Trump said he will be back by end of august. So did mike lindell.
Only pillow man said this, not Trump.
Trump is in charge of timing. It is going to come sooner or later. But agree with everyone who wants it sooner rather than later. I thought it was "by August" now it seems to be "by the end of August", if we are lucky.
China has to invade Taiwan, and it has to be in the summer. And they aren't waiting until next year. So surely before October it's all said and done.
Basel 3 seems like a win on the surface but rather than buy up tons of metals to rebalance their allocated/unallocated pools, they simply scale back their PMs trading and have trillions in tier 1 assets via tax payer bailout money.
The banks never get cut out.
The long term outlooks for metals is bullish thought. But you saw how gold and silver dropped drastically when Basel 3 kicked in. Expect volatility in the short term.
ONE audit is nearing completion.
Have ANY others even been started.
It's all talk. Time is running out.
The only way to get Biden/Cameltoe out of office
is impeachment and Dim leadership won't initiate it.
I feel like it's disinfo. Draw the enemy out into the open by appearing weak and expose itself for what it is, so it can be dealt with. Might just be hopium, who really knows anymore.
Its not disinfo. I know someone in the Army and they are being told in order to deploy over seas they are required to get the vax. Its clear that someone high up wants to vax everyone in the military, but they can't force soldiers to take it because of the emergency status, etc.
If I had to guess they are just going to order it to happen and hope that they can give everyone the jab before someone sues and gets a restraining order. Better to ask forgiveness than permission...
Yeah all this "appear to be X while doing z." shit is nuts. If we don't fix 2020 through the audit/ courts, it's bye bye USA... unless we're willing to do what our founders would've done a long time ago.
Declare independence from the fed government and fight for a new republic.
Another post explained what this is really about. Apparently some internal military documents were leaked. They are preparing to vax everyone and make it mandatory based on the idea that in Sep or Aug the FDA will remove the emergency use and officially approve the vax. Then the military has legal cover to make it mandatory. This isn't really about the military itself(other than maybe a few top level pentagon officers). This is about one part of the government bureaucracy giving the other part cover to accomplish the goal... which is the vax everyone.
Why is up for debate. IMHO the likely answer is money. They get paid for every shot given so they are raking in the doe all on the tax payers dime. If it depopulates a little who cares. All these theories that the vax is rigged to guarantee sterility or death after three years are too over the top. Its insane because the people that survive would slaughter the cabal... they would hunt them to the ends of the earth.
The fact that people are dying is purely because they are using untested technology that turns out is possibly more dangerous than the WuFlu is. Its just typical top down big government incompetence that they are even still giving the shots to anyone. Then again maybe the cabal is crazy enough to sterilize the entire human race.
They will have to pull the gun out of my dead hand and inject my corpse.
I would argue that because of the number of people injected already trails are pointless. They can just compile the massive amount of data and know the truth... which is why they are desperately manipulating the data and lying to everyone about the MASSIVE number of side effects people are experiencing.
They are just ignoring the truth. These mRNA vaccines are an utter failure. They are only 50-70% effective and the one part of it that is most critical, the core of the technology, the spike protein is harmful to the human body. These vaccines are the equivalence of CHEMO. They half kill the host to kill/defend against the virus. Given how WuFlu works no one under 50-60 years old should be given the vax. That is the REAL science.
See various memes about how "science" works in today's censorship environment...
In one of those first trillion dollar COVID relief bills they set aside ass-tons of money to pay for the vax... to make the vax "free". But see its not really free... tax payers are paying for it. I bet that money is based on a per dose given setup. In other words what if you made $50 profit on every vax given... times millions and millions of people.
The best part is all these programs to incentivize people to take the vax... 90% of those yep paid for by tax payers. We are literally paying these people to kill us.
It all comes back to one thing. They have control over the government because they CHEATED to get in office. Solve election fraud solve everything else.
If the military in all capacity was compromised, we would not be on this forum talking about as we would have all been rounded up; all dissenters crushed and all arms removed.
If what you say is true, none of our side would have had the balls to be posting half of what they are say or doing half of what they are doing. It would be radio silence across all comms.
I am extremely happy to say I believe you are 100% wrong. So wrong, and so long from Q as you have lost all hope.
Then you are screwed. Don't count on a hermit life in the woods either. Tech is advanced enough that they can patrol you 24 hrs a day no matter where you are. Oh, and forget your gold, silver, garden, and 30 day emergency food supply also. They will just take that for themselves. Save your money. If you are so sure that the good guys are not in control, then you better be doing something right now to make sure the get in control.
They couldn't do anything about the illegal election because they are NOT law enforcement. In order for the military to engage, it would have to be as a result of an act of war on US soil.
China had a big part in stealing the election. Lindell's data proved China electronically switched enough votes to put their puppet in control. Can this electronic attack on the US be classified as an act of war, not to even mention leaking the virus and using it on our military at the Wuhan military games, to get the military involved?
Ya trying to put myself in his shoes.. He can't be against the vax, i do recall him saying on Fox News, one of his first interview after being screwed out of his 2nd win, that he expects people well make their choice in their own, this is America where you do what is right for you. That statement made me feel like he was insinuating that if you take the vax and don't think for yourself, you're retarded.
I would hope they are getting a saline solution injection for appearance sake as part of the operation of taking back our country. Keep our military strong.
They've already coerced enough to get it (despite it being "purely voluntary" of course...), my father included, so I'm honestly surprised The Higher Ups haven't just said "Tough Titties" and forced it yet. So glad I'm out in a month, sick of this shit.
I think mandatory vaccines have to happen. There has to be a strong enough motivation that we stand up and say, "you do not have the power to infringe upon our inalienable rights". We must make that move. We must say that with a giant voice. The Great Awakening is about teaching us to think for ourselves and empowering us.
Mandatory vaccines will empower us, or not. I know I will not stand by idly.
This has absolutely nothing to do with a physical fight. Empowerment means an understanding on a population level. If 50+% of American's see the truth (really it only takes 20% to reach the critical mass necessary for a population level movement), and those American's demand the government works for the people, and not the other way around, who do you think will win?
WWG1WGA is not just something we say, it is the key to victory. It is the empowerment of We The People, not any one person (though it is that too). It only works if it is a large enough group willing to stand up and insist on denying the tyranny of a government infringement of our inalienable rights. I think at this point a mandatory vaccine would be sufficient to push us over the edge to use our collective voice to let them know they don't have the right (which they don't).
I am suggesting if it does happen, it is happening for this reason.
We must recognize that We The People have the only real power in the government. We have been trained to not believe it. It is the big lie we must recognize. That is an essential element of the Great Awakening.
If not now, then when? Perhaps when there is something big enough to motivate us. There has to be something that does it. I am only stipulating that it may be this.
I reckon when they put you in gulags people will wake up but by then it's too late. It has to be right at your door before you take such a risk in this world of comfortable lethargy.
I tohught Jan 6th confirmation of illegal votes would have sparked a proper uprising and civil war. I was shocked that Americans just left DC, went home and went back to their Netflix.
What's the point of 2A anymore? They dont need to take your guns cos nobody ever seems to use them.
It has to be right at your door before you take such a risk in this world of comfortable lethargy.
That was before. Now it is different. The energy of America is different. People just need to see a direction and they will act, just like they are in AZ.
I was shocked that Americans just left DC, went home and went back to their Netflix.
People went home because they were asked to by Trump and Q. Violence is not the path. We won't win a kinetic war, at least not directly nor easily. This is an information war. People are using that to wake up more. Once we reach critical mass and the paths of communication open, victory will be assured.
What's the point of 2A anymore?
2A is a deterrent. We may not be able to win a kinetic war, but neither can they. Even if they could get the American military to act against its citizens (which I seriously doubt) it wouldn't change the fact that digging out an entrenched hostile armed citizenry defending their home is the most impossible war to win
2A prevents them from taking us over before we win the information war.
Chinas die off plan won’t work unless the majority of the military is taken out. If they can’t get these guys to take it, their plan falls apart. Because then the only people left in the military are MAGA.
So much dooming on this page, are you blind to what's happening right now. I think a lot fail to realize too what's the biggest army in the world, the damn citizen army! The future is bright the good USA will not follow the path of the Romans
Placebo? What better way to fool the enemy but to pretend you're weak when you're strong. Make a few fake articles about military vax injuries and voila. Weak lgtb military for the taking.. dare to try?
It must be hard to communicate (Trump social media blocked)
Every moment together is a moment you should not waste (audit 24/7 surveillance)
Former President's are still able to arrange SCIFs? (ELECTION fraud SCIF)
Does the American taxpayer 'foot the BILL' for the [12] hotel rooms in close proximity to the central SCIF? (Mar a lago)
SS detail(s) ordered @ max perimeter def? (2021 TRUMP SS detail)
Nice color choice (Gold fringe flags, wallpaper im White House )
It's a shame the windows had to be blocked out to eliminate that view. (Election counting windows blocked to stop poll watchers, FAKE White House Windows and view)
You need to stop looking at the military with a broad stroke of it's all woke (or, for that matter, that it is all conservative). I can say for certain they are many active members in the military that are not dealing with the woke side of things.
Many of us have sources. It will not be the entire military that deals with things, just select elements of it that have been involved with it for quite a while and are dealing with it this very day.
One of the things that quietly happened under Trump was isolating these loyal Patriotic forces to continue the missions. You will not hear about these though you have seen some of the actions during the Trump Administration, that set things up for their continued operation.
One other thing you need to seriously consider is that when the military is engaged, it may not happen the way it is normally expected.
As I have said many times before - who REALLY controls the military?
ugh... the storm is about to destroy the ENTIRE MACHINE to include the corruption at the pentagon (Obama appointee Generals...) THE DIA (which is the military) is conducting these operations.
As early as? This could all be over by then
Yep I'm hoping something major happens before this Sept 1 date
Only pillow man said this, not Trump.
Trump is in charge of timing. It is going to come sooner or later. But agree with everyone who wants it sooner rather than later. I thought it was "by August" now it seems to be "by the end of August", if we are lucky.
China has to invade Taiwan, and it has to be in the summer. And they aren't waiting until next year. So surely before October it's all said and done.
What plan
Sorry, but when did Trump say he was going to be back by August?
Basel 3 seems like a win on the surface but rather than buy up tons of metals to rebalance their allocated/unallocated pools, they simply scale back their PMs trading and have trillions in tier 1 assets via tax payer bailout money.
The banks never get cut out.
The long term outlooks for metals is bullish thought. But you saw how gold and silver dropped drastically when Basel 3 kicked in. Expect volatility in the short term.
Hold your metals.
The banks will just ignore the requirement and the regulators will look the other way. Same as it ever was.
ONE audit is nearing completion. Have ANY others even been started. It's all talk. Time is running out. The only way to get Biden/Cameltoe out of office is impeachment and Dim leadership won't initiate it.
Datefag comin' in COOL!
Better be over by then. Or at least started by then for all to see.
This country will devolve into chaos and civil war
"Reportedly". Never believe anything unless you have a direct source. And even then, it's probably not true.
I feel like it's disinfo. Draw the enemy out into the open by appearing weak and expose itself for what it is, so it can be dealt with. Might just be hopium, who really knows anymore.
Its not disinfo. I know someone in the Army and they are being told in order to deploy over seas they are required to get the vax. Its clear that someone high up wants to vax everyone in the military, but they can't force soldiers to take it because of the emergency status, etc.
If I had to guess they are just going to order it to happen and hope that they can give everyone the jab before someone sues and gets a restraining order. Better to ask forgiveness than permission...
Yeah all this "appear to be X while doing z." shit is nuts. If we don't fix 2020 through the audit/ courts, it's bye bye USA... unless we're willing to do what our founders would've done a long time ago. Declare independence from the fed government and fight for a new republic.
The bac is designed to kill the subject. If our entire army is dead, whom does the help?
Another post explained what this is really about. Apparently some internal military documents were leaked. They are preparing to vax everyone and make it mandatory based on the idea that in Sep or Aug the FDA will remove the emergency use and officially approve the vax. Then the military has legal cover to make it mandatory. This isn't really about the military itself(other than maybe a few top level pentagon officers). This is about one part of the government bureaucracy giving the other part cover to accomplish the goal... which is the vax everyone.
Why is up for debate. IMHO the likely answer is money. They get paid for every shot given so they are raking in the doe all on the tax payers dime. If it depopulates a little who cares. All these theories that the vax is rigged to guarantee sterility or death after three years are too over the top. Its insane because the people that survive would slaughter the cabal... they would hunt them to the ends of the earth.
The fact that people are dying is purely because they are using untested technology that turns out is possibly more dangerous than the WuFlu is. Its just typical top down big government incompetence that they are even still giving the shots to anyone. Then again maybe the cabal is crazy enough to sterilize the entire human race.
They will have to pull the gun out of my dead hand and inject my corpse.
So to counter, we need to scream about this evil shot at the top of our lungs.
Don't let them get away with forcing the FDA to approve early. (That's the plan -- to push for early approval -- before the trials are done.)
And don't let people stay ignorant about the damages this thing does.
I would argue that because of the number of people injected already trails are pointless. They can just compile the massive amount of data and know the truth... which is why they are desperately manipulating the data and lying to everyone about the MASSIVE number of side effects people are experiencing.
They are just ignoring the truth. These mRNA vaccines are an utter failure. They are only 50-70% effective and the one part of it that is most critical, the core of the technology, the spike protein is harmful to the human body. These vaccines are the equivalence of CHEMO. They half kill the host to kill/defend against the virus. Given how WuFlu works no one under 50-60 years old should be given the vax. That is the REAL science.
See various memes about how "science" works in today's censorship environment...
Yeah. Like I said, it's hard to know what's actually true anymore. Sometimes I feel like I have to latch onto the hopium just to stave off despair.
Bare minimum this "vax" is reckless and it's clear there's an agenda behind it. But to what end? Just to assert authority? Maybe.
In one of those first trillion dollar COVID relief bills they set aside ass-tons of money to pay for the vax... to make the vax "free". But see its not really free... tax payers are paying for it. I bet that money is based on a per dose given setup. In other words what if you made $50 profit on every vax given... times millions and millions of people.
The best part is all these programs to incentivize people to take the vax... 90% of those yep paid for by tax payers. We are literally paying these people to kill us.
It all comes back to one thing. They have control over the government because they CHEATED to get in office. Solve election fraud solve everything else.
Because the military is not in control but being controlled. It is about time people start to wake up and see things for what they are.
My daughter a combat veteran will leave the ARMY rather than take the shot. She went to war and will again but not with that Vax.
Maybe that's what they want. To flush out and eject the remaining patriots who have a shred of common sense and integrity. Bam, stormtroopers.
If the military in all capacity was compromised, we would not be on this forum talking about as we would have all been rounded up; all dissenters crushed and all arms removed.
If what you say is true, none of our side would have had the balls to be posting half of what they are say or doing half of what they are doing. It would be radio silence across all comms.
I am extremely happy to say I believe you are 100% wrong. So wrong, and so long from Q as you have lost all hope.
Then you are screwed. Don't count on a hermit life in the woods either. Tech is advanced enough that they can patrol you 24 hrs a day no matter where you are. Oh, and forget your gold, silver, garden, and 30 day emergency food supply also. They will just take that for themselves. Save your money. If you are so sure that the good guys are not in control, then you better be doing something right now to make sure the get in control.
They couldn't do anything about the illegal election because they are NOT law enforcement. In order for the military to engage, it would have to be as a result of an act of war on US soil.
China had a big part in stealing the election. Lindell's data proved China electronically switched enough votes to put their puppet in control. Can this electronic attack on the US be classified as an act of war, not to even mention leaking the virus and using it on our military at the Wuhan military games, to get the military involved?
Hard to say. Trump himself backed the Vax...
Still backs it and brags about rushing it out. I know the argument for it, but I think ultimately it will prove to be a losing move.
Operation warp speed should have been about testing every kind of therapeutic. Not rushing out the deep state's poison injection.
Ya trying to put myself in his shoes.. He can't be against the vax, i do recall him saying on Fox News, one of his first interview after being screwed out of his 2nd win, that he expects people well make their choice in their own, this is America where you do what is right for you. That statement made me feel like he was insinuating that if you take the vax and don't think for yourself, you're retarded.
I would hope they are getting a saline solution injection for appearance sake as part of the operation of taking back our country. Keep our military strong.
The fact that it says September 1st and not effective immediately makes me think this is disinfo.
If it is real, this kind of thing would take some time to implement.
Sure but operation warp speed itself is a military operation. You'd think they could implement it sooner theoretically.
They've already coerced enough to get it (despite it being "purely voluntary" of course...), my father included, so I'm honestly surprised The Higher Ups haven't just said "Tough Titties" and forced it yet. So glad I'm out in a month, sick of this shit.
Not sure how much weight it carries, but it's been said there are 2 militaries. One is with Xiden for show and the other working behind the scenes.
I think mandatory vaccines have to happen. There has to be a strong enough motivation that we stand up and say, "you do not have the power to infringe upon our inalienable rights". We must make that move. We must say that with a giant voice. The Great Awakening is about teaching us to think for ourselves and empowering us.
Mandatory vaccines will empower us, or not. I know I will not stand by idly.
This has absolutely nothing to do with a physical fight. Empowerment means an understanding on a population level. If 50+% of American's see the truth (really it only takes 20% to reach the critical mass necessary for a population level movement), and those American's demand the government works for the people, and not the other way around, who do you think will win?
WWG1WGA is not just something we say, it is the key to victory. It is the empowerment of We The People, not any one person (though it is that too). It only works if it is a large enough group willing to stand up and insist on denying the tyranny of a government infringement of our inalienable rights. I think at this point a mandatory vaccine would be sufficient to push us over the edge to use our collective voice to let them know they don't have the right (which they don't).
THATS NOT A THEORY YOU WANNA TEST, BUD. I dont share your optimism that anyone will rise against it and if they dont you're fucked.
It's not like I'm going to make it happen...
I am suggesting if it does happen, it is happening for this reason.
We must recognize that We The People have the only real power in the government. We have been trained to not believe it. It is the big lie we must recognize. That is an essential element of the Great Awakening.
If not now, then when? Perhaps when there is something big enough to motivate us. There has to be something that does it. I am only stipulating that it may be this.
I reckon when they put you in gulags people will wake up but by then it's too late. It has to be right at your door before you take such a risk in this world of comfortable lethargy.
I tohught Jan 6th confirmation of illegal votes would have sparked a proper uprising and civil war. I was shocked that Americans just left DC, went home and went back to their Netflix.
What's the point of 2A anymore? They dont need to take your guns cos nobody ever seems to use them.
That was before. Now it is different. The energy of America is different. People just need to see a direction and they will act, just like they are in AZ.
People went home because they were asked to by Trump and Q. Violence is not the path. We won't win a kinetic war, at least not directly nor easily. This is an information war. People are using that to wake up more. Once we reach critical mass and the paths of communication open, victory will be assured.
2A is a deterrent. We may not be able to win a kinetic war, but neither can they. Even if they could get the American military to act against its citizens (which I seriously doubt) it wouldn't change the fact that digging out an entrenched hostile armed citizenry defending their home is the most impossible war to win
2A prevents them from taking us over before we win the information war.
Oooh a big media agent made a claim!
Believe it when it becomes true, not before.
Dude it's the Army Times.
And? Media makes claims every day. This is just date fagging for the cabal side.
Military Members Say They’ll ‘Quit’ If Army Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine: Congressman
Also possible they are getting a placebo vs what gen pop is getting.
There's be no point to mandatory placebos.
Chinas die off plan won’t work unless the majority of the military is taken out. If they can’t get these guys to take it, their plan falls apart. Because then the only people left in the military are MAGA.
So much dooming on this page, are you blind to what's happening right now. I think a lot fail to realize too what's the biggest army in the world, the damn citizen army! The future is bright the good USA will not follow the path of the Romans
August GEOTUS triumphant return
To draw out and kill the rats you have to use bait.
Appear weak when you are strong.
Because disinformation is necessary
We got to have it now but the people who protect the country can wait til it's all over? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm Something very stinky about that, me thinks
Placebo? What better way to fool the enemy but to pretend you're weak when you're strong. Make a few fake articles about military vax injuries and voila. Weak lgtb military for the taking.. dare to try?
09/01 you say?
My observations in parenthesis
It must be hard to communicate (Trump social media blocked) Every moment together is a moment you should not waste (audit 24/7 surveillance) Former President's are still able to arrange SCIFs? (ELECTION fraud SCIF) Does the American taxpayer 'foot the BILL' for the [12] hotel rooms in close proximity to the central SCIF? (Mar a lago) SS detail(s) ordered @ max perimeter def? (2021 TRUMP SS detail) Nice color choice (Gold fringe flags, wallpaper im White House ) It's a shame the windows had to be blocked out to eliminate that view. (Election counting windows blocked to stop poll watchers, FAKE White House Windows and view) Q
You need to stop looking at the military with a broad stroke of it's all woke (or, for that matter, that it is all conservative). I can say for certain they are many active members in the military that are not dealing with the woke side of things.
Many of us have sources. It will not be the entire military that deals with things, just select elements of it that have been involved with it for quite a while and are dealing with it this very day.
One of the things that quietly happened under Trump was isolating these loyal Patriotic forces to continue the missions. You will not hear about these though you have seen some of the actions during the Trump Administration, that set things up for their continued operation.
One other thing you need to seriously consider is that when the military is engaged, it may not happen the way it is normally expected.
As I have said many times before - who REALLY controls the military?
ugh... the storm is about to destroy the ENTIRE MACHINE to include the corruption at the pentagon (Obama appointee Generals...) THE DIA (which is the military) is conducting these operations.