Idk about punk but Tommy Vext (ex Bad Wolves frontman) is really based in the metal scene. About as based as you get without believing in Q. Then there's Phil Labonte from All That Remains, metalcore band, he pissed off Instagram with his based posts and they banned his account.
The Ramones did some great songs, like ranting about "drunks and bitches and commies and queers" and such. I think it was Joey Ramone who was pretty based.
I have a lib friend who’s posting crap about how we unvaxed are scum of the earth. We’re the reason she has to wear masks to protect us when we’re the ones who are irresponsible. I told her… you got the vax to keep you from getting it or giving it. Think about that. Her reply? It’s my page and I’m entitled to my option. You really can’t put the truth or common sense right in there face. They have lost their minds
Vocal minority with selection bias, the people screaming about this shot are just trying to escape their miserable lives, the average person doesn't think like that, especially once your outside of the US.
I 100% agree. In my circle, we are talking maybe 2 out of 100 waking up who weren't already awake at the time I was. This is extremely depressing because I know all this awful will continue until there truly is a MASS awakening. As long as it is split down party lines, or nearly divided that way, there doesn't seem to me to be much hope. For us to win we would have to defeat both our fellow citizen and our oppressors. We need our fellow citizens with us in the fight. Even seeing their loved ones injured or killed from the vax is not waking people up so I can't imagine what type of event would get it done.
She's part of a cult like a lot of these people. The only people not worrying about this seem to be us unvaxxed scum. What they fail to realize is that we can remove our supposed tin foil hats but they can't remove the spike proteins that are eating away at every cell in there body. The vaxxed are a ticking time bomb and it 100% will go off.
If the graphene oxide? theory in regard to 5G cell phone towers is correct, combined with the already appearing effects on brain activity caused by the covid shots, combined with the paranoia fueled by the media reporting of covid, we could be in for some very strange public behavior by a LOT of people in the coming months!
100% yes on this. Insurance companies are already working on that. You signed a waver stating that you would take an experimental treatment and insurance doesn't cover that.
I used to throw the “if you had any clue how many guns you are around in a given day you would probably shit yourself” statement to these types on socials.
I saw another guy in a car, by himself, with a mask on today! There is no mask mandate here (southern New York, but not NYC). I was wearing a mask when sawing some wood the other day. I knew sawdust is not good to breathe in, so I wore the mask. I did feel comfortable wearing a mask in that situation. I think the media has convince tons of people that covid is a severe threat that can be minimized by wearing a mask, and they feel comfortable wearing a mask, regardless of the setting.
It might be a fear thingnfor some people and a way to help people cope with their fears. My wife understands the utility of the mask is probably all fake, especially after I showed her the article of vaccinated people on a cruise ship spreading covid despite being strict mask mandates. But she needs the mask to keep her feeling safe. She doesn't mind if I don't wear a mask. But it's for her own sanity until she can feel comfortable going around without a mask.
Seriously. I had no idea how many of my close friends were actually shitty people. And how many of my slightly less close friends were actually really amazing. The game has changed and now I only spend my time with people who give me energy, not take it.
I think it’s actually a lot more than being embarrassed - they are flat out terrified. Wanna talk about “panic”? They have to believe we’re wrong because what does it mean for them if we’re right? They do not want to believe their government would lie to them, that there are really people so evil as to want to “depopulate” the planet - let alone that all of this could be part of that. No, they’re desperate - their lives depend on us being wrong. What happens when they find out they’ve been duped in the worst way.
I was thinking this exactly—we now know who is listening and believing the MSM. They showed up at church today and at the grocery store this week with masks. They are the brainwashed.
I'm so grateful that my family is based. Only one sister and her family got the jab, the rest of us are smarter than that.
My wife's family on the other hand are cucked, except her youngest sister who refuses to get the jab. My wife is a twin, and shortly after her twin got the jab she started having issues with her right eye. Now, at 33 years old...with no history of eye problems....she is having cataract surgery....and yet she thinks we're the crazy ones for not getting the jab. Of course, she reads CNN and other mockingbird propaganda.
I like this zuby guy. Good insights.
Is his music any good?
its alright...Bryson Grey and Forgiato Blow and Patriot J are still the best MAGA rappers
Tom McDonald too.
I don't like rap at all but I love Tom McDonald.
We need MAGA punk rock. Most appropriate, I think.
Not a current act, but Operation Ivy has aged very well. "Take Warning"
I finally listened to that Operation Ivy song. It really describes the cancel culture generation for sure! Thanks for the recommendation.
Idk about punk but Tommy Vext (ex Bad Wolves frontman) is really based in the metal scene. About as based as you get without believing in Q. Then there's Phil Labonte from All That Remains, metalcore band, he pissed off Instagram with his based posts and they banned his account.
This song by Robby Valentine kicks ass. Kinda metal, with a hint of Queen vocal harmonics.
The Ramones did some great songs, like ranting about "drunks and bitches and commies and queers" and such. I think it was Joey Ramone who was pretty based.
One more just because....
"Freeze Up"
Empty factories to the east and all our waste
The shape of things that came show on the broken worker's face
To the west you'll find a silicon promised land
Where machines all replace their minds with systematic profit plans
The course of human progress staggers like a drunk
It's pace is quick and heavy but it's mind is slow and blunt
I look for optimism but I just don't know
Its seeds are planted in a poison place where nothing grows
It's 1989, stand up and take a look around
Weathers' bitter tension it seems is sinking down
Drunk with power and fighting one another
Every hour shows the winter's getting harder
There's a freeze up, there's a freeze up coming!
There's a freeze up - freeze up coming!
There's a freeze up, there's a freeze up coming!
There's a freeze up coming!
One nation stands the tallest radiating blinding light
Plastic and fluorescent energy robbing us of sight
Set in our way - content with our decay
We wave the flag of freedom as we conquer and invade
Ever ask yourself where's my place in this hell?
But no one's there to tell you 'cause they don't know that themselves
The well-rehearsed lines from our elated politicians
No longer offer solace we can see the self-destruction
It's 1989, stand up and take a look around
Weather's bitter tension it seems is sinking down
Drunk with power and fighting one another
Every hour shows the winter's getting harder
There's a freeze up, there's a freeze up coming!
There's a freeze up - freeze up coming!
There's a freeze up, there's a freeze up coming!
There's a freeze up coming!
Just one political song, just one political song
To drop into the list that stretches years and years long
Just one political song, just one political song
To drop into the list that stretches years and years long
Static and division is increasing like a storm
We are sheltered
We are forewarned
Nothing can be changed except ourselves
Nothing can be changed except ourselves!
There's a freeze up, there's a freeze up coming!
There's a freeze up, there's a freeze up coming!
There's a freeze up, there's a freeze up coming!
There's a freeze up - freeze up coming!
There's a freeze up, there's a freeze up coming!
There's a freeze up coming!
This song by Robby Valentine kicks ass.
That had a Freddy Mercury vibe to it.
It's not exactly punk but you should check out "dddog" by sacred spirits.
Liberalism is a disease. There's no vaccine. There's only one thereapueutic, and it's not FDA-approved:
The Red Pill 💊
I'm about to start handing red suppositories out to half of my family. For being libtard suckas, they sure don't like swallowing. Kek
I believe in the freedom of choice: they can choose which end the red pill 💊 goes in
Choose very wisely, then, libs.
Those are best taken in the dark 😉
Tds is a sign of complete mental ilness.
I have a lib friend who’s posting crap about how we unvaxed are scum of the earth. We’re the reason she has to wear masks to protect us when we’re the ones who are irresponsible. I told her… you got the vax to keep you from getting it or giving it. Think about that. Her reply? It’s my page and I’m entitled to my option. You really can’t put the truth or common sense right in there face. They have lost their minds
#337 - 4-6% hopeless and forever brainwashed
#529 - 4-6% LOST FOREVER
#3029 - 4-6% [brainwashed] will never wake up even when presented w/FACTS
I think the percentage is waaaay above 4-6%, I think it's 30-40%.
Vocal minority with selection bias, the people screaming about this shot are just trying to escape their miserable lives, the average person doesn't think like that, especially once your outside of the US.
I 100% agree. In my circle, we are talking maybe 2 out of 100 waking up who weren't already awake at the time I was. This is extremely depressing because I know all this awful will continue until there truly is a MASS awakening. As long as it is split down party lines, or nearly divided that way, there doesn't seem to me to be much hope. For us to win we would have to defeat both our fellow citizen and our oppressors. We need our fellow citizens with us in the fight. Even seeing their loved ones injured or killed from the vax is not waking people up so I can't imagine what type of event would get it done.
Do the math... U.S. and WORLD population clock ( time stamp / watch 2 seconds )
She's part of a cult like a lot of these people. The only people not worrying about this seem to be us unvaxxed scum. What they fail to realize is that we can remove our supposed tin foil hats but they can't remove the spike proteins that are eating away at every cell in there body. The vaxxed are a ticking time bomb and it 100% will go off.
If the graphene oxide? theory in regard to 5G cell phone towers is correct, combined with the already appearing effects on brain activity caused by the covid shots, combined with the paranoia fueled by the media reporting of covid, we could be in for some very strange public behavior by a LOT of people in the coming months!
Care to elaborate on this with any videos, articles, etc.?
I’ve heard a lot about it but have yet to find any good material to help redpill.
Very good, short video.
Great watch, thank you!
My brother in law thinks the biggest red pill moment for the sheep will be when their health insurance denies coverage for side effects of the jab...
People will be having major issues and their insurance will say "nope, you took an experimental shot, we're not covering you."
100% yes on this. Insurance companies are already working on that. You signed a waver stating that you would take an experimental treatment and insurance doesn't cover that.
They have lost all common sense. They truly are fucking retarded. Especially since everything is right in front of them to see.
I have a lot of family in Minnesota. They lost their common sense a very long time ago.
It's just an excuse for her to bag on right leaning peeps
I used to throw the “if you had any clue how many guns you are around in a given day you would probably shit yourself” statement to these types on socials.
I think he means fearporn, not be afraid of porn although your comments are correct.
touch me, big boy
I saw another guy in a car, by himself, with a mask on today! There is no mask mandate here (southern New York, but not NYC). I was wearing a mask when sawing some wood the other day. I knew sawdust is not good to breathe in, so I wore the mask. I did feel comfortable wearing a mask in that situation. I think the media has convince tons of people that covid is a severe threat that can be minimized by wearing a mask, and they feel comfortable wearing a mask, regardless of the setting.
It might be a fear thingnfor some people and a way to help people cope with their fears. My wife understands the utility of the mask is probably all fake, especially after I showed her the article of vaccinated people on a cruise ship spreading covid despite being strict mask mandates. But she needs the mask to keep her feeling safe. She doesn't mind if I don't wear a mask. But it's for her own sanity until she can feel comfortable going around without a mask.
I saw an old man in a wheelchair on a hiking trail outside the city limits all alone wearing a mask, a bicycle helmet and an orange vest.
Seriously. I had no idea how many of my close friends were actually shitty people. And how many of my slightly less close friends were actually really amazing. The game has changed and now I only spend my time with people who give me energy, not take it.
I think it’s actually a lot more than being embarrassed - they are flat out terrified. Wanna talk about “panic”? They have to believe we’re wrong because what does it mean for them if we’re right? They do not want to believe their government would lie to them, that there are really people so evil as to want to “depopulate” the planet - let alone that all of this could be part of that. No, they’re desperate - their lives depend on us being wrong. What happens when they find out they’ve been duped in the worst way.
I was thinking this exactly—we now know who is listening and believing the MSM. They showed up at church today and at the grocery store this week with masks. They are the brainwashed.
Well the Pfizer trial/study on kids finishes in September so theyll likely be jabbing 5-11 year olds by Oct-Nov.
So yeah, thats not ‘Fear Porn’ it’s actually downright scary.
It is sad to realize and find out but it is needed information.
Makin a list, & checkin it twice.
I'm so grateful that my family is based. Only one sister and her family got the jab, the rest of us are smarter than that.
My wife's family on the other hand are cucked, except her youngest sister who refuses to get the jab. My wife is a twin, and shortly after her twin got the jab she started having issues with her right eye. Now, at 33 years old...with no history of eye problems....she is having cataract surgery....and yet she thinks we're the crazy ones for not getting the jab. Of course, she reads CNN and other mockingbird propaganda.
I'm not afraid of porn.
Oh wait...
Goatsee and tub girl type stuff doesn't count, right? I'm scared of those.
Such a true statement.