If Trump appoints a Pfizer lobbyist to head the FDA then I should trust the FDA? This is embarrassingly faulty logic. Trump trusted a lot of people in the last 4 years who betrayed him.
i would suggest that Trump and Q knew these folks were part of the swamp. they were given the chance to change their ways or get caught up in the massive swamp creature dragnet. or so i hope. it seems clear to me that trump appointed many traitors knowingly
POTUS & Q Team have total control of the chessboard. They have raised manipulation of (((them))) to a fine art by maneuvering them into "outing" themselves.
I hope it was knowingly but I will admit their was almost no one loyal to him of ALL his appointees. At a certain point we must also admit Trump is a genius but has blind spots as he does not have 10 hours a day to scroll through gaw and everything
p8riot is right. I for one have never discounted the POSSIBILITY that Trump and Q are not a force for benevolence. An unpopular idea, I know, however, the possibility exists. I will say, that I like and agree with the America first policies and what we are witnessing now with the election audits. I am enjoying the show and waiting for the climax I just hope we are not left with a cliffhanger
In this case you would want to clean house before the election and appoint people you knew had the company's best interest at heart. You would need to provide some reason that taking any incentives of corruption would be detrimental to them.
~~5th Annual Southeast Private-Public Partners Summit on August 3rd. Here is a schedule of events of the Summit & link to page, I noticed on Aug 4th "Supply-Chain Challenges (don't know if that is significant, but I remember people talking about store shelves may become empty so that's why it caught my attention) …
Tuesday, Aug. 3
10:00 - 10:25 a.m.: The Evolution of Private-Public Partnerships in Region 4
10:30 - 11:45 a.m.: Key Takeaways from Private-Public Partnerships
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.: When Short-Notice Events Strike, Will You be Ready?
Wednesday, Aug. 4
10:00 - 11:30 a.m.: Private-Public Partnerships: Supply-Chain Challenges
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.: Cyber Resiliency: Protecting Your Business and Those You Serve
Thursday, Aug. 5
10:00 - 11:30 a.m.: Building Resilient Communities Through Direct and Timely Financial Relief with Accountability
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.: The Future of Private-Public Partnerships
~~This is a link to Fema Emergency Alerts (EAS) & (WEA) on August 11th, under this link is what it says on that page...
FEMA, in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission, will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) this summer.
The national test will consist of two portions, testing WEA and EAS capabilities. Both tests will begin at 2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Aug. 11.
The Wireless Emergency Alert portion of the test will be directed only to consumer cell phones where the subscriber has opted-in to receive test messages. This will be the second nationwide WEA test, but the first nationwide WEA test on a consumer opt-in basis. The test message will display in either English or in Spanish, depending on the language settings of the wireless handset.
The Emergency Alert System portion of the test will be sent to radios and televisions. This will be the sixth nationwide EAS test.
~~Here's another interesting event happening on August 18th...
****Resilience Exchange: Resilient Decision Making
Event Details
Knowing pre-disaster decisions and actions are critical, what resilient decisions can we make now to better prepare for tomorrow? Those decisions can include a myriad of considerations including equity, climate change, budget limitations, stakeholder values, and more. States, localities, tribes, and territories may need to engage in an unideal game of tradeoffs when it comes to selecting what’s prioritized (and what’s not). How do we ensure resilience is a holistic part of the process?
~~Another interesting one on IPAWS (alert system) on Sept. 15th...
FEMA's Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) is excited to announce the inaugural IPAWS Users Conference. Join us on September 15 for a virtual conference aimed at providing Alerting Authorities with the tools and skills needed to create effective alerts and become confident IPAWS users.
Learn more about the IPAWS Lab and its capabilities, best practices for alerting, the associated responsibilities of Alerting Authorities, our upcoming National IPAWS test, and new and emerging technologies in public alerting from IPAWS SMEs, Peers, and Social Scientists.
Full event schedule and registration will be available in July 2021.
How many illegal immigrants have crossed over to America, receiving hotels, airplane rides and debit cards? Will Trump enlarge ICE and get them out? They will change the demographics and fabric of this nation.
Right now, the largest airline carriers are flying in illegal African immigrants for free. Free for them. We're probably footing the bill.
It’s all a movie and easily reversible once Trump is officially reinstated. But he is still commander in chief so the military at least is in good hands.
Q team stated in multiple posts (#4685, 4641, & 4407) that humanity is going to be pushed to the "precipice" or moment of destruction and only then will the sleeping masses finally wake up and find the will to change. I understand your frustration. Many days I, too, don't understand why the US Military can't swoop in yet and stop all of this madness already. But they have told us far in advance when they will, without giving an exact date, of course. And unfortunately we're not at the precipice yet. It's going to continue to get worse by the week until we reach the precipice.
All of those things can be reversed in due time when the Military takes over after 11.3 is activated. Illegals can be rounded up and arrested/sent back, businesses will return to stronger than ever before when humanity is united for the first time in history after the mass arrests. Plus where we're going with the new economy, we're going to have trillions of dollars (or new equivalent dollars) redistributed to our citizens via the GameStop wealth transfer and Gesara/Nesara. Deep State already has cures for every disease in existence. Trump and the US Military will have a way to reverse the poisonous effects of the injection when the time comes. Q team said 4-6% won't make it to the finish line unfortunately. That's just something we have to accept. Never forget we are in the greatest WAR in the history of mankind. God bless. WWG1WGA!
The military is currently about to force my own brothers to get the vaccine while they teach how Pepe is a hate symbol. This doesn’t quite give me confidence.
Or, your managers were all in open mutiny against you for your entire term in office, and they allowed the other guy to cheat, and willingly submitted to him and his ill gotten office.
Yeah, I just don't think it's a good idea. It's covert and it relies on lies and deceit to be effective. Our Lord God specifically commanded us no not engage in this style of behavior. Moreover, it reinforces the notion of Government control over the people, not People's control over government.
the original text actually uses a word more closely translated as "murder" than "kill". "Thou shalt not commit premeditated murder" is different than "Thou shalt not kill in self defense". Not a biblical scholar, but my 2 cents.
I am unconvinced of anything and do not trust anyone online or on the internet saying anything. None of us should... It is quite possible that there is a Plan and that they are working on it, but it's also quite possible that there is no Plan and it was all just to keep us quiet and not fighting back as long as they could. Simply logic. I wish I knew which was true... Of course, there could be other choices as well, not just those two!
Where did the Superbowl winners go? Did Biden take them to a restaurant and then to take photos outside of the White House? Were they admitted into the White House? I know there are a couple of Castle Rocks here now. Tyler Perry's White House looks pretty authentic, but it's 20% smaller than the real thing.
Whoever Biden is, HE'S GONE. Falls down stairs, can't walk, can't stand up straight, can't speak, can't stop himself from perving on children, can't remember ANYTHING and eats his own boogers off his face.
Makes total sense, which is exactly what I've been saying over at Patriots.win. I said I think this had to be done because if President Trump accuses Bidet of cheating PRIOR to the election or making the attempt to cheat, he will not have proof.
This is also why the Supreme Courts told him and his legal team that they had zero standing because where's the proof? They had to come up with proof, hence the audits because if the courts said, "Oh yeah totally, Bidet did cheat so yeah we will rule in your favor" with light evidence (even if it's obvious) then NeverDrumpf'ers will riot everywhere saying it was a fix.
Now with the audits underway, we will have more than "light" evidence of Bidet cheating, to the point where it will be irrefutable then the Supreme Courts will gladly retake the cases and review the evidence. Then that will turn into them ruling the whole election null and void, or award the victory to President Trump.
I know it's a painful process but it just had to be done to EXPOSE everything they've been doing as of late to the sheeples so they will realize it's genuine, real and they cannot deny any one bit of it. That's another reason why I haven't ruled the Supreme courts out just yet.
Please don't forget we are at WAR. There isn't peace and love going on behind the scenes. Soldiers/Operators are fighting and dying in the deep underground bases/bunkers/cities so us digital soldiers have the privilege to type away on our keyboards in relative safety. The Deep State is attacking the World on all fronts. Q team already told us 4-6% of the World isn't going to make it to the finish line unfortunately. Hundreds of millions will die, not just from Covid/Injections, but all the other diseases that are far worse like Cancer, Heart disease, etc. and all other fallout from this WAR. The other alternative was 90%+ of the World dying if the Deep State got their way. Make no mistake Divine Intervention took place to get us to where we're at right now. It's brutal but that's War for you. Never forget God wins in the end no matter how bleak it may look. God Bless my fellow Patriots. WWG1WGA!
Both my kids got the jab because their mother told them they had to get it. She has a mix of liberal & conservative opinions, but was convinced by THE MEDIA that this was a deadly disease and everyone needed to be vaxxed. This was done before I even had a chance to say anything, as our custody agreement allows either parent to approve medical procedures without consulting the other parent. There are plenty of innocent folks out there who have been tricked into taking this shit.
The hell they’re not. EVERYONE that I know that voted for Trump except for myself and two others took the shots. These are all good people. But if there is no other way to save this nation then so be it.
What if some of the 10 managers are corrupt?
This is where Q comes in.
this. the black v. white simplicity is its own intellectual trap.
Agreed; another clever and subtle slavery device of division and separation.
If Trump trusts the managers, I trust the managers.
If Trump appoints a Pfizer lobbyist to head the FDA then I should trust the FDA? This is embarrassingly faulty logic. Trump trusted a lot of people in the last 4 years who betrayed him.
i would suggest that Trump and Q knew these folks were part of the swamp. they were given the chance to change their ways or get caught up in the massive swamp creature dragnet. or so i hope. it seems clear to me that trump appointed many traitors knowingly
THIS 👆 u/SocratesKnowsNothing
POTUS & Q Team have total control of the chessboard. They have raised manipulation of (((them))) to a fine art by maneuvering them into "outing" themselves.
These people are stupid.
I hope it was knowingly but I will admit their was almost no one loyal to him of ALL his appointees. At a certain point we must also admit Trump is a genius but has blind spots as he does not have 10 hours a day to scroll through gaw and everything
Or something like friends close, enemies closer.
Would anyone see? Hell, it has been laid out so beautifully and transparently and still many argue.
Stop focusing on Trump! Pay attention to what they are doing around him.
I used to agree, but Barr, Sessions, . The list goes on with many backstabbers and traitors...
TRUST Sessions.
p8riot is right. I for one have never discounted the POSSIBILITY that Trump and Q are not a force for benevolence. An unpopular idea, I know, however, the possibility exists. I will say, that I like and agree with the America first policies and what we are witnessing now with the election audits. I am enjoying the show and waiting for the climax I just hope we are not left with a cliffhanger
In this case you would want to clean house before the election and appoint people you knew had the company's best interest at heart. You would need to provide some reason that taking any incentives of corruption would be detrimental to them.
Devolution series by Patel Patriot
Oddly enough, I think the US is divided into ten FEMA districts..
Why, yes, it is....hmmm...
There was some talk of Fema a while back...something about their supreme power during an emergency😕
That’s how we know Trump is still in charge. If Biden was, we’d all be in FEMA concentration camps by now.
Just thought I'd share a little from my region for Fema.
I would be in Region 4...
~~Gracia B. Szczech
Regional Administrator
Appointed in February 2015.
~~Robert Samaan
Deputy Regional Administrator
Prior to becoming the Deputy Regional Administrator in April 2014
~~Alabama, on this page it shows events ...
~~5th Annual Southeast Private-Public Partners Summit on August 3rd. Here is a schedule of events of the Summit & link to page, I noticed on Aug 4th "Supply-Chain Challenges (don't know if that is significant, but I remember people talking about store shelves may become empty so that's why it caught my attention) …
****Event Details
Tuesday, Aug. 3 10:00 - 10:25 a.m.: The Evolution of Private-Public Partnerships in Region 4 10:30 - 11:45 a.m.: Key Takeaways from Private-Public Partnerships 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.: When Short-Notice Events Strike, Will You be Ready?
Wednesday, Aug. 4 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.: Private-Public Partnerships: Supply-Chain Challenges 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.: Cyber Resiliency: Protecting Your Business and Those You Serve
Thursday, Aug. 5 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.: Building Resilient Communities Through Direct and Timely Financial Relief with Accountability 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.: The Future of Private-Public Partnerships
~~This is a link to Fema Emergency Alerts (EAS) & (WEA) on August 11th, under this link is what it says on that page...
****The IPAWS National Test
Event Details
FEMA, in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission, will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) this summer.
The national test will consist of two portions, testing WEA and EAS capabilities. Both tests will begin at 2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Aug. 11.
The Wireless Emergency Alert portion of the test will be directed only to consumer cell phones where the subscriber has opted-in to receive test messages. This will be the second nationwide WEA test, but the first nationwide WEA test on a consumer opt-in basis. The test message will display in either English or in Spanish, depending on the language settings of the wireless handset.
The Emergency Alert System portion of the test will be sent to radios and televisions. This will be the sixth nationwide EAS test.
~~Here's another interesting event happening on August 18th...
****Resilience Exchange: Resilient Decision Making
Event Details
Knowing pre-disaster decisions and actions are critical, what resilient decisions can we make now to better prepare for tomorrow? Those decisions can include a myriad of considerations including equity, climate change, budget limitations, stakeholder values, and more. States, localities, tribes, and territories may need to engage in an unideal game of tradeoffs when it comes to selecting what’s prioritized (and what’s not). How do we ensure resilience is a holistic part of the process?
~~Another interesting one on IPAWS (alert system) on Sept. 15th...
****The IPAWS Users Conference
Event Details
FEMA's Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) is excited to announce the inaugural IPAWS Users Conference. Join us on September 15 for a virtual conference aimed at providing Alerting Authorities with the tools and skills needed to create effective alerts and become confident IPAWS users.
Learn more about the IPAWS Lab and its capabilities, best practices for alerting, the associated responsibilities of Alerting Authorities, our upcoming National IPAWS test, and new and emerging technologies in public alerting from IPAWS SMEs, Peers, and Social Scientists.
Full event schedule and registration will be available in July 2021.
It is.
How many illegal immigrants have crossed over to America, receiving hotels, airplane rides and debit cards? Will Trump enlarge ICE and get them out? They will change the demographics and fabric of this nation.
Right now, the largest airline carriers are flying in illegal African immigrants for free. Free for them. We're probably footing the bill.
When Trump comes back, THEY NEED TO GO.
It’s all a movie and easily reversible once Trump is officially reinstated. But he is still commander in chief so the military at least is in good hands.
Operation Wetback.
Q team stated in multiple posts (#4685, 4641, & 4407) that humanity is going to be pushed to the "precipice" or moment of destruction and only then will the sleeping masses finally wake up and find the will to change. I understand your frustration. Many days I, too, don't understand why the US Military can't swoop in yet and stop all of this madness already. But they have told us far in advance when they will, without giving an exact date, of course. And unfortunately we're not at the precipice yet. It's going to continue to get worse by the week until we reach the precipice.
All of those things can be reversed in due time when the Military takes over after 11.3 is activated. Illegals can be rounded up and arrested/sent back, businesses will return to stronger than ever before when humanity is united for the first time in history after the mass arrests. Plus where we're going with the new economy, we're going to have trillions of dollars (or new equivalent dollars) redistributed to our citizens via the GameStop wealth transfer and Gesara/Nesara. Deep State already has cures for every disease in existence. Trump and the US Military will have a way to reverse the poisonous effects of the injection when the time comes. Q team said 4-6% won't make it to the finish line unfortunately. That's just something we have to accept. Never forget we are in the greatest WAR in the history of mankind. God bless. WWG1WGA!
The military is currently about to force my own brothers to get the vaccine while they teach how Pepe is a hate symbol. This doesn’t quite give me confidence.
First question the 5th grader will ask: Why? Why is it necessary to do this plan, why not just shut down the cheating ceo after he cheats?
Because the cheating ceo is an evil person, and by catching him we can make sure he’s executed for treason by a military tribunal.
You didn't respond to their question. We could do that NOW. We could do that YESTERDAY. There's no need to wait any longer at this point...
Because some people's feelings will be hurt and we need to make sure 💯% of people are on board
Proof would be more convincing.
Or, your managers were all in open mutiny against you for your entire term in office, and they allowed the other guy to cheat, and willingly submitted to him and his ill gotten office.
Military was always the only way.
Yeah, I just don't think it's a good idea. It's covert and it relies on lies and deceit to be effective. Our Lord God specifically commanded us no not engage in this style of behavior. Moreover, it reinforces the notion of Government control over the people, not People's control over government.
God also says do not kill, but if there was no Q plan, you would've had people killing each other in DC.
This plan follows the Law of War, not our personal interpretations of the Bible.
the original text actually uses a word more closely translated as "murder" than "kill". "Thou shalt not commit premeditated murder" is different than "Thou shalt not kill in self defense". Not a biblical scholar, but my 2 cents.
So long as Trump is reinstated, We The People shouldn’t be too picky about how it happens.
In case you haven't noticed, there's a time limit on how long you guys can say shit like that, and we've reached that limit.
Is Devolution and "The Plan" the same thing?
A part. "The Plan" has many different phases and components.
Maybe, maybe not. We are chalk talking g most of this. Getting much close.
This will be the ultimate test for the military. Whether or not they have the integrity and honor to abide by their oath.
If they don’t, they know the consequences.
I am unconvinced of anything and do not trust anyone online or on the internet saying anything. None of us should... It is quite possible that there is a Plan and that they are working on it, but it's also quite possible that there is no Plan and it was all just to keep us quiet and not fighting back as long as they could. Simply logic. I wish I knew which was true... Of course, there could be other choices as well, not just those two!
I am in this same mindset, but it is hard for me to imagine Trump going so far with feeding the people with hope, if there is nothing behind it.
Yes, that's why I am not completely despondent...
It certainly does. God Bless the military!!
Not the best analogy.
Show me the proof this is wishful thinking and plus even if he gets “back in” does that mean he gets to serve extra the time he got cheated?
Basically Biden is just a studio gangster?
Studio President.
Where did the Superbowl winners go? Did Biden take them to a restaurant and then to take photos outside of the White House? Were they admitted into the White House? I know there are a couple of Castle Rocks here now. Tyler Perry's White House looks pretty authentic, but it's 20% smaller than the real thing.
Whoever Biden is, HE'S GONE. Falls down stairs, can't walk, can't stand up straight, can't speak, can't stop himself from perving on children, can't remember ANYTHING and eats his own boogers off his face.
Makes total sense, which is exactly what I've been saying over at Patriots.win. I said I think this had to be done because if President Trump accuses Bidet of cheating PRIOR to the election or making the attempt to cheat, he will not have proof.
This is also why the Supreme Courts told him and his legal team that they had zero standing because where's the proof? They had to come up with proof, hence the audits because if the courts said, "Oh yeah totally, Bidet did cheat so yeah we will rule in your favor" with light evidence (even if it's obvious) then NeverDrumpf'ers will riot everywhere saying it was a fix.
Now with the audits underway, we will have more than "light" evidence of Bidet cheating, to the point where it will be irrefutable then the Supreme Courts will gladly retake the cases and review the evidence. Then that will turn into them ruling the whole election null and void, or award the victory to President Trump.
I know it's a painful process but it just had to be done to EXPOSE everything they've been doing as of late to the sheeples so they will realize it's genuine, real and they cannot deny any one bit of it. That's another reason why I haven't ruled the Supreme courts out just yet.
Good enough. Devolution or Bust.
Whats a corporation??? Lmfao
OMG wasn’t there an episode of the Office like this!?!
Michael let Dwight become manager for a bit!
This is so not going to work.
Except for the thousands of sick illegals being let into the country.
Please don't forget we are at WAR. There isn't peace and love going on behind the scenes. Soldiers/Operators are fighting and dying in the deep underground bases/bunkers/cities so us digital soldiers have the privilege to type away on our keyboards in relative safety. The Deep State is attacking the World on all fronts. Q team already told us 4-6% of the World isn't going to make it to the finish line unfortunately. Hundreds of millions will die, not just from Covid/Injections, but all the other diseases that are far worse like Cancer, Heart disease, etc. and all other fallout from this WAR. The other alternative was 90%+ of the World dying if the Deep State got their way. Make no mistake Divine Intervention took place to get us to where we're at right now. It's brutal but that's War for you. Never forget God wins in the end no matter how bleak it may look. God Bless my fellow Patriots. WWG1WGA!
The innocents aren’t being vaxxed. Don’t confuse communist sheep with innocents.
Both my kids got the jab because their mother told them they had to get it. She has a mix of liberal & conservative opinions, but was convinced by THE MEDIA that this was a deadly disease and everyone needed to be vaxxed. This was done before I even had a chance to say anything, as our custody agreement allows either parent to approve medical procedures without consulting the other parent. There are plenty of innocent folks out there who have been tricked into taking this shit.
Praying for your kids & you. 🙏
The hell they’re not. EVERYONE that I know that voted for Trump except for myself and two others took the shots. These are all good people. But if there is no other way to save this nation then so be it.
not saying its happening for a fact but seems logical to me.