I wonder if Lin, with his youtube link, is also making a reference to Detroit (Motown) being the most corrupt rigged elections anywhere in the nation. Those manipulated sniffy Joe numbers must come down!
GME and AMC are taking a beating today, I had to just quit looking.. trying to just HODL and not think about the numbers. Anyone have any hopium for either AMC or GME? Could certainly use a shot right now lol
The price is fake and shorts have not been closed. MOASS regardless of the current price is inevitable. Interestingly enough, Shitadel and friends are said to use psychologists to find ways to demoralize investors as per a post from this investment manager.
There's nothing left to read that has anything we don't already know by now, meanwhile it's annoying to see the erosion when much of your cost basis is below $100. I can't "just don't look at it" when there's plenty else in the portfolios that needs monitoring so I don't get caught unaware like in the 2020 big dip or 2008.
If it makes you feel better I joined the movement LATE!!!! My average in for GME is around 200 and AMC 58. While you are watching ‘gains’ erode, I am watching my investment erode. But, I’m not here for paper handling - I joined a movement and I will not even begin dropping dimes until tens of thousands are being shelled - or I lose it all. HODL the line guys, or sell your shares to me as I’m increasing position all the way down!!!
anons this is what separates the wheat from the chaff. They operate based on money and material wealth while we operate on morality and faith in God and Country. The Lord is with us and we will win. There logically can be no other outcome. The question is how long will it take and what will happen for us to get there.
True, it is mentally exhausting (especially remembering the drop to ~ $40 months ago). The lack of information on what's going on doesn't help either, but it'll probably launch on a day we least expect it to anyways aside from all the catalysts coming out very soon.
The entire market is an extension of the Cabal's real and only actual power. Which is lying. Fearmongering, sowing FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) sowing FOMO (fear of missing out), pumping and dumping. Muh fundamentals are predictive (predictable?) programming.
Buy something you like. Hold onto it. Go fishin' with your kiddos or go fix that old beat up Ford you been meaning to fix.
I look at the 2k I had in GME as a donation to a cause. It's a very big chunk of change to me but I have risked more for less possible gains. I haven't even looked at my GME in a few weeks because, to me, it is irrelevant. I will hodl till I can sell one share to get my $ back. Then I hodl until the bubble pops. Sell on the downturn, not when we're gaining steam
Exactly. Plus, with the millions of shares out there... you can’t force a sale, the hedges can 100% walk away with the SEC on their side. I’m still cautiously looking from the sidelines. I’ve purchased a sizable amount of GME, based on the fact that they have billions in cash right now and won’t be going anywhere soon. So the HFs have lost in that regard. Game Stop will be around for years to come.
Yeah the $XX million/share people are insanely unrealistic and got annoying a long time ago. I say that we're looking at XX thousand at best, still plenty life changing if you're a XXX holder.
Don't watch, just lay back. There are only 2 outcomes, and both were know to the WSB crowd going in. 1, you guys will all own Lambos, or 2, Wall Street crashes, maybe permanently, caused by the apes. Most guys I know that are involved are up for either outcome, and WILL HODL, even if it does go to zero. Imagine having "I crashed Wall Street" on your resume. WRWY, WWG1WGA!
Just what is the stock market? What is a stock? How is it worth anything? Who decides what it's worth? What does the company get, and what does the shareholder get?
Kek. Your "election lasting more than 4 hours" comment reminded me of something my old man said when that commercial played on the air. " If I have an erection lasting for 4 hours or more, I'm not seeing the doctor, I'm going to see (name of a particularly attractive woman who lived down the street)!"
My plan is to sell in batches so as to maximize my profits. After all is sold I may consider buying some back once the price settles. Also going to load up on physical specie. After that we will need to get a trust lawyer that specializes in high net worth individuals. They can set everything up to maximize tax savings. If this pops before 1 year it’s short term cap gains. If over 1 year it’s long term and a substantially lower tax rate. Then I start my philanthropy.
This is what I think is going to happen... the market will crash except for these overly naked shorted stocks which will squeeze. We are either going to have massive inflation or a recession/depression or both. A lot of regular people will be wealthy from the squeeze. I haven’t figured out what will happen to the Fed and fiat. I think this is all going to be pinned on Biden or China then the election will be overturned and trump will be president and he will work to establish the new America. I’m still working it out, for example why are the banks doing the reverse repo nightly to make minuscule amounts of interest while simultaneously not loaning out money and calling their personal lines of credit? There is so much cash from what has been printed over the last couple of years so why is loaning of money so tight?
That’s what my husband thinks too. Idk, this is a chance for them to wrangle in some slush fund cash through massive short term gains taxes. But yes I wouldn’t put it past them.
I guess we will see. I am trying to be prepared on all fronts.
My husband and I plan to travel around our state next week buying silver. If you buy more than $10,000 it has to be reported so we're planning to buy from several places.
My husband is also investing in crypto. I know nothing about that but support his decision.
The place to start may be looking for a 401K investing/bullion fact-sheet or info on the main bullion dealer websites you use.
In Australia, the main dealers often have information about services related to investing in physical bullion as part of your superannuation (Aus version of retirement vehicle) on their website.
Sitting on 150oz of silver... gonna buy another 50oz in about one month...remember Q post 2619... gold shall destroy fed.
If gold skyrockets... so does silver. Silver is super manipulated... heavily shorted.
Based off of inflation since early 1900’s. Gold price should be around 15k and silver around 6k.
Buy while you can
It's true, even if the price hadn't changed at all which it has (especially with premiums going up), I still have a feeling of reassurance that it's real, tangible and honest.
What are yall paying for premiums on silver? Any preferences on coins/bars/American/Canadian? I think the idea here would be just to get into silver and not care as much about what it looks like but rather that it is indeed the best quality possible.
Silver is silver. Expect to sell it at spot price, and typically ASEs sell for a few bucks above.
If you want it for a total economic collapse, get junk silver. If you want it as an investment, find the best price/oz, typically large bars. Brand doesn’t matter. Buy from TRUSTED businesses, not craigslist or marketplace or any seller who doesn’t have a sigma machine.
AMC GME BB CLNE CLOV VXRT DDD. All on sale at incredible discounts. My frens, even if you don't think there is a big squeeze coming on these stocks, they are currently at a multi-month favorable entry point.
Are we looking at the same GME stocK? Mine has done nothing but go down in price since buying it! Actually, all of my stock has been going down for more than a week now!
What's your ratio of GME to AMC? I have a ratio of 3 GME shares to 1 AMC.
Watching my AMC lose value this week has been hard. This post made me feel much better
AMC is a mystery right now as it has nothing really going for it. It's current price is sus and much of GME holders consider it another distraction attempt like PLTR and CLV were.
When someone pulls the rug out from under it. The Great Depression will look minor in comparison.
I wonder if Lin, with his youtube link, is also making a reference to Detroit (Motown) being the most corrupt rigged elections anywhere in the nation. Those manipulated sniffy Joe numbers must come down!
GME and AMC are taking a beating today, I had to just quit looking.. trying to just HODL and not think about the numbers. Anyone have any hopium for either AMC or GME? Could certainly use a shot right now lol
The price is fake and shorts have not been closed. MOASS regardless of the current price is inevitable. Interestingly enough, Shitadel and friends are said to use psychologists to find ways to demoralize investors as per a post from this investment manager.
Yeah it's just getting tiring wait for the rocket to take off while watching my gains erode every week.
There's nothing left to read that has anything we don't already know by now, meanwhile it's annoying to see the erosion when much of your cost basis is below $100. I can't "just don't look at it" when there's plenty else in the portfolios that needs monitoring so I don't get caught unaware like in the 2020 big dip or 2008.
I look at the opportunity to buy on sale! Getting another share (or more at this rate) of GME next payday.
I may be dumb, but at least I'm also ugly!
You have a sense of humor and for that we love you
Aww, shucks!
<Chews another crayon>
If it makes you feel better I joined the movement LATE!!!! My average in for GME is around 200 and AMC 58. While you are watching ‘gains’ erode, I am watching my investment erode. But, I’m not here for paper handling - I joined a movement and I will not even begin dropping dimes until tens of thousands are being shelled - or I lose it all. HODL the line guys, or sell your shares to me as I’m increasing position all the way down!!!
At this point it's not about the money, it's the principle. I'm holding for a long time, maybe years. We'll see.👍
anons this is what separates the wheat from the chaff. They operate based on money and material wealth while we operate on morality and faith in God and Country. The Lord is with us and we will win. There logically can be no other outcome. The question is how long will it take and what will happen for us to get there.
Oh no it's about money, don't pretend that you're crusading for free.
I recently joined too at a similar price to you.
This is the way to do it. Honestly I think GME will prove to be a steal buying at $1,000.
This. There will be an opportunity for apes to jump onto the rocket ship even after it’s started taking off! Lol
True, it is mentally exhausting (especially remembering the drop to ~ $40 months ago). The lack of information on what's going on doesn't help either, but it'll probably launch on a day we least expect it to anyways aside from all the catalysts coming out very soon.
Sorry dude, I cannot stress how much you need to not be a bitch. The price is manipulated and anything sub $350 is a fucking steal
THIS ^^^
The entire market is an extension of the Cabal's real and only actual power. Which is lying. Fearmongering, sowing FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) sowing FOMO (fear of missing out), pumping and dumping. Muh fundamentals are predictive (predictable?) programming.
Buy something you like. Hold onto it. Go fishin' with your kiddos or go fix that old beat up Ford you been meaning to fix.
I was doing that until crypto took a major dump, just holding until the rebound.
By law, banks and other institutions can’t use crypto as collateral as of May 5th. That’s the real reason for the dump.
It’ll take a while, but all in due time
Yes physical silver should be tier 1. The market is manipulated with all the paper silver
Way to go!
I look at the 2k I had in GME as a donation to a cause. It's a very big chunk of change to me but I have risked more for less possible gains. I haven't even looked at my GME in a few weeks because, to me, it is irrelevant. I will hodl till I can sell one share to get my $ back. Then I hodl until the bubble pops. Sell on the downturn, not when we're gaining steam
Why sell at all for $2k if you’re confident they’ll be a downturn? 😉
Don’t miss out on $30,000,000
Remember that in order to bank $30,000,000/share, someone else actually has to be willing to PAY that much.
I don't think you'll find that happening, even if the hedgies need your shares. I think they're more likely to just declare bankruptcy and walk away.
Not financial advice, obviously, but don't get too stuck on a particular number, or you may be left holding a buncha shares worth zero.
Exactly. Plus, with the millions of shares out there... you can’t force a sale, the hedges can 100% walk away with the SEC on their side. I’m still cautiously looking from the sidelines. I’ve purchased a sizable amount of GME, based on the fact that they have billions in cash right now and won’t be going anywhere soon. So the HFs have lost in that regard. Game Stop will be around for years to come.
Yeah the $XX million/share people are insanely unrealistic and got annoying a long time ago. I say that we're looking at XX thousand at best, still plenty life changing if you're a XXX holder.
I'm holding until $69,420
Bankruptcy doesn’t work lol, that’s what the DTCC is for. If the DTCC goes bankrupt, it’s up to the FED.
Everyone with Diamond hands that can ride it out to the very end will be very very highly compensated
I guess it really depends on how great you think the Great Awakening will be.
If you have faith in third parties, government entities and NGOs to watch out for you and your GME gains, then you have more faith than me.
Don't get me wrong, I have a few dozen GME shares, and I hope they go to the moon, but I don't expect to ever see a cent when MOASS happens.
It’s literally what it’s job is. I mean, literally, this is their entire “job”.
And the FBI's "job" is to investigate "crimes" and arrest "criminals".
And the president's "job" is to protect americans.
And the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors' "job" is to run a clean, trustworthy election.
We live in a world where people just flat out aren't doing their jobs, but DTCC will be different, right?
I know what the DTCC is. You trust it, I don't. Not sure why you feel the need to argue.
GME is manipulated other way. So even when big selloff kicks in it is +xxx % shorted and unwind those position without big long is not possible.
Buy low!
Dump crypto for now...
People will only pull more out when shit hits the fan and their 401Ks and life savings half. Dump it all into GME and re-invest afterwards
Not dumping it at a loss, wallets that are in the red are in ride or die mode now.
Fair enough
Don't watch, just lay back. There are only 2 outcomes, and both were know to the WSB crowd going in. 1, you guys will all own Lambos, or 2, Wall Street crashes, maybe permanently, caused by the apes. Most guys I know that are involved are up for either outcome, and WILL HODL, even if it does go to zero. Imagine having "I crashed Wall Street" on your resume. WRWY, WWG1WGA!
Just what is the stock market? What is a stock? How is it worth anything? Who decides what it's worth? What does the company get, and what does the shareholder get?
These are questions that need to be answered.
My erection is definitely gonna last more then 4 hours when MOASS happens.
Also it would be cool if we could get a strategy post on here on what to do when MOASS takes off.
Kek. Your "election lasting more than 4 hours" comment reminded me of something my old man said when that commercial played on the air. " If I have an erection lasting for 4 hours or more, I'm not seeing the doctor, I'm going to see (name of a particularly attractive woman who lived down the street)!"
Thanks for that.
My plan is to sell in batches so as to maximize my profits. After all is sold I may consider buying some back once the price settles. Also going to load up on physical specie. After that we will need to get a trust lawyer that specializes in high net worth individuals. They can set everything up to maximize tax savings. If this pops before 1 year it’s short term cap gains. If over 1 year it’s long term and a substantially lower tax rate. Then I start my philanthropy.
In your head, when this happens and the market collapses and the stocks squeeze, everything will just continue as normal?
This is what I think is going to happen... the market will crash except for these overly naked shorted stocks which will squeeze. We are either going to have massive inflation or a recession/depression or both. A lot of regular people will be wealthy from the squeeze. I haven’t figured out what will happen to the Fed and fiat. I think this is all going to be pinned on Biden or China then the election will be overturned and trump will be president and he will work to establish the new America. I’m still working it out, for example why are the banks doing the reverse repo nightly to make minuscule amounts of interest while simultaneously not loaning out money and calling their personal lines of credit? There is so much cash from what has been printed over the last couple of years so why is loaning of money so tight?
Good points. A lot of stuff definitely happening behind the scenes.
What do you think is going to happen?
Chaos. Sure people may have whatever from a squeeze but it won’t be worth anything.
That or they just completely break the law and prevent it from happening and screw over retail investors.
They already stole the election this would be in their wheelhouse.
That’s what my husband thinks too. Idk, this is a chance for them to wrangle in some slush fund cash through massive short term gains taxes. But yes I wouldn’t put it past them.
I guess we will see. I am trying to be prepared on all fronts.
Just sell it and buy it back. Take you 5 seconds
My husband and I plan to travel around our state next week buying silver. If you buy more than $10,000 it has to be reported so we're planning to buy from several places.
My husband is also investing in crypto. I know nothing about that but support his decision.
When wives have good husbands, we are blessed too!
I can only access my 401k if I quit my job. I'm tempted to do so.
You can borrow from your 401k. Tax free. You need to be employed though.
You can have silver in a 401k it hast to be certain bars,in a certain vault I belive.
The place to start may be looking for a 401K investing/bullion fact-sheet or info on the main bullion dealer websites you use.
In Australia, the main dealers often have information about services related to investing in physical bullion as part of your superannuation (Aus version of retirement vehicle) on their website.
There is a serious correction coming.
Dead cat bounce.
Dead cats don't bounce on their way up the stairs.
Donald Trump Jr.
Silver Gold and bartering items like small bottles of liquer, personal care items, and first aid items.
if you ever had to start a fire from scratch(kinda pain in the ass), I could see why Bics are like gold.
Yes. Having a few kits for that purpose would be a good investment. They aren't that expensive and tend to last a long time through many uses.
Don't forget your old-school boy scout magnesium scratch-off and spark block...don't know what they are called. But need to get a few...anyone know?
Not sure but a farrow rod and steel work pretty well. I can light a fire in a few seconds with that.
Ferrocerium (Ferro) Rod + Steel for anyone that might want to order one.
Best part of AMC / GME is how many sheep it's waking up to the fact the gov isn't on their side and is completely bought and paid for.
I have 1300 oz of silver xxx shares of gme, and lots of food ammo and supplies.
No doubt I forgot some items,but I'm pretty prepared.
Thinking of borrowing some money from my credit union,and buying more gme.
Dang im jelly. At least I have some of all of these.
Saved ten years of over time,for when I needed it.
Spent it all in the last 6 months.
A true retard, you are.
Sitting on 150oz of silver... gonna buy another 50oz in about one month...remember Q post 2619... gold shall destroy fed. If gold skyrockets... so does silver. Silver is super manipulated... heavily shorted. Based off of inflation since early 1900’s. Gold price should be around 15k and silver around 6k. Buy while you can
It's true, even if the price hadn't changed at all which it has (especially with premiums going up), I still have a feeling of reassurance that it's real, tangible and honest.
What are yall paying for premiums on silver? Any preferences on coins/bars/American/Canadian? I think the idea here would be just to get into silver and not care as much about what it looks like but rather that it is indeed the best quality possible.
Bison bullion sells slices of comex bars,for like 3 dollars over spot or so.
Silver is silver. Expect to sell it at spot price, and typically ASEs sell for a few bucks above.
If you want it for a total economic collapse, get junk silver. If you want it as an investment, find the best price/oz, typically large bars. Brand doesn’t matter. Buy from TRUSTED businesses, not craigslist or marketplace or any seller who doesn’t have a sigma machine.
Well..I have some silver...I've always got the bag part covered. 🤣
Would just buy silver and other commodities. GME and AMC feel like a joke to me but I am an ape.
My GME and AMC - hodling until $69,420. Fuckery be damned. Also, I like shiny white metal so I buy lots of it.
"Got a bag?" Do you mean as in bug-out? Or a bag big enough to carry my gold and silver? :)
I don't have enough money to buy stock. I'm investing in the lottery.
Damn! Lost again! :)
I don't trust crypto, as it's just ones and zeroes on a computer. I've been into computers long enough that everything comes and goes.
I'll just stick with a bag big enough to carry the gold and silver, if I ever have to vacate. I'm old though, so I'll probably never leave this spot.
Bank accounts and money are just ones and zeros on a computer.
Gold and silver are real money. They are not ones and zeroes on a computer. A stockpile of various goods is not ones and zeroes either.
The only other money I stock is copper pennies and nickels for the melt value. Not as valuable as gold and silver, but easier to obtain.
The hedge funds managed to push GME down quite a bit Wednesday.
AMC GME BB CLNE CLOV VXRT DDD. All on sale at incredible discounts. My frens, even if you don't think there is a big squeeze coming on these stocks, they are currently at a multi-month favorable entry point.
Bloated like dead cow
Are we looking at the same GME stocK? Mine has done nothing but go down in price since buying it! Actually, all of my stock has been going down for more than a week now!
What's your ratio of GME to AMC? I have a ratio of 3 GME shares to 1 AMC. Watching my AMC lose value this week has been hard. This post made me feel much better
Thanks fren.
It's your posts that nudged me into buying my first share.
You only REALIZE a loss when you SELL for a loss. Never ever ever ever sell for a loss. Stocks only go up.
The words of someone who's never had a stock go to zero before and see the company liquidated. Happened to me years ago with Molycorp.
I could also fall and break my leg at any point.
Price doesn't matter if you don't sell,the fundamentas of the company are rock solid - gme,I don't know about the movie company.
AMC is a mystery right now as it has nothing really going for it. It's current price is sus and much of GME holders consider it another distraction attempt like PLTR and CLV were.
True,gme is the way.
But I wish all amc frens good luck,it's also massively shorted.
Gosh, now they're going to sacrifice interns to make you sell!
The price is wrong. This feels like it is their last big push to try to demoralize us. The DD is solid, not financial advice/