Just imagine a man who never had a period in his life beating the woman in her own sports and fashion with all of the plastic surgery you can get. How pathetic. How is this being allowed in society? FFS
In the 1960s we saw the rise of "Women's Lib," in which (((subversives))) pushed hard in the media the idea that for women to stay home, raise children and keep house was slavery while working forty hours a week for a paycheck was freedom.
I'm trying to find discrepancies in his appearance that look male, but its hard. He has small feet and hands. The hairline isn't receding. There's no muscle tone. He's gotten so much plastic surgery, he's more Barbie than human. Asian men already look a bit more feminine. The competitors should sue like female athletes have been doing or this is just going to keep happening because of "muh virtue signaling".
Eh, don't be, this retarded shit is everywhere. You just drew the short straw this week. Next week it will get more stupid in another state. We're all watching a Stupidity Special Olympics contest. Hopefully the winners will be announced very soon.
I was just up there (BARELY pre-flood), I must admit, the roads were shit. Of course driving through Detroit is a life altering experience without the pot holes. :-)
This should send a message to the women of the world to stand up and fight back!
The threat of becoming completely irrelevant aside for popping out babies is quite a big kick in the cameltoe
If this doesn't wake up half the worlds population then probably nothing will.
This shit needs to stop! The Women participants should sue!
You now they picked him to win Because he’s a tranny. They knew if they didn’t the idiots will cry it’s because he is a tranny, and every judge is a racist homophobic.
Just another example of woke people destroying fun and women’s rights. When transgender rights for a few becomes more important than the many, we are in trouble.
Just imagine a man who never had a period in his life beating the woman in her own sports and fashion with all of the plastic surgery you can get. How pathetic. How is this being allowed in society? FFS
Other the other hand, Mouse Utopia (look it up)
That was a super interesting read. Thanks!
Just passing on the info
Thanks! Excellent info
I should have pointed you at the "down the rabbit hole" or tl;dr videos on it, to be honest. probably less dry than the wikipedo article...
hell with it, I'll link a couple interesting videos on the subject
TealDeer video on the subject: https://www.bitchute.com/video/vVEMYlU27ypB/
Fredrik Knudsen Video on it from his "Down the Rabbit Hole" series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgGLFozNM2o
It's crazy how they indirectly suppress women like this, but then also use feminism to suppress men.
Thus creating a loop hole where the man sees that women have more power in society, so therefore becomes a woman, only to indirectly suppress women...
...and therefore, also subjects himself to be suppressed by the next man.
See how fucked up this is?
Brilliant comment.
They've been programming woman since the 1960's. Chickens now coming home to roost.
Daytime TV and Magazines.
Asplain, plz. For the slow kids.
In the 1960s we saw the rise of "Women's Lib," in which (((subversives))) pushed hard in the media the idea that for women to stay home, raise children and keep house was slavery while working forty hours a week for a paycheck was freedom.
I never bought into that feminisim crap.
I'm trying to find discrepancies in his appearance that look male, but its hard. He has small feet and hands. The hairline isn't receding. There's no muscle tone. He's gotten so much plastic surgery, he's more Barbie than human. Asian men already look a bit more feminine. The competitors should sue like female athletes have been doing or this is just going to keep happening because of "muh virtue signaling".
I feel so ashamed to be a Nevadan right now
Eh, don't be, this retarded shit is everywhere. You just drew the short straw this week. Next week it will get more stupid in another state. We're all watching a Stupidity Special Olympics contest. Hopefully the winners will be announced very soon.
On the plus side, Adolf "Her Greasiness" Whitmer hasn't fixed the damn roads in Michigan yet.
I was just up there (BARELY pre-flood), I must admit, the roads were shit. Of course driving through Detroit is a life altering experience without the pot holes. :-)
I've never been to Michigan or Cleveland and had a good road at the same time.
Just stay away from 7 mile
To be fair... The judges are idiots
and faggots.
Victim of child abuse, rape I think… identity issues usually involves child trauma of some sort.
Millions of casual feminist doing the Homer Simpson fade back into the bushes right about now....
3rd wavers all dropping their danger hair-dos as well....
The Misses are always such liberal shallow propaganda spouting air heads. I'd love to hear what they're saying behind closed doors.
I wouldn’t cuz it’s millions of echo chambers. Brain cancer.
Another day, another accidental own by a libtard
Just wait for the first cyborg to win!
A cyborg woman? At least she was actually born a woman.
This should send a message to the women of the world to stand up and fight back! The threat of becoming completely irrelevant aside for popping out babies is quite a big kick in the cameltoe If this doesn't wake up half the worlds population then probably nothing will.
This shit needs to stop! The Women participants should sue!
You now they picked him to win Because he’s a tranny. They knew if they didn’t the idiots will cry it’s because he is a tranny, and every judge is a racist homophobic.
That's a dude on the right? Fuck
It's like Tootsie 2021
Back rolls tell all.
Just another example of woke people destroying fun and women’s rights. When transgender rights for a few becomes more important than the many, we are in trouble.
Just another thing to add to the list of things men are better at than women. AMIRITE?!?!?!
This meme is a perfect representation of their strategy