I don't know for certain, there's just something about the face that doesn't seem right to me for some reason. It could just be lighting or angle or something, I'm no expert, but when I saw it it just didn't look right.
Blow the image up in a new tab so its full size (its a large image)... and look at eyes and smile. Looking at eyes and smile for some reason is shooting alarms off for me that this isn't Trump.
The logo on the guy in front’s shirt matches the place mats. His sleeve says “Philadelphia” sure seems to match up with this logo https://www.trumpnationalphiladelphia.com/
My money is on that’s Trump. Just after a nice day of golf and golf hat hair. I hope he had a great game!
Wish I knew how to embed a pic. I took POTUS' official portrait and this one side by side. You can see these are different men.
Start with the chin: approximately same dimensions (though the shading makes it a little hard to tell). The skin is looser but there isn't a tight collar, so that's that.
Go to his mouth; lips form pretty much same shape in the smile, teeth look pretty much spot on too. Corner "dimples" look a little different but not really that much, same dimensions, just him looking a bit older.
The lower jaw skin folds twice, in approximately the same spots and in the same way.
Now his nose: Same dimensions, same hook, even same light wrinkle/possible scarring along the top. The corners of his nose are especially similar.
Then his ears: pretty much the same folds and dimensions. Then we go to eye area: The creases in the corners are about the same, albiet more numerous and slightly droopier, as would be expected with age and without extensive makeup. The eye bags themselves are identical in shape and size between both pictures.
Eyebrows appear to be the exact same shape and dimensions, as well.
Here's one of the big kickers: You can see the crease marks between his eyebrows; they have a very distinct shape and position, and that matches perfectly between both images (more pronounced in the left one, obviously, because less makeup and more age).
Hairline, from what we can see of it (above ears, mainly) is pretty much same. Hat hair to be sure, but line and general flow is almost the same precisely.
Skull shape (as seen by shading in the forehead in particular) is spot on.
There is not a single facial feature that doesn't match that can't be easily explained by age or makeup. They are the same man; the biggest thing going on here is that the left side Trump isn't absolutely plastered with makeup and just got done with a hard day's exercise.
came to say this, looks like a double
So glad I'm not the only one who saw this and didn't think it was him.
What makes you not think it’s him?
Just looks like hat head.
I don't know for certain, there's just something about the face that doesn't seem right to me for some reason. It could just be lighting or angle or something, I'm no expert, but when I saw it it just didn't look right.
Yup. Opened it in a new tab to make the image much larger and no way that is Trump.
This life or the next, I want to shake his hand & thank him for his dedication.
Looks like you had a fantastic day!
The guy in pink is not amused.
He looks like Scavino but I'm not 100% sure
That’s what I thought. But scavino usually has a smile on his face.
Not Scavino.
https://youtu.be/MruIam3rASs so good
Fred Couples
One round of golf at Trump National
My life is now complete
What makes people think Trump is a double....just point out what you see that's different. I can't tell
just took a quick look but the only difference i can spot is the hairstyle
Hat head
Agreed, he's just missing the classic GEOTUS orange spray tan. (All male politicians/actors wear make up.)
Example 1 and example 2.
Imagine the history books: The Great Meme War starring Orange GEOTUS
Blow the image up in a new tab so its full size (its a large image)... and look at eyes and smile. Looking at eyes and smile for some reason is shooting alarms off for me that this isn't Trump.
Fuck. I don't think I could handle a round with GOETUS. I'd be like a kid askign a million questions.
"When are we going to see arrests?"
"shut up"
"but i mean really who is Q?"
"shut up"
"so why was George H. Bush put down?"
"can't tell you"
Any clues!?
That's awesome! Bet it was fun.
Just me and the boys.
That is a very good double.
Lots of full glasses there.
Looks like Trump. Would be nice to know who the others are.
Poor guy in blue got cut off. Sounds like an awesome day!
Oh, that's Durham. Just a little R&R after getting the Case Against the Cabal all wrapped up, and before the trials start.
I think.
I was gonna say... It must suck to be the guy in blue!
Definitely not President Trump, but looks like a good time for sure
Of course it's POTUS Trump! I think it's him and looks like him when he smiles.
The logo on the guy in front’s shirt matches the place mats. His sleeve says “Philadelphia” sure seems to match up with this logo https://www.trumpnationalphiladelphia.com/ My money is on that’s Trump. Just after a nice day of golf and golf hat hair. I hope he had a great game!
Trump has very distinct whiter skin around his eyes. Almost like his eyelids don't tan very well. This guy does not.
Looks a lot like Trump but not exactly like trump.
So what's DJT up to that they put out that he was golfing with some guys today?
Had to be important.
I'm guessing that isn't the Commander-in-Chief...and it looks like the jury on it is still out, according to comments.
I'll go along for the ride. It looks like fun.
Did he yell "WHERE WE GOLF ONE, WE GOLF ALL!!!" at the 17th hole?
A little hilly for Mar-A-Lago, no?
POTUS has been in Jersey lately too
It's in Philly
Actually the Philly golf club is in Jersey!
Is it just me or is that not Trump? From a distance, it looks like him, but if you zoom in it looks nothing like him.
if it is he looks a little haggard
Wish I knew how to embed a pic. I took POTUS' official portrait and this one side by side. You can see these are different men. https://imgur.com/a/9GExgv7
Really? Looks like the same man to me.
Start with the chin: approximately same dimensions (though the shading makes it a little hard to tell). The skin is looser but there isn't a tight collar, so that's that.
Go to his mouth; lips form pretty much same shape in the smile, teeth look pretty much spot on too. Corner "dimples" look a little different but not really that much, same dimensions, just him looking a bit older.
The lower jaw skin folds twice, in approximately the same spots and in the same way.
Now his nose: Same dimensions, same hook, even same light wrinkle/possible scarring along the top. The corners of his nose are especially similar.
Then his ears: pretty much the same folds and dimensions. Then we go to eye area: The creases in the corners are about the same, albiet more numerous and slightly droopier, as would be expected with age and without extensive makeup. The eye bags themselves are identical in shape and size between both pictures.
Eyebrows appear to be the exact same shape and dimensions, as well.
Here's one of the big kickers: You can see the crease marks between his eyebrows; they have a very distinct shape and position, and that matches perfectly between both images (more pronounced in the left one, obviously, because less makeup and more age).
Hairline, from what we can see of it (above ears, mainly) is pretty much same. Hat hair to be sure, but line and general flow is almost the same precisely.
Skull shape (as seen by shading in the forehead in particular) is spot on.
There is not a single facial feature that doesn't match that can't be easily explained by age or makeup. They are the same man; the biggest thing going on here is that the left side Trump isn't absolutely plastered with makeup and just got done with a hard day's exercise.
Not Trump