I learned somewhere, and I just tried to find it, and I I haven't yet. It might've been on Health Ranger.
The antidote or protection from the spiked pro tie you is stuff Chinese eat regularly... Star fruit was one, I think fennel seeds too. I'll keep looking ..
I work in data protection and the first thing we are told during training and when we give training is NEVER RECORD IN WRITING WHAT YOU WOULDN'T WANT TO BE RELEASED!! Assume that every email or letter you write will be disclosed under FOI and SAR.
If you want it private and unrecorded then meet face to face or speak on the phone.
That's the most unnerving part about the whole thing. You KNOW that these evil fucks know that. So what we are seeing here is bland compared to what whitehats and spooks must have have been able to collect from private conversations.
What's strange is the DailyMail (UK) reports that this removal is because of a scheduling issue. I call bull shit on this. I've seen some fairly mainstream sources report that this is directly related to the e-mail leak. And that clearly seems the best explanation to me.
The UK has become so f**ked up from COVID restrictions, that Fauci's recent troubles must be distressing to the powers that be over there.
Fauchi is a scumbag and deserves to be hanged but he has bosses. The "elites" above him who are profiting from this are the ones I would like to see get the rope. Schwab Soros Rockefeller Rothschild
etc are all in line.
You're assuming that he wrote it. He may have paid an underling. I wrote a book one time and was paid for it. My name was first on the cover, but the guy who paid me had his name under mine as a co-author.
Man, I was sure his book would come out. Damn
Sure did. It was unexpected
But then you’d be assuming Fauci tells the truth
A weird title for a book with a weird photo.
The book sellers should just print out all the Fauci FOIA emails and they will have a good seller. Kind of like The Princess Diaries, but evil.
It's public domain now, right? Like all the NASA fake photos? So any pede here can publish that book and sell it?
True. But don't underestimate marketing. It was a joke anyways.
That said, the real meat is in the redacted parts. See ZH's article today:
See that big redacted block? DOJ says:
(b)(7)(A) Pending law enforcement proceedings
Hmm are you sure you linked the right article? I don't see that mentioned in text or in the picture of the email
See the blurry image of the email from Peter Daszak.
The firmament showeth His handiwork.
I did Nazi that coming.
You must be a chan refugee..I haven’t heard that in awhile
Voat, actually. And a brief tour at r/Pizzagate.
Well at least the title was prophetic.
I look forward to his execution.
They should have his executioner write the forward to the book.
He should be given the jab and be left to suffer with the consequences for awhile before his sentencing
Give him like 4, like that nurse accidentally did somewhere a month ago
He had one. But it was so bad, it made his opposite arm hurt. :)
I mean a real one :)
He probably has the antidote for the spike protein.
I learned somewhere, and I just tried to find it, and I I haven't yet. It might've been on Health Ranger.
The antidote or protection from the spiked pro tie you is stuff Chinese eat regularly... Star fruit was one, I think fennel seeds too. I'll keep looking ..
I wonder if the fennel is anything like the dog fennel that grows wild around where I live.
Yes I'm sure he does. The rest of the scenario in my head was to have him caged in the center of town, with no access to it :)
Being fed only GMO food and the tainted municipal water. :)
I remain amazed at what these people will write in emails that become permanent records available for all to see.
I work in data protection and the first thing we are told during training and when we give training is NEVER RECORD IN WRITING WHAT YOU WOULDN'T WANT TO BE RELEASED!! Assume that every email or letter you write will be disclosed under FOI and SAR.
If you want it private and unrecorded then meet face to face or speak on the phone.
That's the most unnerving part about the whole thing. You KNOW that these evil fucks know that. So what we are seeing here is bland compared to what whitehats and spooks must have have been able to collect from private conversations.
exactly. Just look how HRC was speaking in her private server!
What's strange is the DailyMail (UK) reports that this removal is because of a scheduling issue. I call bull shit on this. I've seen some fairly mainstream sources report that this is directly related to the e-mail leak. And that clearly seems the best explanation to me.
The UK has become so f**ked up from COVID restrictions, that Fauci's recent troubles must be distressing to the powers that be over there.
They know what's coming.
His arrest & tribunal will be unexpected (for him)
Fauchi is a scumbag and deserves to be hanged but he has bosses. The "elites" above him who are profiting from this are the ones I would like to see get the rope. Schwab Soros Rockefeller Rothschild etc are all in line.
You could say we can now unexpect the expected.
Who ever is responsible for this I would like to buy you a steak dinner and shake your hand. This has made my week.
Well that joke just writes itself
What is he, a big brother fan?
Shit,,,,, Now I really want to read fauci's book, might be a fun book now.
He expected it. He is so smart... not
Title change... "When you least expect it......expect it. How I was taken down by an anonymous Q"
Unexpected hanging at GITMO.
The whole thing is a show. How much clearer can they get :D :D
But he expected it. He told us. These people are stupid.
Yes, he expected it. It is all in the script. ?
Enjoy the show.
You're assuming that he wrote it. He may have paid an underling. I wrote a book one time and was paid for it. My name was first on the cover, but the guy who paid me had his name under mine as a co-author.
Don't stop at just him, he had a massive support system to pull this off.
We will not be satisfied with only him