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Why hasn’t this been stickied to the top so we can discuss??
Can someone link me to the post Q made regarding the number sequence that was discovered during this symposium? I dont recall exactly what it was referencing but somehow Q had typed the exact number. Ty
But where was this packet seen in the symposium? I am trying to find that link
43rd President
Possible, honestly I wish i had more specifics
Where'd ya see this
I want to say it was relevant yesterday. I havent been able to follow fully, I just recall seeing a post or 2 regarding it.
Mesa County Electiosn decertified! https://www.westernslopenow.com/news/local-news/mesa-county-elections-decertified/
This is what they were hoping to announce during the symposium
The equipment was decertified, not the election.
I don't know if that is good or bad. While I understand that we want to decertify the counties and eventually the entire state if we look at this we see that it was a Republican county which is probably why they the Secretary of State targeted Tina the clerk to begin with. The website below says 62.8% voted republican, 34,8% democrat, and 2.4% independent in the last presidential election.
You also have this line from your article which says "The Secretary of State’s office found enough evidence during its investigation...". We know the Secretary of State is corrupt so are we assuming that her office is willingly stabbing themselves?
It also says "The current Mesa County equipment is prohibited from being used. The equipment must be replaced within the month." I wonder if they will tamper with the evidence in their possession. I could see them trying to pass off other machines as the ones in the county but they should not be able to get away with it if we really have the computer images.
Sounds like it's bad as others have pointed out that it is the equipment decertified and not the county. That does make me think that the county's votes should be decertified if the equipment they used was decertified unless the Secretary of State is saying it was altered after the election?
I would hope the county officials would deny it.
All this would have been cause for concern except it looks like Tina took a forensic backup of the systems - so they cant really pin anything on her.
They might think decertifying a Republican county is harmless, but you never know. Q works in mysterious ways.
We are winning bigly! NCSWIC!
Election equipment decertified, not the election.
Wouldn't that mean the county's votes are decertified as well unless the SOS is saying it was altered after the election?
That is exactly why they are saying they are decertifying the machines. They're decertifying them because they're claiming Tina Peters compromised the equipment.
That link says the equipment was decertified, not the actual election results. This looks like the next step in the Colorado SOS's plan to smear the Mesa County Election Clerk
Wouldn't that mean the county's votes are decertified as well unless the SOS is saying it was altered after the election?
Honestly, I don't know. I commented because the full text in the link OP posted directly contradicted the description he provided in the comment. My guess is the CO SOS is claiming that all interference which led to this decertification happened after the whole election process is over, but I haven't actually dug up her statement to see what her specific claims are. Considering her earlier attempts to frame the Mesa county clerk for leaking passwords and other info, it seems likely this is the next step in the frame job
Yeah the article does not give much information but the information in it seems to support the SOS so I feel like she got what she wanted.
Better they discover the packet captures are compromised now instead of during a Supreme Court trial.
im so confused
Me too. But the fact that there is no PCAP related big boom sticky tells me everything :(
Mesa County decertified. This was the big boom. PCAP is for our benefit - it will come in handy later
Thats not a big boom, thats a firecracker at best.
Equipment is decertified
How is it better than hard evidence?
correct I Think the LINDELL group needed to Pound the fact that erasing ELECTION info on the DOM machines was a FED crime
Poison pill in the data stream ?
I surely hope that they planned for this kind of attack and more when they stated the whole thing.
Seems like feed is back, Lindell is back
hmm ... looks like looped back to 30 mins ago
I thought it was over? He said goodnight.....??
On lindelltv.com I see the stream continuing - they are talking about poison pill in data stream
They are replaying the day from the morning now. They will be playing replays over the next few days
I’m pretty sure that is not live.
something happened, they were making a big announcement and shortly after Col Waldron mentioned "insurrection activities" my stream on frankspeech 403d and now it's just replaying old content, same with rumble
Above is the opening 5 min of this am
Yup happened for me as well
That was replay of this morning. I watched the start when Mike and Waldron spoke. Mike told what happened to him and Waldron mentioned insurrections activities
I think ended after they brought up legislators to speak and do pics then sang God Bless America.
ahhh ok I missed the morning. thanks for clarifying!
You're welcome. Today was really good. I'm watching the replay.
They will be doing replays of the event and videos over the next several days. Mike announced that at some point.
The lindeltv link has just been film of the room with people in their seats eating and no one on stage, not sure if it's still live. I did see Lindel come out but I had my computer muted and didn't catch if he said anything.
Live ended around 7pm est
I thought it was over, they said thanks and goodnight.
He just said something very important in the next 3 mins!
pasting my comment from above: "something happened, they were making a big announcement and shortly after Col Waldron mentioned "insurrection activities" my stream on frankspeech 403d and now it's just replaying old content, same with rumble"
It is a rerun FYI
Thank you, was having trouble with my keyboard and couldn’t respond back!
No problem!
Is this even Live anymore? I thought they said they were ending the symposium then rerunning the movie along with looping all the days.
What was the big announcement?
I would with Lucille...
QR Code Link Containing Material from the Symposium: https://www.mixonium.com/public/post/10207
Note: they said they will be adding more content in the days and weeks to come…
Weeks. sighhhhhhh
We'll probably see a lot of stuff in the next two weeks!
He also said months
God Bless America
Mike will need money to fight the lawsuit…
The mixonium address already giving me a 504 time-out, of course it could only be the ridiculous amount of people trying to access it at the same time
Me too. .not able to get on WendyRogers.org either
Is anyone taking inventory of the names of the representatives speaking right now? I missed the guy from my state.
Somebody on patriots.win compiled this:
Randy Garber, Kansas Rep District 62 Mark Alliegro, New Hampshire Rep Grafton 7 Teresa Manzella, Montana Senate District 44 Paul Fielder, Montana Rep District 13 Terry Jones, North Dakota District 4 Rep Amanda Chase, Virginia Senator District 11 (Candidate for Governor) Robert J. Sutherland, Washington District 39 Rep Anne Copp, New Hampshire Rep Rockingham 6 Annie Black, Nevada Assembly District 19 <- Big Trump Supporter Steve Christiansen, Utah District 47 Phil Lyman, Utah District 73 Vickie Craft, Washington State Rep District 17 Anne Kelly, Missouri Rep District 127 Sandy Salmon, Iowa Rep District 63 Bob Quattrocchi, Rhode Island Rep District 41 Kevin Jensen, South Dakota Rep District 16 / Majority Whip Timothy Ramthun, Wisconsin Rep District 59 Wendy Rogers, Arizona State Senator (wendyrogers.org and sign the petition to decertify) David Eastman, Alaska Rep District 10 Steven Galloway, Montana Rep District 24 Brad Tschida, Montana Rep District 97 Ron Hanks, Colorado Rep District 60 Jeff Magrum, North Dakota Rep District 28
Perfect! Thanks!
Good to know none of my state reps are there. Gonna have to give them a piece of my mind..
So, they did have state reps from all 50 states attending at some point according to Mike Lindell. This list are those who spoke at the end and are members of the brand new Election Integrity Caucus…
Ah thank you. Now I gotta call them up and demand they get themselves into that Election Integrity Caucus
Good luck!
Ammunition she is wrong we are the "Sniper Rifle" and we got out enemy in our sight and we are about to pull the trigger
True patriots.
Hashtag sad face.
BOOM. Lindell got it locked down! The Storm is coming!
Oh they will, and they wont need to provide and source or comment other than "psycho qanons" and people will obsorb it
Does anyone know where I can watch the streams from the last few days?
Here is Day 2: https://www.trunews.com/stream/mike-lindells-cyber-symposium-day-2
Pedes, look for Anton Lazzaro, that guy needs to be protected.
Rumble RSBN has been smooth all day.
Their IT staff there, keeping everything up. Kudos to them.
Not sure why my post got deleted, but the RSBN seems to be inconsistent with everyone's feed. Some say its spotty, mines been on without issues.
No issues with Rumble RSBN today, and I've had it running most of the day.
Issues appear to be regional, for me it was mostly smooth but yesterday afternoon it then became choppy for over an hour. On the other hand Lindelltv.com was useless for me on the entire first day but Rumble had no issues.
Yeah, I noticed it too. It's working on the lindelltv.com link for me right now. I can't get frankspeech up right now.
Rat bastards - screwing with the feed smh
Everything down for yall?
Man, I guess Hannity got pissed for being called out for the cuck that he is? ;)
Hannity makes me want to puke. GEOTUS deserves better lackeys than him.
Hahah yah. I used to watch him every night and or listen on the radio. I had to stop. It was fingernails on the chalkboard. Tho I’ve stopped watching FUX, Tucker and Laura are so much better, actually make different and valid points every show, let their guests speak for more than 15 seconds. I mean he asks them a question but then prefaces the question for 45 seconds and then only gives them 10-15 seconds to respond. Wtf Sean.
Yes, Patriot News Outlet on rumble stopped
yep frankspeech and lindelltv
Missed that part, what happened?
Wouldn't doubt it. I listened to bongino pretty regularly until fox picked him up. Figured he's got a muzzle now.
I thought they were calling him out about not being afraid to advertise the cyber symposium. One of the only media people not afraid to speak up. Sounded like he might have been there. Heard some yelling. Hahaha!
Then making fun of media supposedly on the peoples' side that have been silent, like cucker.
And then the feed dropped. Coincidence?
This presentation has been incredible. Nonstop prayers going out to all the patriots involved in this. Espetially to Lindell, I pray he's doing okay.