posted ago by JeanGrey ago by JeanGrey +156 / -2

There are a few people I know who got the Vax who regret it and are NOT arrogant pricks. But people who actually aren't assholes who are vax nuts are few and far between. It wouldn't be so bad if people had a LITTLE humility. But they are SO FRICKEN ARROGANT! They don't listen. Its like theyre aggressively stupid. This is what PISSES me off about them the most. They're just shitty people. They think they're intelligent because they follow TV doctors advice. Ok sorry for the rant. I'm just sick of the arrogance. I love Jesus and I KNOW we are supposed to love these people, but its soooo hard. Uhg. I know I'm preaching to the choir here. Thank God for this site lol.