Whistleblower in Detroit proves that voting machine was connected to the internet during election https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/breaking-exclusive-whistleblower-steps-forward-provides-proof-detroit-center-election-machines-connected-online-photo/
Gov. Abbott says Biden’s call for more foreign oil ignores Texas’ ability to solve the US oil supply problem all by itself https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/12/greg-abbott-biden-opec-oil-texas/
Despite Dems’ push to shun unvaccinated people, DHS admits that border crossers are increasingly covid-positive https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/12/dhs-admits-coronavirus-positive-border-crossers-increasingly-arriving-in-u-s/
Biden Admin utterly screws up Afghanistan withdrawal after promising that Taliban can’t retake the country … months later, Taliban controls two-thirds of Afghanistan and Biden is sending US troops back https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2021/08/12/pentagon-deploying-3000-us-troops-back-afghanistan-temporary-mission/ and https://www.foxnews.com/world/taliban-takes-kandahar
Biden heads back to Delaware, 18th time in six months and twice in this week alone https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2021/08/12/biden-bails-for-delaware-as-afghanistan-crumbles-n2594068
79% blame government policy for inflation surge https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2021/08/12/nolte-79-blame-government-policy-devastating-inflation-surge/
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot supports decision to forego traditional bagpipe honor procession for fallen police officer, cancelled because “we don’t have time for that shit” https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/disgraceful-chicago-mayor-backs-decision-cancel-honor-guard-bagpipes-fallen-officer-ella-french-police-superintendent-says-dont-20-minutes-s-t/
Not one single mainstream media outlet covered Hunter Biden’s video statement that Russians have damning sex tapes of him https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/us-media-goes-full-pravda-not-one-single-mainstream-outlet-reports-presidents-naked-son-hooker-complaining-russians-stealing-laptop-blackmail/
Joe Biden supports mask mandates in speech, then walks away from podium without wearing his mask https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/biden-slams-governors-politicizing-masks-schools-violates-mask-mandate-video/
Nine moderate Democrat House members defy Pelosi and delay $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation effort for now https://www.foxnews.com/politics/moderate-dems-pelosi-infrastructure-3-5t-spending-plan-block
New York court orders deposition of New York Times, siding with Project Veritas https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/let-depositions-begin-new-york-supreme-court-sides-project-veritas-suit-new-york-times/
Catherine Herridge teases that a Durham Report is coming https://twitter.com/CBS_Herridge/status/1426157058676641800
See you tomorrow.
I seriously think he may have a server in his basement like Hillary to send and receive communications to/from China, Iran, Afghanistan, Ukraine, etc. etc! This is how his ear piece puppeteer gets their orders from foreign governments!
I was thinking secret underground child bleeding farm in the cellar of his estate. Frankly, your theory makes way more sense logically... But in this crazy world it could be a 50/50.
It could be both.
This means he doesn’t know what to do and is going to be at a complete loss soon. NOTHING can stop God
But Q is listening to it all intently.
Nice one Wins!
Extra Wins of the Day: August 13th, 2021
Dude in the white van driving over Manchac this morning: That was me Morse honking Q at you.
Thank you for these, WinsAnon #11 & #12 are particularly juicy fruits. A thank you to the Naughty Nine Democrats who blocked the reconciliation budget, and to the DHS for their 'grudging admission'. #3, #10 https://villainsong.fandom.com/wiki/Naughty_Number_Nine
! New York court ordering deposition of the NYT, Who'd think that would happen?
How long have we waited for Durham to play his role in all of this? Apparently he's about to hear the lines preceding his!
I hope number 12 is good
Was top story for most of the day on Daily Mail.
Thanks WinsAnon. It's refreshing to "come back" from the symposium fugue state I was in and see the world continued to turn, and although it's still a clusterfuck, we're still grinding along in the right direction.
Something's going to happen in Chicago... Lightfoot can only go so long both LOOKING and ACTING like a supervillain in a Turkish Star Wars rip-off before justice comes.
Thanks WinsA for your complete dedication in promoting Truth!!
#4). Imagine the thousands of atrocities happening NOW against the innocents in Afghanistan? IRREGARDLESS of the fact that we should never had been there. Where’s THE FREAKIN UN?!! Some “Human Rights Org” they are?!! An utter FAILURE. Disband the UN and kick them OUT. Truth; they’re just a band of luciferians ON OUR SOVEREIGN SOIL!!! They worship moloch right THERE in front of humanity pretending they “care”!!! Get my megaphone... #5). Judge Sullivan musta got a fresh batch? It’s a BOGO for Joe!!! He can’t resist good BBQ. #7). Imagine being a young girl or (REAL) woman and witnessing this subhuman demonic monster (LL) and thinking “Wow...Chicagoans voted for THAT”?!! No ladies, almost NOBODY “voted” for THAT.
Dear Father in Heaven, give us solace and Peace in these horrific times? Send us your Angels to protect the children from these vile heathen beasts which prey upon YOUR men, women and children in our time of need? Amen 💝😇
PLEASE let #12 happen ASAP! And let it be HUGE!🙏
Report won’t do a shred of good no matter how bad it is with Xiden in power. Trump or the military needs to step in to make sure it all gets carried out.
#6. Because that many think the Federal Reserve is a (US) government entity.
Thanks a lot for this list, Fren!🙏🏻
It ends on a very hopeful note!🤩
Thank you again for keeping us informed about everything important. Our lives literally depend on this.
#4 - Temporary, just like two weeks to flatten the curve and prevent overloading hospitals, I am sure.
Hope this is the beginning of many more stepping forward!!
#4 might be an object lesson to the people who just want to drop the whole subject of the rest of the world. This result was so predictable, and now we seem to have quite a lot of military in the region. Certainly not a win for the Afghans.
#4 is terrible. This is how we lose our precious sons and daughters in a meaningless situation. It’s like Biden or his puppet master wants our military to have a death ratio. Regaining that lost ground will be a nightmare, now that they are entrenched in. If the military goes along with this, the deaths and injured will be on their hands. If the military has got a plan, they better kick it into high gear.
Agree, fren, It is terrible indeed. I'm reminded of one of the few things (maybe the only thing) Hussein said that I completely agree with: "Never underestimate Joe's ability to completely f*ck things up."
Wow, I'm so grateful for the 9 Democrats who chose integrity over capitulation on the budget reconciliation bill.
How is #7 a win?
Shows her true colors for sheep to see.