas state legislators just made concealed carry legal for EVERYONE. No permits.
Sadly, I guess you’re on your own then. Seems odd the brown shirts are bullying Texans. You have sheriffs and are armed.
A BLM protestor pulling a gun on an unarmed man in plain view of the public and a police officer who only confronts the unarmed man. No words.
Look at all those boons taking orders from their White Masters. Shameful.
Has to be Austin or Dallas! Burn, Loot Murder would never show up in a red area! Humanities losers!
Plano. This happened at Preston & 121. Fuck the Plano police.
I agree with your sentiment as someone who has had several run-ins with the Plano PD.
Only bigger dicks are Richardson cops. Frisco guys were surprisingly cool.
I ride with rifle and 600 rounds of 308 and body armor for this very reason. They pull a gun on me I'm going to open fire into the whole fucking crowd and I don't care who I hit.
I sent the police chief an email letting him know how I feel. Feel free to do the same:
Plano Police Department (Main Police Station) Phone Number -972-424-5678 Chief Ed Drain 972-941-2410 Joint Use Facility Police Substation Phone Number 972-424-5678
So sad that this man had NO backup from anyone else there. And the cop is a disgrace. When you represent law, and have the power of the State beside and behind you, you must enforce the law or you get what we see here.
They are going to get what they think they want, but won't be able to handle. If there were a couple more guys with him, it could have ended differently.
Where are the lawyers with the class action suits to hold the Goverments and police accountable for not enforcing the lawlessness ?
awww . he didnt get to stomp some ass
Hur dur back the blue.
Time for TEXAS to shut this shit down...Mr. Abbott
Florida is showing you how to run a state. Let's not let that happen in the Lone Star.
Exactly. Abbott needs to step it up. Florida is making TX look like a bunch of weak ass pansies.
When are the police going to do their jobs and stop mollycoddling these BLM/ANTIFA people who have ZERO right to impede traffic. I can promise that if every person in a car mowed them down they would think twice. Their protesting does not give them the right to impede traffic. I for one am sick of hearing about this shit.You want to protest, get a permit and do it PEACEFULLY in a park or on the sidewalk. All lives matter not just the ones thugs try to force on us.
Lovely liberal stronghold in Texas there, plano police department has one star.
Do your research before you move
Agree. Plano has gotten more and more liberal thanks to big companies moving from Califand bringing their idiotic ideologies.
I can't believe the woman in the truck at the front got out and flipped off the giant. She is such a coward. I guarantee she just immediately did that to appease the crowd. Mob rule fucking sucks. We know black lives matter... all lives matter. Nobody doesn't think that. What the fuck does that have to do with stopping traffic?
Fuck BLM and Fuck cops that dont do anything to stop their illegal shit
There is this stuff called Liquid Ass, you can buy it on Amazon. It’s meant for pranks but it is the worst smelling thing you have ever smelled. This would be a great thing to keep in car for situations like this. If you cannot go anywhere, might as well get out of your car and act like you support the protest and casually spray it as you walk around. I swear it will at least give you a good laugh, might even get them to move. Lol
Wow. Deeper and deeper into the dumb
I got some big tires on my jeep.
There was quite a bit going on there and I'll give the cop benefit of the doubt that he did not see the firearm or else he would've done something about it. There's a reason you usually "Plano games" in Plano, TX.
Also, he's wearing off duty gear. He was most likely paid by the "legal rep" in the red polo (who is a lawyer that usually rep's all the police shooting cases) to provide "off duty" security. I read another article that Plano blocked off one lane of traffic for this planned protest,but at this point in the video the protest had migrated into the active lanes. The cops should have stopped that part for sure as it is a violation to impede a roadway.
This cop was a moron. He could’ve easily have been shot by the BLM protester. His lack of awareness is going to get him killed.
BLM is anti police so the dumb fucks are allowing them to block traffic? Hello, some people actually have jobs and have to get to work.
Don’t get me started on Plano police!! I lived next door to one once and he would literally sit in his car and wait for me to get home to let my dog out. One day he decided to come to my door (we were in an apartment at the time) with citation in hand for not picking up my dog’s poo. I have to mention, my dog (puppy) was only 8 weeks old and still being potty trained. Low and behold only a few weeks later our complex put in dog waste stations. This isn’t my only experience with Plano PD, too.
I’m by no means surprised they let this shit happen. ?And guys, this is a super busy intersection. This pisses me off beyond belief. I’d like to give this big guy a great big hug for what he did.