how much more angry would you be when you discovered it was all a cia/deep state project and you were just the patsy. this was not an organic protest - this was part of operation chaos and was quite a successful operation so far it seems. real black americans know this is all bullshit, but then the media doesnt given them much airtime
The reporters and MSM makes me more sick tbh. There will always be jackasses looking for a reason to cause anarchy and they come in every color. The black community has been fucking played like a fiddle for decades. Years ago if someone did this type of shit the community would tell them to stfu.
Because they are playing into the black community as if they care. They have created a system/culture where businesses/schools etc.. all have to hire "people of color" and not the best fit for the job. It makes me fucking sick.
Does anyone bitch and cry about the NFL and NBA being 95% black athletes? NO we don't because the best players make the fucking team. But in the MLB and NHL they are pushing the "Not enough black athletes" card. You just can't make this shit up. My bro got denied at his local college with a 4.3 gpa and athlete because he was white. They won't say it but it's true.
Hispanics flooding CA, AZ, TX etc... most have zero respect or inner love for this country or our culture. European countries "predominantly white Christian/Catholic nations" are being flooded with Muslim/Arab "migrants." All done on purpose.
Imagine a world where Arab/Muslim refugees travel through other majority Arab/Muslim nations only to then settle in a place like England, Ireland, Germany, France, Sweden, Spain.... It makes absolutely no fucking sense and it bothers me that the people of these countries allowed this to happen. Most common baby name in fucking London is Muhammed ffs. And on top of this all why would Muslim "migrants" want to enter a Christian/Catholic nation? FUCKKKKK. Sorry end rant.
It bothers me that they are lowering scores for admission to medical schools, universities, etc. for Blacks and Latins. Do you really want a doctor who became one because scores were lowered for his race?
It also bothers me that they have lower criteria for women entering firefighting, police recruits, etc. Women simply do not have the strength men do. If they can pass the real requirements, they won't need allowances. What about their co-workers? Can they carry a fallen man out of a burning building? Away from gunshots?
Same reason every single show, movie, commercial, etc has gay, transgender, fluid or wtf else they have represented, to make it look like their numbers are bigger than they actually are. That way the left can say they're being marginalized and not fairly represented.
Don't. That is EXACTLY what this is all about. They want people to look at African Americans differently now. They want whites to start hating blacks. Lord knows they've been teaching blacks to hate whites for years.
I didn't want to... Now I live in NYC suburbs where they just recently started police reform... After blm all summer long burning down NYC and Minneapolis. Are people really that dumb to elect these dumb fucks?! Whatever happened in Minnesota and Chicago, NY is like feeling left out and they are trying to catch up!
just shows how much of a robotic NPC she is - cant even get emotional when her coworkers life is at stake has to just sweek it under the rug and move on. "nothing to see here..." what a way to live i dont envy these people
"get down, get down" LOL. Reporter starts flipping shit... Makes me laugh because it is all a show, all a lie & they can't even have a scripted-lie-filled-broadcast without looking dumb. ??
On his list of this to do today crawling belly on the ground was unlikely to have made the list, though a wise man might have well considered added it.
He wasn't a drug dealer he was a fiend you see that beat ass benz that woman beating bitch was in. Fuck Floyd Fuck Kirby Fuck BLM and the KKK as they're and always were democrat terrorist groups.
They should play some of the "music" George Floyd made during his rap career to honor him on his death day. Weird, I wonder why they never play his "music?"
You conservative racist bastards always look for what goes wrong and never see the good that was done. It was a 'Mostly Peaceful' vigil remembering St. George. As far as the gunfire, well, some of those people obviously haven't done cardio in awhile, it was good for them. Gets that adrenaline flowing.
The on scene reporter was immediately yelling "get behind the engine block!" - what civilian has the wherewithal, in a gunfight, to think, much less dramatically yell out, such an idea?
Seems fishier than Pete Martell's coffee pot to me.
Yeah, it seemed overly dramatic to me, hence my call on the FF. If I heard shots, the first thing I would do is hit the ground, then start assessing the situation. The last thing I'd be doing would be drawing attention to myself by yelling.
Agreed, but at a BLM event glorifying a criminal I want to see them try to whitewash the shorter or have really bad excuses like white supremacy started it
Honoring a black criminals is beyond the pale. blm has gone to far. ... this is just BS
The most vile and absurd the devil can get us to swallow, the more destructive he can be.
As we’ve witnessed.
Yes, this worship of a junkie thug is so ridiculous and obscene… because that is the damned point.
Give anyone who pretends this is decent the amount of respect they deserve. Zero.
I would be ashamed if my race made George Floyd a hero.
how much more angry would you be when you discovered it was all a cia/deep state project and you were just the patsy. this was not an organic protest - this was part of operation chaos and was quite a successful operation so far it seems. real black americans know this is all bullshit, but then the media doesnt given them much airtime
Honestly they make me look at blacks differently now. I lived in NC for years and didn’t have any issues with colors.
The reporters and MSM makes me more sick tbh. There will always be jackasses looking for a reason to cause anarchy and they come in every color. The black community has been fucking played like a fiddle for decades. Years ago if someone did this type of shit the community would tell them to stfu.
Also why is it so many of the reporters or hosts of News are black? They only make up 13% of America.
Because they are playing into the black community as if they care. They have created a system/culture where businesses/schools etc.. all have to hire "people of color" and not the best fit for the job. It makes me fucking sick.
Does anyone bitch and cry about the NFL and NBA being 95% black athletes? NO we don't because the best players make the fucking team. But in the MLB and NHL they are pushing the "Not enough black athletes" card. You just can't make this shit up. My bro got denied at his local college with a 4.3 gpa and athlete because he was white. They won't say it but it's true.
Hispanics flooding CA, AZ, TX etc... most have zero respect or inner love for this country or our culture. European countries "predominantly white Christian/Catholic nations" are being flooded with Muslim/Arab "migrants." All done on purpose.
Imagine a world where Arab/Muslim refugees travel through other majority Arab/Muslim nations only to then settle in a place like England, Ireland, Germany, France, Sweden, Spain.... It makes absolutely no fucking sense and it bothers me that the people of these countries allowed this to happen. Most common baby name in fucking London is Muhammed ffs. And on top of this all why would Muslim "migrants" want to enter a Christian/Catholic nation? FUCKKKKK. Sorry end rant.
It makes perfect sense. It is all designed to destroy western civilization. But you already knew that. Enjoy the movie.
Good rant. I agree.
It bothers me that they are lowering scores for admission to medical schools, universities, etc. for Blacks and Latins. Do you really want a doctor who became one because scores were lowered for his race?
It also bothers me that they have lower criteria for women entering firefighting, police recruits, etc. Women simply do not have the strength men do. If they can pass the real requirements, they won't need allowances. What about their co-workers? Can they carry a fallen man out of a burning building? Away from gunshots?
Same reason every single show, movie, commercial, etc has gay, transgender, fluid or wtf else they have represented, to make it look like their numbers are bigger than they actually are. That way the left can say they're being marginalized and not fairly represented.
Don't. That is EXACTLY what this is all about. They want people to look at African Americans differently now. They want whites to start hating blacks. Lord knows they've been teaching blacks to hate whites for years.
I didn't want to... Now I live in NYC suburbs where they just recently started police reform... After blm all summer long burning down NYC and Minneapolis. Are people really that dumb to elect these dumb fucks?! Whatever happened in Minnesota and Chicago, NY is like feeling left out and they are trying to catch up!
The look on that lady reporter's face was priceless when the gunshots started ringing out.
Like, “how tf do I hide this from the viewers?”
"Loud but mostly peaceful celebration."
just shows how much of a robotic NPC she is - cant even get emotional when her coworkers life is at stake has to just sweek it under the rug and move on. "nothing to see here..." what a way to live i dont envy these people
Quietly hoping it was a "white supremacist QaNoN conspiracy theorist."
These people are sick. The news anchors have all the information directly in front of them and choose to spew the filth that they do.
"get down, get down" LOL. Reporter starts flipping shit... Makes me laugh because it is all a show, all a lie & they can't even have a scripted-lie-filled-broadcast without looking dumb. ??
On his list of this to do today crawling belly on the ground was unlikely to have made the list, though a wise man might have well considered added it.
A 21-gun salute, ghetto drug-dealer style?
Better send in the social-workers to calm everything down!
He wasn't a drug dealer he was a fiend you see that beat ass benz that woman beating bitch was in. Fuck Floyd Fuck Kirby Fuck BLM and the KKK as they're and always were democrat terrorist groups.
Exactly. The KKK and BLM are both democrat organizations, created to divide us all. Let them eat each other.
Most of their societal issues can be fully attributed to the fact that they can't keep their bullets in their guns. Pun fully intended.
They should play some of the "music" George Floyd made during his rap career to honor him on his death day. Weird, I wonder why they never play his "music?"
reporting on reality is not their business
A keep the camera rolling moment if I’ve ever seen one!
Hahaha, "we do not deal in reporting of reality..." Only scripted bullshit
Hahahaha - the ghetto 21 gun salute!
The shots rang out just when that guy said they're doing 9 minutes of SILENCE. oh the IRONY ???
what? trouble who could have seen this coming...
You conservative racist bastards always look for what goes wrong and never see the good that was done. It was a 'Mostly Peaceful' vigil remembering St. George. As far as the gunfire, well, some of those people obviously haven't done cardio in awhile, it was good for them. Gets that adrenaline flowing.
"MOSTLY peaceful"
And she just sits there like "uhhh... c'mon teleprompter help me out here!"
And then goes on to explain the "police reform" they've already started. She should have said, "as you can hear behind me...we've implemented..."
It had to be a FF. Did you notice -- no one else that was there so much as flinched. LOL
They went from a live footage of the reporter to b-roll from earlier in the day
The on scene reporter was immediately yelling "get behind the engine block!" - what civilian has the wherewithal, in a gunfight, to think, much less dramatically yell out, such an idea?
Seems fishier than Pete Martell's coffee pot to me.
Yeah, it seemed overly dramatic to me, hence my call on the FF. If I heard shots, the first thing I would do is hit the ground, then start assessing the situation. The last thing I'd be doing would be drawing attention to myself by yelling.
Ya, that was weird that nobody moved. No running, screaming or hitting the ground. They just stood there.
I saw the unedited one and it still looked like crisis actors to me. One old guy was just sauntering by like he'd wandered into a movie scene.
Bruh the fricken m1 garand ping. ?
Why do we keep being shocked and baffled by these cultural displays?
That was just a 21 gun salute. ??♂️
Mostly peaceful gun shots.
The safety is located on the left side of the gun, just above the trigger guard.
Apparently, some people don't know that.
A lot of surviving life is just simply…not putting yourself in dangerous situations. Floyd did not know this one simple fact..nor do these reporters.
So often boils doing to:
LOL couldn't be more perfect if it were scripted.
I hope it was black on black crime that the media has to explain
Agreed, but at a BLM event glorifying a criminal I want to see them try to whitewash the shorter or have really bad excuses like white supremacy started it
ha ha ha ha
It was a "mostly peaceful" gun fight.
21 gun salute...whats the problem
definitely white supremacists
BBC has been glorifying this shit all day; making out Fentanyl Floyd is some sort of Saint.
Imagine people who just watch BBC News and have no alt tech. Brainwashed completely.
Mostly peaceful remembrance.
Bahahaha!!!! Shocking I say, shocking!
Is anyone truly shocked by this? Come on man, they're honoring a bound to attract thugs.
LoL@ Rigger Munkies
Just imagine what will happen if the commies can do away with the second amendment.