just a thought, codemonkeyz and his torrent stuff and getting people prepped, I hope. might be useful if there is a complete video of this available at the finish line. To make sure it doesn't get seth riched
I agree, MSM ignores, you tube, Google, etc ban it, most people will never hear of it, life will go on. Unless someone in power takes some action to arrest and have trials, including arresting some MSM powers, it will remain a small thing.
Also, about Dr. Frank, he is a master presenter and that is a skill I admire. I spent some years developing and presenting technical curriculum, and even with the level of understanding that I had (Engineer with hands-on access and inside-out familiarity with the subject system and also all of my friends and colleagues were the designers and builders), I never felt comfortable with my presentation performance.
But that sounds like a pretty terrible algorithm, was this really done in such a simplistic way?
My theory is they probably trawled the antifa or other leftie sites for a programmer, but knowing what was up, we had a white hat that had infiltrated in advance, auditioned and won the spot.
Knowing that lefties ain't that bright, our white hat made an algo that was "just good enough" too fool them, but to leave a radioactively glowing trail when the math nerds hit the data.
It is easy for an infiltrator to hop onto a project to cause a ruckus. I can point you to a variety of shitcoin cryptos that failed and left their scammer owners broke, because some robinhood put an algo timebomb deep in the code, obfuscated by code steganography to suffer a bad leak at the first halving.
If the steal hadn't been so overdone by the Keystone cops no one would have taken a closer look. Lindell said that his light bulb was his disbelief that there were so many thousands willing to commit a felony so it had to be the machines. He met Dr Frank serendipitous and problem solved.
The lawyer is excellent. Incontrovertible evidence is a big statement, legally speaking. He's no dummy.
This is why a lot of celebrities are corrupt. They’ve been blackmailed or threatened. They’ve almost all
chosen the “bad thing”. The only reason to choose the “bad thing“ is because they think they’re saving their ass.
After the live production is over...will it be available for download or to watch again? I had to miss the first part and probably will have to be in and out during the live airing.
I think if MIKE goes by how he handled the films, after the 7pm presenters, if it ends by say 11 pm all things will be repeated until I guess 9 am Central tues
Did Lindell mention how many votes were flipped in Delaware?
just a thought, codemonkeyz and his torrent stuff and getting people prepped, I hope. might be useful if there is a complete video of this available at the finish line. To make sure it doesn't get seth riched
Let's say "undeniable truth" comes out from this symposium. With normies and MSM avoiding this like the plague, what's going to change after this?
I agree, MSM ignores, you tube, Google, etc ban it, most people will never hear of it, life will go on. Unless someone in power takes some action to arrest and have trials, including arresting some MSM powers, it will remain a small thing.
This guy is giga-based.
Pence couldn't have been running Chris Miller without knowing
The data Dr Frank used is public information. The enemy has caught on and now that data has been hidden in some states.
Watching Lindell call out scumbag journalists is so satisfying
I wonder if they are getting arrested once he calls them out for treasonous lies.
Has Biden been found? Imagine seeing his perp walk at 7. Wouldn't that be a heck of a thing.
An anon can dream.
Biden came back to White House. Looks like he got lost on south lawn trying to find west wing
Muh dreams :(
I've really liked that part too. Reading out what lies they're writing as we're able to see what is really happening live.
Ready for the next evidence, Mike. 👾
This is so so so awesome. The crowd is starting to go wild. This is an incredible Blessing to be able to witness this event.
I love love love Mike, and love hearing what he has to say...but he can take a break and let others talk.
I how there's not a lethal dose level for Hopium, because I'm flying off it today. So many comms of NCSWIC.
Im at work. Will this be recorded? I wanna watch it when i get home.
It's on daily 12 hour loop. 9:00 a.m. - 9:00p.m. Same for each day.
Thanks my dude!
Dabbing's for suckas. Kek.
Thanks for making a discussion thread for this. Those posts were getting out of hand.
1/6 was work of BLM, you were not there.
You have 17 upTrumps. I cannot give you another.
It's almost as if there was some kind of plan.
A plan in which we trust.
Still under attack… can’t stream.
https://rumble.com/vi1or5-rsbn-live.html is working for me
The cameraman chuckling sometimes is gold.
Shared the link with literally everyone I know.
Enjoying the show, waiting eagerly for act three.
It's only briefly buffered on me a couple times so far, Rumble is being a champ today.
https://lindelltv.com/ works fine. I'm watching right now.
Thanks fren.
72 hours! I love his energy but come on, Mike, I gotta piss!
so turn up the volume and take a walk....
Bannon asked Lindell the other day if he was going to Jerry Lewis this and Lindell was like "no, I'll take breaks." Sure Mike...
Mike just said a Chinese cyber attack on Israel today.
“No one is coming to save us” let’s hope that wasn’t meant to be comms
He means the military cannot act until the people stand up.
Bowtie guy helping me learn. Forced equity is all the technocrats know. God. Always solving for that white majority. They're so gross.
Also, about Dr. Frank, he is a master presenter and that is a skill I admire. I spent some years developing and presenting technical curriculum, and even with the level of understanding that I had (Engineer with hands-on access and inside-out familiarity with the subject system and also all of my friends and colleagues were the designers and builders), I never felt comfortable with my presentation performance.
I am a tchno dummy and even i understood.
His passion is clear. He's amazing.
It's been a long time but we're finally getting some real science.
Vulgarity is warranted: Dr. Frank is dropping a fucking MOAB!
All you folks at work are going to have some uncut hopium waiting for you when these videos get edited down and released properly. Whew!!! So pumped.
This is NOT a nothing-burger.
This is a Super Sized Happy Meal with extra bacon and triple cheese! oh............................. and a small diet 7~UP
Dr Frank's "red flags" that keep popping with his conclusions on his slides look like CCP flags kek.
Noticed the same. Trump probably suggested that touch. Master troll. 😁
Dr Frank is the boss. R=.996
Bowtie Dude is bringing the sauce! I didn't watch the other movies. That's the vote drop curve.
God sure has some all-stars handling his scheduling. All these divine appointments lining up so PERFECTLY.
But that sounds like a pretty terrible algorithm, was this really done in such a simplistic way?
We didn't do it. It's WIN thing.
My theory is they probably trawled the antifa or other leftie sites for a programmer, but knowing what was up, we had a white hat that had infiltrated in advance, auditioned and won the spot.
Knowing that lefties ain't that bright, our white hat made an algo that was "just good enough" too fool them, but to leave a radioactively glowing trail when the math nerds hit the data.
It is easy for an infiltrator to hop onto a project to cause a ruckus. I can point you to a variety of shitcoin cryptos that failed and left their scammer owners broke, because some robinhood put an algo timebomb deep in the code, obfuscated by code steganography to suffer a bad leak at the first halving.
If the steal hadn't been so overdone by the Keystone cops no one would have taken a closer look. Lindell said that his light bulb was his disbelief that there were so many thousands willing to commit a felony so it had to be the machines. He met Dr Frank serendipitous and problem solved.
The lawyer is excellent. Incontrovertible evidence is a big statement, legally speaking. He's no dummy.
"They never thought she would lose"
This is why a lot of celebrities are corrupt. They’ve been blackmailed or threatened. They’ve almost all chosen the “bad thing”. The only reason to choose the “bad thing“ is because they think they’re saving their ass.
After the live production is over...will it be available for download or to watch again? I had to miss the first part and probably will have to be in and out during the live airing.
I think if MIKE goes by how he handled the films, after the 7pm presenters, if it ends by say 11 pm all things will be repeated until I guess 9 am Central tues
I think it's on frankspeech.com
I am learning so much. Information warfare
"let me just say [pause], this whole thing is like a military op."
Dude just said "this is like a military op" when talking about the symposium.
When he said that in addition to having images for all machines, I believe now more than ever theres a plan.
Literally mainlining hopium from an IV bag RN.
The opening video, narrated by the cyber forensic Ret. Col., was definitely jam-packed with receipts and hopium!
here's his video clip... https://home.frankspeech.com/tv/video/your-wake-call
Thank you!