Whoever wrote this article is a probably some drone SJW.
Why we give credence to this is beyond me.
It’s all about platforms. The young up and coming ‘journos’ are looking for published cred (which btw is no different than academia), they gain recognition, buff their resume up and climb the ladder.
We are in the 24/7 internet days... it’s all about the clicks.
TLDR : In 1904, their government tried to force people to be vaccinated against yellow fever without any justification aside from "trust the science". People got pissed, wrecked Rio de Janeiro apart and lynched thug cops and quack doctors.
Just some interesting and totally unrelated nugget of history for you guys.
awesome...didn't know that....maybe Fauci/Gates and their trillionaire benefactors can experience that.....film it and put it on JewTube and force that whore running it to watch it too!
Agreed! If they try this, then Chief_Wahoo will have their 'vaccine' waiting for them. But just as there are illegal alien sanctuary states, pre-born sanctuary states and Second Amendment Sanctuary states, so I expect Fourth Amendment/ No 'vaccine' Sanctuary States to start popping up. Florida is pretty much declared a no forced vaccine state, and others are following:
As of now, I will go to to jail before I get the vax, or die trying to stop them. This is about our freedom, our liberty, not because I'm afraid of the vaccine.
Lol.. get a tad passionate and the ISSUE becomes the issue if you know what I mean..
I know the difference between the two words and know which is which ..
I used to say if they ever came for the guns, THAT would be the red line that would make it go kinetic. But this. This would do it too. It’s self defense.
And that is the line if they try to go with that and the American people don't literally fire back at any and all officials or doctors... you lose, we lose, they win and there is nothing you will or can do afterwards
I got some HIV/AIDS/Syphilis infested sucko-fucko over here if they try this with me. Yep, I'll take Fauci and friends downtown to experience the LGBTQIA2+ venereal disease lifestyle and they can get sick and die. Not me.
Just like Pfizer, everyone should get two shots to increase efficacy (always double tap).
Whoever wrote this should think about their own good
Edit: This article.
I mean think about it. Most of the people who reject this vaccine are staunch constitutionalists, who believe in freedom and the defense of it. Kek
Whoever wrote this article is a probably some drone SJW.
Why we give credence to this is beyond me.
It’s all about platforms. The young up and coming ‘journos’ are looking for published cred (which btw is no different than academia), they gain recognition, buff their resume up and climb the ladder.
We are in the 24/7 internet days... it’s all about the clicks.
one shot from a 50 cal.... er.. 50cc vaccine should do it..
50cals of Vaccine stat!
My sentiments EXACTLY. "Force???" TRY it, you commie assholes
That's my red line. If this is attempted, we need to go to war. Enough is enough.
No no no no no no no you dilwad farfafaggot! We need 40 years of Democrat rule first. Trust the plan, dammit!
That and forced covid camp.
Funny thing, it seems Brazil has a precedent on this. (wikipedia link, but feel free to check other sources).https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaccine_Revolt.
TLDR : In 1904, their government tried to force people to be vaccinated against yellow fever without any justification aside from "trust the science". People got pissed, wrecked Rio de Janeiro apart and lynched thug cops and quack doctors.
Just some interesting and totally unrelated nugget of history for you guys.
That's the kind of history that needs repeating.
awesome...didn't know that....maybe Fauci/Gates and their trillionaire benefactors can experience that.....film it and put it on JewTube and force that whore running it to watch it too!
I would claim assault with a deadly weapon.
Agreed! If they try this, then Chief_Wahoo will have their 'vaccine' waiting for them. But just as there are illegal alien sanctuary states, pre-born sanctuary states and Second Amendment Sanctuary states, so I expect Fourth Amendment/ No 'vaccine' Sanctuary States to start popping up. Florida is pretty much declared a no forced vaccine state, and others are following:
This is just one of MANY reasons I love living in FL.
Too hot.
There will be BIG trouble when they try to make vax mandatory.
the guns will come out in full force if they try it. BLM/Antifa is nothing compared to the armed white citizenry.
They really want war
The magic words:
I was in mortal fear for my own life and those around me.
As of now, I will go to to jail before I get the vax, or die trying to stop them. This is about our freedom, our liberty, not because I'm afraid of the vaccine.
Your right, Going down fighting til death. Not taking the vax!
they are pushing their luck......
Just waiting for them to get whammied.
The word 'force' is aggressive and says it all. Fighting words.
Welp. I may not start fights but...
Cowabunga it is, then.
They would have to find me first
In my cold dead arm
Your death will still be reported as coof.
"Greater good" arguments have killed more people than any other arguments. The Ends never justify the means, i find.
rode (from te verb "to ride")
Lol.. get a tad passionate and the ISSUE becomes the issue if you know what I mean.. I know the difference between the two words and know which is which ..
The only "vaccine" that people have to be bribed to take
DeWine in Ohio is having a million dollar lottery for vaxxed people.
That’s gonna be a precipice for me dawg.
They better bring plenty of body bags cause I got something for them.
*Chinese rickshaw
Those would be the ones that flew in (and boy, were their arms tired ??)!
But yeah, F___ them and their winged rats, too! ?
Why are the vaxxed so terrified of the unvaxxed?
It's terrifying. You realize how many people have no common sense and self-categorize themselves as NPC parrots without ever knowing they're doing it.
Let them try, I'll fucking stab them in the eye.
Speaking of Bloomberg, haven't seen him in a while...
I used to say if they ever came for the guns, THAT would be the red line that would make it go kinetic. But this. This would do it too. It’s self defense.
And that is the line if they try to go with that and the American people don't literally fire back at any and all officials or doctors... you lose, we lose, they win and there is nothing you will or can do afterwards
(In Clint Eastwood voice) Yeah..go ahead...make my day.?
I got some HIV/AIDS/Syphilis infested sucko-fucko over here if they try this with me. Yep, I'll take Fauci and friends downtown to experience the LGBTQIA2+ venereal disease lifestyle and they can get sick and die. Not me.
Won’t happen!
My response: Kill Hitler in 1935.
Bloomberg can kiss my butt.
"The greater good"