Genocide - 58% of Infant Deaths Reported to VAERS Occurred Within 3 Days of Vaccination
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I believe this is for all the childhood shots. SIDS is actually VIDS (vaccine induced death syndrome). The rest die within two weeks to six months. SIDS lines up with the infant schedule, with spikes at birth, two four six, etc months of age. And with an increasing number of shots given in the toddler years there has been a spike in childhood deaths clustered around shots as well.
The big tell is that babies are just dropping dead and the establishment is content to write them off as SIDS, with absolutely no personal or professional curiosity to get to the bottom of these deaths.
And yet, if you were to kill someone, you better believe the government will spare no expense, and leave no stone unturned, until they can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that YOU did it.
But if you kill someone with a vaccine, there will never be any investigation or follow up.
Nobody asking “how can we prevent this from happening again?”
Nope. SIDS is a risk the vaccine establishment is willing to take, to push their vaccines on every kid on earth
I have read that SIDS might also be linked to formulated "milk." Mothers who do not breast feed but instead use infant formula are generally the ones who have infants die of SIDS. Makes sense.
Both the vaccines and formula feeding lines up with the death of my daughter(she passed in 1995). I would NEVER allow them to poke any of my immediate family with this evil mark!! I intend to find out which caused her death and then I will pursue them lawfully until I beat them or die trying… I will have no mercy for these evil monsters… none whatsoever. Thank you for bringing this to light for me… I never even considered it. Hugs fren and God bless you 😊
Heavy metals. They are in high doses in the vaccines and in lower but still alarming rates in formula.
The women I know who have dead babies from SIDS...all breastfed. I think it's a B1 deficiency.
Yes right you are.
Look into the connection between B1 deficiency and SIDS.
Its not the clotshot. Its all of the other vaccines we give our precious children. This statistic has been hidden for so long. We will see the correlation from SIDS to vaccines shortly. Thats a difficult pill to swallow.
All of this has led me to go down the vaccine rabbit hole, and I am NOT fucking vaccinating my babies when the time comes. I went from “reduced, spread out schedule” to fucccccck no.
Make sure your partner is 100% on the same page as you. Too many cases of angry exs going to court in order to force vaccinate the kids. Courts always side with the pro vax parent. Always.
My husband respects my views and is open-minded. Showing him data like this will be sufficient to get him on board, thankfully!
Good!! 🙏🏻
I only wish I was red pulled sooner on vax. “Luckily” my kid only ended up with alopecia (and not autism or worse) which kicked in after all the shots. If only I knew then what I know now.
I never vaccinated my kids and they are perfectly healthy. Watch for the pro vax pediatricians that visit you in the hospital and make sure you let them know in the forms. Also no covid test, they put nano particles in there.
Same here, my first child is due in November. My lady and I are 100% on the same page.
These parents don't know until they know. The government was trusted with vaccines and anything outside the narrative has always been censored. You know these parents are told their kids will die without the vaccines. Thank God the information is getting out there. Praise Jesus I never vaccinated my beautiful little lady. My heart is devastated for the lost children over the years.
Yes my daughter is incredibly healthy too. So freaking smart. Or; normal? My cousins all vaccinated their kids. It breaks my heart. I wish they could have seen what I saw. There is a difference. I loath Satan and his evil tricks. I am angry with the people who make and distribute the poison, then sensor the affects. They are who I pray will go to hell. The parents who will come to regret their decisions are also victims in their own ways. I can’t imagine a mommy who carried their baby for 9 months would willfully want to poison their little angel.
Beware of the GARDASIL (Papillomavirus) 9-valent Vaccine. Seems very suspicious that they want young teens (boys and girls) to get it just as puberty is kicking in.
I hope I'm wrong, but do your own research.
Its doing a lot of damage to girls and boys. Many reported cases of maiming, infertility, epilepsy, and even death. I was talked into taking it by my school nurse against my parents wishes when I was a teenager. This was back in like 2008? They didn’t need parental permission to administer it
OMG. That's criminal!
Praying you and everyone else don't suffer from their actions.
100%. I’ve been telling people SIDS is a result of vaccines. They look shocked.
Yes it is
This is between 1990 and 2019, so the clot shot isn't included in the data. But I'm 100% sure there are millions of people that will give their babies the covid vaccine as soon as it gets full approval.
Good question. I thought there was nothing for this age group. Perhaps it's from those who signed their babies up for the experimental group. IDK.
Pre covid study.
Anyone watching cable news
They vaccinate every baby for Hep B on the day they are born, regardless of Hep B status of the mother.
The quack reasoning is that the Hep B tests might give a false negative, so its best to err on the side of vaccination, rather than fixing their unreliable Hep B tests
Author Neil Z. Miller found that out of a total of 2,605 infant deaths reported to VAERS between 1990 and 2019, 58% occurred within three days of vaccination, and 78% occurred within seven days of vaccination.
This is the regular childhood vaccine schedule. It was when SIDS started happening big time after they stacked more stuff on the schedule, you started hearing "back to sleep" propaganda. So if your baby died in their sleep, you got asked, did they sleep on their back? Before that, you were told to make them sleep on their stomachs so they wouldn't choke on spit up. So many parents feel guilty and have no idea their kid was poisoned.
I remember this. I was put on my stomach to sleep, as was my next sibling. The baby of our clan was put on her side, because my mother didn’t trust “back is best” as stomach sleeping worked just fine for me & the other kids. She’s always been a wise one.
It's not just death. Think about all the mental disabilities children are diagnosed with nowadays too. 1 in 40 have autism and that number increases every few years. Idiot parents still line their children up for their scheduled shots because they are weak and conform when put on the spot by their doctors or they never think that vaccine damage can happen to their little ones.
Yup I never went to school with anyone that had Autism and all of a sudden I would say from 2006 - 2007 to the present I hear there's Autism daycare's, the quote "My child has autism", to there being 4 autistic children in each classroom. its quite bizarre.
The only disability we had in our classroom was a girl that was brain damaged. then a few grades below a kid with down-syndrome and a few kids with learning difficulties.
I listed to an interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. a while back, and he said that autism was 1 in 10,000 children before Pharma received their non-liability law (aka license to legally kill and injure). Now that they can't be held liable the number of vaccines has skyrocketed (I believe it's now something like 62 by the time you're a teenager) and now autism is insanely prevalent, affecting 1 in 38 children.
One of my biggest hopes of this great awakening, in addition to defeating the DS and NWO, is that the public is made aware of the danger of vaccines.
A few years ago (pre-scamdemic) when my wife was pregnant we saw a PA who was filling in for her normal OBGYN. The PA asked if we wanted a flu shot to which we politely declined. PA responds with “Well you know the only people who die from the flu are pregnant women and babies.” The whole staff and waiting room heard my response.
Yeah we switched to a midwife and I’m banned from ever setting foot in that place again.
Fast forward a few months postpartum, we ask pediatrician about vax ingredients, risks, autism links, etc. (There’s at least 3 vax shots they want to give a baby shortly after birth IIRC.) Dr got super defensive that we’d even ask and accused us of being AnTiVax. We’re done with corporate doctors. Private practice is the way to go. I always thought that stuff was for hippies, but now after the scamdemic I’m finding out the body’s natural defenses are pretty bad ass. It’s the unnatural causes of illness that we need to investigate further.
This is terrible. And if the percentage being reported is 58, then the real numbers must be higher. So sad.
I'm searching for data on what happens to the unborn when the mother has had the jab during pregnancy.
Info wars guy used to say it attacks the placenta and cuts the baby off
I had a feeling it's not good. Have my first grandchild on the way. Due in September. So far, so good and by the Grace of God, the child will be born healthy. But I can tell you, it's been the longest damn pregnancy ever! I'm scared for this last 8 weeks. The mother is considering a booster before the baby is born..."for extra protection"...extreme eye-roll.
There have been over 1100 miscarriages reported to VAERS with the covid vax. Encourage her not to get it. Also there is evidence emerging that vaccine effects can be genetically passed on to babies thru their mom
Vaccine addicts remind me of other kinds of addicts.
If one drink is good, then two must be better!
I shoot up, to stay well
Infants do not have a placenta or umbilical to "be cut off"....
OP talks about infants. Guy I replied to talking about babies...
When mom gets a vaccine, I'm thinking
This study ends BEFORE clotshot. The question to ask is in other comments. Shouldn’t this question be studied more or why can’t this be enough to decline vaccines for infants?
Yeah, WTF ever happened to "SIDS" ??
“They” say they don’t know. Its just a fluke in genetics, “they” say.
Those who know the truth about vaccines know that SIDS is 90% vaccine related.
And don't ever let a practitioner convince you not to bed share with your infant. Most suffocation events in babies happens in the crib, not next to momma in the bed.
Also, if suffocation was the actual cause of death, that would be the cause of death.
“SIDS” is what they call it after all other causes of death have been ruled out...
... except vaccines
Exactly. Yep.
Interesting enough, SIDS cases were at an all-time low in 2020. Probably because babies couldn’t be taken to the doctor’s office for their shots.
SIDS is also hugely caused by offgassing of mattresses. Most mattresses you buy, even for newborns offgass toxic fumes for a long long time. There is a layer of those fumes always present until the materials are “cured.” You have to buy one specific for this purpose. Expensive but worth it. We buy from
78% die within 7 days of being vaccinated. Buy whatever mattress you wish, but don't kid yourself about what the real danger is.
Oh I am in total agreement. I was just mentioning it because it is a serious problem as well. I would 100 percent say that the shots are the primary cause for that percentage.
I regret vaccinating my kids. I am glad I "missed" some of them, refused a 5-illness cocktail, and adamantly against them now. Except for shingles. Having had it, I'm on the fence.
Dont do it same old crap different story.
Shingles is nasty but there are NUMEROUS adverse reactions to the shingles vax in VAERS so will take my chances with nature. Shingles is a remnant/re-activation of chicken pox, which is related to herpes, so will research what can be done to manage that. (So far, have read that stress and high-arginine foods seem to be no-nos).
I won't. When I got it I was 44, working 6 -12s for almost 6 months, starting a therapy practice. Evidence ex was over supplementing my foods so my body was wrecked!
But I can understand a 70 year old getting it, esp w comorbidities.
I won't encourage it be ause its still a vaccine :/.
My friend's infant son got his shots at his "well baby" doctor visit, as is typical at around three months old. He started having issues during the drive home. She called the doctor and was told that there are a lot of vaccine reactions, and to just keep an eye on him. He died the following day.
In the spring of 2020 when we were in lockdown, routine doctor office visits were halted / delayed. Guess what happened when parents stopped bringing their infants to the doctor for their scheduled vaccine shots? The rate of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) declined drastically.
In this link, scroll down to the section titled "Age effect: children"
Fucking hell. That poor family.
"In 1984, Congress held a hearing on vaccine safety. The suspected link between vaccines and sudden infant deaths was addressed. The following excerpt is from a statement made by a distraught grandmother testifying before the Congressional Committee [12]: My name is Donna Gary. Our granddaughter, Lee Ann, was just 8 weeks old when her mother took her to the doctor for her routine checkup. That included her first DPT inoculation and oral polio vaccine. In all her entire 8 weeks of life this lovable, extremely alert baby had never produced such a blood-curdling scream as she did at the moment the shot was given. Neither had her mother ever before seen her back arch as it did while she screamed. She was inconsolable. Four hours later, Lee Ann was dead. "Crib death," the doctor said—"SIDS." "Could it be connected to the shot?" her parents implored. "No." "But she just had her first DPT shot this afternoon. Could there possibly be any connection to it?" "No, no connection at all," the emergency room doctor said definitely.
Are the statistics that the medical world loves to say, "There is no connection," really accurate, or are they based on poor diagnoses, poor record keeping? What is being done to provide a safer vaccine? How are physicians and clinics going to be held accountable to see that parents are informed of the possible reactions? And how are those children who should not receive the vaccine to be identified before they are damaged or dead?"
My blood is boiling...
Sounds a lot like a former co-worker's son's reaction sans death.
Parents were anti-vax, medical-skeptical but Dr. fear-mongered Mom into hysterIa. Dad gave in and baby got a shot cocktail.
Previously-normal child screamed bloody murder for days immediately post-shots, started having (zombie-like) seizures, became allergic to a host of things, and started having hospitalizable health problems.
He's 9 years old, eats nearly 100% organic, carries an epi-pen, monitors his food for allergens, is home-schooled (a good thing [private school was allergen-ignorant and semi-cooperative]) and still has sporadic health issues.
The boy's and his family's lives changed for the worse the day he received the shot cocktail, . . ., and he's only one of MANY who've suffered similar fates.
Have her look into copper deficiency and increased immune reactions.
Two of my kids are vaccinated. Not for everything though.
Just the tdap and mmr.
Haven't gone in for our newest. She's very healthy and growing. My trust in doctors is very low nowadays.
This is a little arbitrary. If you pick a point in time and say X happened, then you'll find some sort of a stat that supports your argument.
What would be better would be infant deaths % vs unvaccinated.
Isn’t this study up to 2019? Are they vaccinating newborns? Infants?
It SOUNDS horrific, because you're letting the % get to you, much like the media is currently hyping up the delta variant by saying its %50 more cases or some bullshit like that.
Its the same as people trying to scare you into using your cellphone less saying you're 75% more likely to develop brain cancer from continual use. So, 75% more of what? 0.0005%? so you're still at 0.0009? Just as an example, those are not real numbers obviously, but the point stands.
Ok... So a few dead babies is no big deal.
Fauci's kill record
Blacks Gays Infants
How many more need to be added to that list before normies wake up??
What retards gave their babies thatbshot? Nm
Why is this stickied? It's talking about vaccines over a 20 year period BEFORE covid. Talk about a misleading headline.
It's important. Covid woke a lot of us up to the corruption of big pharma.
I was awake to government corruption prior. But my trust in the medical establishment is at an all time low.
It's stickied because beginning in 2020 the great awakening started. That's the whole point of this website, it's the actual name of the site.
We are in a time where the previously unaware sleeping masses are being shown the truth. You can't tell the people, you must show them, in order for them to find the will to change.
People are being shown...
The Deep State and their New World Order is real.
The media is a corrupt propaganda tool of the Deep State.
Our entire financial system is corrupt and manipulated. (GME is obviously part of the Q plan).
Big Pharma is dangerous, and vaccines DO kill and injure.
The vast majority of politicians are corrupt.
China has, slowly over time, infiltrated every aspect of our government, right down to local mayors and school boards.
Our elections have been compromised for a long time, probably many decades.
This great awakening isn't just about the election theft, and getting DJT back in office; it's our one shot at defeating the whole corrupt system, and Pharma and their killer vaccines is a HUGE part of that.
That is NOT the purpose of this website. This is supposed to be a Q research board.
Then they should change the name of the site then. Silly me, all this time I thought it was about the great awakening (of which Q is a main part of).
It has morphed into news about the great awakening, but the actual official purpose of the board is for Q research and collaboration for executing the plan. I think it's great if we redpill some people, but most if not all the people making it to this board have already bought into the great awakening.