I listen to the dr.drew and adam carolla podcast. Drew is normally a giant pussy when it comes to anything racial, or controversial. He even says we should do what ever fuaci is telling us to do.. So I am surprised at this statement.
We need to push this point that vaccine passports will hurt the black community. It may get liberals that love to virtue signal to jump on the message. If anyone is in camouflage on sites try to get this out there. It will help.
Blacks refusing the vaxx is a huge wrench in their system. Blacks are supposed to be obedient slaves but they’re also supposed to hate and distrust the government at the same time! insert sweaty button meme
vaccine passports but no voter id
A congressman (or was it senator) from North Dakota is proposing a bill that states with vaccine passports have to also have voter ID.
A bill for it? Why? Don't you have to show ID to get a jab anyhow??
Hum, in that case, maybe that's why POC have a lower vaccination rate. Remember, Biden thinks they can't work a computer...they "can't" get ID's.
Not happy, but it is taking a page out of their playbook.
Adding unwanted requirements to bog down the process of what they want to do.
Well I ain't black and I ain't taking it either.
Well then you ain't black! Wait, that didn't come out right...
Yes definitely come out left.
I had no problem figuring out who I was gonna vote for, so according to the resident, I ain't black either.
LOL that's me in the summer!
I listen to the dr.drew and adam carolla podcast. Drew is normally a giant pussy when it comes to anything racial, or controversial. He even says we should do what ever fuaci is telling us to do.. So I am surprised at this statement.
Maybe some people are realizing they have to draw line in the sand -- finally.
Maybe getting censored by Twitter et all a few times recently made something finally click inside his brain.
Welcome to our side black folks. Would nice to have them rioting for our cause for once.
Um, obviously that’s because they don’t have the means to locate a vaccination facility. I never knew Dr Drew was such a racist bigot.
I wonder why that is so low... actually I don't. I learned some history and know full well.
Blacks are well aware of the Tuskegee Experiment. Louis Farrakhan wrote very good article calling this mRNA gene therapy another Tuskegee Experiment.
Farrakhan is still alive? Hope joe doesn’t find out
He's sitting in the sarcophagus next to King Tut.
He wuz kings
Blacks don't do white devil vaccine magic
That is quality shit there!
It's about time someone with a voice pointed this out!
It can be tough being ahead of the curve, but the great awakening is moving full steam ahead!
Alakablam my friends I can't wait to see Salty's video on this one.
Hu-white supreme pizzas are taking over!
lol, the salt must flow
Epic fireball of a burn there. And good on the black community remembering the outcomes of the tuskeegee experiment.
And Democrats think black people are stupid!
Guess I identify as an unvaccinated black 🤷♀️
I'm part Black... and that part isn't taking the vaccine either.
“Quick put out another Covid rap video!”
-CDC PR Department
Dr Drew always speaks the hard truths early on but then they must beat him up...because he never says it again.
A significantly accurate take considering the government's history of experimenting on minorities.
Well, at least he's consistently stupid...
Tuskeegee 2.0 black people aren't stupid.
We need to push this point that vaccine passports will hurt the black community. It may get liberals that love to virtue signal to jump on the message. If anyone is in camouflage on sites try to get this out there. It will help.
Love this…
Love this! Awaiting marching orders!
Blacks refusing the vaxx is a huge wrench in their system. Blacks are supposed to be obedient slaves but they’re also supposed to hate and distrust the government at the same time! insert sweaty button meme
Racist comment. Maybe the black folks are just smarter than you.
So....the jabs ARE RACISTS!!!
Blacks remember the Tuskegee syphilis experiment.