I think I will. While telling them how we got to this place. Explain that they must question everything and think for themselves. Tell them that freedom is never free.
They are 11 & 9. What are your thoughts?
I think I will. While telling them how we got to this place. Explain that they must question everything and think for themselves. Tell them that freedom is never free.
They are 11 & 9. What are your thoughts?
Probably not.
Innocence is beautiful, and sane and decent people protect it.
But I’ve lost mine, so I’ll damn sure be watching. I hope they let the home audience vote on the means of execution.
Forget voting, I hope they pick lucky winners from the home audience to pull the lever / switch / trigger.
Honestly my 14yo is emotionally ready to watch from a distance. His 10yo little brother talks a big game, but no, not ready.
Well with all the Pedos that will die, I'd say that we are protecting innocence.
I've always thought it funny the lies we tell kids, even as a kid it felt off to me.
Well hell no. That is something that would traumize even some adults. In fact kids should be forbidden to watch. Adults on the other hand should get their choice.
I will choose to watch. I wouldn't bat an eye at watching these evil POS get what they deserve.
Exactly. I will let my husband watch and confirm that it was done. He will want to see. I don't want those images in my mind or in the mind's of any children.
Would you give them the choice? Would you tell them what happened if they didn't want to watch it?
For the record, I would tell my 10 year old what happened, I just would not let him watch it.
I would set a cut off age, probably eighteen. Those under that age would not get a choice.
It would be taught in every history book and to the end of time exactly what happened who was executed and why.
If the stories of all the rescued children are true we are going to have our hands full of traumatized kids as it is without creating more. Death is not a fucking video game and this society needs to stop turning out people that think it is.
Fuck you, and thats putting it mildly. I was asking for input not insults.
So now that we fucked can we be friends?
Ya sure lol.
Hey, fren. Nice to meet you.
I think it would seriously traumatize them. Seeing stuff like this leaves a mark, no matter who you are. It takes different events for people to get PTSD but this could definitely produce such a trauma, even for adults. You can tell them about it if you want to include them and then they will be able to watch it if they want when they're older and their minds have matured more.
I am very squeamish to INNOCENT people dying. I can't watch it. It makes me want to puke.
That being said. I take great pleasure in watching evil people die. I love seeing terrorists blown to bits.
I'm so jaded I wanted to hear others thoughts on it. Thank you for the input.
make them? never, but such things would always be available afterwords as something to give to our politicians and whatever newage bad political movement to remind them where corruption leads
No absolutely not. That's what ISIS did, what the Taliban did and what the Nazis did. Are we on the same level now? I'm 100% for punishment of crime but I don't believe making children watch. Most children wouldn't even understand and how would that affect their view on society, let alone the trauma they would carry from that. I've seen a lot of shit I wish I could unsee, those memories don't just go away though. Protect the innocent, especially children.
Thank you you the input. I'm now thinking it might be a mistake. Like someone else say, it will be there for later in life.
I disagree. In my experience, some will be traumatized to the extent that they are too afraid to repeat the mistakes but some will also become desensitized. There are those that think they are smarter than their fore fathers and many that really couldn't give a shit. Education doesn't need to be traumatization. Every child has seen war on the news or read reports and yet we still have wars. More important for our children is that we stop all this woke bullshit, critical race bullshit and all the gender and LGBT bullshit being taught in schools.
We need to stop the indoctrination of our children and teach them to be proud and patriotic.
Stop the woke bullshit! "Proud and Patriotic" Just like I was raised to be!
Holy false equivalency Batman!
Public executions should be by lethal injection of the Covid vaccines.
Give each person 5 injections in one day. Let's see how "safe and effective" the vax really is. Most of them would live less than 48-hours.
Oh wow, that would open some eyes.
Why not?
I have. More than once. It's traumatic. I don't blame you for taking that stance.
The down voters don't have children and don't remember what it was like to be one.
Sacrificing our children in any way - their innocence, their health, their peace - does not serve our cause now or in future.
Kids can learn morality and can understand the importance of justice without witnessing executions. I did.
TV violence is blunted. Seeing someone die for real on TV is harder. It's much worse to see it happen in real life.
You got an up vote from me.
I feel you on the explaining stuff you wish you didn't have to.
Yes we’ve been watching people die for the last two years while they are rioting in the streets. We’ve been live streaming people dying for years. Maybe it’s not the same when you’re right there, but we’ve been watching people getting the crap beat out of them, stabbed, shot, run over by cars, better desperate two by fours, drug by cars in the streets. There’s been so many senseless murders on the name of politics. I would be more than happy to see somebody die who deserves it for the crimes they have committed.
The point is… Is that children have been watching people dying live stream, on the Internet, for the last two years. It’s happening already. At least if it was due to a punishment instead of a senseless killing, it may make more sense to a child. Kids need to know that there are consequences to your actions. The problem is people don’t have consequences anymore because they’re all some type of protected class. Kids definitely need to learn that if somebody murder somebody, and they get the death penalty, that’s OK. That’s the consequences to a persons actions. I’m pretty sure most of the kids in America currently have seen at least one person die live on TV, on a lifestream, on the news, etc. I don’t have kids at this point in time mine are full grown. I would really have to think about it. But I would rather have them see something like that with me explaining what is occurring, and have them see a senseless killing on the news and not understand it at all.
Well you gotta point. If my daughter was younger, I am sure I would feel that way too.
Maybe he is a based 11yo?
My kids will probably record it so they can watch the executions over again.
Kek, got some good little patriots there!
I won't make my kid watch. He's too young. Kids are empathetic. All they will see is something that looks like a human being put to death, and it will scare the living hell out of them. They cannot comprehend what these people did to deserve such a fate.
I, on the other hand, will watch. For certain scumbags, I will watch it 100 times on a loop and laugh my ass off. I am not proud of feeling that way. However, these fucking people have caused so much worldwide misery for decades ... possibly centuries. Laughing at their demise is my way of saying "Rest in Piss, worthless fuckers" to their face.
These DS fuckers need a lot of people laughing at them when they're removed from the planet. These people sent soldiers into battle to fight wars for all of the wrong reasons. A good friend of mine is a Vietnam Vet (25 years older than me, but that don't matter). He was fine, mentally, for most of his life after the war. However, he started to suffer a mental breakdown related to Vietnam about a month after he retired. What a gift when you hit 70 years old, huh? I blame that solely on the DS. I pray that, should these people be brought to justice, that Veterans like my friend get a modicum of solace knowing that the true criminals were brought to justice, and that the filth in the media that worked to break our troops souls coming home from combat all over the planet were the true criminals.
Moreover, these people have done everything they can to have us kill one another for the most petty of differences ... like race, sex, religious beliefs. If you can't see that they're trying to start a civil war, I don't know what else they could do short of displaying "START KILLING EACH OTHER NOW" on TV. They view us as animals. I view them as garbage that needs to be incinerated. The world they wanted to make for my son ... all because these fucking despicable pieces of shit want slaves to preserve their ridiculous lifestyles ... is horrific ... and we haven't experienced so much as 1/10th of 1% of what they have in store for ourselves and future generations!!
There's one thing I rarely see discussed outside of Q's 4-6% "lost forever" comment. When this is over, there will still be millions of true believers. I knew quite a few liberals. I think many of them will wake up. I'll be happy to take them back into my life if they want that (things will never be the same though ... not after some of the shit I've seen them say). However, I am almost positive a few are going to resort to terrorist-like tactics ... not so much directly, but they'll almost certainly support any Antifa remnants that are going to cause problems. Part of the plan has to be addressing that problem. There are going to be millions, despite all evidence, that think that this is all made up. Remember, liberalism is a religion to many of these people. Remain vigilant, and do what you have to do if you encounter them. Trust but verify is going to be a BIG part of cleaning up this mess those fucking ingrates have made.
Sorry to go off topic and ramble ...
It wasn't off topic. The last paragraph read to me as "Mamas don't let your children grow up to be liberals"
Push your friend to see go to the VA for a PTSD claim. It's hard to get Vets to try but it is worth it when it works. I know their playbook.
I should make a post about the VA playbook sometime.
I highly doubt we will have public executions. Back in the days they did and people came from far and wide to watch.
My gf and I have always said they should go back to those days. I / we believe it sends a signal ... BS isn't accepted in these parts Hoss .
I'm thinking if the military is involved there is a pretty good chance it will happen (public observations).
Not sure if they would allow it to be televised though. If they do, I think my kids need to see the seriousness of what happened, life isn't a video game or 1 minute tik-tok skit.
These walking demons wanted to exterminate us.
This is a good point. They may actually allow people via lottery attend as witnesses. Doesn’t there have to be a witness when somebody from death row dies. I think people would sign up for a lottery for sure.
Like how many people would buy lottery tickets to watch Hillary Clinton, Obama, the bushes, and all the pedophiles.
Can't wait for Trump to announce where to sign up!
It would be the most essential Civics Lesson of all time. Children certainly knew of the American Revolution, and children living during and after the Civil War knew what and why things were happening as they did. Same with WWI and WWII, children were learning valuable lessons.
So yes, if there are to be executions for treason, the entire American populace needs to see them, including children.
I think many will disappear and diminish from the public eye to random suicides, failed health, “accidents” etc.
But please Q commence the purge.
My kid is is almost 40. She can decide to watch on her own or not. But if she were 12 or under... definitely NOT.
I think you are the best judge of who your kids are. I’ll make sure if it happens I’ll have a recording and a small history lesson to go with it when they get old enough. It would be interesting if schools would show it in the future.
I’d definitely let my 17yo son, I’d probably let my two teenaged daughters, but I would not let my little ones
I going to order the DVD and the Blu-Ray
This is a GREAT thread, with GREAT responses. My child is too young for it to even be an option, so I hadn't thought about it.
Reading the replies, and applying what I know about how any traumatization effects developing brains, I'm leaning hard towards no. It's simply not worth the risk or loss of innocence. In fact, it may cause more harm than good in a certain non-negligible percentage of the young - mostly those with "bad" parents who are already well on their way to desensitization and/or sociopathy.
I didn't need to watch Nuremberg to know it's ramifications. The footage will be available. Frank discussions with parents and healthy conversations in a classroom setting are probably best. I suspect even the crappiest teachers will open their eyes to the truth once the shoes swing on air.
Again, great OP. NCSWIC.
Thank you for the input.
I've always talked frankly with my kids. I tell them things that other parents don't. I believe we are very far from "bad" parents, so they aren't desensitized to things but understand them for what they are. Well as best as they can.
We are a military family so they have a deeper understanding than most snowflakes.
I've decided that I won't make them watch. I'll explain what happened and why it needed to happen. If my oldest wants asks, with out prompting, then I will let him. He has a better grasp on things than my youngest.
That is a little extreme.
Do not force your children to watch violence and murders Thats the kind of sick shit only a liberal would do.
It's not murder. It's an execution. There is a big difference, is there not?
I live in along a major corridor for Human Trafficking. Based on the comments I see from others, it's not something only a liberal would do...
Thank you for the input, this is what I was asking for to further my thought process.
FUCK NO!!!!!!!
If this isn't your knee-jerk reaction you should sit your ass down and have a long hard think...
You shouldn't necessarily keep them from it if they come to watch it on their own but making them.............................
Well if the left can cut their kids dicks off and force them to take hormone blockers - then watching a public hanging is not so bad!
I think we should still have public hangings. I guarantee crime a would drop!
Good point.
Public broadcasts of every channel would be good and then following the invasion of China!
I'll adopt a kid to watch. Thats how important it is.
It needs to be seen by all. The kids need to see it so they understand the consequences of betrayal and evil.
IMO If there are public executions, I think there is a better chance it traumatizes them than helps them. What are the positives to them watching it? especially at that age. What are the positives of anyone watching people be killed?
My thoughts are go for it - either these traitors will be hung, shot or gas chambered. None of it would be so grotesque that an 11 or 9 year old couldn't handle it. I mean, they're your kids, use your discretion of course, but I will have my son watch it if we should be so fortunate to have these bastards pay for what they've done, and restore order to our great country. I'd call that a PG event. Just make sure they understand why it's happening, and that's a lesson they'll never forget.
I would. My kids are wide awake, but i want them to really see.
I wanna make my kids do the shooting.
Maybe not live. Will there be a highlights reel?
Oh of course there will be a highlights reel. This will be the new Rick Roll from the Right to the Left!
That's correct, see most of these people here are being too soft or delusional when it comes down to this stuff. Yes it sounds brutal and unnecessary but if there's no showing of what happens to people that have committed serious crimes against humanity and other downright forms of malevolence, if no one sees what the repercussions would be for those who have done such.
In a way this will have an effect on their viewpoints and outlooks later on down their lives, should they ever get the idea that no one shouldn't be facing severe punishment or retaliation if the perpetrator is found guilty of committing heinous offenses.
This will cause demoralization to themselves and weaken their morality, to put it like this. You won't have a righteous people who know what's really right from wrong, in fact you'll get multitudes of utter corrupt filth and a people that will disgust with their illogical viewpoints and mindsets.
Overall you'll not want this to ever happen to your next generations of children and grandchildren, otherwise you would be guilty of things that you would deeply regret.
I think it depends on the age and maturity of the child as well. A mature 16 year old might be able to see something like that and process it in a way an immature or sensitive 18 year old could not. You can apply this to all people really. Some of us don't have - or want to develop - the stomach for this sort of thing and that doesn't make us any less patriotic or protective of freedoms. I can acknowledge and support the necessity for law and order and justice without celebrating the fact that someone, however guilty, will lose their life.
The question was about making children watch live executions. I don't know that the children of the world need (or would achieve) closure by witnessing these events. Some of us can believe without seeing. For those who need to see, hopefully they are able to watch.
My kid will beg me to watch PayPerView telecasts.
If I still had minors in the home, I definitely would with lots of discussion and explanation. They need to be imprinted on how horrific what happened in their country was so that they teach their children and their children teach their children, etc
That's the only way Biden could draw a crowd.