The "lumber shortage" is another DS economic false flag targeting the resources the environmentalists want us to stop using. Meat, oil, lumber, etc.
It's also designed to affect building costs and thus enable the government to swoop in with an "affordable housing" "solution".
What's that? You can't afford a home? Well here are some subsidized units we built! You can thank us, Daddy Government, for all our altruistic solutions! We are here to help...
This was one of the main reasons for shutting malls down in the first place. Make them all fail and then repurpose the land. You can transition to a modern economy for as cheap as possible and no hassle with dealing with all the individual stores and their leases and rights
It’s the same as any war. Destroy as cheaply as possible and rebuild with modern infrastructure. Before the wars, Germany and Japan had medieval infrastructure that couldn’t support modern traffic demands and upgrading all the plumbing and electricity was impossible. So what do you do? You make up a reason to level it all and then build your super modern societies over the remains. Same thing they’re doing in Syria right now, with a civil war that’s been going on for 15 years against imaginary enemies.
This should absolutely be the case, and I support this as a developer/architect
Malls are not efficient use of real estate, and high-density housing can still support ground level retail and F&B without wasting the majority of land on brick and mortar for big businesses that are already transitioning mainly to direct-to-consumer and ecommerce
Outdoor malls are a different case, such as the Irvine Spectrum, Grove, Promenade, etcetera-- mainly because that is a completely different class of real estate compared to the malls that are failing.
We don't need millions of square feet of indoor shopping that is only activated until 8-10pm when it can be developed into apartment/condominiums with retail and restaurants on the bottom level. When you do that, you accommodate a better use of the land by increasing the inventory of housing in California (which is largely short of what is needed) but you also create a safer area due to the foot/vehicle traffic occurring at all hours. Additionally, housing supports brick and mortar, grocers and small businesses a lot more than destination travelers/shoppers.
I think reported shortages are also a good way of shifting old stock to make way for new: olive oil and other foodstuffs. Steering the sheep, controlling and fleecing.
like to know why no one has put Weyerhaeuser or Georgia Pacific on the hot seat
who is on their board of directors, connections to the DS ?
who and how much $ donated, and to who
wanna bet waren bufett is a major stakeholder in one if not both these co's
something pretty fkn stinky about all of this .../!
Was in college during the '73-'74 oil "shortage" - one of my instructors had been a brand manager for a top U.S. corporation in New York. He told us undergraduate students about the unusual number of tankers he saw for himself waiting to be unloaded. Learned a lot from that guy. Will never forget.
Was a bit younger than that at the time, but the oil shortage, energy crisis, nightly Vietnam news clips of dead soldiers and soldiers being evac'd on choppers, parents' and grandparents' stories about war-time rationing (nylon, rubber, sugar, and such), radiation fallout shelter signs on department store walls (when it was obvious the buildings would offer no protection from radioactivity), etc., etc., etc., created an intense distrust of anything/everything coming from MSM and gov.
I truly believe the lumber shortage is to slow new home build and increase home values to try and prevent the mortgage short that is bound to happen again. Decrease new home loans eithout having to raise interest rates.
Seriously. My area went from YEARS of "buyers market" to "sellers market" overnight! A house near me sold in hours of being listed. One a little further, sold in 9 days. Nothing else for sale. I know two owners frantically remodeling/upgrading to get their homes on the market while the sell prices are high and the volume is so low.
They are still building homes here as well. I have no idea what's going on. :p
I live in what is perceived as a very desirable area. There have been more buyers than sellers for the past few years, but the prices of homes for sale has skyrocketed. I've never seen a frenzy like this. The few homes for sale that hit the market are sold within a few days, and usually substantially over asking price (bidding wars).
I live in Denver where there is a major housing crisis. Ive heard of people paying 100k over asking prices. I'm not sure about that much but I personally know people that paid 25k over asking. On top of that the values have skyrocketed. Many houses arent even getting the realtor sign out front before it sold.
And don't forget those beautiful tax assessments we all got. Denver and Jeffco up 20-30% in one year. Counties are making bank while they cry poor on services.
What is the best bet for someone currently renting but looking to buy a home for the first time? I finally get a stable and high paying job, at the same time that all the houses increased tremendously in value.
For context I live in Socal with a $2k rent, and average decent home price is $550k and up, with a $60k salary :(
Remember when Obama administration brought up massive amounts of ammo in every agency... please tell me why the Dept of education needs millions of ammo... I say they were using our tax dollars to buy it up and send it to isis
Business in my town dries lumber before shipping to mill for final sizing. There is literally not any more room on their 10 acre lot and in their buildings for another 2x4. The DS wants to break us with high prices and make us poorer than we were.
It’s all stored there so they can jack up the prices! Msm tells people there’s a shortage in order for the stores can raise prices. And we still need to replace one whole side of fencing in backyard because of the hurricanes last year.
I work in the industry and I can assure you our company is not holding reserves or stockpiling. We can’t just “turn” up production, you can only shove so many trees through a processes at such a rate. We are running 24x7 for the mills that can and the ones that can’t are due to staffing shortages or systems limitations. In addition we can’t simply spin up new mills, these are multi-year projects that are significant investments. If we were sure lumber prices would stay this high - then consideration for a new mill or conversion of existing into 24x7 will be considered.
Rest assured we are not holding back or manufacturing a Crisis. This flood out of the cities and home improvement projects pulled all the “reserves” forward and now we are trying to replenish supplies and meet current demand.
I can’t speak for other industries but lumber I can.
I didn’t even think about all the home renovations, that people did during the start of Covid, making a dent in a lumbar supplies but it makes sense that it would.
It got wiped out - supply chains today aren’t designed for the entire world to suddenly all be home for a year. It’s jacked up supplies and may be in serious trouble. When you think about the cyber attacks lately it’s to disrupt current production. The first wave was an attack on our supplies.....second wave production.....what’s next?
We don’t expect the price to sustain, but we aren’t in normal times either. I personally believe all things are going to cost a whole lot more real soon......
I drove thru Mississippi 2 months ago and ran across a huge lot FULL of trucks loaded with lumber. Also related to a trucker and he says there’s lumber everywhere. I agree, engineered.
My husband built a loft for extra storage on one side of our cabana several months ago. The other day he went to buy plywood to build a loft on the other side. The same plywood that cost $7 then is now $40! I told him to wait until the price comes down again.
I think I've shilled 'uneducated economist' here before, but he has a great youtube channel, works in the lumber industry, and likes to think deeply about macro economic situations. Would highly recommend him for lumber shortage discussions.
I was just in San Bernardino, CA last month, and driving on the 215 freeway past the train yards, there were thousands of Walmart shipping containers just sitting. My son in law that is from that area, said that he had never seen so many Wal-Mart containers stacked and stored there before. Also, a local restaurant owner, here in Central Mississippi, said that her food supplier told her to stock up on cooking oil last month, because there is going to be a shortage in July. In July, really!!!?? All of these shortages are manufactured! Loggers in my area are turned away from sawmills because they have too much wood in there yards right now.
I have a friend who is a handyman and he says the wood racks at Lowes and Home Depot have never been this full. And he's in one of the areas that would get their wood from Port Canaveral. What is really going on?
It hasnt been cleared to leave the port or a chassis isn't available. Depending on when this was taken the products are probably all gone.
The suez cannal debacle really messed up global imports/exports because everything goes through there. There were billions upon billions in damages that were incurred. Products are arriving later, prices are going h igher , more people are buying due to shortage creating more shortage, import costs have gone up 3-500%, ports are undermanned so shipments are slower to process, etc etc
Healthcare crash - check
Beef/meat processing - check
Lumber/building - check
Oil/gas - check
Automobile - in process (look at car lots; empty - and used vehicle prices!) - check
What’s next? They are systematically taking down our economy one piece at a time.
Nice. This of course is the year were finally in a position to replace our fence, make repairs on the home-- yes, I'm grateful we can do it, but just one more hit from the deep st.
The "lumber shortage" is another DS economic false flag targeting the resources the environmentalists want us to stop using. Meat, oil, lumber, etc.
It's also designed to affect building costs and thus enable the government to swoop in with an "affordable housing" "solution".
What's that? You can't afford a home? Well here are some subsidized units we built! You can thank us, Daddy Government, for all our altruistic solutions! We are here to help...
CA is discussing re-zoning and converting malls that shut down due to COVID into high density housing.
yep, new name for ghetto.
Welcome to the High Density Housing Mall of the Future, I mean welcome to the hotel California.... It's a lovely place
This was one of the main reasons for shutting malls down in the first place. Make them all fail and then repurpose the land. You can transition to a modern economy for as cheap as possible and no hassle with dealing with all the individual stores and their leases and rights
It’s the same as any war. Destroy as cheaply as possible and rebuild with modern infrastructure. Before the wars, Germany and Japan had medieval infrastructure that couldn’t support modern traffic demands and upgrading all the plumbing and electricity was impossible. So what do you do? You make up a reason to level it all and then build your super modern societies over the remains. Same thing they’re doing in Syria right now, with a civil war that’s been going on for 15 years against imaginary enemies.
This should absolutely be the case, and I support this as a developer/architect
Malls are not efficient use of real estate, and high-density housing can still support ground level retail and F&B without wasting the majority of land on brick and mortar for big businesses that are already transitioning mainly to direct-to-consumer and ecommerce
Outdoor malls are a different case, such as the Irvine Spectrum, Grove, Promenade, etcetera-- mainly because that is a completely different class of real estate compared to the malls that are failing.
We don't need millions of square feet of indoor shopping that is only activated until 8-10pm when it can be developed into apartment/condominiums with retail and restaurants on the bottom level. When you do that, you accommodate a better use of the land by increasing the inventory of housing in California (which is largely short of what is needed) but you also create a safer area due to the foot/vehicle traffic occurring at all hours. Additionally, housing supports brick and mortar, grocers and small businesses a lot more than destination travelers/shoppers.
Also, when prices go up, sales tax goes up.
So what States like Calif and NY take in increases.
They stop before it causes a reduction in demand.
I think reported shortages are also a good way of shifting old stock to make way for new: olive oil and other foodstuffs. Steering the sheep, controlling and fleecing.
Coin shortage?
That is/was retarded
That's why I carry 3 Quarters, 1 dime, 2 nickels, and 4 pennies when I plan to make a purchase.
One bourbon, one scotch and one beer.
High roller
They were definatley skimming as much pre 1964 silvers and dimes as they could lol
Yeah they're trying this again. The fed is limiting the amount of change banks can order again
Not only that. Copper. steel, and plastics.
May or may not be involved with the local banks where I live.
There is a major coin shortage, there's only going to be a certain amount of coins rationed off until more arrive
It seems meet oil and lumber have all been hit at the same time. Imagine that.
I live in a lumber producing area. There is no shortage, from trees to every step in between, it is fake news.
I’m a carpenter and even I knew the lumber “shortage” was BS
Yes skyrocketing lumber prices are real
Should have him contact Project Veritas and see if they can investigate and expose this fake shortage
like to know why no one has put Weyerhaeuser or Georgia Pacific on the hot seat who is on their board of directors, connections to the DS ? who and how much $ donated, and to who wanna bet waren bufett is a major stakeholder in one if not both these co's something pretty fkn stinky about all of this .../!
It's not at the lumber mill. Where I live, the mills are cutting pine as fast as they can.
Was in college during the '73-'74 oil "shortage" - one of my instructors had been a brand manager for a top U.S. corporation in New York. He told us undergraduate students about the unusual number of tankers he saw for himself waiting to be unloaded. Learned a lot from that guy. Will never forget.
Was a bit younger than that at the time, but the oil shortage, energy crisis, nightly Vietnam news clips of dead soldiers and soldiers being evac'd on choppers, parents' and grandparents' stories about war-time rationing (nylon, rubber, sugar, and such), radiation fallout shelter signs on department store walls (when it was obvious the buildings would offer no protection from radioactivity), etc., etc., etc., created an intense distrust of anything/everything coming from MSM and gov.
ALWAYS use discernment, REGARDLESS of the source.
There is no truth anymore, just propaganda for the benefit of the few in power, welcome to socialism frens, tastes great, doesn't it.
And we'll all be richer!
And my ax!
I truly believe the lumber shortage is to slow new home build and increase home values to try and prevent the mortgage short that is bound to happen again. Decrease new home loans eithout having to raise interest rates.
Seriously. My area went from YEARS of "buyers market" to "sellers market" overnight! A house near me sold in hours of being listed. One a little further, sold in 9 days. Nothing else for sale. I know two owners frantically remodeling/upgrading to get their homes on the market while the sell prices are high and the volume is so low.
They are still building homes here as well. I have no idea what's going on. :p
Funny you mention that. Exact same here. I thought about selling for the gains, but near useless when all available houses are inflated everywhere.
I live in what is perceived as a very desirable area. There have been more buyers than sellers for the past few years, but the prices of homes for sale has skyrocketed. I've never seen a frenzy like this. The few homes for sale that hit the market are sold within a few days, and usually substantially over asking price (bidding wars).
I live in Denver where there is a major housing crisis. Ive heard of people paying 100k over asking prices. I'm not sure about that much but I personally know people that paid 25k over asking. On top of that the values have skyrocketed. Many houses arent even getting the realtor sign out front before it sold.
And don't forget those beautiful tax assessments we all got. Denver and Jeffco up 20-30% in one year. Counties are making bank while they cry poor on services.
it's the REITs. Big factor.
What is the best bet for someone currently renting but looking to buy a home for the first time? I finally get a stable and high paying job, at the same time that all the houses increased tremendously in value.
For context I live in Socal with a $2k rent, and average decent home price is $550k and up, with a $60k salary :(
Same with the ammo shortage. I'm convinced it's all engineered.
Remember when Obama administration brought up massive amounts of ammo in every agency... please tell me why the Dept of education needs millions of ammo... I say they were using our tax dollars to buy it up and send it to isis
Lumber is one of the few commodities that aren't regulated in price when there is a natural disaster/crisis of some sort.
Have had previous comments about it being simple price gouging, and they have been downvoted......
Business in my town dries lumber before shipping to mill for final sizing. There is literally not any more room on their 10 acre lot and in their buildings for another 2x4. The DS wants to break us with high prices and make us poorer than we were.
That's true. Everyone's kiln is packed with pine, the sawmills are cutting pine, and there's no problem getting pine.
TIL everyone has a kiln except me
Sorry. All the dry kilns in my area.
It’s all stored there so they can jack up the prices! Msm tells people there’s a shortage in order for the stores can raise prices. And we still need to replace one whole side of fencing in backyard because of the hurricanes last year.
Create as much stress and difficulty for people while making huge profits.
Someone at Lowe’s the other day was telling me that the shortage isn’t the lumber itself, it’s a shortage of CDL drivers to haul it
That's what I've heard. "Covid" and all
The government told them to create a shortage to raise prices, slow down home buying when interest rates are low.
I work in the industry and I can assure you our company is not holding reserves or stockpiling. We can’t just “turn” up production, you can only shove so many trees through a processes at such a rate. We are running 24x7 for the mills that can and the ones that can’t are due to staffing shortages or systems limitations. In addition we can’t simply spin up new mills, these are multi-year projects that are significant investments. If we were sure lumber prices would stay this high - then consideration for a new mill or conversion of existing into 24x7 will be considered.
Rest assured we are not holding back or manufacturing a Crisis. This flood out of the cities and home improvement projects pulled all the “reserves” forward and now we are trying to replenish supplies and meet current demand.
I can’t speak for other industries but lumber I can.
I didn’t even think about all the home renovations, that people did during the start of Covid, making a dent in a lumbar supplies but it makes sense that it would.
It got wiped out - supply chains today aren’t designed for the entire world to suddenly all be home for a year. It’s jacked up supplies and may be in serious trouble. When you think about the cyber attacks lately it’s to disrupt current production. The first wave was an attack on our supplies.....second wave production.....what’s next?
We don’t expect the price to sustain, but we aren’t in normal times either. I personally believe all things are going to cost a whole lot more real soon......
I would need to see a LOT more than that to confirm that.
Shit, my local menards looks like that on the regular
Yes, that picture tells us nothing. What is shown in that photo isn't even a drop in the bucket
Well.... when that door opens again, a flood of material will make building projects costs drop through the floor
Almost like what the text below it says? Guess you guys just look at the pictures like a child tho.
No I read it.
Doesn’t mean shit
I drove thru Mississippi 2 months ago and ran across a huge lot FULL of trucks loaded with lumber. Also related to a trucker and he says there’s lumber everywhere. I agree, engineered.
My husband built a loft for extra storage on one side of our cabana several months ago. The other day he went to buy plywood to build a loft on the other side. The same plywood that cost $7 then is now $40! I told him to wait until the price comes down again.
Free pallets are a great hedge against inflation.
The reason it's just sitting there is a lack of truck drivers, perhaps due to low fuel, or the coof, or laziness.
I think I've shilled 'uneducated economist' here before, but he has a great youtube channel, works in the lumber industry, and likes to think deeply about macro economic situations. Would highly recommend him for lumber shortage discussions.
I was just in San Bernardino, CA last month, and driving on the 215 freeway past the train yards, there were thousands of Walmart shipping containers just sitting. My son in law that is from that area, said that he had never seen so many Wal-Mart containers stacked and stored there before. Also, a local restaurant owner, here in Central Mississippi, said that her food supplier told her to stock up on cooking oil last month, because there is going to be a shortage in July. In July, really!!!?? All of these shortages are manufactured! Loggers in my area are turned away from sawmills because they have too much wood in there yards right now.
I have a friend who is a handyman and he says the wood racks at Lowes and Home Depot have never been this full. And he's in one of the areas that would get their wood from Port Canaveral. What is really going on?
Maybe some wealthy merchant is holding lumber like gold - waiting to sell at the peak lol
It hasnt been cleared to leave the port or a chassis isn't available. Depending on when this was taken the products are probably all gone.
The suez cannal debacle really messed up global imports/exports because everything goes through there. There were billions upon billions in damages that were incurred. Products are arriving later, prices are going h igher , more people are buying due to shortage creating more shortage, import costs have gone up 3-500%, ports are undermanned so shipments are slower to process, etc etc
I saw this like a month ago:
Ok, I need some help from you clever people. I posted this on FB and my husband's uncle - a total lberal - left a comment "Isn't capitalism great?"
PLEASE, I need some great answers for him! I am not as clever as y'all!
Democrat “leadership...” send him links to Puerto Rico hurricane supplies found as one of many examples of them doing this before
High lumber prices are a result of the 5 major US sawmills conspiring to create an artificial shortage.
It doesn't surprise me a bit that there are large stores of hoarded lumber.
Healthcare crash - check Beef/meat processing - check Lumber/building - check Oil/gas - check Automobile - in process (look at car lots; empty - and used vehicle prices!) - check What’s next? They are systematically taking down our economy one piece at a time.
Nice. This of course is the year were finally in a position to replace our fence, make repairs on the home-- yes, I'm grateful we can do it, but just one more hit from the deep st.