The Democrat Party is the Pathocrat Party. Look this word up. It is a word so befitting of what the DNC has become. Because of this, it has been abandoned by many of their traditional base. The old 'Blue Democrats' for example, have long left the Pathocrat Party.
We need to take back the media. My uber liberal mother is now bothering me about my son not wearing a mask at summercamp. All because she is a boomer still believing the MSM narrative on the delta variant.
Thank goodness my son is only 8 or she would be pestering me about vaxing him. The CV hoax needs to be uterly destroyed or more than 4-6% will remain asleep...whatever happened to the ex-hippy boomers who didn't trust the man? Now all they do is listen to MSM and big government.
Describes exactly what happened to my parents. Too much television and their age is closing in on them. My parents, although quite conservative, just want to be left alone to enjoy their golden years. They absolutely do not want to hear about the harsh reality of what's really going on. Plus their neighbor is a retired medical doctor know-it-all.
None that I know. We know where we're going when we die, so we're not scared.
I haven't had a shot since that swine flu crap in 1976 that I was fooled into taking. It converted a mild seasonal problem to a bad year-round problem.
whatever happened to the ex-hippy boomers who didn't trust the man?
I know, right? So fucking hypocritical.
They used to be so skeptical and wary of govt. Now instead they're skeptical and wary of their own patriotic countrymen. Odd, since we're the ones now who are all about racial EQUALITY instead of discriminating based on race, and "FREEDOM to do your own thing, man" as long as you don't infringe on others; while they are loudly screaming for the opposite side of those issues: Racial discrimination plus govt. control of literally all human interaction. They are the ones who viciously attacked and gleefully eviscerated the first actual anti-war president we've had in our lifetime, one who actually ended wars and brought the troops home. They used to scream about dishonest slick-tongued politicians who send our boys to war. Now they fawn all over them (Foebama) and vomit hate upon the non-politician, the straight-talking, promise-keeping businessman for whom Peace is the Prize, who cannot be bought, bribed, browbeaten or blackmailed.
It defies belief. They've been programmed for hate and self-destruction, like little stupid robots.
What the fuck happened to respecting your elders? I’m 63 years old. Husband is 10 years older, served in Vietnam and knew they were getting royally fucked. I was “awake” when we supposedly landed on the moon. My 83 year old based granny told me the truth. Then came Waco, Oklahoma City, 9/11 and then Hussein. I’ve been awake since before your little shits were ever conceived. Haven’t watched a tv in 14 years and have can count the movies I’ve seen on one hand. Talk about programming? People like me and the husband taught many young dumb assholes to think for themselves and those that couldn’t grasp it, we did our best and prayed for them. I have a millennial daughter in law who hasn’t let us see our grandkids for five years because we’re conspiracy theorists who begged them not to take the jab. Youngest son, also an idiot millennial is so fucking stupid he runs out to get not one, but two jabs and thinks we’re going over the cliff. Many of our contemporaries are as you say, and we’re lost to them as well. We’re supplied up, ammo’d up, and bought a house on a mountain primarily due to location as well as the fact that due to the way its built, the two of us could defend our property from every vantage point, picking off trespassers without even being seen. Don’t throw us all into the same basket. I’m 5’ tall, weigh 107 lbs soaking wet and could probably stomp your ass under 2 minutes. I’m not afraid to die; I’m more afraid of losing my country and we will not go quietly should it come to that. We don’t start anything and live a remote, quiet and satisfied life, but we’re not going to bend our knee either. Not now, not fucking ever!
Same over her in Blighty.
Millions take to the street to protest Lockdown BBC and the other scum MSM completely ignore it.
There ratings are the lowest ever. People know what is going on.
Our greatest weapon is their own doing. They have become so arrogant in their behavior and actions that it has become so obvious they are straight up lying.
Thanks I needed that, what is going on is atrocious. It’s hard to see how deep it runs and how they seem to have control. They have msm, the courts , social media etc. to cover the truth so it can’t come out. It seems so like the damn will never break. One day it will…soon I pray
That’s just the point - things are never what they seem. The DS has created an illusion to manipulate the masses - what is amazing to me is how long they managed to keep it under wraps. This is where we see the panic - they have been forced to expose themselves. NCSWIC! They underestimate God - how does evil win against One Who knows all, and sees everything you do? It’s only a matter of time - His timeline. Trust!
Because their numbers are pretty low the msm has been their ultimate tool to reinforce their narrative. Now that the msm is weakening BIGLY, they use BOTS to reinforce it. Weak. Panic.
Good to keep in mind the numbers are low and the reason for it. BOTS are getting a little to obvious too. Seems like there’s been a bunch of shills here lately too…
This is how it always is. Patriots vastly outnumber those whose driving force is hate: Hate for their country, for the majority of its people, for the rule of law and those who enforce it, for civil society, for people of religious faith, for families and people who want to raise and nurture children instead of kill or pimp them out or sell them, hate for our traditions and history, hate for rich people, for our freedoms and prosperity and our stubborn happiness.
I rarely ever watch TV but occasionally we turn it on at the office for breaking local news or weather. It seems like every commercial has either a bi-racial couple or LGBTQ couple. They're trying their best to make us patriots believe they are the majority by shoving it down our throats!
The group of people classified in the first paragraph is less than 4% of the US population.
This should also give you an idea how HUGE the cheating the Communist (Democrat) Party has to cheat to maintain power.
The Democrat Party is the Pathocrat Party. Look this word up. It is a word so befitting of what the DNC has become. Because of this, it has been abandoned by many of their traditional base. The old 'Blue Democrats' for example, have long left the Pathocrat Party.
Up Kek for your screen name!
Haha! Thanks!
You must not know many millennials if you think it's only 4-6% progressive socialists in this country.
Yup it’s much higher. If we don’t win now we’re done. A lot of millennials and Gen Z are super brainwashed.
I'm not.
Such a small percent. Yet they insist on attention and coddling all the time. And they shove it down your throat whenever possible.
The other day, a kindergarten was teaching students how to masturbate.
Dear God. Those people need to be kicked in the groins.
34 percent of Gen Z identifies as LGBTQ
Source on that. That’s crazy.
That means 66 per cent are patriotic!
Then they have no idea what that really means.
Why am I getting downvoted? I don't think you guys realize how bad the LGTBQ is. It isn't as simple as "gay" "lesbian" or "tranny" anymore.
I would say it is lower than that
Man 4%. I think 1%. The other 3 percent might be mentally deranged
We need to take back the media. My uber liberal mother is now bothering me about my son not wearing a mask at summercamp. All because she is a boomer still believing the MSM narrative on the delta variant.
Thank goodness my son is only 8 or she would be pestering me about vaxing him. The CV hoax needs to be uterly destroyed or more than 4-6% will remain asleep...whatever happened to the ex-hippy boomers who didn't trust the man? Now all they do is listen to MSM and big government.
Many boomers (even the good patriotic ones) are very scared of their own death.
Covid has turned many of them completely crazy and paranoid.
Describes exactly what happened to my parents. Too much television and their age is closing in on them. My parents, although quite conservative, just want to be left alone to enjoy their golden years. They absolutely do not want to hear about the harsh reality of what's really going on. Plus their neighbor is a retired medical doctor know-it-all.
yuppies. You have a number for that "many"?
None that I know. We know where we're going when we die, so we're not scared.
I haven't had a shot since that swine flu crap in 1976 that I was fooled into taking. It converted a mild seasonal problem to a bad year-round problem.
I know, right? So fucking hypocritical.
They used to be so skeptical and wary of govt. Now instead they're skeptical and wary of their own patriotic countrymen. Odd, since we're the ones now who are all about racial EQUALITY instead of discriminating based on race, and "FREEDOM to do your own thing, man" as long as you don't infringe on others; while they are loudly screaming for the opposite side of those issues: Racial discrimination plus govt. control of literally all human interaction. They are the ones who viciously attacked and gleefully eviscerated the first actual anti-war president we've had in our lifetime, one who actually ended wars and brought the troops home. They used to scream about dishonest slick-tongued politicians who send our boys to war. Now they fawn all over them (Foebama) and vomit hate upon the non-politician, the straight-talking, promise-keeping businessman for whom Peace is the Prize, who cannot be bought, bribed, browbeaten or blackmailed.
It defies belief. They've been programmed for hate and self-destruction, like little stupid robots.
What the fuck happened to respecting your elders? I’m 63 years old. Husband is 10 years older, served in Vietnam and knew they were getting royally fucked. I was “awake” when we supposedly landed on the moon. My 83 year old based granny told me the truth. Then came Waco, Oklahoma City, 9/11 and then Hussein. I’ve been awake since before your little shits were ever conceived. Haven’t watched a tv in 14 years and have can count the movies I’ve seen on one hand. Talk about programming? People like me and the husband taught many young dumb assholes to think for themselves and those that couldn’t grasp it, we did our best and prayed for them. I have a millennial daughter in law who hasn’t let us see our grandkids for five years because we’re conspiracy theorists who begged them not to take the jab. Youngest son, also an idiot millennial is so fucking stupid he runs out to get not one, but two jabs and thinks we’re going over the cliff. Many of our contemporaries are as you say, and we’re lost to them as well. We’re supplied up, ammo’d up, and bought a house on a mountain primarily due to location as well as the fact that due to the way its built, the two of us could defend our property from every vantage point, picking off trespassers without even being seen. Don’t throw us all into the same basket. I’m 5’ tall, weigh 107 lbs soaking wet and could probably stomp your ass under 2 minutes. I’m not afraid to die; I’m more afraid of losing my country and we will not go quietly should it come to that. We don’t start anything and live a remote, quiet and satisfied life, but we’re not going to bend our knee either. Not now, not fucking ever!
Because hippies were a minority too...and hippies became yuppies.
not this hippie
me neither ...some of us still hold on .../!
Nor this hippie 🌺
Same over her in Blighty. Millions take to the street to protest Lockdown BBC and the other scum MSM completely ignore it. There ratings are the lowest ever. People know what is going on.
Our greatest weapon is their own doing. They have become so arrogant in their behavior and actions that it has become so obvious they are straight up lying.
Well said, fren.
Thanks I needed that, what is going on is atrocious. It’s hard to see how deep it runs and how they seem to have control. They have msm, the courts , social media etc. to cover the truth so it can’t come out. It seems so like the damn will never break. One day it will…soon I pray
That’s just the point - things are never what they seem. The DS has created an illusion to manipulate the masses - what is amazing to me is how long they managed to keep it under wraps. This is where we see the panic - they have been forced to expose themselves. NCSWIC! They underestimate God - how does evil win against One Who knows all, and sees everything you do? It’s only a matter of time - His timeline. Trust!
Thank you fren. This is why I love this place, we’re all here to help each other stay strong
Remember Wikileaks-like Q- and the DS msm telling us "You can't look at that! It's Illegal. It's a conspiracy. It's deboonked." We can't unsee!
And then they said "we'll look at it for you." :)
Because their numbers are pretty low the msm has been their ultimate tool to reinforce their narrative. Now that the msm is weakening BIGLY, they use BOTS to reinforce it. Weak. Panic.
Good to keep in mind the numbers are low and the reason for it. BOTS are getting a little to obvious too. Seems like there’s been a bunch of shills here lately too…
Oh yeah we’re seeing more. Some real doozies last night was epically toxic. Deport.
This is how it always is. Patriots vastly outnumber those whose driving force is hate: Hate for their country, for the majority of its people, for the rule of law and those who enforce it, for civil society, for people of religious faith, for families and people who want to raise and nurture children instead of kill or pimp them out or sell them, hate for our traditions and history, hate for rich people, for our freedoms and prosperity and our stubborn happiness.
Sadly the right had been spineless..and a pendulum swings , Something wicked this way comes
I rarely ever watch TV but occasionally we turn it on at the office for breaking local news or weather. It seems like every commercial has either a bi-racial couple or LGBTQ couple. They're trying their best to make us patriots believe they are the majority by shoving it down our throats!
Hell Ya!
15% of the population, in total, is still a LOT of people. And they're loud because they're encouraged to be.