Ummm, not trying to be a jerk, but judging by his last name he's probably not up on anything to do with Jesus. Also he really could use a WWJD study session.
Listen (((Jonh))).The only thing I agree to is that Christians believe that Christ is a healer. Guess what? He did it by praying and the laying on of hands. I have tested this myself, and it works, even for broken ankles. Although that takes a little time, it can certainly relieve pain. He also showed compassion which is severely lacking in modern medicine.
He certainly did not heal people by forcing them to take poison. God forbid.
I also seem to recall a story whereby a person was healed by touching the hem of his garment. When they claimed Jesus healed them, He replied saying that they healed themselves by their belief.
This is something I learned during my Reiki training.
For some reason I knew there was something to it, but I also didn't really buy into the spiel that surrounds Reiki. To my mind they were rationalising something that is inefable.
The biggest challenge I had was to get my personal self out of the way after I had asked for help :) My instructor called it 'directing traffic'
The more esoteric Christian reading I have seen talk about this subject say that you must focus the healing energy. Visualise touching Christ's robe, or ask for help from one on the angels.
John Pavlovitz is an American Unitarian pastor and author, known for his progressive social and political writings from a post modern Unitarian Universalist perspective.
Dude is literally a cult leader. What are Lepers? What are fetal cells? What have the vaccines healed?
He didn't even do that much. He just knows the vaguest sense of the popular zeitgeist about Jesus. If he had actually bothered to read a bit of the Gospel he'd know that between healing the afflicted Jesus was trying to call the lost sheep of Israel to repentance.
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.”
I Peter 5:8-11 NKJV
Pavlovitz—now a youth minister at North Raleigh Community Church, a congregation that welcomes people who are questioning the Christianity they grew up with—is part of a movement of progressive Christians, people like North Carolina's Reverend William Barber and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, whose agendas have become more pointed as a result of Trump's presidency.
Jesus, (in today's more colorful terms), told the establishment of his time to go stick it up their own asses. And that's what you can do with that vaccine of yours John.
God didn’t invent this dudes BS either! John crapped that one out his damn self! Pretty sure he’ll be left standing in his yard when God takes his kid next to him.
Ugh that asshole. Pavlovitz is playing with fire but that would not be surprising.
He'd better be careful. Jesus does not like those who preach to use Him to further their agendas. The Blessed Mother said something about a special chastisement for men like Pavlovitz.
And the question is: "How to fit the largest number of logical fallacies into the fewest number of words."
Jesus is also against abortion... aborted fetal tissue is in the vaxx...
I'm no doc by any means but I swear this is one of the causes of cancer - dead, foreign tissue inside of our bodies.... necrosis.
Most of us aren't anti-vaccine.
We're anti-forced Injected poison.
And pro freedom. And pro-information. I'll re-evaluate my vaccine stance in 2-3 years if all goes well with the vaccinated.
Ummm, not trying to be a jerk, but judging by his last name he's probably not up on anything to do with Jesus. Also he really could use a WWJD study session.
When someone asks WWJD they rarely want to discuss the precedent for flipping tables and cracking a whip at certain people to get out of your temple.
Jesus is against anything that is done to destroy his people.
The vaxx was made from evil; an evil crisis made by evil people to fulfill an evil agenda
Well, that's a stretch if I ever saw one, especially as he starts with the flawed premise that the jabs are a healing mechanism.
Crazy logic, if God is the ultimate healer I must therefore accept all forms of healing as if they are from God? Insanity.
Listen (((Jonh))).The only thing I agree to is that Christians believe that Christ is a healer. Guess what? He did it by praying and the laying on of hands. I have tested this myself, and it works, even for broken ankles. Although that takes a little time, it can certainly relieve pain. He also showed compassion which is severely lacking in modern medicine. He certainly did not heal people by forcing them to take poison. God forbid.
I also seem to recall a story whereby a person was healed by touching the hem of his garment. When they claimed Jesus healed them, He replied saying that they healed themselves by their belief.
For me that is one of the most important lessons.
Matthew is probably my favorite book.
Furthermore, you can channel the healing energy. Ask for help when you lay on hands.
This is something I learned during my Reiki training.
For some reason I knew there was something to it, but I also didn't really buy into the spiel that surrounds Reiki. To my mind they were rationalising something that is inefable.
The biggest challenge I had was to get my personal self out of the way after I had asked for help :) My instructor called it 'directing traffic'
The more esoteric Christian reading I have seen talk about this subject say that you must focus the healing energy. Visualise touching Christ's robe, or ask for help from one on the angels.
I haven't tried that. Should the occasion arise I will remember your words, thanks.
Nothing they say makes sense anymore.
Thanks (((pavlovitz))), I'm sure you're an expert on Christ.
Dude is literally a cult leader. What are Lepers? What are fetal cells? What have the vaccines healed?
And Jesus was in support of work, so surely he would have supported the Germans’ “Work Makes Free” initiative.
Once again another twitter secularist who thinks he speaks for Jesus because he googled a couple Bible verses.
He didn't even do that much. He just knows the vaguest sense of the popular zeitgeist about Jesus. If he had actually bothered to read a bit of the Gospel he'd know that between healing the afflicted Jesus was trying to call the lost sheep of Israel to repentance.
Well hello there fellow christian.
Half Life 3 confirmed.
He's right. Jesus would totally love the ingredient "Luciferase".
17 comments and 17 updoots when I found this post. In other news, refusing the mark of the beast is anti Christian?
In clown world it’s their best argument
Satan is running around, grabbing up all the sheep it can before times up. Don’t get caught.
Amen. “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.” I Peter 5:8-11 NKJV
Wow, spot on. God is great. raleigh-s-john-pavlovitz-went-fired-megachurch-pastor-rising-star-religious-left/
I'm sure you, like me, realize "progressive christian" is an oxymoron. Atleast the way that the word progress is used now a days.
So he's an antichrist preacher.
It makes so much sense, really.
Do you know how many huge pharma corporations (installations) are in the Raleigh/Durham area?
Bovine excrement...
Jesus, (in today's more colorful terms), told the establishment of his time to go stick it up their own asses. And that's what you can do with that vaccine of yours John.
Yeah, I'm sure this guy nose all about the anti-christ.
Wtf is this heresy!
Burn in hell, John.
John Pavlovitz wouldn't know Jesus if Jesus came down and smote him.
God didn’t invent this dudes BS either! John crapped that one out his damn self! Pretty sure he’ll be left standing in his yard when God takes his kid next to him.
There's 10,000+ unemployed comedians and this mf think he's funny...
I’ve never heard of this guy.
I have a feeling that on Judgement Day, this guy is going to have some ‘splaining to do…
Ugh that asshole. Pavlovitz is playing with fire but that would not be surprising. He'd better be careful. Jesus does not like those who preach to use Him to further their agendas. The Blessed Mother said something about a special chastisement for men like Pavlovitz.
This clown doesn't believe anyway. His true god is Satan. He's one of those Revelation 2:9 people.
Damn straight... dude is a "Unitarian Pastor"
** His true god is Satan** That's what I figured, thanks!
(((Vitz))) says what again?
Silly Js with their silly tricks.
People who don't know Jesus shouldn't speak for Him.
They sure have some twisted ‘logic’.
The lefts attempt at logic makes no sense.