Always refreshing to see perspective without choking on Trump's chode.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate him and want him back. But that's where it ends. He may have achieved more in his life than I ever will, but we're still both Americans.
Anyone who held that position didn't hold it because it was their current state of logical thinking.
They held it because they were a pawn of the cabal, likely having blackmail evidence pushing them to take the positions they held, or else.
I, personally, am rewarded for holding grudges against people. So, for instance, when Cruz backstabs Trump saying he initiated violence at the capital, I'm not stuck with a surprised pikachu face.
People change pretty quickly when you show them the truth... and the classified documents to back it up. My bet is this was written when she was much less informed.
Worthiness for a particular roll is like Beauty, It resides in the eye of the beholder. Myself I ask no one to agree with me, but I reserve my right of opinion... And my right to revise the same.
The difference is, you changed your mind. Jenna Ellis is continually calling for less action against the cabal because of muh legal precedent. The argument is that she never really changed. A lot of us were lefty retards to some degree but we also don’t say now that Trump being reinstated is legally impossible like a total cuck.
Jenna said specifically that Trump would not be reinstated. This is no minor disagreement. This is someone now working against us and can’t be trusted.
She isn't entirely wrong with the fact the not truth seekers and sheeple only wanna hear what they wanna hear. She had the vocabulary wrong. It's not narrcisist its sheeple and they are found on all sides of the spectrum. I'm pretty sure even sheeple follow trump. I'm sure there's a better more nicer word to use than sheeple. It takes work not to human nature
at times, even the founding fathers knew that and that's why they formed a republic and not a democracy because mob rule isn't always the correct route. For all we know Jenna could still disagree with president Trump but believes in the law and that's why he picked her to help change her mind because as Jenna being a lawyer facts are facts. So it doesn't help when you have the mob rule on our end of the spectrum bashing and continuing spreading the cycle of hate.
What have they taught us?
If you don't have something nice to say don't say anything at all.
To be fair in march of 2016 i said choosing between trump and killary was like choosing between cancer or aids... I now regret that bad and we all know why...
I just dont trust her. I dont even know why. I didn't before I knew about this tweet. Something doesn't sit right with me about her. And the fact she denied Trump can be reinstated. It's a NO for me.
This is true. She may end up being a phony, but people can change and we don’t need to hold grudges against them. There are probably millions of Americans who felt just like she did in 2016 and ended up voting for him in 2020.
I didn’t cry when he won, but I was surly. Also relieved that Hillary didn’t win. It was a confusing time, honestly.
I had been sure, during primaries, that he was planted by the Dems to derail the Republicans. Then when he went so hard after Hillary, I just didn’t know what to think. I’m still not sure he didn’t “work with” the Dems to take over the Republican ticket, but if so then he sure blindsided them with his own plan afterward. Anyway, after that I ignored him for a couple of years, until I started noticing in 2019 and 2020 how everything he said got twisted. Then I went back and started seeing everything differently.
I think the same happened to Jenna. She has not backtracked for a second saying that the election was hijacked, and he was chosen by the people. She sees the legal process differently- that the electoral college still made their choice, and the GOP is to blame for certifying it. In my opinion, that doesn’t make her a turncoat - it just shows that there is a real murky situation here. And that we need to stay focused on elections at the local level and getting rid of the comfortable elites, which is still true.
People can change. Don't hold grudges.
Always refreshing to see perspective without choking on Trump's chode.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate him and want him back. But that's where it ends. He may have achieved more in his life than I ever will, but we're still both Americans.
Anyone who held that position didn't hold it because it was their current state of logical thinking.
They held it because they were a pawn of the cabal, likely having blackmail evidence pushing them to take the positions they held, or else.
I, personally, am rewarded for holding grudges against people. So, for instance, when Cruz backstabs Trump saying he initiated violence at the capital, I'm not stuck with a surprised pikachu face.
People change pretty quickly when you show them the truth... and the classified documents to back it up. My bet is this was written when she was much less informed.
true but she is most likely a DS plant
Properly works for the Cabal or the CIA
She didnt change, she went into stealth mode and infiltrated. Feckless cunt.
She is not worthy to be on the Trump Team.
An Enduring example of our President believing in the best of people against all odds!
To be fair though, if you were awake/skeptical before Q, you probably wouldn't have thought that trump was anything special.
So that does make her worthy then....
Worthiness for a particular roll is like Beauty, It resides in the eye of the beholder. Myself I ask no one to agree with me, but I reserve my right of opinion... And my right to revise the same.
I was a never-Trumper too. I thought his candidacy was a joke. He annoyed me.
I held that opinion on March 17, 2016.
So GTFO with this.
Such tactics - sow division and make us attack our own. Jenna need not be attacked for not agreeing with us.
The difference is, you changed your mind. Jenna Ellis is continually calling for less action against the cabal because of muh legal precedent. The argument is that she never really changed. A lot of us were lefty retards to some degree but we also don’t say now that Trump being reinstated is legally impossible like a total cuck.
Judges chose to repost it and they are usually right on the money when it comes to people.....
Jenna said specifically that Trump would not be reinstated. This is no minor disagreement. This is someone now working against us and can’t be trusted.
Our enemies are Fauci, Gates, HRC, the Obamas, Soros, CNN, MSNBC
There is no reason to attack Jenna for not being pure enough.
Good reminder, I had to be convinced as well. I was upset Ted Cruze folded, then I was won over by his (Trumps) refreshing way of speaking. No BS...
She isn't entirely wrong with the fact the not truth seekers and sheeple only wanna hear what they wanna hear. She had the vocabulary wrong. It's not narrcisist its sheeple and they are found on all sides of the spectrum. I'm pretty sure even sheeple follow trump. I'm sure there's a better more nicer word to use than sheeple. It takes work not to human nature at times, even the founding fathers knew that and that's why they formed a republic and not a democracy because mob rule isn't always the correct route. For all we know Jenna could still disagree with president Trump but believes in the law and that's why he picked her to help change her mind because as Jenna being a lawyer facts are facts. So it doesn't help when you have the mob rule on our end of the spectrum bashing and continuing spreading the cycle of hate.
What have they taught us?
If you don't have something nice to say don't say anything at all.
If DJT shot Hillary Clinton in the middle of NYC, you're damn right he wouldn't lose any support Jenna.
If he video taped it, I think if anything he’d get More support. Especially if he had some good shots of Hillary in pain.
I changed my mind shortly after this. Nbd
Trump could definitely shoot somebody and I'd still support him
I can think of hundreds Trump could shoot in the street and still get my vote!
There are a couple that might have me bowing before him. (just once or twice out of sincere respect and admiration.)
? the new #metoo.
Brandon Straka was apoplectic when Trump got elected. He and his friends really thought it was going to be like Nazi Germany for them.
He woke up. When he found out the story about Trump mocking the handicap reporter, he saw how he had been fooled.
He went on to found the WalkAway movement and has become an ardent Trump supporter.
People do change.
Is he ok now? I heard he got arrested on the 6th.
He did and he is keeping a low profile but he is starting to poke his head up again.
That man has been through so much in the last couple of years.
Ellis was a never Trumper. I don't trust her. She will have to prove herself.
She reminds me of a “Karen”.
To be fair in march of 2016 i said choosing between trump and killary was like choosing between cancer or aids... I now regret that bad and we all know why...
I think she said a few things that were worse but im not sure where to find them.
I just dont trust her. I dont even know why. I didn't before I knew about this tweet. Something doesn't sit right with me about her. And the fact she denied Trump can be reinstated. It's a NO for me.
Glad she is on our side now Her eyes have been opened The great awakening
Thats enough for me to disregard anything she says
Since when do we take five year old tweets out of context?
She's on Trump's legal team still, yes?
Not that I am correct, but what comes to my mind: "What makes a movie GOOD? GREAT actors?"
Didn't she change?
Don't be a commie. Quit having gut reactions.
THINK, don't feel.
Hell, even fauci can be right
That's a paddlin.
5 year old tweet
Post a source link or fuck off.
Honestly would have said the same at the time, didn’t wake up until 2018
Jenna Ellis must've been a liberal back in 2016. I hope she's got herself awake by now.
Did Dorothy know the Wizard was a shrimp pulling the levers.
She’s a Malignant Cunt
So is Frank Luntz.
Shes fat and her cooter stinks.
Fat stanky fat-ho!
IlDonaldo likes her, and I adore that goofy son of a gun. ?
Hope someone is able to read her ear tag soon and return her to the correct farm....
She was water tortured by the grab her by the pussy comments and MeToo. She will soon be finding her new home as a transgender man.
I trust Trump. I trust the Q team. I believe there’s a brilliant plan. My head spins, and it should. I’m an outsider. I’m a late comer.
Fake news. That’s not a Tweet.
This is true. She may end up being a phony, but people can change and we don’t need to hold grudges against them. There are probably millions of Americans who felt just like she did in 2016 and ended up voting for him in 2020.
I voted for Jill Stein in 2016 ?
If I can be rescued, anyone can.
But you didn't vote for Hillary
Well, no. I despised her that much. I certainly didn't like Trump though.
I... well... I cried the night he won. Like a little liberal snowflake baby.
Thanks for admitting it.
It's a sign of good character.
I've grown so much ?
I didn’t cry when he won, but I was surly. Also relieved that Hillary didn’t win. It was a confusing time, honestly. I had been sure, during primaries, that he was planted by the Dems to derail the Republicans. Then when he went so hard after Hillary, I just didn’t know what to think. I’m still not sure he didn’t “work with” the Dems to take over the Republican ticket, but if so then he sure blindsided them with his own plan afterward. Anyway, after that I ignored him for a couple of years, until I started noticing in 2019 and 2020 how everything he said got twisted. Then I went back and started seeing everything differently. I think the same happened to Jenna. She has not backtracked for a second saying that the election was hijacked, and he was chosen by the people. She sees the legal process differently- that the electoral college still made their choice, and the GOP is to blame for certifying it. In my opinion, that doesn’t make her a turncoat - it just shows that there is a real murky situation here. And that we need to stay focused on elections at the local level and getting rid of the comfortable elites, which is still true.