I live in a super blue area (by demographic, I am not sure about the actual feelings, just the outward expression of feeling). During the election I saw maybe two Biden signs, in the whole town (I ride all over town all the time, so its actually a pretty good sampling). Didn't see any Trump, but there were no Biden either. You were more likely to see a Clinton sign that someone stubbornly didn't take down than a Biden sign.
I know several people (brainwashed super democrat) who voted for no one in the presidential election as well.
I don't think its 85-90%, but I would not be surprised if Trump completely dominated CA. At the least, I would bet everything I own (except my silver and GME) that he won.
There is one Biden flag... in my town.... as soon as the useless tool put it up in his back yard facing a major street..... he got littered with 100's of pounds of dog poop thrown over his fence! ..... he has since took it down! Hahahahab My town is a TRUMP TOWN!!!!
Someone put a "Fuck Trump" sign up in my neighborhood and it was immediately vandalized. I live in the East side of the San Fernando Valley. I believe there are a lot of Trump supporters in my neighborhood. Lots of houses with American flags and we know libtards hate America so I assume they are Trump supporters lol.
Since BLM donations go straight to the Democrat party, any churches touting BLM signs are not politically neutral and they should lose their tax exempt status.
And people here wonder why they never see Biden signs or flags.... ?♂️ This is basically the reason. There are plenty of D voters, I know a chunk of them, but they know Trump supporters will vandalize their yard or their car or whatever if they were to display Biden or Democratic signs.
Yeah that’s true but not entirely so across the board, especially for the Right. The Left is a little more educated on vandalism and destruction of private property. Summer of Love ring a bell?
As a Trump Patriot , I would rather have my sign vandalized or poop in my yard than the Biden supporters treatment of showing up in my front yard with guns yelling and screaming crazy shit, attacking me physically on street, threatening me and my family with death. Attempting to shoot me or run me over at a peaceful protest.
The silent majority is easily 80% Trump Patriots. We are not silent in our communities, we just know Biden supporters are psychopaths and we don't need them getting shot in our front yards and homes so we hang our flag but leave the signs for our community gatherings.
Ha! Here in NY you can’t speak Trump’s name in peace. I haven’t put up any support of Trump except an American flag or a blue lives matter flag. I’m not proud of not showing my support of my President Trump, but Dems are nasty here. So I get pleasure out of your post. Someone’s fighting back. ? (and Biden’s commercial of how he’s United this country is as fake and lying as he is—-absolutely not true. No true Trumper will ever get behind Dems!)
I live in Ventura county! I saw a good 50-50 split of trump to Biden signs. California folks are retarded but I'm convinced the majority voted for trump!
Love ventura county, so beautiful! Born and raised in Thousand Oaks area. I think out there most people who are conservative keep quiet too. I was always worried I would be targeted. Im in AZ now in a place thats 73% conservative and I shout my Trump support from the rooftops.
I'm in thousand oaks! I was born and raised in Ventura but married a girl from thousand oaks and made it my home. It's a beautiful place but I hate California. We've considered moving to Arizona as she went to college out there.
The conservatives have got a little louder out here recently. Been seeing a ton of big trucks with trump flags and American flags. Either they're louder or more are walking up. Its win-win.
How funny! Old neighbors! I lived in Wildwood but moved on election day last year. I am in the Prescott area and I highly recommend it! It reminds me so much of T.O. but more red. Its beautiful and we get all the seasons including snow. House pricings are still good but are increasing. So many Californians have moved here some locals are salty but most of us are conservatives. My family is so much happier here! It was worth it! Best of luck to you and your family!!
I’m in SoCal SF valley. A lot of Biden, Bernie, and Hillary stickers on a lot of cars on the freeway. The majority of Trump supporters I’ve seen are in Simi Valley and Santa Clarita/Valencia. Definitely more trump supporters here than libs think.
I mean, California, Virginia, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, New York, Maine, New Hampshire, etc. Take your pick. Outside of Hawaii, Vermont, and maybe Delaware and Connecticut, I think every state in the union is at least red by at least a 15% win margin. And don't get me started on "swing states" or states they're trying to take over like Texas. Easily 20%+ red win margins. Oh and the actual red states, anywhere from 20-40%+ depending on what state you're talking about. I'm relatively certain west Virginia is probably the reddest state in the union with like 70%+ voting red without cheating.
Fair point, though in defense of Northern VA, from what I've heard, tides are a changing up there and hundreds of thousands of closeted conservatives are coming out in protest of what's going on. No idea if something similar is going on in Maryland. I'm utterly convinced VA is at least 15% red win margin though.
Yes, there are very few blue states, only rigged elections that shifted red states to blue. I wonder if the forensic audits can "undo" the rigging to produce the true vote totals from the 2020 election...
If not, I guess we will have no choice but to redo that election, supervised by the military so there is no cheating this time (or in the future either).
Even the dems know they lost CA. If the election numbers were correct then the dems wouldn't be so adamant about flooding the country with illegal non citizens to try and boost their voter rolls. They know their numbers are low and need to keep the 'cheat' going.
Ironically, most of those immigrants would probably end up voting for Trump in the long run. They came here for freedom and independence, the total opposite of what Democrats are willing to give them.
California has had rigged elections for decades. We're a red state. On the 26th I went to a Trump truck parade and there were more people there then any of Newsome's rallies and bidens combined over the last few years.
I live in California and it's pretty hard to find Biden supporters these days! There still are some, but most of the ones who were running their mouth before the election have shut their pretentious idiotic mouths. It's refreshing.
Biden averaged 5 people at his limited rallies, at one nobody showed up. He came 5th in his HOME state Dem primaries, not even stopping for a speech. Harris was the first to drop out with virtually zero support.
Biden lost 18 out of 19 bell weather states, and lost many many counties compared to Trump, yet somehow the deluded fools want people to believe Biden received 15 million more votes than the first black saint Obama!
The last I knew the real total of electoral votes was something along the line of 428 for Trump and 118 for Biden (I have the correct figures somewhere so this is from memory but very close) it was a stolen election via several enemy countries.
I'm not surprised. When I used to travel for work, most of the people I met around the country were actually quite conservative. Maybe not in quite the same way everywhere, but we all cared about our families, our homes, our way of life, the freedoms we share, and our country.
In CA, the widespread opinion was that San Fran and Hollyweird were like black holes - the closer you got to the event horizon, the more reality became totally distorted until you fell in and were lost forever.
According to my friend who lives in California, this is true. Jerry says that not one person he knows voted for Xiden and that signs and bumper stickers for POTUS were everywhere. In the past, his area went for Hussein.
My cousin, Dianne, who lives in San Diego told me the same thing.
California is extremely pissed for the record. Because of Patriot journalists brave enough to withstand the brutality of the extremist liberal left here, We The Sovereign Californian People are now aware and awakening to those facts. The spineless, vile bureaucracy here in Cali would do well to watch their arses… *That which is secret, shall be made manifest and anything hidden shall be known and come abroad * ~Words to live honorably by~
I’ve been awake for nearly five years and I am exceptionally patient, but even I find myself writhing with fury and rage at the continued injustices We The Sovereign People are faced with… I pray the People are ready because NCSWIC… nothing. ♥️??? WWG1WGA
The fraud in CA is flagrant. The so-called Democrat popular vote lead is MORE than contained in the margin by which they win LA County, which also happens to have over 160% voter registration and millions of illegals. Then add the fact that the CA government adopted Sequoia voting machines (owned by Dominion) against the advice of UCSB's computer security group...
BUT WHAT DOES IT MATTER if we are not changing laws on a local level. They will still every election again and again. One vote. One person. One day. In person. No machines. That's what we need, and until then, nothing matters.
Not as crazy as it sounds. Many of the solid blue states like IL or MD are basically one big city and the rest cornfields and podunk towns. I live in PA and always hear from leftists BuT MUh PiTSbuGh or PhiLaDelphia...but there are plenty of decent sized towns outside of there. Lancaster is a much bigger city than people realize. The lehigh Valley has over a million people. And a lot of Philadelphia is on the Jersey side.
I would think it's perfectly reasonable to assume outside of the commie big cities there are plenty of decent sized based cities.
It's true. It doesn't stop morons here from going "wElL tHeY vOteD fOr It" anytime the poor state of the state gets brought up. Either their a. Completely retarded and clearly didn't grasp the last year OR b. Participating in the cabals "othering" because for some people tribal lines are more important then reason or truth and they do it reflexively [just like the cabal wants them to].
I live in California and it’s true.... I would say 65% of people are TrumpeRs
Closer to 85%-90%. I’ve never seen a Biden flag in California and I definitely have never seen a Biden train.
I live in a super blue area (by demographic, I am not sure about the actual feelings, just the outward expression of feeling). During the election I saw maybe two Biden signs, in the whole town (I ride all over town all the time, so its actually a pretty good sampling). Didn't see any Trump, but there were no Biden either. You were more likely to see a Clinton sign that someone stubbornly didn't take down than a Biden sign.
I know several people (brainwashed super democrat) who voted for no one in the presidential election as well.
I don't think its 85-90%, but I would not be surprised if Trump completely dominated CA. At the least, I would bet everything I own (except my silver and GME) that he won.
“Voted for no one” oh so you mean they “voted” for Biden?
Obviously they didn't mean to leave that space empty. Dominion knew what to do.
There is one Biden flag... in my town.... as soon as the useless tool put it up in his back yard facing a major street..... he got littered with 100's of pounds of dog poop thrown over his fence! ..... he has since took it down! Hahahahab My town is a TRUMP TOWN!!!!
Someone put a "Fuck Trump" sign up in my neighborhood and it was immediately vandalized. I live in the East side of the San Fernando Valley. I believe there are a lot of Trump supporters in my neighborhood. Lots of houses with American flags and we know libtards hate America so I assume they are Trump supporters lol.
Since BLM donations go straight to the Democrat party, any churches touting BLM signs are not politically neutral and they should lose their tax exempt status.
And people here wonder why they never see Biden signs or flags.... ?♂️ This is basically the reason. There are plenty of D voters, I know a chunk of them, but they know Trump supporters will vandalize their yard or their car or whatever if they were to display Biden or Democratic signs.
Yeah that’s true but not entirely so across the board, especially for the Right. The Left is a little more educated on vandalism and destruction of private property. Summer of Love ring a bell?
As a Trump Patriot , I would rather have my sign vandalized or poop in my yard than the Biden supporters treatment of showing up in my front yard with guns yelling and screaming crazy shit, attacking me physically on street, threatening me and my family with death. Attempting to shoot me or run me over at a peaceful protest. The silent majority is easily 80% Trump Patriots. We are not silent in our communities, we just know Biden supporters are psychopaths and we don't need them getting shot in our front yards and homes so we hang our flag but leave the signs for our community gatherings.
I've heard of the same happening to Trump signs, but vandalism of people's yards just isn't cool anywhere.
Ha! Here in NY you can’t speak Trump’s name in peace. I haven’t put up any support of Trump except an American flag or a blue lives matter flag. I’m not proud of not showing my support of my President Trump, but Dems are nasty here. So I get pleasure out of your post. Someone’s fighting back. ? (and Biden’s commercial of how he’s United this country is as fake and lying as he is—-absolutely not true. No true Trumper will ever get behind Dems!)
I did when I lived in Ventura county and lots of blm signs too. But I did meet many conservatives too!
I live in Ventura county! I saw a good 50-50 split of trump to Biden signs. California folks are retarded but I'm convinced the majority voted for trump!
Love ventura county, so beautiful! Born and raised in Thousand Oaks area. I think out there most people who are conservative keep quiet too. I was always worried I would be targeted. Im in AZ now in a place thats 73% conservative and I shout my Trump support from the rooftops.
I'm in thousand oaks! I was born and raised in Ventura but married a girl from thousand oaks and made it my home. It's a beautiful place but I hate California. We've considered moving to Arizona as she went to college out there.
The conservatives have got a little louder out here recently. Been seeing a ton of big trucks with trump flags and American flags. Either they're louder or more are walking up. Its win-win.
How funny! Old neighbors! I lived in Wildwood but moved on election day last year. I am in the Prescott area and I highly recommend it! It reminds me so much of T.O. but more red. Its beautiful and we get all the seasons including snow. House pricings are still good but are increasing. So many Californians have moved here some locals are salty but most of us are conservatives. My family is so much happier here! It was worth it! Best of luck to you and your family!!
Not surprised. Ive only seen maybe one Biden sticker on a truck in Nevada lol
Never seen a Biden flag or sticker but people in LA are supreme megacucks.
I’m in SoCal SF valley. A lot of Biden, Bernie, and Hillary stickers on a lot of cars on the freeway. The majority of Trump supporters I’ve seen are in Simi Valley and Santa Clarita/Valencia. Definitely more trump supporters here than libs think.
I mean, California, Virginia, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, New York, Maine, New Hampshire, etc. Take your pick. Outside of Hawaii, Vermont, and maybe Delaware and Connecticut, I think every state in the union is at least red by at least a 15% win margin. And don't get me started on "swing states" or states they're trying to take over like Texas. Easily 20%+ red win margins. Oh and the actual red states, anywhere from 20-40%+ depending on what state you're talking about. I'm relatively certain west Virginia is probably the reddest state in the union with like 70%+ voting red without cheating.
Merr-land is cucked as hell, imagine a state that's 50% Northern VA and 50% Inner City.
Fair point, though in defense of Northern VA, from what I've heard, tides are a changing up there and hundreds of thousands of closeted conservatives are coming out in protest of what's going on. No idea if something similar is going on in Maryland. I'm utterly convinced VA is at least 15% red win margin though.
Annapolis is the capital btw, not Baltimore
Yes, there are very few blue states, only rigged elections that shifted red states to blue. I wonder if the forensic audits can "undo" the rigging to produce the true vote totals from the 2020 election...
If not, I guess we will have no choice but to redo that election, supervised by the military so there is no cheating this time (or in the future either).
Maine/NH was trending 66% Trump before the dumps. Most gun friendly states in the country... Blue England is a hoax.
es&s and ranked choice voting has been stealing votes in Maine for years
Trump definitely won California.
AND lots of representatives in the House....
Even the dems know they lost CA. If the election numbers were correct then the dems wouldn't be so adamant about flooding the country with illegal non citizens to try and boost their voter rolls. They know their numbers are low and need to keep the 'cheat' going.
Ironically, most of those immigrants would probably end up voting for Trump in the long run. They came here for freedom and independence, the total opposite of what Democrats are willing to give them.
(Que in the anon who will set the record by stating Racine is the key)
California has had rigged elections for decades. We're a red state. On the 26th I went to a Trump truck parade and there were more people there then any of Newsome's rallies and bidens combined over the last few years.
Guys you got it wrong....All America is red!!!!!!
You're not crazy. I'm in SoCal and I've thought the same since 2018
I agree...he also won NJ!
California has always been red......they steal the elections.
Given what is developing in NYC, it will be interesting to see if a similar thing plays out in the Newsom recall in September.
"Watch CA"
I live in California and it's pretty hard to find Biden supporters these days! There still are some, but most of the ones who were running their mouth before the election have shut their pretentious idiotic mouths. It's refreshing.
Biden averaged 5 people at his limited rallies, at one nobody showed up. He came 5th in his HOME state Dem primaries, not even stopping for a speech. Harris was the first to drop out with virtually zero support.
Biden lost 18 out of 19 bell weather states, and lost many many counties compared to Trump, yet somehow the deluded fools want people to believe Biden received 15 million more votes than the first black saint Obama!
The last I knew the real total of electoral votes was something along the line of 428 for Trump and 118 for Biden (I have the correct figures somewhere so this is from memory but very close) it was a stolen election via several enemy countries.
I'm not surprised. When I used to travel for work, most of the people I met around the country were actually quite conservative. Maybe not in quite the same way everywhere, but we all cared about our families, our homes, our way of life, the freedoms we share, and our country.
In CA, the widespread opinion was that San Fran and Hollyweird were like black holes - the closer you got to the event horizon, the more reality became totally distorted until you fell in and were lost forever.
I wonder how pissed Californians will actually be when it is revealed that CA has been red for years....
According to my friend who lives in California, this is true. Jerry says that not one person he knows voted for Xiden and that signs and bumper stickers for POTUS were everywhere. In the past, his area went for Hussein.
My cousin, Dianne, who lives in San Diego told me the same thing.
California is extremely pissed for the record. Because of Patriot journalists brave enough to withstand the brutality of the extremist liberal left here, We The Sovereign Californian People are now aware and awakening to those facts. The spineless, vile bureaucracy here in Cali would do well to watch their arses… *That which is secret, shall be made manifest and anything hidden shall be known and come abroad * ~Words to live honorably by~ I’ve been awake for nearly five years and I am exceptionally patient, but even I find myself writhing with fury and rage at the continued injustices We The Sovereign People are faced with… I pray the People are ready because NCSWIC… nothing. ♥️??? WWG1WGA
Trump won the U.S.A.
There's a reason that Cali stays ahead of the curve on their cheating tactics. They have to in order to "stay blue."
Washington State.
The fraud in CA is flagrant. The so-called Democrat popular vote lead is MORE than contained in the margin by which they win LA County, which also happens to have over 160% voter registration and millions of illegals. Then add the fact that the CA government adopted Sequoia voting machines (owned by Dominion) against the advice of UCSB's computer security group...
BUT WHAT DOES IT MATTER if we are not changing laws on a local level. They will still every election again and again. One vote. One person. One day. In person. No machines. That's what we need, and until then, nothing matters.
If you're correct too early, you look like a conspiracy theorist.
It's sad the electoral college doesn't let all the votes for Trump in California count.
I TOTALLY believe this !
Not the case in WA state it seems. There are people with massive "TRUMP DONE" flags on their trucks. Urban areas anyway.
Need to fly a "TRUMP DONE WON" back at them.
Who is the California Secretary of State?
Who runs the Elections Board in LA County? In SF County?
Just curious.
I found out myself.
LA County consolidated the Elections stuff into County Clerk duties. Weird.
Prolly should watch this site carefully until September Thru November+. Just sayin.
Not as crazy as it sounds. Many of the solid blue states like IL or MD are basically one big city and the rest cornfields and podunk towns. I live in PA and always hear from leftists BuT MUh PiTSbuGh or PhiLaDelphia...but there are plenty of decent sized towns outside of there. Lancaster is a much bigger city than people realize. The lehigh Valley has over a million people. And a lot of Philadelphia is on the Jersey side.
I would think it's perfectly reasonable to assume outside of the commie big cities there are plenty of decent sized based cities.
It's true. It doesn't stop morons here from going "wElL tHeY vOteD fOr It" anytime the poor state of the state gets brought up. Either their a. Completely retarded and clearly didn't grasp the last year OR b. Participating in the cabals "othering" because for some people tribal lines are more important then reason or truth and they do it reflexively [just like the cabal wants them to].
It is true. I think there are very, very few Pedocrst strongholds. Just many conquered lands under Pedocrat control.