I just want to say that it’s outrageous to make citizens of their own country pass a “flu” test just so they can get home. How about HIV, TB, Hep B, plague, etc??? Why don’t we test for all these dangerous communicable diseases? Why only “flu”?
If you insist to test visitors, well that’s one thing. But your own citizens??? Wtf is wrong with that. You won’t let your own citizen return home if they are sick. Unreal. I don’t think this gets enough attention. The hypocrisy in America is especially egregious with illegals coming in sick with no testing and getting free flights and shit.
To return to Taiwan you must submit to three Covid tests and a 15 day mandatory quarantine jail!! (Edit- not in your home, in a designated facility!) Including infants!! And it’s only for citizens and residents!! No visitors allowed right now. This madness needs to end. No political will to end it in TW though.
Btw, no one wanted the vaccine in TW until there was an “outbreak.” There was no “outbreak” for over a year, until shortly after some “US officials” paid a special visit. Think Haiti. Speaking of Haiti, I didn’t see much talking about this-
The CCP isn’t going to invade like you think they will. They want Dongsha, the Spratly Islands. Watch them first. The main island of Taiwan they won’t dare touch, not at this stage anyway. Way too much risk for them, and by the time Taiwan is “subdued” it will be a smoking hole because we will fight to the end for our freedom. Not very economical. I do not fear the CCP.
I’m more interested in how our own domestic policies against Covid are violating our rights. Much like elsewhere in the world. I want to know why, after over a year of perfect control of the virus, now we have this outbreak, perfect timing with the US visit and vaccine push. I want to also know what kind of nefarious activities Taiwanese government officials have been engaged in vis a vis donations to AZ Secretary of State, Evergreen shipping and Hillary, and what’s this about the Haitian assassins breaking in the Taiwanese embassy?
Like the US, there’s something dark happening out of sight of the public who would strongly disagree with these actions. There’s a deep state here too. I wish I were more skilled and had more time for research but I have health issues and responsibilities with my young kids! I think you guys are more capable so I just offer my ideas.
I agree with you that there is a plan underway and it is an evil one. The "Taiwan Connection" could involve the Elaine Chao/James S. C. Chao crowd. I say "could". But I am pretty confident that it does.
I also agree that if the CCP invades the main island of Taiwan, that is going to be one HELL of a fight. The Taiwanese are patriots. I would start handing out the rifles and the training right now though. But that's just me.
haahhahah, same. i feel like the j&j vax isnt such a big deal though, its a regular vax not a mRNA. hack. But fuck anyone trying to make me get it.
Even in liberal ass coastal california, I never wear one. Its only "required" at public transit here; most of the uber drivers are relieved when im not wearing one hahha, and take theirs off too. Some of them are even based, hah!
My based fren and I live in a painfully blue area. We will have fake libtard conversations within earshot of strangers at bars and restaurants about how "virtuous" and "noble" we are for getting "vaxed".
Yeah....I am vaccinated...I got the vaccine for Rubella or chickenpox once upon a time...and if they press further....I don't give two shits about lying...yep...you bet...vax card? Hmmm must have misplaced it...and I would not specify what vaccine I had been given once upon a time...they can assume whatever they want. The COVID poison...never gonna happen though!
Fighting evil with their own weapon is not bearing false witness in my eyes. These people are going door to door to try to get people to take a shot that will likely maim or even kill them. As far as I am concerned we have the right to do whatever it takes in defense of ourselves and our families. Jesus himself became violent for far, far less.
No need to lie. I've been vaxxed since I was a kid..so yeah, been vaxxed for flu, measles and a few other things.
And since the flu has been renamed as "Covid"..then yeah, been vaxxed. nothing else needed. My body has plenty of antibodies.
The WHO said back in January or so that the test cycles for the vaccinated were to be much lower than for the rest of us. Cases drastically dropped.
Cmon folks, you NEED to be paying attention to the information out there rather than just looking at screenshots and walls of text that are just people's opinions.
Sure, it's the great awakening but if you're still in bed you're getting nowhere
Read the text conversation again. It supports what you say. The fact that they wrote a V on the test confirms that they are committing test fraud, just as the WHO recommended.
Again, as you say the WHO/CDC openly admitted to encouraging test fraud, i.e. using higher PCR cycles for the clean bloods than for tainted bloods. The V written on the test was presumably to let the testers know which test to use.
A little pantomime to throw them a curve. Feign a sore throat, then make the V sign like Churchill but place the V across your upper arm if asked if you were vaxxed. Yeah, like 2 times. Winch and grab your throat. By then they'll be thinking you might be experiencing side effects and shedding. So when they ask as they're backing to leave which one you got, just point to your throat shrug your shoulders and throw your hands up like you're saying, I can't talk, I don't know which, it doesn't matter. Is there anything else you need, I want to go in and lay down. You didn't say anything verbally. They can think whatever they want.
Good article. This newspaper actually has several based articles. They are trying to wake the sheep up. It’s funny though, because once the fucking cdc et al are caught in lies the fact checkers swarm in to erase history and memory hole everything.
yeah that's how it is here in Canada, and you have to pay to stay in a gov appointed hotel (smells like money laundering as well at this point) for like 2k/week until you test negative. I saw a couple videos of these hotels and some people just leaving, but they said the cops came around everyday to see if they quarantined. there's no way I travel until it's all over personally
I always say no. And it's because I don't trust anything. The responses I have got are interesting. Most of which are that it's my body and I get to choose. Because I ask in follow up, "do you think I am a disgusting human being for not?" And the answer is always no. It's been 3asy so far. But I have been contemplating getting a fake vax card. And I wonder how many others have been thinking the same thing.
I went to buy a used road bicycle from someone recently, and the first question was if I was vaccinated. It took everything in me not to ask him if he had ever engaged in gay sex. Instead I said no, and he grumbled and said let me go get a mask. At this point I said, i would guess you are vaccinated, so it should not matter. And he responded that it does not work that way. I really had to bite my tongue because I wanted to buy the bike. lol.
That's too bad, because I'd love to understand how it does work?
Why is he getting a mask? I thought masks were to protect others. My mind is exploding.
For anyone forced to take one of these tests before/after boarding a plane, do they write you down as unvaccinated even if you claim you did, but don't have the vax card? Just curious how strict they are.
If they ask if you’ve been vaxed…. Yes, of course. If they ask if you’ve Covid vaxed reply.. yes I’ve been vaxed. Not saying which vax you’ve been isn’t lying.
Mine too. Our whole family likely has natural immunity as I'm sure we had it last year, so far better than their toxic shot. So yes, I have immunity. That's all that really matters anyway.
Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions
*moderna problems
I just want to say that it’s outrageous to make citizens of their own country pass a “flu” test just so they can get home. How about HIV, TB, Hep B, plague, etc??? Why don’t we test for all these dangerous communicable diseases? Why only “flu”?
If you insist to test visitors, well that’s one thing. But your own citizens??? Wtf is wrong with that. You won’t let your own citizen return home if they are sick. Unreal. I don’t think this gets enough attention. The hypocrisy in America is especially egregious with illegals coming in sick with no testing and getting free flights and shit.
To return to Taiwan you must submit to three Covid tests and a 15 day mandatory quarantine jail!! (Edit- not in your home, in a designated facility!) Including infants!! And it’s only for citizens and residents!! No visitors allowed right now. This madness needs to end. No political will to end it in TW though.
Btw, no one wanted the vaccine in TW until there was an “outbreak.” There was no “outbreak” for over a year, until shortly after some “US officials” paid a special visit. Think Haiti. Speaking of Haiti, I didn’t see much talking about this-
P.S. Assuming you are indeed from Taiwan, I can say that:
Hope I am wrong and am wishing for the best for all of us.
Taiwan Number ONE!!!
The CCP isn’t going to invade like you think they will. They want Dongsha, the Spratly Islands. Watch them first. The main island of Taiwan they won’t dare touch, not at this stage anyway. Way too much risk for them, and by the time Taiwan is “subdued” it will be a smoking hole because we will fight to the end for our freedom. Not very economical. I do not fear the CCP.
I’m more interested in how our own domestic policies against Covid are violating our rights. Much like elsewhere in the world. I want to know why, after over a year of perfect control of the virus, now we have this outbreak, perfect timing with the US visit and vaccine push. I want to also know what kind of nefarious activities Taiwanese government officials have been engaged in vis a vis donations to AZ Secretary of State, Evergreen shipping and Hillary, and what’s this about the Haitian assassins breaking in the Taiwanese embassy?
Like the US, there’s something dark happening out of sight of the public who would strongly disagree with these actions. There’s a deep state here too. I wish I were more skilled and had more time for research but I have health issues and responsibilities with my young kids! I think you guys are more capable so I just offer my ideas.
I agree with you that there is a plan underway and it is an evil one. The "Taiwan Connection" could involve the Elaine Chao/James S. C. Chao crowd. I say "could". But I am pretty confident that it does.
I also agree that if the CCP invades the main island of Taiwan, that is going to be one HELL of a fight. The Taiwanese are patriots. I would start handing out the rifles and the training right now though. But that's just me.
It's not just outrageous. It is illegal.
But we're no longer following the laws, now. "I do what I want." is now the mantra of our governments.
Take the rest of the day off. You earned it
Wasn't that a Chevy Chase movie?
Drop down turn around pick a bale of cotton was Chevy Chase movie..
Oh Mandy.
haahhahah, same. i feel like the j&j vax isnt such a big deal though, its a regular vax not a mRNA. hack. But fuck anyone trying to make me get it.
Even in liberal ass coastal california, I never wear one. Its only "required" at public transit here; most of the uber drivers are relieved when im not wearing one hahha, and take theirs off too. Some of them are even based, hah!
Get this frog a beer (not Heineken please).
This is the way.
My roommate just said "I'll say my work provided it. I'm not sure which one."
Instead of that say whatever vaccine your wife's boyfriend recommended. More believable.
Ya dunno if I could say with straight face lol
My based fren and I live in a painfully blue area. We will have fake libtard conversations within earshot of strangers at bars and restaurants about how "virtuous" and "noble" we are for getting "vaxed".
I do remember a story about them changing the PCR test’s number of cycles for vaccinated people.
28 cycles for vaxholes, 40 for everyone else.
45 in the UK !!
“I left it at my wife’s boyfriends house” ^^^ They will not their head yes and not even question you. Props to salty for that one
Thread winner
Yeah....I am vaccinated...I got the vaccine for Rubella or chickenpox once upon a time...and if they press further....I don't give two shits about lying...yep...you bet...vax card? Hmmm must have misplaced it...and I would not specify what vaccine I had been given once upon a time...they can assume whatever they want. The COVID poison...never gonna happen though!
Well, since the jabs aren't actually vaccines, you're not lying at all.
This fren semantics
Don't worry about perjury at all. BTW, keep a list of lot numbers just in case.
They lie about everything, why should we feel bad about lying to them?
Because giving false witness is a sin, and sin gives the kingdom of darkness legal authority in our lives. It's an open door.
Fighting evil with their own weapon is not bearing false witness in my eyes. These people are going door to door to try to get people to take a shot that will likely maim or even kill them. As far as I am concerned we have the right to do whatever it takes in defense of ourselves and our families. Jesus himself became violent for far, far less.
Amos, were you ever reading Bible anyway ?
It is really against them ? Is it doing any REAL harm to them ? No ? So they shall fuck off.
Given your language, whose kingdom are you advancing?
God only knows,and He shall judge me - not you. Are you without any sin to throw a stone ?
Classic 😎
For any other illness for which you receive a vaccination, can you name the company that provides it? MMR? Shingles? Flu?
You're not lying.
"I identify as vaccinated".
Well to be fair, most of us have been vaccinated when we were growing up.
No need to lie. I've been vaxxed since I was a kid..so yeah, been vaxxed for flu, measles and a few other things. And since the flu has been renamed as "Covid"..then yeah, been vaxxed. nothing else needed. My body has plenty of antibodies.
The WHO said back in January or so that the test cycles for the vaccinated were to be much lower than for the rest of us. Cases drastically dropped.
Cmon folks, you NEED to be paying attention to the information out there rather than just looking at screenshots and walls of text that are just people's opinions.
Sure, it's the great awakening but if you're still in bed you're getting nowhere
Read the text conversation again. It supports what you say. The fact that they wrote a V on the test confirms that they are committing test fraud, just as the WHO recommended.
Again, as you say the WHO/CDC openly admitted to encouraging test fraud, i.e. using higher PCR cycles for the clean bloods than for tainted bloods. The V written on the test was presumably to let the testers know which test to use.
They've not hid ANYTHING from us. It's all been in plain sight. They've been very open about it.
Look at my last post to patriots.win to confirm what we know
A little pantomime to throw them a curve. Feign a sore throat, then make the V sign like Churchill but place the V across your upper arm if asked if you were vaxxed. Yeah, like 2 times. Winch and grab your throat. By then they'll be thinking you might be experiencing side effects and shedding. So when they ask as they're backing to leave which one you got, just point to your throat shrug your shoulders and throw your hands up like you're saying, I can't talk, I don't know which, it doesn't matter. Is there anything else you need, I want to go in and lay down. You didn't say anything verbally. They can think whatever they want.
Next day, "flight of 300 delayed duento covid suspicions. Awaiting test results."
Good article. This newspaper actually has several based articles. They are trying to wake the sheep up. It’s funny though, because once the fucking cdc et al are caught in lies the fact checkers swarm in to erase history and memory hole everything.
I wonder how much it costs to buy an "official" vaccination certificate, signed in triplicate, from Mexico?
Is that the policy now? I came back from Mexico a couple months ago and I didn’t need any negative test. Could it be the state you live in?
A negative covid test is required to enter the US if you travel by air. If you travel by car or by sea, you don' need one because trust the science.
USDOS link
US requires a negative test to get back in now.
Unless you are here illegally. Then you get a free hotel room and a flight to whatever state you like.
This is confusing. If I cross the border illegally but am in fact a citizen, I'm assuming I still get thrown in jail?
Fuckin A!
Could be Canada.
yeah that's how it is here in Canada, and you have to pay to stay in a gov appointed hotel (smells like money laundering as well at this point) for like 2k/week until you test negative. I saw a couple videos of these hotels and some people just leaving, but they said the cops came around everyday to see if they quarantined. there's no way I travel until it's all over personally
"V shaped recovery" -Trump
I always say no. And it's because I don't trust anything. The responses I have got are interesting. Most of which are that it's my body and I get to choose. Because I ask in follow up, "do you think I am a disgusting human being for not?" And the answer is always no. It's been 3asy so far. But I have been contemplating getting a fake vax card. And I wonder how many others have been thinking the same thing.
I went to buy a used road bicycle from someone recently, and the first question was if I was vaccinated. It took everything in me not to ask him if he had ever engaged in gay sex. Instead I said no, and he grumbled and said let me go get a mask. At this point I said, i would guess you are vaccinated, so it should not matter. And he responded that it does not work that way. I really had to bite my tongue because I wanted to buy the bike. lol.
That's too bad, because I'd love to understand how it does work? Why is he getting a mask? I thought masks were to protect others. My mind is exploding.
Really... I don't know why you wanted to buy those bike from such person. Low price and profits from it are nice,but...
Do you see me wearing a mask?
For anyone forced to take one of these tests before/after boarding a plane, do they write you down as unvaccinated even if you claim you did, but don't have the vax card? Just curious how strict they are.
If they ask if you’ve been vaxed…. Yes, of course. If they ask if you’ve Covid vaxed reply.. yes I’ve been vaxed. Not saying which vax you’ve been isn’t lying.
Mine too. Our whole family likely has natural immunity as I'm sure we had it last year, so far better than their toxic shot. So yes, I have immunity. That's all that really matters anyway.
"V shaped recovery" -Trump