Actually, it was CIA Director William Casey in an overheard conversation with President Ronald Reagan:
“We’ll Know Our Disinformation Program Is Complete When Everything the American Public Believes Is False.”
Barbara Honneger is the source:
I am the source for this quote, which was indeed said by CIA Director William Casey at an early February 1981 meeting of the newly elected President Reagan with his new cabinet secretaries to report to him on what they had learned about their agencies in the first couple of weeks of the administration. The meeting was in the Roosevelt Room in the West Wing of the White House, not far from the Cabinet Room. I was present at the meeting as Assistant to the chief domestic policy adviser to the President. Casey first told Reagan that he had been astonished to discover that over 80 percent of the ‘intelligence’ that the analysis side of the CIA produced was based on open public sources like newspapers and magazines. As he did to all the other secretaries of their departments and agencies, Reagan asked what he saw as his goal as director for the CIA, to which he replied with this quote, which I recorded in my notes of the meeting as he said it. Shortly thereafter I told Senior White House correspondent Sarah McClendon, who was a close friend and colleague, who in turn made it public.
But he was controlled after the assassination attempt and held out of policy making decisions. HW Bush ran Reagan's two terms and used Reagan's popularity to cover up massive crimes by the CIA and Deep State.
Well that's disheartening?
Oddly, I wondered if Trump's illness was an "attempt" that put him in the position of being controlled. Idk of course, just speculation.
If the disease is a nothing burger that isn't even a fraction as dangerous as the MSM says it is then is it not possible he had it and was just completely fine? Also possible the test he took was bogus.
Also, how does lying about having Rona and then being fine from the Rona you didn't have prove the disease is manageable?
What’s really ridiculous is peeps who become slaves to a weather report?!! They act like it’s so important. I’ve always been like, “SO”? “Who gives two shits”? Unless I’m goin fishin...
I’ve had a lot of thought about it of late and agree, people base their lives on the weather report the same way they might a horoscope.
I’d rather live my day whatever God would have me do, since He could always pause the rain should need be. Embrace the rain, embrace life and be reconciled to God! Best life ever, never check the weather??
Oooo good one! Reminds be of the time billy boy laid out the equation to carbon neutral that put people opposite the equal sign. All roads lead to zero
If I know my liberal acquaintances, they will have long since stopped paying attention to any of this stuff and won't notice the retractions and corrections. As usual.
I think it was a founding member of the CIA who said, our work is not complete until everything that the public believes, is a lie.
Actually, it was CIA Director William Casey in an overheard conversation with President Ronald Reagan:
Barbara Honneger is the source:
Super, Many Thanks.
no problem, fren..
I suggest a dig into another CIA Director, William Colby.
So...was Reagan in on it?
But he was controlled after the assassination attempt and held out of policy making decisions. HW Bush ran Reagan's two terms and used Reagan's popularity to cover up massive crimes by the CIA and Deep State.
Well that's disheartening? Oddly, I wondered if Trump's illness was an "attempt" that put him in the position of being controlled. Idk of course, just speculation.
You mean Covid? I don't think he was ever sick. By saying he was and quickly recovering, he demonstrated the 'disease' was manageable.
yeah he never once looked ill at all. Rudy neither.
Just a possibility imho. How can we actually know?
If the disease is a nothing burger that isn't even a fraction as dangerous as the MSM says it is then is it not possible he had it and was just completely fine? Also possible the test he took was bogus.
Also, how does lying about having Rona and then being fine from the Rona you didn't have prove the disease is manageable?
Agreed. Myself, my 60yo wife, my 26yo kid and my 89yo mother all recovered with no issues.
You are a ?!
I remember seeing this in some supposed CIA document
ima go with "everything else"
An easier question: what aren’t they lying about?
The weather? Oh...NM.
Hahahaha you’re hilarious. ain’t seen em get that there meterological sorcery right more often than a groundhog. God mocks their every attempt!
What’s really ridiculous is peeps who become slaves to a weather report?!! They act like it’s so important. I’ve always been like, “SO”? “Who gives two shits”? Unless I’m goin fishin...
I’ve had a lot of thought about it of late and agree, people base their lives on the weather report the same way they might a horoscope. I’d rather live my day whatever God would have me do, since He could always pause the rain should need be. Embrace the rain, embrace life and be reconciled to God! Best life ever, never check the weather??
Beautiful Comment fren ?
Warmly received fren, May we meet in the air sooner than later
I do concrete flatwork and snow removal. I am a slave to the weather.
I just put a foldable raincoat and/or umbrella into my bag whenever I leave the house.
Weather changes? Ready.
They don't lie when they say they want to control the whole world.
Oooo good one! Reminds be of the time billy boy laid out the equation to carbon neutral that put people opposite the equal sign. All roads lead to zero
Or the infamous equation of Bill Gates which out Population opposite the equal sign and needs to be reduced?
No brainer: EVERYTHING, keep on marching friends.
How about them saying Trump said to drink bleach and Lysol.
And calling KIA/POW veterans "losers"...
My aunt and uncle swore Pres Trump said that, but I never found it.
Anyone have a reliable source I can use to disprove it?
He talked about a "disinfectant", which HCQ can be used as.
The media turned it into bleach and hence killed God knows how many people by lying.
I think only 1 man died when his murderous wife made him drink it and used GEOTUS as an excuse.
Fucking psycho libturds...
I recall President Trump commenting that "don't say his name John McCain" was the loser for getting captured and held as a POW.
That was awesome! Anyone have a video of that sequence of exchanges?
You shouldn't need a source to prove something didn't happen/someone didn't say something. They should need to prove to you that it did happen.
It was the typical MSM wishcasting via "sources close to the President tell us..."
It's their go-to move whenever they want to make something up whole cloth and then pass it along as fact.
If I know my liberal acquaintances, they will have long since stopped paying attention to any of this stuff and won't notice the retractions and corrections. As usual.
Ahh Vox. It’s nice to see a familiar TD face.
Gotta represent.
I see you fam. Keep doing the lords work and we will open more eyes.
The Democrats are the party of liars, cheaters, racism, big spending, etc.
When someone on the Trump team asks what else are lying about, it's usually a foreshadowing if something that will break the next week,
Mg presumption is everything out of the msm of importance is a lie.
Me thinks he knows more than he’s letting on to….
Probably easier to keep a list on what they have been truthful about. Much smaller list.
Almost everything that comes out of their mouths is a lie.
It's worth noting to those who have commented, asking what are they NOT lying about is a fairly short list.
Their OMB obsession comes to mind, immediately.
We can start with the hundred gazillion 'Trump lies' that WaPo tracks.
Wrong question.
What are they NOT lying about?
Everything. They fucking lie about everything
Curious, what's up with the "likes" number at the bottom of the tweet?
The numbers roll like an odometer when they update, so the screengrab (not mine) was likely in progress as the numbers were changing.
ooh, ooh, I know the answer: EVERYTHING!
It'll take less time to say what they aren't lying about than it would be to list the nearly infinite bullshit that comes out of their mouths.
Lafayette Square?